I was right there with you in March 2020, smh at people who were wiping down their groceries, etc. Hell will freeze over before I get an apology or even an acknowledgement that I was right and the crowd was wrong....about all of it! The abuse and ridiculousness that was foisted upon us has changed me forever. The carefree mostly trusting person has left the station. Now I see ignoramuses everywhere I look. Sorry but it’s true! If there is no accountability there can be no trust!

I bet Marty was all in on that craziness.

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no doubt marty was very much all in. It seemed the more formal education a person had, the more onboard they were with all the worthless interventions. They had too much to lose to go against the grain, cushy tenured jobs at universities and such. I work for a large corporation that pushed every intervention, all the management forced to take the jabs. Office workers all sent home to work for at least a year. Forced masking. all of it. Luckily i dont do desk work, im a technician so i was able to ignore it all, i wouldve quit otherwise.

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At the ends of the bell curve:

high school grads and PhDs,

were the ones most likely to refuse the jabs.

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I knew there was a reason I refused to graduate college! 😜

Lucky me!!!

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Fewer debts

Less brainwashing!

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The biggest danger facing America is the stupidity and gullibility of our populace.

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I agree! The smirk gives it away. Marty's ego was clearly invested in his superior performance. It seems to me that all the online virtue signaling around getting jabbed was just an easy way for insecure people to demonstrate their " superiority" over others, in this case, the selfish, stupid knuckle-draggers who didn't understand the "science." That's why they can never admit they were wrong.

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You should tell those toxic people you have NOT forgotten and don't trust them and never want them near you again as long as they live. Everything they called us is true of them. Unless the cruel, stupid, selfish, virtue signallers are made to pay for what they have done they will never learn and should be cut off forever. They are NOT sorry about all the horrible things they have done to others because they are heartless monsters. As long as they can look good online, they don't care about neighbors, friends or family. Rest assured they'll pull the same BS again soon enough.

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"As long as they can look good online, they don't care...." That is what I just don't get RE. How did it happen that this simulacrum, this Potemkin village of real life that is social media, is now more important to people than the people in their actual life?

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I confess to being an internet junkie myself. Long story, but it started a couple years before the lockdown. Poor health and poverty can lead to isolation. I would gladly exchange the screen time for more people time.

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And all those stupid plexiglass barriers in stores🤦‍♀️ When the plexiglass came down at my local grocery store, I was so glad to see the openness! Every measure they took was beyond common sense, much less scientific. The whole covidmania was overblown and beyond reason.

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Last time I called by my doctor's practise in the spring , the plexiglass was still there in front of the receptionist. Probably crawling with bacteria and viruses.

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oh for some it is "alive and well"- a childhood friend of mine, whom I believed was intelligent (Masters in Nutrition) had a post up YESTERDAY about how she now has COVID for the second time after her 6th shot (no lie) because she "didn't mask on a flight to and from California" on a trip to visit her son. They also bought a Tesla to "save the planet" (her words) but fly to Europe a few times a year. SIX effing shots! and she still believes a mask would have saved her from being sick...I. Just. Can't.....where would I begin??? She STILL hasn't connected the dots! If I sent her links to articles regarding masks/shots I would be banned as an acquaintance of hers, evermore. So hard to NOT say something....but what good would it do now? The shots are affecting people's ability to actually THINK- that's the biggest side effect! Love how you tie prior life experiences to current world situations. That's a great gift. Thanks for sharing.

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Thanks, Cheryl. I have a good memory. And I think one situation often resembles others. This is why I saw the Scam from Day 1.

I've questioned many friends and family about the Scam. Most hate it when I do so. But I knew they would. From life experience.

But sometimes people need to be challenged.

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agree....my sisters won't talk to me about what they fell for almost four years ago...!

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Cheryl, that's very sad. Do you think they'd fall for the same stuff again?

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They would deny they ever engaged in that behavior...haha

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Usually they're well off... On the left, they call them "status quo Democrats" ... People who follow the crowd because they don't really understand deep down.

"The evolutionary psychologist William von Hippel found that humans use large parts of thinking power to navigate social world rather than perform independent analysis and decision making. For most people it is the mechanism that, in case of doubt, will prevent one from thinking what is right if, in return, it endangers one’s social status. This phenomenon occurs more strongly the higher a person’s social status. Another factor is that the more educated and more theoretically intelligent a person is, the more their brain is adept at selling them the biggest nonsense as a reasonable idea, as long as it elevates their social status. The upper educated class tends to be more inclined than ordinary people to chase some intellectual boondoggle. "

-Sasha Latypova

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I never realized just how powerful the impulse to virtue-signal was until Coronamania. Mask-wearing and getting shots became badges of false honor. They still are in some circles.

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and the photos that were posted... time and time again- cringe-worthy!

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People used to show off how physically beautiful they were in the 80's and 90's. Now they show off how "good" they are. Skin deep virtue.

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Great quote by Sasha.

She and Katherine Watt have presented some startling evidence about the legal origins of the Scamdemic.

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Yes Howard!! Katherine has unmasked the Dod, FBI WEF, WHO and other 3 letter evil doomsday planners !!!

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There are a lot of overeducated, articulate fools out there with no common sense, no street smarts. They tend to be very successful in traditional ways, heads of companies, for example--“Leaders”

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That makes perfect sense. People like that don’t want to lose their place or status in their group so they go along to get along! 🤮

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I am surrounded by people like that. No amount of reasoning or evidence will work. It's disheartening but it is their journey, not mine. A friend's cancer went turbo after the last shot, it is heartbreaking to know she won't make it to her 54th birthday. All I can do is love and support her.

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I am so sorry...sadly I have seen the health of many friends decline rapidly also. And they wonder why.

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I would consider an acquaintance like that to be nothing more than comic relief.

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Have known this woman for 60 of my 70 years...I had no idea she was so limited...!

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"Limited" HA!

You're probably too kind, as I don't know her.

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I don't know if the shots are affecting thinking ability. People believed the idiocy from the start. I mean, they fully believed there was a super-deadly, fast-spreading virus that was so dangerous all of us needed to stay indoors and wear masks when they did go outside (for groceries only!). They believed this when not a single soul around them was even sick, let alone seriously sick. All they had to do was look around, but they refused.

I was shocked and saddened that my best friends believed it. I thought they were smarter than that. I even looked up to some of them. It's sad to lose respect for people, but its good to know we can trust our instincts / intelligence.

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That's it in a nutshell...lost all respect for people I actually liked. Hence the past tense...LIKED. I can't be around them anymore...

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Remember Schulz always yelling "I know NOTHINK!" from Hogan's Heroes?

The go-to cry for most of the Covidians is "I learned NOTHING!" I pity some, but we need to hang with different people to prepare for surviving the Reset. The Covidians are also falling for the Climate Agenda since they mindlessly believe everything highbrow sources tell them--no matter how often they're shown to be wrong. We can count on them falling for the Carbon reduction lies. They'll call for abolishing farms and most forms of heat. Then get shocked at how hungry and cold they are come winter. But their favorite propaganda sources will feed them pacifying BS. They'll be the first to move to the Fifteen-Minute Cities and apply for UBI in the form of CBDC.

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Engineers are usually pretty good at seeing reality. I'm an engineer. I got a BS in engineering in the late 70s and I got two graduate degrees in engineering in the early 80s. I worked as an engineer for over 40 years doing Research, Development and Test for three different companies as a subcontractor for the US government. And I quit working on the last day of November 2021 after I received an email from my company telling me that I, as a DoD subcontractor, had to be vaccinated for covid by December 1 or get fired. That edict came directly from President Biden in one of those "this will be the winter of death" speeches. My company didn't want to fire me but it was either fire the unvaccinated employees or not get anymore DoD contracts... and go out of business. So, I quit because I wasn't going to take their f#$%g shot. My recollection is that I told a DARPA program manager that Biden can jam that shot where the sun don't shine. It was also clear to me from the start that covid was a scam and there were many more issues with the vaccine than the government was telling us about. Nothing the government said about covid made sense. The fear mongering news on TV and the edicts from the government simply did not match the reality of what was happening around me. Covid mania was a top-down scam. It started at the highest levels of federal and state governments and was forced down to the people. Of course, posts from people like you helped me through the intense psyop that our government inflicted on the US population for 2 years. The covid scam made me acutely aware that our government lies and that the media is complicit. I was an engineer and I saw the scam too. However, I do know some very, very smart engineers that took the bait hook, line and sinker and still believe in that nonsense.

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Steve, among the engineers I know, you're an outlier. Without trying hard, I can name 8 who opted in on lockdowns, masks, tests and shots.

And none who didn't.

But thanks for being Polish you.

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Wow - I can relate to your post! My husband is an engineer - extremely analytical . Educated in the 70s (lots of critical thinking in those days?). I am not an engineer - think and navigate life differently - so we are opposites which is tough much of the time! But when COVID mania began, we would start each morning, looking at each other in total disbelief with each new news cycle/proclamation from our government. Can you believe this? (We would say to each other). The most in synch we’ve ever been! He was perplexed how his highly intelligent (brilliant) colleagues didn’t question any of this or the vax mandates - nothing! On my end, I felt isolated in my thinking, laid low unless questioned about my thoughts, and then ultimately shunned because I was unvaccinated and diff thinking about all this. The big mystery for me is why is it SO MANY did not question what was happening? To this day no one in our circles (engineers or nature types) has come to any sort of awakening/change of thought. Still holding on to what they’re told/were told, no revelations (or quiet about them), no apologies. I’m “unshunned” now but have not forgotten and mostly stick to myself now. Grateful I found substack communities (especially this one) and this mess did bring my husband and I closer. But the media, the government, the medical institutions, etc - I don’t trust any of them now. The general population not waking up and questioning - all of it! Where are we heading? Unsettling times.

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It was the most dystopian period in my life, by far. And it was worldwide. Yet most people didn't see that and it amazes me. I completely understand your "unshunned" comment and am experiencing the very same thing. Many people that previously shunned me aren't shunning me anymore but they don't admit the error of their thinking. They have just changed their thinking because most other people have changed too... like sheep. I also forgot to include medical institutions along with governments and media in the grand covid psyop that was perpetrated on us. We probably also need to include academic institutions too. IMO, the huge scope of the psyop certainly indicates a centralized force that coordinated the covid scam. It was THE most powerful, world-wide, mind control propaganda that was ever inflicted on the masses and was just too difficult for most people to resist. We definitely need to band together because I fear the scamming will continue.

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Agree with all you wrote 100%.

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Why are some of us immune to the psy opp?

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That's the million dollar question. I think we are all wondering why we were immune. We're sitting here, reading these comments and wondering, why do we think different than 95% of the people??? Why did we see this hoax, even though the media, academia, big pharma, medical establishments and especially federal and state governments tried everything in their power to get us under their spell. The people that ran the hoax are definitely wondering the very same question but they probably have enlisted specialists from many different fields to try to answer it. They don't want to get it wrong a second time. Nothing but 100% of the people is their goal on the next try. I hope they never figure it out.

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My husband is an electrical engineer - extremely analytical. Like you, "I am not an engineer - I think and navigate life differently." But we both knew immediately that the whole Pandemic was a scam. I begged a friend not to take the vaccine. She laughed at me. Now she has neurological problems. I have another friend who I thought would have known better - physically fit, everything she eats is green, teaches yoga, etc. She took the vaccine and almost died. Spent a week in the ICU fighting for her life. She survived but is neurologically damaged. It is tragic. There are several others I know who took the vaccine and have developed turbo cancer or other illnesses and/or have died. It is so bizarre to me that people fell for this propaganda so willingly. Those of us that didn't fall for the whole Covid narrative must be wired differently.

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I’m so sorry you had friends that were harmed from this shot. Very sad. It’s interesting that I know of absolutely no one harmed. I do believe in the “ batch” theory tho and maybe this is what’s going on. Even if none of these people have been harmed, it’s curious to me that they continue to boost if it doesn’t prevent infection. I don’t know anyone who hasn’t contracted COVID but back for more shots they go. They believe it prevents them from a bad case I guess. They don’t seem to ponder that tho I’ve had covid twice, I had light symptoms. They aren’t even curious about this. Yes I agree with you - we must be wired differently!

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I agree with all you’ve said! And I’m amazed that so many people are still watching Main Stream Media. Why can’t t they see that the news is all fed to the reporters??? .... that they all say the same things ??

And many people don’t even know about Substack !!!!

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In my conservative small town, more are awake. But a lot of Boomers continue to think the shots are good and the next election will fix everything. They get their news off Newsmax and Fox instead of CNN and MSNBC. They insist America is still free and will remain free and prosperous forever. They think the lockdown was an overreaction about a deadly virus "that really killed people!" Or it was all about getting Trump out of the WH because everything that happens is confined to 'Merica. They don't know who Klaus Schwab is and laugh at my "conspiracy theories" about the WEF.

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My town is very liberal. Pondering if it was time to move somewhere more conservative but from your writing it looks like we might as well stay put and stick to the substack community!

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Just pointing out that the deception is everywhere. But not equally bad. Maybe a fifth of the people in my area are boosted. About half are on to what's happening or listen seriously when I explain things to them. The Boomers who take the shots still oppose mandates and hate masks and lockdowns. I would relocate to this place if I were you.

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I worked in private industry so didn't get fired for not taking it. I worked through the entire pandemic though. The first 3 months no precautions, no masking, no social distancing, nobody sick. Then the masking, testing, and temp checks came. Now if you so much as sneezed you had to take a test or if you had "a contact" you had to miss work. This policy made it extremely hard to keep our large manufacturing plant running. Let alone all the people taking advantage of it. Oh my wife got covid. I have to miss a week while I wait to see if I get sick. 😆

As a department head I was over a group of 28 electricians and instrument techs. I didn't care if they wore masks in our spaces. I got read the riot act several times when others ratted on us. The skilled trades people didn't give a f#$k about covid. Only a quarter of them got vaxxed. In our facility we had one death. A guy who had 2 previous heart attacks and was in terrible health supposedly died of covid. We employed 500. I quit in June though. I don't want to be tied to a corporation anymore after all that nonsense.

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I agree with you, your electricians and the instrument techs ... covid just wasn't as dangerous as the government made it out to be. And it wasn't worth getting the shot or masking up. After over 3 years, I still don't personally know anyone that died of covid. I do know-people-that-know-people that "died of covid" but the people that "died of covid" were always on deaths door before covid, basically waiting for death. And just like the annual flu, covid, took the sickest and weakest among them. Covid virtually never affected anyone that was healthy. Unfortunately, the same can't be said for the covid vaccine. Apparently, the life insurance actuaries in the US and the UK are seeing a huge increase in "excess deaths" that are 20% to 40% higher than usual, especially in working age people. These excess deaths aren't attributed to covid itself. The medical community and the government are ignoring the excess deaths and refuse to investigate if the vaccine is causing the huge increase. This could be the biggest crime of the century.

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Yes. I used to own a house in Ohio from a previous job. I live in WA state now. My renter wanted to buy it but he had a bad divorce and terrible credit. He couldn't get a loan. I went ahead and owner financed it. He was in his mid 40s. Skinny. Healthy. Outdoors type. He had a government job though. I am certain he was vaxxed. He "died suddenly". He was found in hall way of my old house. He had some sort of massive heart attack I guess. I had to wait for the probate court to get the property bought off. Luckily the family just used his life insurance to pay it off. That is the worst of what I know... My father in law has tachycardia. He is vaxxed to the max. This just deveoloped and the only reason he knows it is his apple watch told him so he went to the hospital to get it checked out. I know two other people who developed facial ticks after the vax. Luckily they both recovered from it after several months. It was really hard trying to talk to them and not say anything. I far as I can tell there was nothing serious going on until after the max vax campaign. I think the hospital protocols were driving higher deaths. I think this was on purpose to drive the fear porn. They quit administering Azithromycin for post secondary infections. They sure ramped up the midazolam use though.


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Exactly, hospital protocols drove up the death count. What they did to these patients was unconscionable.

This particular video interview about a healthy man killed by the hospital protocols is heartbreaking and enraging: https://makismd.substack.com/p/video-patient-jeff-smith-killed-by?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=email-half-post&r=ks9e0

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How many severe "Covid" cases were really Legionnaires Disease or Bacterial Pneumonia from wearing dirty masks hour after hour?

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A bunch of people got sick with Covid (allegedly) in the fall and winter of 2020. Including kids. AFTER everyone took to masking up. The kids wore theirs for 8 hours a day.

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I’ve often said the reason so many of us who refused got to keep our jobs was because people like Dr Aaron Kheriarty and Steven took a stand.

So, thank you Steven! Hope you’ve moved on to something better.

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Unfortunately, many other younger people at my company didn't want to take the shot but they did because they had to keep their job so that they can pay their mortgage and feed their families. I was lucky that I was near the end of my working career and I could tell them to jam the shot.

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Never met an engineer who could think for himself (I've only known male engineers). You are definitely not the norm.

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Ha! That is true. I've met many, many engineers working for large companies over the last 40 years. And Yes, engineers are a pretty weird bunch. Most are weird in one way or another. Some are much weirder than others but a few are actually normal and can mix among other people and not stand out too much. I guess I'm lucky.

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People might be alive because they did skip doctors visits. More than ever doctors cause deaths.

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I wonder if the deaths and acceleration from cancers are not only from the jabs but the treatments people are signing up for. Chemo for example on paper has a low success rate. But since those that die get called a cancer death, you gotta wonder if it's actually causing other cancers in some cases.

We are in an Idiocracy, lol.

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I just read an article how little people really get better from the traditional treatment. If people were to know this, I wonder how little would sign up for it. The harmless and healing treatments are not used because they are cheap and make no money. How can cutting, poisoning and burning people help them heal? It is worse than the leeches of 150 years ago

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Yes, Ingrid. And we so smugly think we're so smart when we judge our forebears for using leeches to bleed people...

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in fact, that was a treatment that might have worked ! I remember reading a few years ago, how maggots are used when nothing else helps to heal bad, oozing wounds ! We should better look at old the things people tried before chemistry took over. I have 2 drawers with herb and homeopathic stuff I try before I go see a doc.

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You're absolutely right! Humility goes a long way...and is in very short supply!

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My grandma always used to say ‘it teaches you humility’. It truly was her mantra and though I didn’t always get what she was talking about, I do now.

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In some cases. But when treating cholera they would often practice bloodletting which proved fatal. Doctors don't know everything.

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The sad fact is that so many would never consider that their methods are destructive to humans. They are that arrogant.

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I have an old laptop that I had to revive after breaking the screen on my newer one.

Somehow, the opening page starts with the MSN news feed. and while I could probably change that feature with enough time, why bother? I tend to be in a bubble here anyway, watching only OAN and visiting mostly conservative blogs so in the interest of news diversity, I started clicking on MSN articles.

They were all exactly what I expected: Trump Bad, Coronavirus variant poised to kill half the world, Hollwyood experts say climate will kill us in ten years, etc.

What stands out are all the main pieces on Covid.

They are doing all they can to keep up the covid narrative, so while you ae spot on about it being over for us plebes, mainstream media is having a hard time detoxing from it.

Every time media lies, the founders, and especially Ben Franklin shed a tear in Heaven.

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Oh, it is not over yet. Round 2 is just beginning. We have approximately 11 months until the election. You watch, things are going to start ramping up with this new variant. I predict that it will peak right around November. I also expect some very dirty tricks with this election. Even if Trump manages to "win", he will not be allowed to take office. (And I am not a Trump or Biden supporter). Look for violent clashes between "migrants" and low-income African-American communities. It will be very interesting to see how that gets handled. My bet right now is that any violence by blacks towards migrants will be ruthlessly put down as the powers that be have already shown that they don't care about how the black community feels about migrants being dumped in their midst.

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I suspect Operation Cyber Polygon will occur in late October or early November. It will interfere with the election and cut off communications leading to civil war and martial law.

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Brilliant. Love the analogy to Dorothy. “We could have ended this anytime we wanted “. We also didn’t have to eat tide pods, dump an ice bucket over our heads, dance along side a slow moving car, post a rainbow avatar, wear a mask, etc etc.

Most people drive me crazy because they don’t have the self confidence to NOT follow the crowd. Maybe Marty’s smirk meant he did, but I doubt it. I ignored my invitation to MIT but still ended up getting an engineering degree from Illinois. I work with thousands of engineers, all jabbed but not me. Why?

I was never afraid of the “virus”. And I could immediately see the Virtue Signaling propaganda about all together to save granny or the climate or whatever. How many humans ruin everything by copying panic mode? Ever seen the line explode on a Black Friday doorbuster sale?

You ended up wiser than your STEM comrades. Rejoice.

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This is a classic example of the difference between intellect and common sense. It’s the rare breed with both Mark. I say you’re one of them.

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I bet my Math SAT was close to Marty's aned my verbal higher. But he was better at Physics.

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When all the guys in my senior class were taking either physics or prob & stat, I chose to take my fourth year of Latin. It helped with writing but now I wish I better understood those analytical and unchanging physical dynamics. Those are real-world necessities these days.

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CoV-2 was engineered from the start. It was a mind game based on creating the fear of death from a deadly virus. There was no time tested or trialed method that was created to provide accurate results that would determine who was infected. PCR was never standardized and most home testing kits were made in China, so how could they be trusted?

If there really was a deadly covid virus, then as part of the depopulation scam the mRNA gene altering injections would have been invented to do nothing to stop covid from killing masses of people. CoV-2 would have been the method of murder. However, this really didn't happen. Injecting fearful humans with the mRNA substances became the method of mass murder of humanity.

Furthermore, there are no super deadly viruses in nature otherwise all of humanity would be dead and gone by now. Perhaps the research clowns are inventing super deadly viruses but that would mean they would be at the same risk as everyone else. Notice how with covid, none of the perps got it and died? That's because it didn't exist. No vaccine or mRNA injection is ever going to protect you from some silly super deadly virus. It's all an engineered mind game. Better these engineers stick to physics.

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They used Niel Ferguson's model with a IFR rate of 3.5 percent to drive the fear porn. Ferguson got his data from China. I mention in a previous post John Ioannidis tried to stop the panic right away by getting seroprevalence data to determine a better IFR estimate. His results were immediately questioned and scoffed at. He did keep at it and the WHO actually peer reviewed and accepted his later work in July 2021. This was a quick early study that got shouted down but his later work proved his early results.


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I've written about the myth of super-bugs.

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I'm an unvaxxed civil engineer, but I don't see the covid issue as a math problem or risk analysis, at least not in the true sense. Covid was a "common sense" problem.

I work with hazardous chemicals and have to be HAZWOPER certified, even though I am old and rarely go into the field. Part of that certification is understanding how respirators work, and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that a layer of cloth or a few sheets of paper for a mask will not stop something the size of a virus. If that most important shield for our health is incorrect, what else are they lying about?

This was and always will be a history lesson. Governments lie. Act accordingly.

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100%, Cal. Leave the room early, knowing you solved the problem that mystified your classmates.

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“Leave the room early.” That should become our mantra!

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Remember in the fall of 2020 when OSHA warned the people fleeing the California wildfires that their cloth muzzles weren't effective barriers against the particulates in the smoke? Good times.

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An older friend of mine, an old Marine Corps jock turned veterinarian, said masking to keep a virus away was like putting up a chain-link fence to keep out mosquitos!

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People would wear the same stupid cloth mask all day. At some point it just gets saturated with moisture so not only does it not work for viruses but your breathing in high velocity droplets with god knows what has collected on that mask throughtout the day...straight into your lungs.

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I noticed Fauci told us masks don't do anything at the beginning. Then he grinned into the camera and admitted to lying, saying "Masks save lives." I pointed out how that proved Fauci did not really care about saving lives--regardless of when he was lying--and should not be trusted. Who cares how smart and well educated a doctor is if he lies and holds human life in contempt?

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I 'm an electrical engineer. Most of my career I've worked with statistics. I knew of John Ioannidis and his work before the covid insanity. My own issues with the medical industrial complex caused me to leave it and not trust it. I'm in my 50s on no medications. The first person I searched for when the fraud started was Wolfgang Wodarg because I was aware of the similar fraud that took place in 2009 and he tried to expose it. The 2009 swine flu was a trial run. The second was John. John did studies to determine the true infection rates rather than relying on the bogus model with the high IFR produced by Niel Ferguson that drove the fear campaign. He was attacked mercilessly for it by our corrupt institutions because it showed there were far more infections than modeled by Ferguson. The Atlantic did a favorable write up of John called Lies, Damned lies, and medical science about John's work citing all the medical fraud taking place in 2010. They have that article behind a paywall now. They also did a smear article on him during covid. I also knew big pharma scam of using RRR over ARR. Plus in the original Pfizer study one more person died in the injected group over the control group. Several were heart/stroke related dismissed as "not relevant". I was obsessed with reading and studying everything I could about covid. Right down to Ralph Baric, Peter Daszak, and Zhengli's work at the WIV. Nobody in my family would bring up covid around me because they knew I would just tell them how stupid I thought they were forfollowing the nonsense.

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My sister-in-law was valedictorian of her college class and totally bought in to coronamania. She took multiple shots, masked everywhere even after those around her dropped the habit and even carried around a personal air purifier (which she placed on the pew next to her in church). When she finally got Covid after re-entering civilization she was crushed, stating “I just don’t know what happened. I was so careful.” I will never be able to have a conversation with her about it as I want to maintain the relationship. I still don’t understand how this happened to someone so smart. It must be something psychological. I really wish I knew.

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Please maintain the relationship. It's a lot more important than spreading the truth about the scam. As during the next phase, your sweet innocent SIL who never ever heard anything against the official BS, will swallow hook line and sinker the new propaganda shit show. She might even ask for unvaxxed idiots to be put in camps.

On my side, I dont give a fuck about any relantionships. I told everyone left and right what I think, and I still do to all those that still listen. At least, when the next round hits, being it another scamdemic or the cyberbullshitattack, they might remember my warnings and maybe wake the fuck up.

Kepp the silence, it will do everyone good.

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Nancy, I suspect your SIL is a sweet, kind, trusting type...but despite all the evidence, she can't accept that evil is real and hard at work. Cognitive dissonance to the max.

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Naivete. A lot of the conservative Christians who fell for it are that way.

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Regarding Joe's comment below:

There are ways to talk to people that don't necessitate dramatic confrontation that will end the relationship. In my experience, that kind of dramatic confrontation only serves to make the other person defensive, so defensive they can't actually hear what you're saying. It might help make one feel better to confront someone like that but you're telling them to f-off basically, and it doesn't actually change their mind. That's the kicker!

Instead, I take a middle approach. When someone says "I got a sixth shot" you can say, "Oh that's interesting. I didn't know people were still doing that. They don't seem very effective." Or if they say that they're still afraid of Covid, you can just say, "Really? But the last time you had it, it was only a cold."

Just ask questions, and be gentle about it. I've been doing it and have seen a few friends come around, very gradually. It's going to take a lot of time for these people to wake up, and patience helps.

Also, of course relationships are important! Life is so hard, we really do need one another. These people need us to help them wake up, and we can do it gently. Keep the faith!

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Very good points. Thank you.

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Be wary. Because she chooses to live by lies those around her must do likewise or suffer.

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Looking on the bright side, the Covid scamdemic revealed who in our social circle is infected with the mind virus that makes people unable to think for themselves and do whatever is deemed socially acceptable.

We (the clear thinkers who tend not to cave to social pressure) were already aware that many people were infected with this mind virus, but I don't think we knew just how far people would go to remain in the "acceptable" crowd. Covid showed us that they were willing to inject themselves with an untested, new-science vaccine to achieve acceptability. They literally put social acceptance above physical safety. They subverted their own survival instinct. It's really quite remarkable.

The vast majority of these people can't see that they did this and don't want you to tell them what they did, so don't bother. It's less aggravating to just let them delude themselves.

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True. Sadly.

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Not only are there many people who don’t think Covid is ‘over’, I’m convinced many don’t WANT it to be over. The other day I was perusing the comment section on an (unremarkable) news site regarding a new ‘variant.’ The variant code changes but alas, the possible symptoms are all the same each time; runny nose, cough, fatigue,fever etc.

Reading the fear in so many posts, I’m convinced a certain segment of the populace is broken. Forever. Many are unable to ascertain risk, unwilling to debate, and get downright belligerent when presented with a view that doesn’t subscribe to their rigid beliefs. Sad to see.

Especially sadder when it’s someone you know personally and know they should know better.

Eagles are ok in my book, but perhaps the most overplayed band in history. I wish stations would let some songs breathe.

Hearing Hotel California once a year is enough. Right?

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Eagles def overrated. No edge to their music.

But it was goofy hearing their music in church.

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COVID was never about COVID. It was about rolling out an experimental vaccine, getting it on the market, and injecting it into as many people as possible! The COVID-19 virus has been around since 1963 and is considered an upper respiratory virus like bird flu, H1N1, and the rest! Unfortunately, the media, along with the Government, Big Pharma, and the Globalist, prepared years in advance to instill the fear of God into the world so that they were thoroughly convinced the world that they needed "Satan's Syrup" injected into them. I owned and operated a medical clinic until December of 2020 (23 years) and started a medical house call practice in 1997 and continued until 2009. I can tell anyone who is reading this that the COVID-19 virus scam was all about the vaccine. We had a COVID-19 flu season in the Fall of 2003, and 2004 Acute Respiratory Disease and we all survived it, but a few were susceptible. One thing for sure is we are all going to die from something.

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I don't think there was really a novel virus at all, whether accidentally or intentionally released. It would be too hard to control and predict the effects of a virus to make it a useful bioweapon. And is it not telling that "covid" doesn't have a single claimed symptom that isn't shared by colds caused by other viruses? How convenient. Mike Yeadon has pointed out that nothing's easier to fake than microbiology, so my money's on the virus being a total lie. An injection, on the other hand, using the same mRNA technology that killed all the cats and ferrets it was tried on, would do nicely as a cull method. Decades of apocalyptic TV and movies priming people to panic over a deadly invisible enemy, plus the parasite class's "table top exercises" in 2019 to rehearse for it, plus people's craving to rule or be ruled = the biggest psyop the world has ever seen. All made possible by the chimp-level ethics most people operate under.

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Well said! 1000% I was in the trenches of the medical industry one on one with patient's and the Scamdemic stunk to from day one!! I warned immediate and they listened, distant relatives and friends that was a different story!

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I knew it was bullshit as soon as they identified the Red Death as a coronavirus. "That's it? A coronavirus? Cats and other animals carry and shed coronaviruses all the time and live long, healthy lives with it. GTFOH with your coronavirus." Then I found, within that repository of hard-to-access arcana called Wikipedia, that 4-5 other coronaviruses cause colds in humans and that the dreaded SARS 1.0 killed fewer than 800 people worldwide. The emperor was nude AF and *no one* I knew could be reassured. Like it titillated them to be afraid. Or ruled. Or both.

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isn't it funny that people didn't want to be reassured? It's one of the weirdest things I've ever experienced. Like their fear could save them

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It's absolutely bizarre. No matter what you tell them they're *excited* to be afraid. I think it makes them feel special or important because THEY COULD DIE AT ANY SECOND!

A former neighbor emailed everyone in his contacts to *insist* that as soon as the jabs became available we all get one. The fatality rate is 20%!!! When I got his note I looked up that morning's statistics, and even with all the lying it was .3%. I showed my work and sent the link and he *insisted* that for his age group it was still deadly. He dropped dead in front of his wife a couple months after he jabbed up. No, I can't prove that it was jab-related, but he was lean, in good health, and physically active.

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I am afraid all the time. But not of Covid.

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Been around since 1963 and occasionally causes a bad flu season (fall of 2003 and 2004) Sudden Acute Respiratory Disease! We encountered it when I owned a medical house call practice, since then other flu viruses where the same H1N1, Bird Flu an BTW all come from Chinaaaaa and Mexico!

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I think they often declare China as the origin of scary-sounding diseases because its government lies willingly and makes facts hard to establish; because to westerners China is alien and exotic and the people there eat weird crap; and because China's always going to come down on the side of advancing oppression globally.

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These viruses and bacterial illnesses also come in from Mexico; you would be surprised. This is the result of illegal immigration. Think about it: when people immigrated from Europe, they would have to have a health exam at Ellis Island before they would receive their immigration papers; today, disease, unchecked criminal background checks, and illicit drugs all cross the border! When we did pre-employment TB testing, 9 out of 10 of our patients tested positive for TB antibodies!

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Bleeding through the pores and death within hours according to Poe. Not a respiratory illness.

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As someone with an engineering and medical background, it was obvious to me from the start of “Covid” that something was amiss. The best control group was the noncompliant Amish who (due to religious reasons) rejected the entire narrative, including mandates, vaccinations and the like, and survived perfectly well. Medicine and especially Virology have abandoned the scientific method and twist epidemiological observations in order to draw absurd conclusions about causality. Virology is a pseudoscience.

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Thanks, Alex, for opting out.

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What you properly describe here Mark is very similar to what the Scot Charles Mackay observed about human behavior back around 1860:

"Men, it has been well said, think in herds; it will be seen that they go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, and one by one."

As Art Linkletter used to say, people are funny.

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And kids say the darnedest things...

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Another fine screed, worthy of a much larger audience!

Yes indeed, it seems that those of us who're lucky enough to possess even a modicum of "Sentinel Intelligence" often find ourselves standing, mouth agape, on the "outside" looking "in".

While it can be trying at times, I sing in my heart (if you've heard me sing you'll be happy about that!) that I am blessed with this ability, cause I just can't imagine EVER being on the other side!

I Survived Coronamania




Keep 'em coming, Mark!


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Thanks, Elliott. The quality of the thought and the writing evident in the Comments tells me that readers are smart people.

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