Apr 25·edited Apr 25Liked by Mark Oshinskie

These NPR "health" people are deluded narcissistic careerist shillsters. Sadly, they probably wholeheartedly believe that they are doing and saying the right thing, and they've probably each and every one taken 5 plus jabs of the cooties juice. This isn't going to end well for them.

NPR, I remember how it was. It seems like long ago in another galaxy.

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Apr 25Liked by Mark Oshinskie

You are spot on here, Mark. It's truly appalling how PBS can take such a one-sided stand to rewrite history. It's not surprising, though, the way they only presented one side during covid. I used to listen to NPR pre-covid but stopped during Covid as it was so obviously biased to getting the jab, wearing masks, and lockdowns. It was infuriating what they kept from their viewers who needed honest information. I'll never listen to them again.

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Apr 25Liked by Mark Oshinskie

This is a great article and it shows a disturbing fact. The people who deliver/recomend care in public health are simply not accountable and holding them accountable seems impossible. Could you imagine if they packaged the jabs like this --"we are going to reprogram your genetic code to produce one of the most toxic proteins we know - but your body will be fine! Even though we have no long term data to support this therapy".....

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Apr 25Liked by Mark Oshinskie

PBS is no different than MSNBC, CNN. ABC, CBS, NBC, etc. They all are government appendages, with the only difference being that PBS gets paid above the table.

One of the very best things you can do for your personal health is to not listen to any of them.

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Apr 25Liked by Mark Oshinskie

I used to listen to NPR every day. I disagreed with their progressive liberal bias, but it wasn’t that bad that I couldn't at least try to have an open mind and listen to a different point of view. With the new “Misinformation Czar” running the station, I refuse to listen to anything they produce.

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Incredible. NPR has indeed become little more than a shill for big government, big pharma, and constant intervention in our lives. These people continue to lie to us and themselves with blatant disregard for the facts. As with our universities, theory takes precedence over reality.

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Apr 25·edited Apr 25Liked by Mark Oshinskie

"And that's the way it is."

In the old days, we had stable truths alongside an occasional lie. The lie stood out and eventually fell apart because truth arises from reality, whereas a lie must be continually boosted.

Centralized control now allows the broadcasting of a comprehensive Set of Lies to a global majority - giving us: “War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength.” When a Set of Lies is injected, truth fades away. It can be criminalized.

Bill Casey, CIA Director, to Reagan (1981), "We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false."

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Apr 25Liked by Mark Oshinskie

I confess that I shelled out a few bucks last month to the local PBS station so that I could get the Masterpiece TV shows. I hadn't made a contribution to PBS anything in about 40 years. Never listened to NPR radio either. I was hoping I could watch more shows without all the woke crap you see elsewhere on Netflix and others. Boy, was I ever a dummy. It's time to revert back to watching my John Wayne DVD collection and other old time westerns.

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Apr 25Liked by Mark Oshinskie

Mark - check out the long-winded review on this film on IMDB. They gave it 4 out of 10 stars. Perhaps you could write one too for anyone contemplating watching such garbage.

Got my book. Thank you for signing it 🥰

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Apr 25Liked by Mark Oshinskie

I’m left to worry about how we finally hear the truth from the public health sector and its media supporters. It seems they’ll never stop lying.

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When Jamie Kennedy knew it was BS: https://x.com/TheChiefNerd/status/1782154457301586368

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Infectious diseases were a leading cause of death throughout much of human history. Technology advances in the areas of waste management and clean water supply vastly reduced it in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The advent of antibiotics in the mid-20th century essentially finished the job. Ther was little or nothing to do in the area of infectious disease that required special knowledge or training. Any doctor could order lab cultures and prescribe an antibiotic based on the results. The public health bureaucrats and doctors really had no useful function. When AIDS came along in the 1980s it was initially the province of the Cancer division in the NIH because a couple of the disease complexes that were labelled AIDS were malignant tumors. But the infectious disease department in the National Institutes of Health waged what was basically a turf war to have AIDS declared an infectious disease and, therefore, under their jurisdiction. The leader in this bureaucratic dispute was none other than Anthony Fauci. Needless to say, this was salvation for the infectious disease people from their impending decline or dissolution due to the fact that infectious diseases were no longer a significant problem. After AIDS largely disappeared, they tried on a number of occasions to gin up public fears of a number of viruses in order to maintain their status but all of them fizzled out. They finally struck paydirt with the Covid scamdemic which enabled them to increase their numbers and dollars of funding by record amounts along with much face time on TV and other perks. This is but a brief summary of the relevant history of "public health". The truth is they have no useful function and should be eliminated from the public payroll at all levels---federal and local.

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Apr 25Liked by Mark Oshinskie

Such truth and wisdom Mark, thank you. I wish we had a majority of honest straight-shooters like you in the halls of government.

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Apr 25Liked by Mark Oshinskie

Mark for president!

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Apr 26Liked by Mark Oshinskie

Thanks for reminding me how much I continue to loathe these people.

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Apr 26·edited Apr 26Liked by Mark Oshinskie

What I never hear addressed, is that the 'patients bill of rights' was suspended during Covid. Once the flawed PCR tests showed that you had Covid, the Hospitals refused to let you leave or to have any say in what medical protocols were applied to you. Ask for Ivermectin ? No. Instead patients were given remdesivir and ventilated. Nevermind that when Remdesivir was first used, during ebola, it was determined that it was killing people, so it was withdrawn from use. So how the hell did it make a comeback for C-19 !??! After having successful laser cataract surgeries, the day before I was to fly out of New York, then Governor Cuomo declared that you had to have a vaccine card or a negative covid test to do so. I was staying with friends in Long Island. So we drove to a hospital for me to get a test. They swabbed both nostrils. Before this they gave me a 'loaded' Blood pressure test. The cuff was so tight, that it produced elevated number. Next, they came to try to convince me that I should agree to go inside the hospital for further tests. (I was in the parking lot so far.) But I realized that if I did that, and my PCR test showed 'Covid', they'd never let me leave... and send me along the death-trap-road of Remdesivir and ventilation... and death by bacterial pneumonia because the vent tubes weren't cleaned regularly (THIS is why so many people died in the USA). So I refused to go inside the hospital. They refused to give me the result of the PCR test. We drove off. I found out that New Jersey didn't have the proof of vax or PCR test requirement. So I rebooked my flight from Newark airport. And that's my personal 'Escape from New York' story . Much later I found out that they charged my med insurance $3,500 for their services. Are these the kinds of human beings and institutions you can trust ? No. People beware of all doctors and the medical establishment.

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