I just sent the following to a friend immediately before your post arrived in my inbox…
“It’s not credible to believe that any proper scientific/financial advisor to any government could have accidentally failed to understand the consequences of transition to renewable energy, sanctions on Russian oil & gas, NPIs for a fake pandemic, unfettered illegal migration etc. And yet there’s a mass denial of reality by people who still want to cling to the vestiges of benevolent governance as the ship goes down.”
Having taught elementary through graduate for the past 30 years, incl. at a top research university and “blue ribbon” schools, I can assure you that while people CAN think critically, most prefer to be spoonfed data, regurgitate factoids, and avoid doing their homework.
The powers-that-shouldn’t-be seem to be fully aware and preying upon them.
At a recent party I was talking to someone I had just met for the first time. He seemed balanced, normal. Until the topic of Covid came up. Immediately it was clear that we were in different ideological camps. I’ve had plenty of these kinds of conversations over the past 3+ years and I still don’t know how intelligent people can wilfully avoid the evidence that contradicts their world views.
Far from believing or claiming to be intellectually superior or a better arbiter of reality I consider myself to be right in the middle of the ‘awake and not a complete idiot’ curve. These people stubbornly hold to their opinions with self righteous zeal and almost religious fervour. They are immune to logic or rational argument. The stronger the refutation of their position the tighter they grasp it. I can understand the psychological comfort of dismissing the possibility of having been duped by those we are expected to trust.
I can understand not wanting to face the truth that they or their loved ones may have been injured or worse by avoidable interventions they did nothing to resist. I can understand a belief established over a lifetime that those who presume to have authority over us have our interests at heart. I can even accept lazy consumption of a prescribed narrative or naivety or simple gullibility.
But how can someone genuinely and intentionally choose to ignore what is self evident to others with access to the same information?
I know many people in this barrel of fish, and more often than not, they blithely assume I am one of them, so I get earfuls of what passes for "Kumbaya" among them on a regular basis. I used to politely object and question but I have learned, it's wasted effort. For me it's clear why they cannot see beyond the end of their NYT, as it were, and grok some basic facts and self-preserving common sense: They cannot handle the implications for what they perceive to be their cozy spot in the virtue-health-social-professional-status scheme. To accept that the whole covid thing was a con and the jabs do nothing but kill and injure people, that's just too much mind-furniture for them to have to rearrange. And they've all taken 4+ jabs by now.
I also note that one of their most highly favored ways of assuaging their cognitive dissonance on the covid jabs is to, boom, get into the Trump Derangement & All-Those-OMG-Nazis-Out-There-in-Flyover-Land stuff. It's so absurd I don't deign to get into it with them, I just wait for it to pass, like watching someone else's toddler having a meltdown in the Wal-Mart checkout.
One word. “SHEEP.” run as fast as you can; they are not your people. Here is how you find your people whenever you cough. Cough while saying “Covid,” the people that laugh are your people. The people that move away or look angry aren't your people. Don't forget to cover your mouth though.
Ah, PF Flyers, I was younger than you but remember the commercial as really fun. But maybe the market decided they didn’t live up to their claims as it seems like they didn’t last long, Converse took over, my brother had to have a new pair every year for basketball.
Too bad the market has been so slow to respond to the last 40 years of these half truths, lies, gaslighting…most were well set up for Covid. It was easy. Slam dunk you might say.
Willful ignorance coupled with intellectual laziness and gullibility is a recipe for a society that no longer values truth. We are witnessing this disaster in real time.
I remember my mom buying me those $100 Air Jordans with the pump as a reward for a good report card. $100 was a lot back in the 80s! They didn't make me jump higher, and I realized I needed to train my human pumps, aka my calf muscles. Now I train my brain to make spiritual slam dunks.
Great article, Mark. However, I would challenge you on one point: "the Scamdemicians have fulfilled their main political, economic and social objectives." I would argue that they have failed to achieve these objectives, or at least, only partially succeeded. Politically, the Scamdemic is one of the reasons why more and more people in Western Europe are rejecting the main stream political parties and media. There are protests all over the place here in Europe against the other key facet of the globalists' plan to enslave us all: "Net Zero". Economically, sure, our economies in the West are screwed, and the pandemic helped that along nicely. However, our economies were screwed long before 2019. Finally, socially, have they really succeeded in turning us in to fear-laden conformists who will willingly fall for the next Black Swan? Well, 70% of people are pathetic sheep with zero critical thinking skills. But the same thing was true 10, 100 or a 1000 years ago. Meanwhile, the other 30% have been woken up and radicalized like never before. Even here in Switzerland, were 60% of the population continually votes in referenda to KEEP the Covid regulations on the books, the government realises that the 40% of naysayers will make sure that the Covid fraud is never repeated. Oh, and did I mention that the government has just had to destroy 6m unused death shots because no-one - not even in ultra-conformist Switzerland - is taking them? The globalists will keep on trying with Disease X, Y, Z, or with "climate lockdowns", or with "The Russians are Coming!", but they will fail.
I agree with your point that the Scamdemic is a major reason why many people are now skeptical of the legacy media and that's a great thing. Of course, most people are still true believers in the scamdemic. They didn't see the scam for what it was. They didn't learn and they will be just as easily fooled in the future. I just hope that there will be a critical mass of skeptics to reject whatever the media has for us in the next go around. Or else it could get really ugly.
Yes, this is the fear, Steven. However, I think that we can easily forget the fact that in history it has never been the majority that has changed things for the better (or worse!). It has always been an active minority. In the next crisis, whatever it may be, the majority will always hate on the minority. But that doesn't mean that they will win. There is now a definite groundswell of anger building against the globalists. When it reaches a tipping point, the majority will tag along too.
The Book of Proverbs repeatedly advises readers to gain wisdom and knowledge so that they can identify and avoid liars and evil people. I think it's important to be skeptical of anyone generally, though like you, I've been lied to or manipulated dishonestly by family, friends, and business associates when I do not verify first what they are saying. But I did not believe anyone regarding the Wuhan scam immediately because it made no sense and what the Faucis, etc said in January and February 2020 about it changed 180 degrees in March and later. So, I assumed there was some sort of deep state effort to destroy Trump and it was using the destruction of our country by the virus to do so. As you point out, unfortunately, they have largely gotten away with it.
The only lights in this darkness of continued death and destruction I see is that, in Australia, employers can be sued by vax injured or the estates of those killed by the injections for damages. The Brits have a fund that will pay those who are injured by the injections and in Japan, if you die or are injured within 90 days of an injection it is assumed to have been from the injections and there is compensation. But don't look to anyone to do anything about this genocide until the trial lawyers get involved with lawsuits for damages. While that won't put people in jail or at least get them fired, it will help some to get a small measure relief and justice. Just like the suits against the tobacco companies, who knew for generations they sold a product that would kill people eventually, largely destroyed them.
The fund here in the UK is paying out only very very slowly. And you have to prove how injured you are to get various amounts. The largest amount is next to nothing anyway.
There is video of a poor, terribly jab injured Scottish man confronting the Prime minister on a minor news channel. What is interesting is that the Prime minister has dropped " effective" from his "safe and effective" mantra and even more telling I think is that he blamed the doctors for their advice and said he was just a politician who had to take advice. Starting to wriggle out of the storm that I hope is coming I think.
And yet Trump "gave" us his fabulous vaccine did he not. So he played his part in the evil scam. What do we make of that? How can we sort it all out when they seem to be adversaries and yet they are working together in the evil game?
One of the big problems is that the lawsuits end up being against the company as an entity and not the people responsible for the policies. Putting companies out of business or damaging their bottom lines usually only hurts the workers and customers. Of course, putting pfizer and moderna out of business would save untold millions of lives, so each case varies.
That “Covid won’t end until all are vaccinated” made positively no sense. But many bought it and became quite angry at those refusing the shots. If you’re vaccinated by the “safe and effective” serum then, you’re done, so what do you have to worry about?
I wasn't sure what they were so I looked them up. You can still buy PF Flyers! :)
I don't remember too much about TV ads back then other than breakfast cereal, (the only thing I would think of asking for I guess). But I do remember poring over the ads in the teen magazines. If only I had that brand of lip gloss, oh how wonderful life would be....
I think that many people can easily conceive of lies when they understand that there is clear conflict of interest, e.g., a politician wanting your vote, a salesman selling you a junker, etc. But this was such an enormous conspiracy that it's really hard for people who don't delve in to understand the how and the why. I'm also weary. But my anger flares up every time I hear about another heart attack or turbo cancer ruining the lives of people I care about.
My friend's mom had a tumor (a type of melanoma I think) grow in her abdomen so fast and so large that it perforated her colon before she even had a couple of weeks of chemo done. She is now in palliative care, no food or drink allowed. Oh Lord when I think of the torture that family is going through!
Horrific and sad for sure. So sorry. All these losses are going to do harm to the rest of us as well in ways we can’t conceive of yet. If I let myself think about this evil too much, utter dread creeps in. So everyone is poisoned in some fashion.
For anyone interested, the FLCCC will soon begin a cancer research study using repurposed drugs and a keto diet. The overarching concept is that cancer is a metabolic disease. Please see:
Ha! I remember those PF Flyer “Action Wedge” commercials.
Nothing’s changed. My sandwich looks nothing like depicted on TV or print ads. How do I know if there’s two scoops of raisins in my cereal? And what the hell constitutes a scoop anyway? Progressive couldn’t save me money on my car insurance although they collected a ton of my personal information before they said so.
In the 80s you were nobody without a horsey embroidered on your jeans or an alligator on your shirt.
Driving a Prius is likely to get you a nod from a hot chick more than a Ford Mustang.
We could go on all day. The bottom line is, we are a society bombarded and conditioned to accept and tell lies.
I worked with a young mother who told me that her teenage son was being helped in math by a teacher holding up flash cards. She unknowingly had a window behind her and the sunlight shined through the flash card so her son could read the answers on the back.
In my old fashioned mind I naively thought my coworker was leading to explain how she put a stop to her son’s shenanigans. You know since he wasn’t actually learning any math. But, no. Mom thought it was hilarious that her son was pulling the wool over the “stupid” teacher’s eyes. She not only approved of it, she thought her son was doing something great!
She was about 20 years younger than me. I remember thinking if she’s an indication of where we’re headed as a society we are truly screwed. And, here we are. But thanks for reminding me about those sneakers. I had forgotten all about what a big deal they were for a hot second in my formative years.
I admit, I was surprised at the people who fell into lockstep with the hokey pokey. People who seemed to know stuff and could read between the lines in other ways. Then I realized, they still believe in the mainstream medical world. They thought doctors cared and had their best interests at heart. That’s the difference. If you defer to the doctors for all your health care needs, then you’ve checked your brain at the door and you get what you get. I lost the doctor worship way, way back, so where my health is concerned, I study and learn all I can to use natural products to heal and improve my health. I study for things that may occur in the future so I’m not caught unaware and then make decisions in panic mode.
...happened on a sunny Tuesday morning in Sep in the year 2001.
Many times prior the crime syndicate and their bureaucrat lackeys foisted absurdities on us. JFK's official story is an absurdity. The obviously egregious non-reaction to Israel's attack on the U.S.S. Liberty is another. Yet those were more "local," leaving Americans untouched directly (or so believed) by those events.
Then NYC, Pennsylvania, D.C. One absurdity on top of another. Illogic abounding. Incompetence (at best) and criminal negligence by the basketful. Yet Americans? Bought that bullshit hook, line, and sinker. They castigated gleefully anyone who said otherwise or dared to point out all of the above. Oh -- and of course -- willingly and sanctimoniously sacrificed their own freedom without protest in order to be "safe" while applauding those who took that freedom.
So. Knowing the playbook, seeing the moves, hearing the bullshit in early 2020? No brainer, and sadly, full knowledge that the horde would buy yet again another load. Full knowledge that once that horde built up a head of steam there was no stopping it, only getting out of its way to the extent possible.
Here’s my theory: Taken as a whole, humans resent independence. They resent it in others and they resent it being required of themselves. A state of grudging, part-time rationality has been the default state of most humans for millennia. Beginning in 2020 such people were suddenly rewarded for indulging their craving to live unfocused lives. Their abandonment of reason didn’t require brainwashing or fear of a cold virus or false advertising or even the relentless, obvious lying from bureaucrats, doctors, and “scientists.” Yes, people were alarmed at first, but that’s not a full explanation for their absolute, *ongoing* refusal to think, for their rage when it was suggested that they should, and for their hatred and anger toward those who do. Being lied to doesn’t explain wishing social excommunication and death on people who wouldn’t follow floor arrows.
You and your readership weren’t the only ones who could immediately see the tyrannical handwriting on the wall. Some of the Branch Covidians grasped it explicitly, but even those who didn’t understood it in their cores and they chomped on it like bass because something in them responded eagerly to the opportunity. They threw off what had always felt to them like the shackles of independent, rational, functional adulthood and they regressed instantly to infantilized dependents. “No, you can’t go outside to play until you finish your spinach. No, you can’t go to a restaurant until you put on your muzzle.” None of it had to make rational sense or be scientific, truthful, or internally coherent. The infantilized don’t demand rationality, coherence, sanity, or truth from others, including their rulers, because distinguishing truth from lies and maintaining a relationship with reality is hard. It takes more than a few intermittent minutes or hours each day. It’s more than not driving through red lights or crossing streets without looking both ways. It takes mental effort and rigorous introspection sustained as the habit of a lifetime. It takes the conviction that ideas and truth matter. It takes integrity: the determination to uphold and act on what one says is true no matter how uncomfortable or socially unpopular that is.
Expecting people to punish the politicians who gave them a rationalization for their own evasions is like expecting a three year-old to put his mother on the naughty step because she gave him a bag of Oreos. The majority suspended reason because it was easy and felt good. They won’t demand accountability from themselves nor anyone else.
Thanks for taking the time to tease that out putting it into writing👍 I very much enjoyed reading it and obtw agree that that's a huge factor in what's at play😏
Mark, A telling (and as always, excellent) piece. But you must have been really impassioned writing this because a couple typos have crept in and that is unusual for you. I know you will want this to be perfect so note the following:
I can make no sense of the final sentence of this paragraph: "Because they can’t be ousted by voters, bureaucrats have had even more freedom to lie than do politicians. In the private sector, employers would have been fired those whom, like the bureaucrats, who lied during Coronamania."
Also, I think this sentence is missing a "rather": "And most judges are driven by politics and zeitgeists than by the law and facts."
Irrespective, everything you say all rings so true...but I still find it completely inexplicable. I hate to feel like a religious convert who cannot understand why all the rest of the world will not answer his/her door knocks since they have "the truth", but the fact is the Coronamania truth is clear and no one wants to hear. I keep hearing echoes of an oft-recited phrase of my youth: "What if they gave a war and nobody came?" Now I hear "What if the truth were told and nobody cared?" I have to believe that this, too, shall correct itself but the path to getting there remains obscure. Your writing reminds us all that we are not alone in our observations.
Separate from the media machine I believe there are two major clinical components that comprised the lie. The virus itself and PCR testing.
The virus lit the main fuse that led to the chain reaction of PCR cluster bombs. Kary Mullis tried defusing the bomb. Unfortunately that landed him in an early grave.
I also think it took a relatively small number of people to pull the strings. Only a handful could now explain how they pulled this off and they aren’t talking.
The rest are just various levels of useful idiots. The idiots at the top of the heap got rich, or richer, so they have no reason to question things. As it trickled down to the plebs, who were we to question the anointed experts?
If it’s a choice between risking an early grave, a new Gulfstream jet, or simply a return to life pre-2020 what would you choose? (Rhetorical question).
I read a book about WWII that indicated it only took a tiny staff to run the death camps. Once the trains were unloaded the captured were compliant to the point virtually nobody resisted. It was said that other than the victims the camps were a ghost town. Eerily quiet.
Lesson: It doesn’t take many to inflict unspeakable horrors onto hordes of people.
In every medical emergency from traffic accidents to war the standard operating procedure was always to calm the victims down. Theres good reason for this. Panic worsens outcomes. The fact that they initiated and nurtured so much fear during covid is a tell. It reveals their game. It was all about herding.
That was the "tell" in all this for me from the very beginning. The fear-mongering was so relentless I knew the perpetrators didn't give a s**t about any of us. Scaring is NEVER Caring. Also, if you were paying attention to the messaging it was astonishing how it turned on a dime. They went from telling everyone to not be a racist, go to Chinatown and celebrate the Chinese New Year (Nancy Pelosi), to consigning everyone to house arrest. Except of course the politicians, who were free to risk death by going to hair salons (also Nancy Pelosi) and restaurants.
Tapping into that generation’s preconceived skepticism they captured their minds with “the monster from Wuhan” story. If it was created and released by China it meant anything was possible. So they ran to the antidote.
This article reminds me of a quote my Dad always told me as a kid. For half of my life, I thought my dad created the saying. It wasn't until I was in my thirties I realized it was Poe.
“Believe nothing you hear and only one half that you see.”
They’ve never been held accountable and they never will because they’ve successfully deployed chaff in the form of chaos at the border, wars abroad, 91 indictments, the Super Bowl, etc., etc. etc. Sadly, too many have confirmed, it’s a strategy that works.
I just sent the following to a friend immediately before your post arrived in my inbox…
“It’s not credible to believe that any proper scientific/financial advisor to any government could have accidentally failed to understand the consequences of transition to renewable energy, sanctions on Russian oil & gas, NPIs for a fake pandemic, unfettered illegal migration etc. And yet there’s a mass denial of reality by people who still want to cling to the vestiges of benevolent governance as the ship goes down.”
Having taught elementary through graduate for the past 30 years, incl. at a top research university and “blue ribbon” schools, I can assure you that while people CAN think critically, most prefer to be spoonfed data, regurgitate factoids, and avoid doing their homework.
The powers-that-shouldn’t-be seem to be fully aware and preying upon them.
At a recent party I was talking to someone I had just met for the first time. He seemed balanced, normal. Until the topic of Covid came up. Immediately it was clear that we were in different ideological camps. I’ve had plenty of these kinds of conversations over the past 3+ years and I still don’t know how intelligent people can wilfully avoid the evidence that contradicts their world views.
Far from believing or claiming to be intellectually superior or a better arbiter of reality I consider myself to be right in the middle of the ‘awake and not a complete idiot’ curve. These people stubbornly hold to their opinions with self righteous zeal and almost religious fervour. They are immune to logic or rational argument. The stronger the refutation of their position the tighter they grasp it. I can understand the psychological comfort of dismissing the possibility of having been duped by those we are expected to trust.
I can understand not wanting to face the truth that they or their loved ones may have been injured or worse by avoidable interventions they did nothing to resist. I can understand a belief established over a lifetime that those who presume to have authority over us have our interests at heart. I can even accept lazy consumption of a prescribed narrative or naivety or simple gullibility.
But how can someone genuinely and intentionally choose to ignore what is self evident to others with access to the same information?
I know many people in this barrel of fish, and more often than not, they blithely assume I am one of them, so I get earfuls of what passes for "Kumbaya" among them on a regular basis. I used to politely object and question but I have learned, it's wasted effort. For me it's clear why they cannot see beyond the end of their NYT, as it were, and grok some basic facts and self-preserving common sense: They cannot handle the implications for what they perceive to be their cozy spot in the virtue-health-social-professional-status scheme. To accept that the whole covid thing was a con and the jabs do nothing but kill and injure people, that's just too much mind-furniture for them to have to rearrange. And they've all taken 4+ jabs by now.
I also note that one of their most highly favored ways of assuaging their cognitive dissonance on the covid jabs is to, boom, get into the Trump Derangement & All-Those-OMG-Nazis-Out-There-in-Flyover-Land stuff. It's so absurd I don't deign to get into it with them, I just wait for it to pass, like watching someone else's toddler having a meltdown in the Wal-Mart checkout.
Bonus points for “…that's just too much mind-furniture for them to to have to rearrange.”
One word. “SHEEP.” run as fast as you can; they are not your people. Here is how you find your people whenever you cough. Cough while saying “Covid,” the people that laugh are your people. The people that move away or look angry aren't your people. Don't forget to cover your mouth though.
Where is Ralph Nader?
How? Think another global event: The attacks of Sep 11 and its official story.
Ah, PF Flyers, I was younger than you but remember the commercial as really fun. But maybe the market decided they didn’t live up to their claims as it seems like they didn’t last long, Converse took over, my brother had to have a new pair every year for basketball.
Too bad the market has been so slow to respond to the last 40 years of these half truths, lies, gaslighting…most were well set up for Covid. It was easy. Slam dunk you might say.
Willful ignorance coupled with intellectual laziness and gullibility is a recipe for a society that no longer values truth. We are witnessing this disaster in real time.
and it is a Titanic. It has no life boats for all aboard.
I remember my mom buying me those $100 Air Jordans with the pump as a reward for a good report card. $100 was a lot back in the 80s! They didn't make me jump higher, and I realized I needed to train my human pumps, aka my calf muscles. Now I train my brain to make spiritual slam dunks.
I never got the whole fixation with sneakers thing. Vastly overpriced slabs of rubber that made your feet stink, and were worn by scummy rappers.
yep. all I remember from the few I had was the stink
Great article, Mark. However, I would challenge you on one point: "the Scamdemicians have fulfilled their main political, economic and social objectives." I would argue that they have failed to achieve these objectives, or at least, only partially succeeded. Politically, the Scamdemic is one of the reasons why more and more people in Western Europe are rejecting the main stream political parties and media. There are protests all over the place here in Europe against the other key facet of the globalists' plan to enslave us all: "Net Zero". Economically, sure, our economies in the West are screwed, and the pandemic helped that along nicely. However, our economies were screwed long before 2019. Finally, socially, have they really succeeded in turning us in to fear-laden conformists who will willingly fall for the next Black Swan? Well, 70% of people are pathetic sheep with zero critical thinking skills. But the same thing was true 10, 100 or a 1000 years ago. Meanwhile, the other 30% have been woken up and radicalized like never before. Even here in Switzerland, were 60% of the population continually votes in referenda to KEEP the Covid regulations on the books, the government realises that the 40% of naysayers will make sure that the Covid fraud is never repeated. Oh, and did I mention that the government has just had to destroy 6m unused death shots because no-one - not even in ultra-conformist Switzerland - is taking them? The globalists will keep on trying with Disease X, Y, Z, or with "climate lockdowns", or with "The Russians are Coming!", but they will fail.
This is a good point. I should have said "their near term objectives."
I agree with your point that the Scamdemic is a major reason why many people are now skeptical of the legacy media and that's a great thing. Of course, most people are still true believers in the scamdemic. They didn't see the scam for what it was. They didn't learn and they will be just as easily fooled in the future. I just hope that there will be a critical mass of skeptics to reject whatever the media has for us in the next go around. Or else it could get really ugly.
Yes, this is the fear, Steven. However, I think that we can easily forget the fact that in history it has never been the majority that has changed things for the better (or worse!). It has always been an active minority. In the next crisis, whatever it may be, the majority will always hate on the minority. But that doesn't mean that they will win. There is now a definite groundswell of anger building against the globalists. When it reaches a tipping point, the majority will tag along too.
The lemonade outta lemons 🍋 by way of waking up
Those scams have been going on for decades in Europe. I hope the protests are not too little too late!
The Book of Proverbs repeatedly advises readers to gain wisdom and knowledge so that they can identify and avoid liars and evil people. I think it's important to be skeptical of anyone generally, though like you, I've been lied to or manipulated dishonestly by family, friends, and business associates when I do not verify first what they are saying. But I did not believe anyone regarding the Wuhan scam immediately because it made no sense and what the Faucis, etc said in January and February 2020 about it changed 180 degrees in March and later. So, I assumed there was some sort of deep state effort to destroy Trump and it was using the destruction of our country by the virus to do so. As you point out, unfortunately, they have largely gotten away with it.
The only lights in this darkness of continued death and destruction I see is that, in Australia, employers can be sued by vax injured or the estates of those killed by the injections for damages. The Brits have a fund that will pay those who are injured by the injections and in Japan, if you die or are injured within 90 days of an injection it is assumed to have been from the injections and there is compensation. But don't look to anyone to do anything about this genocide until the trial lawyers get involved with lawsuits for damages. While that won't put people in jail or at least get them fired, it will help some to get a small measure relief and justice. Just like the suits against the tobacco companies, who knew for generations they sold a product that would kill people eventually, largely destroyed them.
Danny Huckabee
The fund here in the UK is paying out only very very slowly. And you have to prove how injured you are to get various amounts. The largest amount is next to nothing anyway.
There is video of a poor, terribly jab injured Scottish man confronting the Prime minister on a minor news channel. What is interesting is that the Prime minister has dropped " effective" from his "safe and effective" mantra and even more telling I think is that he blamed the doctors for their advice and said he was just a politician who had to take advice. Starting to wriggle out of the storm that I hope is coming I think.
And yet Trump "gave" us his fabulous vaccine did he not. So he played his part in the evil scam. What do we make of that? How can we sort it all out when they seem to be adversaries and yet they are working together in the evil game?
“What do we make of that?” Don’t give Trump a pass. https://expose-news.com/2024/02/15/catherine-austin-fitts-trump-put-10-billion-dollars-into-a-programme-to-depopulate-the-us/
The lawyers will rake it in. The injured will still suffer!
One of the big problems is that the lawsuits end up being against the company as an entity and not the people responsible for the policies. Putting companies out of business or damaging their bottom lines usually only hurts the workers and customers. Of course, putting pfizer and moderna out of business would save untold millions of lives, so each case varies.
That “Covid won’t end until all are vaccinated” made positively no sense. But many bought it and became quite angry at those refusing the shots. If you’re vaccinated by the “safe and effective” serum then, you’re done, so what do you have to worry about?
As a Bible believing Christian, I'm happy that justice will be served. God is love, but he's also just. I'm glad it's His decision and not mine.
I wasn't sure what they were so I looked them up. You can still buy PF Flyers! :)
I don't remember too much about TV ads back then other than breakfast cereal, (the only thing I would think of asking for I guess). But I do remember poring over the ads in the teen magazines. If only I had that brand of lip gloss, oh how wonderful life would be....
I think that many people can easily conceive of lies when they understand that there is clear conflict of interest, e.g., a politician wanting your vote, a salesman selling you a junker, etc. But this was such an enormous conspiracy that it's really hard for people who don't delve in to understand the how and the why. I'm also weary. But my anger flares up every time I hear about another heart attack or turbo cancer ruining the lives of people I care about.
I just heard about another bad turbo cancer with a friend of a friend, diagnosed in December. He committed suicide last week rather than continue.
My friend's mom had a tumor (a type of melanoma I think) grow in her abdomen so fast and so large that it perforated her colon before she even had a couple of weeks of chemo done. She is now in palliative care, no food or drink allowed. Oh Lord when I think of the torture that family is going through!
Horrific and sad for sure. So sorry. All these losses are going to do harm to the rest of us as well in ways we can’t conceive of yet. If I let myself think about this evil too much, utter dread creeps in. So everyone is poisoned in some fashion.
Oh I’m sorry.
That's so goddamn sad, Janet. Of course, we all know why. I hope that I live long enough to see Fauci et al hanging from a rope.
this makes me think of an old saying - see Rome and die.... see Fauxi hang and die...
For anyone interested, the FLCCC will soon begin a cancer research study using repurposed drugs and a keto diet. The overarching concept is that cancer is a metabolic disease. Please see:
I needed dr Scholl’s sandals, took a year to save up.
Oh my. I remember. They were so desirable! So funny to think of now.
Ha! I remember those PF Flyer “Action Wedge” commercials.
Nothing’s changed. My sandwich looks nothing like depicted on TV or print ads. How do I know if there’s two scoops of raisins in my cereal? And what the hell constitutes a scoop anyway? Progressive couldn’t save me money on my car insurance although they collected a ton of my personal information before they said so.
In the 80s you were nobody without a horsey embroidered on your jeans or an alligator on your shirt.
Driving a Prius is likely to get you a nod from a hot chick more than a Ford Mustang.
We could go on all day. The bottom line is, we are a society bombarded and conditioned to accept and tell lies.
I worked with a young mother who told me that her teenage son was being helped in math by a teacher holding up flash cards. She unknowingly had a window behind her and the sunlight shined through the flash card so her son could read the answers on the back.
In my old fashioned mind I naively thought my coworker was leading to explain how she put a stop to her son’s shenanigans. You know since he wasn’t actually learning any math. But, no. Mom thought it was hilarious that her son was pulling the wool over the “stupid” teacher’s eyes. She not only approved of it, she thought her son was doing something great!
She was about 20 years younger than me. I remember thinking if she’s an indication of where we’re headed as a society we are truly screwed. And, here we are. But thanks for reminding me about those sneakers. I had forgotten all about what a big deal they were for a hot second in my formative years.
I admit, I was surprised at the people who fell into lockstep with the hokey pokey. People who seemed to know stuff and could read between the lines in other ways. Then I realized, they still believe in the mainstream medical world. They thought doctors cared and had their best interests at heart. That’s the difference. If you defer to the doctors for all your health care needs, then you’ve checked your brain at the door and you get what you get. I lost the doctor worship way, way back, so where my health is concerned, I study and learn all I can to use natural products to heal and improve my health. I study for things that may occur in the future so I’m not caught unaware and then make decisions in panic mode.
You and me both. Lost my doctor worship -- to the extent that I actually had any -- way back. And that has made all the difference.
Great piece!
I just turned 70, and I too wanted, and eventually bought a pair of PF Fliers.
Thought they would allow me to run faster, leap tall buildings in a single bound...
Naaah, not as advertised...
The preview for this..."𝑫𝒆𝒔𝒑𝒊𝒕𝒆 𝒉𝒂𝒗𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒅 𝒍𝒊𝒆𝒔 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒎𝒐𝒔𝒕 𝒐𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒊𝒓 𝒍𝒊𝒗𝒆𝒔, 𝒅𝒖𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝑺𝒄𝒂𝒎𝒅𝒆𝒎𝒊𝒄, 𝒎𝒐𝒔𝒕 𝒑𝒆𝒐𝒑𝒍𝒆, 𝒊𝒏𝒄𝒍𝒖𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒔𝒆 𝒘𝒉𝒐 𝒔𝒂𝒘 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒔𝒆𝒍𝒗𝒆𝒔 𝒂𝒔 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒍𝒅𝒍𝒚-𝒘𝒊𝒔𝒆 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒔𝒌𝒆𝒑𝒕𝒊𝒄𝒂𝒍, 𝒔𝒖𝒅𝒅𝒆𝒏𝒍𝒚 𝒔𝒖𝒔𝒑𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒅 𝒅𝒊𝒔𝒃𝒆𝒍𝒊𝒆𝒇. 𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒚 𝒏𝒂𝒊𝒗𝒆𝒍𝒚 𝒔𝒘𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒐𝒘𝒆𝒅 𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒚 𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒄 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒆𝒅𝒊𝒄𝒕 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒃𝒖𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒖𝒄𝒓𝒂𝒕𝒔, 𝒑𝒐𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒊𝒄𝒊𝒂𝒏𝒔, 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒎𝒆𝒅𝒊𝒂 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒊𝒓 𝑷𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒎𝒂 𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒊𝒆𝒔 𝒅𝒊𝒔𝒉𝒆𝒅 𝒐𝒖𝒕, 𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒖𝒈𝒉 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒔𝒆 𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒔 𝒐𝒃𝒗𝒊𝒐𝒖𝒔𝒍𝒚 𝒇𝒂𝒊𝒍𝒆𝒅 𝒕𝒐 𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒑𝒐𝒓𝒕 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝒍𝒐𝒈𝒊𝒄 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒘𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒑𝒖𝒃𝒍𝒊𝒄 𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒅 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒅 𝒉𝒂𝒗𝒆 𝒔𝒆𝒆𝒏 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒊𝒓 𝒐𝒘𝒏 𝒆𝒚𝒆𝒔."
...happened on a sunny Tuesday morning in Sep in the year 2001.
Many times prior the crime syndicate and their bureaucrat lackeys foisted absurdities on us. JFK's official story is an absurdity. The obviously egregious non-reaction to Israel's attack on the U.S.S. Liberty is another. Yet those were more "local," leaving Americans untouched directly (or so believed) by those events.
Then NYC, Pennsylvania, D.C. One absurdity on top of another. Illogic abounding. Incompetence (at best) and criminal negligence by the basketful. Yet Americans? Bought that bullshit hook, line, and sinker. They castigated gleefully anyone who said otherwise or dared to point out all of the above. Oh -- and of course -- willingly and sanctimoniously sacrificed their own freedom without protest in order to be "safe" while applauding those who took that freedom.
So. Knowing the playbook, seeing the moves, hearing the bullshit in early 2020? No brainer, and sadly, full knowledge that the horde would buy yet again another load. Full knowledge that once that horde built up a head of steam there was no stopping it, only getting out of its way to the extent possible.
People. "We" sure are "funny."
Here’s my theory: Taken as a whole, humans resent independence. They resent it in others and they resent it being required of themselves. A state of grudging, part-time rationality has been the default state of most humans for millennia. Beginning in 2020 such people were suddenly rewarded for indulging their craving to live unfocused lives. Their abandonment of reason didn’t require brainwashing or fear of a cold virus or false advertising or even the relentless, obvious lying from bureaucrats, doctors, and “scientists.” Yes, people were alarmed at first, but that’s not a full explanation for their absolute, *ongoing* refusal to think, for their rage when it was suggested that they should, and for their hatred and anger toward those who do. Being lied to doesn’t explain wishing social excommunication and death on people who wouldn’t follow floor arrows.
You and your readership weren’t the only ones who could immediately see the tyrannical handwriting on the wall. Some of the Branch Covidians grasped it explicitly, but even those who didn’t understood it in their cores and they chomped on it like bass because something in them responded eagerly to the opportunity. They threw off what had always felt to them like the shackles of independent, rational, functional adulthood and they regressed instantly to infantilized dependents. “No, you can’t go outside to play until you finish your spinach. No, you can’t go to a restaurant until you put on your muzzle.” None of it had to make rational sense or be scientific, truthful, or internally coherent. The infantilized don’t demand rationality, coherence, sanity, or truth from others, including their rulers, because distinguishing truth from lies and maintaining a relationship with reality is hard. It takes more than a few intermittent minutes or hours each day. It’s more than not driving through red lights or crossing streets without looking both ways. It takes mental effort and rigorous introspection sustained as the habit of a lifetime. It takes the conviction that ideas and truth matter. It takes integrity: the determination to uphold and act on what one says is true no matter how uncomfortable or socially unpopular that is.
Expecting people to punish the politicians who gave them a rationalization for their own evasions is like expecting a three year-old to put his mother on the naughty step because she gave him a bag of Oreos. The majority suspended reason because it was easy and felt good. They won’t demand accountability from themselves nor anyone else.
Thanks for taking the time to tease that out putting it into writing👍 I very much enjoyed reading it and obtw agree that that's a huge factor in what's at play😏
Mark, A telling (and as always, excellent) piece. But you must have been really impassioned writing this because a couple typos have crept in and that is unusual for you. I know you will want this to be perfect so note the following:
I can make no sense of the final sentence of this paragraph: "Because they can’t be ousted by voters, bureaucrats have had even more freedom to lie than do politicians. In the private sector, employers would have been fired those whom, like the bureaucrats, who lied during Coronamania."
Also, I think this sentence is missing a "rather": "And most judges are driven by politics and zeitgeists than by the law and facts."
Irrespective, everything you say all rings so true...but I still find it completely inexplicable. I hate to feel like a religious convert who cannot understand why all the rest of the world will not answer his/her door knocks since they have "the truth", but the fact is the Coronamania truth is clear and no one wants to hear. I keep hearing echoes of an oft-recited phrase of my youth: "What if they gave a war and nobody came?" Now I hear "What if the truth were told and nobody cared?" I have to believe that this, too, shall correct itself but the path to getting there remains obscure. Your writing reminds us all that we are not alone in our observations.
Thanks for doing this. It is important.
Thanks, Ralph. I will fix those.
Losing that race in PF Flyers was a blessing of humility and discernment;
many folks who believed the Scamdemic liars on TV paid with their lives.
So true. How many kids did a controlled experiment with their new sneakers?! Most succumbed to placebo effect, assuming they actually were faster.
Except they got away with hard knocks.
These days hard knocks include stroke, myocarditis, pericarditis, TurboCancer and death.
The “everyone gets an A” generation bred a generation fit to be fleeced.
Separate from the media machine I believe there are two major clinical components that comprised the lie. The virus itself and PCR testing.
The virus lit the main fuse that led to the chain reaction of PCR cluster bombs. Kary Mullis tried defusing the bomb. Unfortunately that landed him in an early grave.
I also think it took a relatively small number of people to pull the strings. Only a handful could now explain how they pulled this off and they aren’t talking.
The rest are just various levels of useful idiots. The idiots at the top of the heap got rich, or richer, so they have no reason to question things. As it trickled down to the plebs, who were we to question the anointed experts?
If it’s a choice between risking an early grave, a new Gulfstream jet, or simply a return to life pre-2020 what would you choose? (Rhetorical question).
I read a book about WWII that indicated it only took a tiny staff to run the death camps. Once the trains were unloaded the captured were compliant to the point virtually nobody resisted. It was said that other than the victims the camps were a ghost town. Eerily quiet.
Lesson: It doesn’t take many to inflict unspeakable horrors onto hordes of people.
True NJ, but the "don't trust anyone over 30" generation was shorn as well.
Look at the hullabaloo with Neil Young about Joe Rogan. How did "Stop The War!" morph into "Get The Shot!"? Fear is the mind killer.
In every medical emergency from traffic accidents to war the standard operating procedure was always to calm the victims down. Theres good reason for this. Panic worsens outcomes. The fact that they initiated and nurtured so much fear during covid is a tell. It reveals their game. It was all about herding.
That was the "tell" in all this for me from the very beginning. The fear-mongering was so relentless I knew the perpetrators didn't give a s**t about any of us. Scaring is NEVER Caring. Also, if you were paying attention to the messaging it was astonishing how it turned on a dime. They went from telling everyone to not be a racist, go to Chinatown and celebrate the Chinese New Year (Nancy Pelosi), to consigning everyone to house arrest. Except of course the politicians, who were free to risk death by going to hair salons (also Nancy Pelosi) and restaurants.
Tapping into that generation’s preconceived skepticism they captured their minds with “the monster from Wuhan” story. If it was created and released by China it meant anything was possible. So they ran to the antidote.
This article reminds me of a quote my Dad always told me as a kid. For half of my life, I thought my dad created the saying. It wasn't until I was in my thirties I realized it was Poe.
“Believe nothing you hear and only one half that you see.”
Edgar Allan Poe
They’ve never been held accountable and they never will because they’ve successfully deployed chaff in the form of chaos at the border, wars abroad, 91 indictments, the Super Bowl, etc., etc. etc. Sadly, too many have confirmed, it’s a strategy that works.
They lie because there are no repercussions and there is no ability in the general public to discern the lies. Hell, why not.