Joe, I have observed this as well, time and time again. The academically credentialed class, or those who fancy themselves as such, are the quickest to complain to service people about the most inconsequential non-problems on a job. New neighbors I only met socially once asked me if I knew a driver who could take them to the airport. I d…
Joe, I have observed this as well, time and time again. The academically credentialed class, or those who fancy themselves as such, are the quickest to complain to service people about the most inconsequential non-problems on a job. New neighbors I only met socially once asked me if I knew a driver who could take them to the airport. I did, and since these folks seemed nice "socially" I gave them his name. This man is trustworthy, reliable, and was a long distance trucker for many years with an impeccable record. After he drove them I was mortified when he told me he would never drive them again because of the way they treated him. This was a side of these people that is not always obvious socially when they are interacting with their "peers."
Joe, I have observed this as well, time and time again. The academically credentialed class, or those who fancy themselves as such, are the quickest to complain to service people about the most inconsequential non-problems on a job. New neighbors I only met socially once asked me if I knew a driver who could take them to the airport. I did, and since these folks seemed nice "socially" I gave them his name. This man is trustworthy, reliable, and was a long distance trucker for many years with an impeccable record. After he drove them I was mortified when he told me he would never drive them again because of the way they treated him. This was a side of these people that is not always obvious socially when they are interacting with their "peers."