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Good point about RFK not being the final arbiter of truth. However, any heads-up he provided on Fauci would have been easy to follow up on with Trump's resources. Besides, the whole cabal behind the COVID response is corrupt, and obviously so. It would have taken political courage to go against the rest of the world, but Trump's popularity largely plays on that very trait. As far as whether anyone could have done better, you just mentioned Sweden. I'm far from rare in noticing, as soon as the "two weeks to flatten the curve" got extended, that the effect is going to be a massive shift of wealth and power to those who already have the most. That it was likely a gigantic con became obvious with selective closing of some businesses, not others, and no problem with "systemic racism" protesters doing whatever. Are we supposed to think that Trump, author of "The Art of the Deal", and a guy able to manipulate his way into wealth and the presidency, was unable to spot such an obvious con when so many of us did?

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It is different when your decisions affect others. As a small, example. I was on the 8th floor of an office building in Kanda when the 311 earthquake and tsunami hit. My private student was an adult and an employee of the company we both worked for. Hiding under the table with him and later walking over drywall and collapsed ceiling to exist the building, I felt no emotion at all. No worry, no fear.

Later, I was on a college campus with a class full of college students when a big aftershock hit. Unlike with the previous student, I was responsible for the safety of all in the class. Nothing has created more fear for me up till that time as being responsible for the safety and well being of others in a disaster.

Yes, T is well known to stand alone against the world, but those were times when it was over things he intimately knew. Most of humanity unquestionably follows what the doctor says. That is not to say we do so to the fullest extent, noncompliance in taking meds is a long standing problem. But few question the doc’s diagnosis or question them directly on anything. We either quietly comply fully or in part. More so when the doc says we must do X for those in our care. How many challenge what the doc says about their kid’s medical needs? We may disregard what a doc tells us we must do for our own health, but the same who have difficulty doing so for their kids. Not mulch different for a president.

I personally have many issues over his handling of covid and a couple of other unrelated issues. But with covid, who did better or as well? Sweden has a much smaller population and a much more homogeneous one at that, than the U.S.. Who else did as well as T?

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You may be right on some things where we disagree, I'm not 100% sure I'm right across the board, just calling it as I see it. Trusting doctors and the medical establishment in general is extremely gullible, from way pre-covid. It's been a captured industry, all about the money, for decades. For that matter, the authorities can NEVER be trusted, the founding documents of the U.S. are based upon that premise, which they well understood back then. Corruption among the powerful is timeless, COVID just made it more obvious to many who had blinders on.

Better than DJT? Well, South Dakota never shut down. When Kemp and DeSantis began opening their states up, Trump attacked them. They bucked him and went ahead, to their credit. Most of Africa did better. I think there were some others, Romania maybe? No time to research at the moment, work calls.

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I have long known that the medical industry was far from 100 correct on anything. That was why, when I was growing up, getting a second opinion was the thing to do. I have two long standing health issues that I have been seen by military and civilian doctors in both the US and Japan that have not been taken care of. I stopped going in for them years ago as the only outcome has been a substantially lighter wallet. I also teach at medical schools in Japan and have been trying to get my students to stop wearing masks against flu and colds for 20 years to no avail. However, I am still in shock how almost all medical professionals just jumped aboard S.S. Crazy over covid. There are good, excellent, knowledgeable MDs out there who I thought would have stepped up to stop this madness. Many tried, and have been silenced. Those not trained in some aspect of the measures they forced us to take and without supreme confidence in their position and something that many call courage but may be more accurate to call a self destructive bent cannot be expected to have done any different than T has done. The only people who could have withstood all that was brought to bear against him from at home and abroad are those who had the specific knowledge before hand, supreme confidence and a willingness to sacrifice everything whether right or wrong. I feel I can say this with some authority.

Certified in respirators and with knowledge that comes from being a consumer of news I knew from the beginning that what they were telling us was off. Yet, I was and am not an expert. So I dug. But this previous acquired knowledge was useful to know where to look for verification of my doubts. This gave me the confidence to just say “No” to masks. However, I fully expected that I would not be standing alone against 99% of all residents of Japan on the issue, including my employers which were medical schools, nursing schools and medical vocational schools, even my own wife who works for Pf (All of whom should know better.) and my own kids. I have lost most of my jobs. I used to teach at three medical, two nursing schools two medical vocational schools and corporate classes. Now just one medical school, one nursing school, and while I survived at the vocational schools and corporate classes, hours were drastically reduced at these. Homelessness for myself is an ever increasing possibility, even more so now than just a month ago. Solution? Wear the damned mask. I know of just one other individual who has taken the same stance. He is now living in the Sates while his Japanese wife and kids remained in Japan. Out of all the people out there who know that masks cannot do what they told us and are still telling us that can do, how many do you know who have stood up and said “No” and stuck with it? Speaking of being stuck, how many got the clot shot despite knowing its dangers? I did, hoping it would cause trouble for me so that my kids will be spared it.

We are demanding of T what most have proven that would not do if in his position.

There are several issues that I have followed for decades and one for “only” a decade that have prepared me better than most to understand the breadth and depth of the corruption. Yet, I am still shocked that all the major global players all fell in line with the same idiotic responses.

Africa did well by refusing the clot shot, for the most part. But many African regions shut down hard and for long times. Masks were and may still be required for those who were allowed out of their homes.

Yes, T did criticize States that did not lock down, but did he take action against them? This is, IMO, a critical point. Did he mandate the clot shots as others have? Did he do more than verbally attack those that did not follow his recommendations as others have done? Could he have done better here, absolutely, but he did not do more than verbally call them out.

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Sorry to hear about your challenges, that really sucks. Good luck to you! Much easier for us, self-employed in the states for 42 years, just my wife and I, no employees. No problems at all professionally, weathering COVID. I learned early on not to have a lot of faith in most people, and treasure the exceptions. Same with my wonderful wife. So we were already pretty disillusioned before COVID, which just confirmed what we thought already. Horrifying times nonetheless.

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Learning about and trying to stop FATCA disillusion me greatly but not enough to expect that I alone of all I knew in Japan at the time would stand against masking. My own wife and kids shouted at me on the train for not wearing a mask and eventually fled to the far end of the train car when I refused to mask up. Nothing prepares one for that.

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Sad. I'm very lucky. My wife refused to wear a mask anywhere, from the beginning. Except for a couple exceptions, like physicians' offices where she had to be (not for herself) and resistance was truly futile. Our only child sees things as we do. I'm sure you've heard stories of couples like yours, at least you're not alone. I don't know what to say, except you have my sympathy.

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I have, on those at odds over the clot shot too. Many divorces. No one I know personally, just reports here and there including on substack.

My parents and my siblings think as I do on the masks. My parents are much more accepting of the clot shot through.

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