My trigger word now isn't "pandemic" as much as "covid." "Due to 'covid'" this. "Due to 'covid'" that. "Due to 'covid' we don't have to do our jobs and you have to suck it."
The problem was never a virus. The problem was always the abysmal ethical state of huge swaths of humanity. They might not kick puppies or push old ladies down stairs…
My trigger word now isn't "pandemic" as much as "covid." "Due to 'covid'" this. "Due to 'covid'" that. "Due to 'covid' we don't have to do our jobs and you have to suck it."
The problem was never a virus. The problem was always the abysmal ethical state of huge swaths of humanity. They might not kick puppies or push old ladies down stairs, but most people exist resentful of the fact that they're expected to be independent adults: rational, productive, thoughtful, and self-motivated. Intellectually they self-arrest somewhere under ten years old and they spend the rest of their lives faking it, terrified of discovery. "Covid" was a godsend to such people. It absolutely did give them an alibi, but it was for much worse than just misbehavior. Think of what underlies their enthusiastic embrace of infantilism, of not having to work or pay debts; of having an excuse to avoid social contacts they were too cowardly and hypocritical to say they didn't really enjoy: Those are people without a *self.*
At first I was amazed by their collective failure to break down the doors of hospitals and nursing homes and *insist* on protecting the people they claimed to love. Now I think it was naive to expect anything else. People whose first reaction to a lockdown announcement was, "It's cool; I wasn't planning to go anywhere, anyway" are people incapable of love for anything or anyone, because they don't love themselves enough to fight for their freedom.
The plandemic was a moral pop quiz and nearly everyone failed it, in the process revealing themselves to be something far worse than puppy kickers and granny pushers. They're abject moral and intellectual cowards. They've learned nothing and they will absolutely do the same thing again in a heartbeat, because for the first time in their lives their vices were proclaimed as virtues.
My trigger word now isn't "pandemic" as much as "covid." "Due to 'covid'" this. "Due to 'covid'" that. "Due to 'covid' we don't have to do our jobs and you have to suck it."
The problem was never a virus. The problem was always the abysmal ethical state of huge swaths of humanity. They might not kick puppies or push old ladies down stairs, but most people exist resentful of the fact that they're expected to be independent adults: rational, productive, thoughtful, and self-motivated. Intellectually they self-arrest somewhere under ten years old and they spend the rest of their lives faking it, terrified of discovery. "Covid" was a godsend to such people. It absolutely did give them an alibi, but it was for much worse than just misbehavior. Think of what underlies their enthusiastic embrace of infantilism, of not having to work or pay debts; of having an excuse to avoid social contacts they were too cowardly and hypocritical to say they didn't really enjoy: Those are people without a *self.*
At first I was amazed by their collective failure to break down the doors of hospitals and nursing homes and *insist* on protecting the people they claimed to love. Now I think it was naive to expect anything else. People whose first reaction to a lockdown announcement was, "It's cool; I wasn't planning to go anywhere, anyway" are people incapable of love for anything or anyone, because they don't love themselves enough to fight for their freedom.
The plandemic was a moral pop quiz and nearly everyone failed it, in the process revealing themselves to be something far worse than puppy kickers and granny pushers. They're abject moral and intellectual cowards. They've learned nothing and they will absolutely do the same thing again in a heartbeat, because for the first time in their lives their vices were proclaimed as virtues.
Very, very well-discerned.
Well said. I called it the Great Retest and most failed dismally.