These NPR "health" people are deluded narcissistic careerist shillsters. Sadly, they probably wholeheartedly believe that they are doing and saying the right thing, and they've probably each and every one taken 5 plus jabs of the cooties juice. This isn't going to end well for them.

NPR, I remember how it was. It seems like long ago in another galaxy.

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"This isn't going to end well for them."

Well, we can hope. It seems to me the jabs are just safe enough for them to be able to slide. Almost every adult I know is boosted, most multi-boosted. I've seen some die suspiciously, but the incidence of harm is just low enough that the brainwashed can ignore it. Even though I'm in flyover country (which some think was targeted), I suspect we dodged the bad batches around here, mostly.

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I think the copious amounts of toxins like graphene, aluminum, mercury... are maybe causing MENTAL problems, like downright insanity. It would explain a lot.

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Well, they were already insane by many metrics. There does seem to be a change, I've noticed it too, many others as well. Could be confirmation bias, though.

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I have immediate family members who have actually lost their fucking minds.

I think it's these jabs... We know they (or at least some percentage of them) are full of lots of aluminum, mercury, graphene, formaldehyde... all kinds of NASTY...

It can/will make you nuts... Remember George V? Mercury, and he was batshit crazy.

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It's hard to figure. The body can deal with a lot of toxins pretty well, OTOH some people are more sensitive - might run in your family. Then there's the DNA, IGG4 stuff, prolonged spike protein production, and how can people function anywhere normally, or even live, if the fibrous clots and microclots are as common as some think? Why don't we see a performance degradation among jabbed athletes? Not a single pro NBA, MLB, or NFL player, or a single power-5 major sport athlete has died. And they seem to keep on running as fast and jumping as high as ever. They're 99% jabbed, seems they'd be adversely affected. Still pretty fuzzy to me. At any rate, the damage is bad, but so far at least, not bad enough to bring the perps down.

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Certainly things are not all CLEAR. But I have seen/heard about many athletes who have just dropped dead, too, and other various troubles. I very much doubt that all the jabs were of the same lethality, or even nasty, at least at the beginning. But it seems to be the case that millions and millions, maybe hundreds of millions, of people have died over and above the "normal" death rate.

As far as insanity goes, it doesn't take THAT MUCH mercury to do that, and then there's a lot of aluminum generally speaking in our lives, from various sources...

All I know is, both my brothers and several other people I know have become, in the past couple of years, utterly bizarrely-behaving freaks. It's wild days.

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So well said. I had NPR on the Sirius channel lineup...back when. Also enjoyed most PBS TV lineups.

No longer.

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Owain, I see that you have a Welsh connection. If you haven't seen his substack already, you might check out Hedley Rees, my favorite Welshman, and one of the heroes for humanity in this covidian fiasco. (Working on some transcriptions of his videos...)

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I've been dealing with people who lie right to my face, and about me to my face, and about me to others... They, too, seem to believe they are doing and saying the right thing... Or do they? I'm a NOBODY, and I'm also a Targeted Individual. Because of what I say on SS. Well, since SS is barely perceived by the vast majority of anybody, I find myself wondering what was the point, after all? Who's gonna care, or even know about, what happens to me? Just feeling a bit unlikely today, I'm prone to these moods and then I come back swingin'. So why do I feel like I should be finding a cave to live in, far, far away? I try to keep myself focused on the Light, and not the Darkness. Humor is my one tool, besides biting people's bootox.

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You are spot on here, Mark. It's truly appalling how PBS can take such a one-sided stand to rewrite history. It's not surprising, though, the way they only presented one side during covid. I used to listen to NPR pre-covid but stopped during Covid as it was so obviously biased to getting the jab, wearing masks, and lockdowns. It was infuriating what they kept from their viewers who needed honest information. I'll never listen to them again.

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I heard one snippet of NPR, and two of PBS, Scamdemic coverage, one time and vowed not to listen to it again. I knew the lies would only make me angry.

I've detected the NPR and PBS biases for a very long time. When I tell the Stans that these outlets are biased, and provide examples, they deny it. They are completely brainwashed.

It's incredible to me that they don't see something so obvious.

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It's funny, because there are so many levels to what is TRUE... We think we've got a handle on it all, and then we uncover a whole nuther drama of some OTHER lies going on, or being outed, or re-examined and found to be radically erroneous...

It just keeps on being more and more apparent to me that the floor is no longer there.

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Not quite spot-on. There was no pandemic: while Mark does call the psyop a "Scamdemic" he nevertheless resorts to the "masks don't work" red herring, which implies that a plague threat actually existed and needed to be fought against. Ditto statements such as "states and cities that imposed many burdensome Covid restrictions didn’t fare significantly better". Better than what, I ask.

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I never thought a serious threat existed.

Saying "masks don't work" is a stand-alone statement, implying nothing. It's simply a statement that they had no value, just as a rabbit's foot has no value.

Nor did the shots protect anyone, though the shots clearly had/have a downside. If I thought I needed protection, I might have taken them. But I didn't need protection.

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Here's some criteria that I look for, and if it's not there, I am not always rushing in to put it there, but... And this is just in the realm of HEALTH...

* There has never yet, as far as I know, EVER been a virus shown to exist.

* There is not, as far as I am aware, ever been any proof of contagion.

* There has never been found any airborne pathogen.

* Germ Theory is pretty dead, and starting to seriously stink.

* Vaccines of ANY KIND seem to be extremely unwise.

* Most of what we've been taught to believe about health/wellness/medicine is utterly and quite heinously, deliberately wrong; pharma is deleterious and nothing more than a racket; we've been lied to about disease AND healing AND so many other things, too, it's mind-boggling.

* We've been de-educated about Nature and the bountiful healing mechanisms and natural medicines and taught, intentionally, wrong ideas about how to live well-- for decades and decades, so that most people who lived decent, healthy lives are now gone, along with the knowledge they had. We are also misled about the UN-healthiness of many aspects of our lifestyles now.

Anyone, feel free to add to this list, I've just put in the main things about MEDICAL fraud... There's sooooo much more other fraud, too, that it takes up a LOT of space.

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I still think the phrase implicitly allows for an illness that needed resisting. But anyway your article is otherwise exceptionally good; I should have said that already.

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This is a great article and it shows a disturbing fact. The people who deliver/recomend care in public health are simply not accountable and holding them accountable seems impossible. Could you imagine if they packaged the jabs like this --"we are going to reprogram your genetic code to produce one of the most toxic proteins we know - but your body will be fine! Even though we have no long term data to support this therapy".....

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PBS is no different than MSNBC, CNN. ABC, CBS, NBC, etc. They all are government appendages, with the only difference being that PBS gets paid above the table.

One of the very best things you can do for your personal health is to not listen to any of them.

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I used to listen to NPR every day. I disagreed with their progressive liberal bias, but it wasn’t that bad that I couldn't at least try to have an open mind and listen to a different point of view. With the new “Misinformation Czar” running the station, I refuse to listen to anything they produce.

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Incredible. NPR has indeed become little more than a shill for big government, big pharma, and constant intervention in our lives. These people continue to lie to us and themselves with blatant disregard for the facts. As with our universities, theory takes precedence over reality.

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"And that's the way it is."

In the old days, we had stable truths alongside an occasional lie. The lie stood out and eventually fell apart because truth arises from reality, whereas a lie must be continually boosted.

Centralized control now allows the broadcasting of a comprehensive Set of Lies to a global majority - giving us: “War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength.” When a Set of Lies is injected, truth fades away. It can be criminalized.

Bill Casey, CIA Director, to Reagan (1981), "We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false."

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I confess that I shelled out a few bucks last month to the local PBS station so that I could get the Masterpiece TV shows. I hadn't made a contribution to PBS anything in about 40 years. Never listened to NPR radio either. I was hoping I could watch more shows without all the woke crap you see elsewhere on Netflix and others. Boy, was I ever a dummy. It's time to revert back to watching my John Wayne DVD collection and other old time westerns.

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The nature shows are interesting.

Adn the NPR music shows used to be good. I don't listen to them anymore b/c I forget what times they're on.

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But, even the nature shows are riddled with apocalyptic global warming and virulent misanthropy.

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Sometimes, yes.

They find a way to slip the climate change angle into everything.

Maybe even Road Show and those boring BBC dramas.

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Mark - check out the long-winded review on this film on IMDB. They gave it 4 out of 10 stars. Perhaps you could write one too for anyone contemplating watching such garbage.

Got my book. Thank you for signing it 🥰

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Which film?

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The Invisible Shield

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Grade inflation. It deserved a zero.

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I’m left to worry about how we finally hear the truth from the public health sector and its media supporters. It seems they’ll never stop lying.

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If they keep lying, they never have to admit the prior lies.

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By lying, they keep postponing having to face a jury of their peers.

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Not that anyone will ever charge them with anything. I'm not even certain that under a second Trump presidency, the criminals will ever answer for their crimes. It's being said that Trump gave Mike Johnson the go-ahead to vote for the FISA renewal AND the Ukraine funding bill. In addition, Trump has yet to admit he was wrong about covid and the shots.

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NO ONE WILL BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE.......just my opinion. There are too many agencies, corporations, government departments, people, etc., for any justice to occur. They will all cover for one another.

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Judges, too.

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Isn't it obvious we'll never hear the truth from them? So what's the point in worrying about something already set in stone? We just need to deal with it best we can.

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Oh that was delightful. Love starting off my day with an audible laugh. Thank you Doug.

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many knew it was BS long before covid


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Infectious diseases were a leading cause of death throughout much of human history. Technology advances in the areas of waste management and clean water supply vastly reduced it in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The advent of antibiotics in the mid-20th century essentially finished the job. Ther was little or nothing to do in the area of infectious disease that required special knowledge or training. Any doctor could order lab cultures and prescribe an antibiotic based on the results. The public health bureaucrats and doctors really had no useful function. When AIDS came along in the 1980s it was initially the province of the Cancer division in the NIH because a couple of the disease complexes that were labelled AIDS were malignant tumors. But the infectious disease department in the National Institutes of Health waged what was basically a turf war to have AIDS declared an infectious disease and, therefore, under their jurisdiction. The leader in this bureaucratic dispute was none other than Anthony Fauci. Needless to say, this was salvation for the infectious disease people from their impending decline or dissolution due to the fact that infectious diseases were no longer a significant problem. After AIDS largely disappeared, they tried on a number of occasions to gin up public fears of a number of viruses in order to maintain their status but all of them fizzled out. They finally struck paydirt with the Covid scamdemic which enabled them to increase their numbers and dollars of funding by record amounts along with much face time on TV and other perks. This is but a brief summary of the relevant history of "public health". The truth is they have no useful function and should be eliminated from the public payroll at all levels---federal and local.

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Such truth and wisdom Mark, thank you. I wish we had a majority of honest straight-shooters like you in the halls of government.

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Mark for president!

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They just fired me at the gardens. I'm available.

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Sorry to hear. Sounds like you lost your job before you were fired. It was determined when this new boss came on board. No way you could coexist for long.

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Why did they fire you?

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I got DEI'd.

My new boss lied often and each time, I corrected her.

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Today's reality.

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no sh*t...couldn't you take that to a board or someone? Seems like you have a good argument...or you probably don't care enough to work with this fool...

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Give it time. I've lived long enough to get a perspective on how things turn around. When Reagan was alive, he was vilified. When he died, those same people were falling all over themselves trying to outdo each other on how great a man he was. Same with OJ Simpson. At the time of the trial if you dared say that he was guilty you were outing yourself as a racist (if white) and a race traitor (if black). Now that he is dead, guess what? Suddenly he's not as innocent as they wanted you to believe back then. And it's BLACK people saying this! THEY are saying the trial was messed up. But you couldn't say those things 30 years ago, oh, no. For a black person to suggest that maybe he did it after all would have invited the 1990's version of cancel culture down on them. I know, I lived through those times.

Maybe some of us won't live to see it, but I predict there will come a time when all these people who are now defending what was done during Covid as being necessary will pivot and say, My God, that was awful, what were they thinking? They will look back at this time and be appalled. Not that they will ever point the finger at themselves and take responsibility. Oh, no. Just like the journalists who praised Reagan after his death never once said anything about how they trashed him while he was alive. You won't see that. That was all conveniently forgotten.

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100%, Tam, 100%.

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Thanks for reminding me how much I continue to loathe these people.

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