Jun 27·edited Jun 27Author

Sorry for the typos. I've had a respiratory infection for the past 24 hours.

Maybe it's Covid and I'm going to die.

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Jun 27Liked by Mark Oshinskie

If you don't test, it's not Covid. Hope you feel better soon!

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Jun 27·edited Jun 27Author

Good point.

No one should get sick. Ever!

It's an affront to humanity.

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Jun 27·edited Jun 27Liked by Mark Oshinskie

if you never get sick, you never learn how wonderful health is ! Thyme or pine needle syrup and honey will take care of it

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Jun 27Liked by Mark Oshinskie


Could be a flu, you know, that affliction that "disappeared" in 2020.

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I just hope I don't get Long Flu, then.

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Jun 27Liked by Mark Oshinskie

Oh no, Long Covid is very real; it ate the flu

I'm inflicted with an insufferable form of it:

- I am sick of the lies

- I am sick of the gaslighting

- I am sick of having my intelligence insulted -

- I am sick of trying to explain the obvious -

- I am sick of the absurdities

- I am sick of these idiots

I fear long covid is something I may never recover from.

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I hear you, Ryan. So many people fell for the mania. It's hard to see people in the same way anymore.

But don't forget to mask and vaxx up to protect others!

Even though they're masked and vaxxed.

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It's hard to see people in the same way anymore.***

same. exactly this

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Hey, "they couldn't have known" that the worst virus in history would just suddenly appear during an election year and that we'd take absurd measures never used before to prevent 90 year olds in nursing homes from dying.

Let's just forget the whole thing even though no one has said they were sorry.

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Jun 27Liked by Mark Oshinskie

I will never meet anyone new without thinking - were you a masker??? Were you a covid zealot?? And if they do the slightest thing to make me think they were, then I am OUT. Sorry but true.

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You know, Ryan, I have the very same symptoms...but I think it comes from Long Sep 11 from which I think I'll never recover.

Had that pack of lies and absurdities been seen for what they were and the American people had acted as such and declared, "F*ck you!" to the U.S.A. P.A.T.R.I.O.T. Act and defended their fundamental liberties then, then maybe you would have never gotten Long Covid. In fact, I know it.

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Oh goodness...do not get me started on the Patriot Act....arggh....thar she blows

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I have to laugh -- ruefully -- at Americans railing against those in indefinite detention as a result of appearing at the Capitol on Jan 6. Of course it's horrific, but when you, American people, waive your protections in the name of "safety," you don't think that will come back to bite you?

Of course, most are completely unaware of the horrific impact on 4th and 5th Amendment protections courtesy of the U.S.A. P.A.T.R.I.O.T. Act. At the time, it seemed that most had become fixated on being "safe" from terrorism. If those "pesky" protections had to be sacrificed "for the greater good" or for "safety's sake," well, it's worth it...

As a result of this failure to defend 20+ years ago, predicting the conduct of Americans in Feb/Mar 2020 was a cinch. The ensuing compliance with and support for that which was completely unlawful -- regardless of the legal cover of the PREP Act, for example -- discouraged me to the point of despair. Yet, as my mother would say, "What's done is done, Kathleen." The infuriating finality of that I still struggle with...

Anyway, Ryan! Americans, knowingly or unknowingly, have helped make their bed -- despite some of us waving our arms in warning for decades. Is the tide turning, though? I sure hope so, and I hope it's not too late...

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Jun 27Liked by Mark Oshinskie

Too bad there’s no treatment for long BS.

Great read. Get well.

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Jun 27Liked by Mark Oshinskie

LOL. Don't worry, Pfizer is working on it right now.

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Jun 27Liked by Mark Oshinskie

or canned common sense

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Jun 28·edited Jun 28Liked by Mark Oshinskie

You never know. After my short bout of asymptomatic covid - never tested but I was near someone who did and tested positive, I got a very long bout of asymptomatic long covid that nearly killed me. I might still suffer from it and die tomorrow, most certainly not suddenly as I am a rabid anti vaxxer putinist and a non believer in science. Those sudden deaths never seem to strike people like me for reasons that elude me to this day...

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Hope you feel better soon. Chicken soup.

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Jun 27Liked by Mark Oshinskie

Great summation on “America’s Doctor”.

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Jun 27Liked by Mark Oshinskie

Oh my … Goldenseal Tincture.

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I hope you feel better soon! 💜

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Jun 27Liked by Mark Oshinskie

Feel better!

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Hope you are feeling better 🤗🙏

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Jun 27Liked by Mark Oshinskie

“Ultimately, if there were no TV, there would have been no “Pandemic.””

And if it there were no Social Media, nobody would have been there to censor people sharing factual information.

The recent Supreme Court opinion is shameful!

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Jun 27Liked by Mark Oshinskie

This court must have the lowest combined intelligence in the history of America. Sotomayor thought 100k children died from c19 and KBG can't even identify her own sex!!!

And don't get me started on Roberts, Kavanaugh and Barrett.

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she is a disgrace for all courts. Proud of the 3 who know law but the others should just plain be fired.

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Smart enough to not bite the hand that feeds them their career advancements.

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Jun 27Liked by Mark Oshinskie

Great post and all so true. On the AIDS disaster, he refused an already approved RX that could have been given to patients because he kept claiming the pharmaceutical companies would come up with a new vaccine that would prevent/cure the effects of the disease. Of course, they never did, and still haven't, but tens of thousands of patients died of pneumonia. He's been able the last 4 years to politicize this entire disaster as being a struggle between the enlightened, like himself, on the left, and the great unwashed, illiterate peasantry, all of whom are on the right, who somehow are responsible for any of their own problems because they didn't listen to him and the rest of the industry. The actual result of his graft and incompetence on our society and the world is much like Profim Lysenko's on the Soviet Union under Stalin, the only difference is just in the scale of death and destruction, which will be with us for decades, instead of a few years in one country.

Danny Huckabee

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Jun 27·edited Jun 27Liked by Mark Oshinskie

What really ticks me off is that as much as I'd like to see the little shitweasel stripped of his pension and behind bars, he will never be brought to justice.

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if he ever is, he will be considered too old and frail to go to prison

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Jun 27Liked by Mark Oshinskie

The Amish community hadn't a clue about this virus, the shots, nor did I ever hear of them getting it or dying in droves. Same with homeless , and they aren't the healthiest people in the world (didn't wear masks and were probably not keeping 6 feet from each other in those tents and under the tarps). I never trusted this little troll in any way, shape or form. He's just a nasty little person. Plain evil. Love the visuals you painted of the cozy dinner in Ireland. Hope you are feeling better. Will you be writing at all about what just happened in the Supreme court? Would love to hear your take on it...thank you!

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Jun 27·edited Jun 27Author

Thanks, Cheryl.

I was at the protest on the day of the Missouri argument. I'm not sure if I have anything original to say about the decision. I have to think about that.

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Jun 27Liked by Mark Oshinskie

The homeless during the covidrama seems like an under-covered story. Has it been researched? Has it been printed? How many died? How many got jabbed? How many died after they got jabbed? Why did they do so well— was it the outside air?

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Jun 27Liked by Mark Oshinskie

well if any DID die of exposure, overdose, alcohol poisoning, etc, I am sure it was checked off as "died from Covid"...SMH

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I read that tobacco protects one from cov 19. I assume the homeless population smokes a lot.

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I’ve wondered about the effects of smoking tobacco as well. It stands to reason that smoking chemical pesticides /and or herbicides (on tobacco leaves) would be cancerous, but I do t know how heavily sprayed tobacco is. As to the filters, do rolled cigs cause less cancer than filtered cigs? Are cigars safer? (I’d imagine so). Internet is not a good source of info as its weighted against tobacco

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I’m sure the anti-smoking lobby is stronger than the smoking lobby. They indoctrinated us kids, in 1st grade they had us make anti-smoking posters and take them home to our parents.

I’m glad not as many people smoke these days and I’m glad it’s not allowed in bars and restaurants but is plain tobacco the culprit? Or like you say, the spraying of crops might be to blame. It’s a tricky subject because of the stink factor 😆

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Strangely, even tho smoking itself has risks, nicotine has protective effects. Who knows?

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My dad smoked as a young man, quit 50 years ago, still alive at 92. He did have easily treated bladder cancer and now is a little short of breath but otherwise well.

Aren’t there added toxins in the filters?

It is puzzling. Grandpa on my mom’s side, smoked cigars and drank and he lived into his early 90’s.

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Jun 27Liked by Mark Oshinskie

they got sick alright, very early on I saw a doc, probably March 2020, where a group said they all got sick at once after church and then healed, like everyone does when getting a cold or a flu.

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I think the Amish got sick on purpose to build immunity. They made sure sick persons went to church, pretty sure that’s what I read.

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he did not say it so explicitly, but I think they go to church until they can no longer walk, and the illness was mostly just a flu. Before this whole mess, we at the episcopal church where I used to go, were the same - we went to church with a cough, a runny nose, just did not shake hands or embrace. That is, after all, how you get strength and immunity. All these glasshouse plants will never get immunity

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Jun 27Liked by Mark Oshinskie

Yes, without a tv there would have been no pandemic! Very true. I tell everyone who'll listen that they ought to shoot their tv. It has never been a good thing and is now probably the worst thing going.

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Jun 27Liked by Mark Oshinskie

And we are approaching the “debate” between the only acknowledged candidates for the presidency. The press and the pundits talking this up as if it is something is too much to behold. (I’m trying to be more descriptive than simply saying “it makes me want to gag/puke/become a hermit….”)

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Do you think they'll be asked about the overreaction or the shots?

Neither do I.

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Jun 27Liked by Mark Oshinskie

I’ll never forget Fauci saying in March 2020 masks were not necessary nor effective and shortly thereafter touting the effectiveness of masks for everyone. That flip flop didn’t set well with me.

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Jun 27Liked by Mark Oshinskie

He also made the point that viruses tend to fade away and get weaker as time passes. Thus, he told us in one of those press conferences with Trump that by the time a vaccine is ready, the virus will probably be gone. Why isn’t that shown over and over with his other lies?

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He also said that it takes 10 years to develop a vaccine. That was one of about three or four deciding factors to not get the shot, so in a way he helped me 🤣

Little did we all know, they’ve had the jab in the works for years. That way he could be the hero when it came out.

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Jun 27Liked by Mark Oshinskie

Who ya gonna believe, me or your own lying eyes? Mark has pointed out many times how people trust strangers barking at them from the TV more than they do their own actual real life experiences. We now have evidence that even the NYC "bodies are stacking up we have nowhere to put them" story was staged. This problem goes very deep. It seems that far too many people today prioritize their online interactions over their real life ones. I met a woman for the first time recently and then I saw a picture of herself she posted online after the event. She looked nothing like she looks in real life! I was astonished. Those filters are amazing, but they are a fantasy. People have no problem creating a false image online. I know a man, a recent widower, who reconnected with a high school girlfriend after 30 years. She was attractive and he had good memories of her back in the day. He decided to invite her for a visit and she accepted. Waiting for her at the airport he saw no one who looked like her. Finally he was approached by this woman who looked 30 years older than the pictures she had posted. He said it was a miserable, awkward weekend because she lied to him and misrepresented herself. I have no answers here, just saying we need to put our actual life experience first. Life online or on the telly is not real life. Someone else has manufactured it.

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Jun 27Liked by Mark Oshinskie

Over half a century ago, I was a college freshman majoring in journalism. My naive classmates and I were going to write scathing exposes and tell the world the truth. The second quarter in, one of my professors had spent time as an editor on a city news desk. He came right out with it: the purpose of writing snappy stories that get printed is to sell advertising. That's what keeps the lights on. If we have to skirt the truth now and then and sensationalize an event, more the better. He wasn't happy about it, but it was reality. Shortly thereafter I changed my major. I like to relate this to friends and family who live and breathe CNN and PBS. And remind them it's not about telling the truth, it's about hooking them in. How convenient they are getting politically programmed, plus lured into getting their 6th booster at the same time.

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Gotta sell those ads. I get it.

But that doesn't mean people should trust any of it.

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Jun 27Liked by Mark Oshinskie

I agree wholeheartedly. Kind of sobering to look back at all of the "news" we have watched and read throughout our lives and that realize most, if not all of it was orchestrated to put forth someone's version of the truth for political or monetary gain.

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Yes, they surround the sports and weather, which are usually close to true, with stuff that's sometimes true, and sometimes false. But in any event is logistically easy to cover.

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Jun 27Liked by Mark Oshinskie

But they did. Hook, line and sinker. 🪝

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Jun 27Liked by Mark Oshinskie

For many years I have reminded family and friends that medicine is a for PROFIT industry. Always has been as far as I can tell. Only difference between them and any other salesmen is that they hold the Death card. Very persuasive for some. :(

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I'd never have been able to stomach watching that. What a greedy rat!

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I also see a resemblance.

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Thank you for watching it for us. I too could never have gotten through it.

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Jun 27·edited Jun 27Author


I watched it at 2x and used the time to floss my teeth and do some push-ups.

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Hey, wait. I was serious.

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I knew it, but picturing the teeth flossing while the cretens were talking is pretty funny.

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Jun 27Liked by Mark Oshinskie

yes, there's clearly an evil gnome when you unzip his human suit.

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Jun 27Liked by Mark Oshinskie

And remember Fauci has been the head of the national institutes for allergy and infectious disease for 30 years. This is a $40 billion agency. During that time the incident and prevalence of allergic and inflammatory conditions has exploded. We have massive numbers of young people with never before seem food allergies. We have auto immune disorders, skin problems and of course a massive rate of obesity. By any rational measure Fauci has been a complete failure in his career and his “institute” a disaster. Where are the cures or treatments or vaccines for Lyme disease, HIV, herpes ? Progress has stagnated. Bureaucracy is the reason. Fauci is the figurehead. He is the very definition of a dictator. He’s in it for the glory. He wants a Nobel prize. He thinks he’s saving humanity and has no conception of how his words and actions have harmed millions of people. A few of my own patients have compared him to a mafia Dan. And it makes complete sense if you think about it he’s an 83-year-old Italian, who grew up in New York City. Who were his “heroes”.

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Jun 27Liked by Mark Oshinskie

I cross the Coronado bridge everyday on my way home from

work and just as you come off the bridge and head up to town there is a huge “Arrest Fauci” flag. A big smile comes across

my face every time I pass it.

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Jun 27Liked by Mark Oshinskie

Even San Diego hates him. Great news.

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I had a stamp made, "ARREST Anthony Fauci." I stamp many of my dollar bills with that -- ones, 5s, 10s 20s, 50s -- and use cash as much as I can. I like to watch people do a quick double-take to read the message...

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Jul 1·edited Jul 1Author


I still have women's mediums.

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I do not, but my husband does, and loves wearing it. I much prefer other types of tee shirt styles -- raglan 3/4 sleeves vs. short sleeves.

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Jun 27Liked by Mark Oshinskie

American Masters used to be about musicians, visual artists, filmmakers, performing artists and so forth. I guess they featured Fauci because he's a con artist.

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Sad but funny. And true.

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Jun 27Liked by Mark Oshinskie

Hi Mark,

I have been reflecting in the last few weeks (prior to today’s post) about how the invention of radio changed the world of everyday people. In times past, if little Jimmy fell down the well it was a local event whose outcome was of concern to the family and local residents. It was not national news. But with the broad reach of radio, a local event could get attention far away. Then you have to add drama (because, after all, this is still radio-people can’t see what is going on) so that people can “feel” the intense emotion of the event. Fast forward a century. It has only gotten worse. It is 24 hour a day hyperactive, hyperventilating drama. I don’t know how people can stand it! Not only do you get the story of the moment, but then the screen is running banners of some other story (upcoming!) and a stock ticker and a weather banner. It has such an inflated self-importance: all the value and information that you (the hapless and ignorant viewer) need to be informed and aware. In such an environment it is easy to inflate a fool and a charlatan into a hero.

And this is why I ignore media and stick to a few blog posts by people I consider intelligent and articulate with something worth reading about. You are one of them, friend that I don’t know!

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Thanks, Shirley. So true that we don't need to know so much of what's out there. And most of the better, more relevant, truer stories go unreported.

If you want to talk on the phone, you can email me at forecheck32 at g mail

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Jun 27Liked by Mark Oshinskie

Radio got the party started. My elderly mother tells of being a little girl in a small town in the middle of nowhere, and it's between the first two World Wars... and she's camped out at a friends' house to listen to radio broadcasts filled with drama and excitement. There is a fundamental human appetite for drama and excitement.

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Yes, the desire for drama drove much of the reaction.

I wrote about this early on. It's in the book.

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Jun 27·edited Jun 27Liked by Mark Oshinskie

I would so love to see PBS and NPR defunded and that money spent on something sensible such as, oh, say, help for the jab injured. Before covid, I actually used to listen to NPR. No more, what lying crap.

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I jope you get well soon. I have a secret best way to never get covid. Never test!

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