Aug 10, 2023Liked by Mark Oshinskie

Maybe Mrs. D wasn't so crazy: maybe she was no more so than the millions who bought hook, line, and sinker, the mania and hysteria that is still pervasive in many segments of society. At least she was harmless and gentle. The purveyors of this mania are mostly evil, with a sprinkling of crazy people.

Danny Huckabee

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Aug 10, 2023·edited Aug 10, 2023Liked by Mark Oshinskie

I am still trying to understand why so many people went totally nuts during Covid. I think it was the extreme trust that these people put in their government, medical establishment, education system and media. And unfortunately, these entities betrayed the people and employed 5th Generation Warfare with a coordinated 24/7 propaganda campaign and manipulation of facts. This is the type of propaganda that our government would usually save for countries where we have the proxy wars. But they used that propaganda on us and the world. Even though the covid propaganda didn't correspond with what my eyes and ears were experiencing, even though there were numerous high profile scientists speaking out against the lies, the 24/7 propaganda was so intense it put a seed of doubt in my mind. But for some reason, I didn't buckle. After almost 3 years of what the government told us was a horrible pandemic, I still don't know anyone that died. I didn't even know anyone that got sick bad. My 92 year old mother-in-law got covid before the vax and she was fine. I wasn't vaccinated. I got covid and it was like a mild flu. It is clear that the covid propaganda was a total manipulation of the facts and a lie.

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Aug 10, 2023Liked by Mark Oshinskie

Yes, all the things you noted were factors in the irrational human behavior we witnessed.

And, what the Scot Charles Mackay observed in 1860 : Men think in herds; it will be seen that they go mad in herds, while they recover their senses slowly, and only one by one.

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Aug 10, 2023Liked by Mark Oshinskie

Hi Steve, you say "This is the type of propaganda that our government would usually save for countries where we have the proxy wars. But they used that propaganda on us.." There is an old spiritual saying, "As without, so within." Any government that would use these tactics on others will eventually turn them on its' own people. Think of AIDS, and the Tuskegee experiment.

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I'm afraid of doctors now. At best they're dangerously stupid. There are a few exceptions, but most swear by the masks and shots.

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Aug 10, 2023·edited Aug 10, 2023

Unfortunately next chapter is on its way. The Dutch govt will send out invitations again for fall jabs. I am pretty sure Belgium will too. The UK will not give either flu or covid jabs to under 50, so that is a relief.

In the meanwhile I wonder how many healthy older people like dad, were unknowingly harmed by the jabs. How many younger people died, suffered both health problems and loss of income, and how many generations of youngsters will have to suffer through the remainders of the gullability of their parents.

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Yes, I agree. That was the most intense experience of my 67 years. The entities that we implicitly trusted were lying to us. The non-stop propaganda barrage on TV was totally different than what my eyes, ears and experience told me. It was very disturbing.

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I watched almost no TV during this period. I knew it would only have further angered me.

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The all-time best Covid meme I've yet seen explains so very much.

Meanwhile in Amish country...

Woman (wearing mask outdoors) to two elderly Amish gentlemen: "Why isn't Covid affecting you people?"

Elderly Amish gentleman: "We don't have TV."

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Aug 10, 2023Liked by Mark Oshinskie

A very insightful statement- most people lost their grip on reality and bought into the scam. Exactly, but why?? I guess the governmental and media manipulation of the last 60 years had done its job- turned folks from critical thinkers into sheep being led to the slaughter. Our "government" has been way too large for 100 years- so many have willingly bought into "Big Brother".

Our human minds are so complex- your friend's mother seemed to have a disconnect with reality. But what is reality? Does comforming to our governmental status quo make us good citizens? I'd like to think that our forefathers believed in justice and freedom- not conformity.

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Aug 10, 2023Liked by Mark Oshinskie

Thank you Mark. I don't usually laugh and sob at the same time, but this is so moving, so poignant.

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Aug 10, 2023Liked by Mark Oshinskie

So much of contemporary public policy and political culture is based upon paranoid delusion and magical thinking backed with coercion. And the Truth is now disinformation or mal-information, and conspiracy theory according to the NSA. I initially bought the lie about the shots and virus risk, and nearly bought the farm because of it. I hope someday soon we are relieved of this nonsense and get back to being the United States of America with all it's warts and flaws. I hope that isn't a Mrs. D delusion.

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Interesting. I agree and it makes sense. Men think in herds. And I believe that some have learned the key to manipulating the herds thinking too.

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