Omg. I live in nyc too. I often yell at the tv! “You’re lying!” And “vaxxing children is murder!” I hate the NYC “doctors.” I feel If I know they know. So they are actively trying to kill people and especially children. They are Kapos.

I do realize yelling at the tv is insane. And I’ve graduated to changing the channel and waiting and then going back.

Special place in hell for these people. Right next to pedo priests.

Glad God makes the decision instead of me. I don’t have mercy

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I'm there for the Spanish. Only.

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I've found "one weird trick" (lol) for learning Spanish. Watch a Spanish language video at 1.5 or even 1.75 speed. The words will go by so fast you understand very little, but make the effort. Do this for 10 minutes or so and then go back and listen at normal speed. I guarantee you will be amazed at how much you pick up the second time around at normal speed!

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When I was learning Spanish I would watch documentaries and such on YouTube. Might save your sanity a bit, although we wouldn't get this entertaining rant 😉

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There are truly wonderful docs on. Just watched one on Navajo culture

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Yelling at the TV is NOT insane. It's an excellent mental exercise to ensure you're not becoming a passive listener--just absorbing the lies like a putrid sponge. Keep up the yelling! It's also cathartic (probably keeps you from punching someone!).

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Just last night I pointed at the “equity officer for New York” And yelled at him - “you are a liar and a murderer” over and over till the commercial ended. I can’t stand their smug faces. I had an idea of calling him up and offering to show him data so he stops advocating for People to murder their children. But then I realized he’s a democrat and paid to be scum

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I prefer Elvis's approach.

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thank you!

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Ditch the TV..it will be the best thing to do!

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An hour a week. The TV sits in a closed cabinet and is almost not there.

Plus, sadly, seeing the level of panic porn there has shown me why some people have bought the scam.

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Agree about the panic porn....a friend said it is also on the radio in Canada 24/7..I don't listen to the radio either. No TV now for over 30 years. I follow truth tellers such as yourself and Alex Berenson, to mention a few. It sure helped to study psychology and sociology at Uni all those years ago..who knew how useful it would be to me, especially the last two years. Great post, by the way! I

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Thanks, Eileen. It's a big problem that people consider the media reliable.

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I listen to classical music radio stations. Virtually no panic porn.

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Small typo to fix, Mark: Search for "them them". Great piece! I shared it to social media with a comment of "Do the censors still bother to censor those who mock the failed jabbers?"

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We went to all streaming before the pandemic. For a bit, I streamed a lot, and somehow, I just stopped watching. Not watching the news has kept me sane and thinking critically. Which of course means I am losing my job. My company is New York based (even though I live in a semi-sane state) so of course they follow the narrative and have a mandate. Countdown is own. But yes, ditch the TV and NPR (which I admit I sometimes listen to just so I can understand the people I know who listen to it constantly).

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I hope New York starts to wake up, and that you won't lose your job. My son works there and once upon a time, for a very short time, so did I...my heart loves New York and always will. The collateral damage caused by this Plandemic is massive. Anger and accountability justice directed at the current media companies should be fast and furious, and long lasting. Perhaps forever lasting...it's time to get a great group of critical thinking heads together and re-invent media imbued with human values of integrity, real humour, true fact-based journalism, and tons of multi-faceted creativity, and the list goes on. Entertainment and education rocks, and we all need it and love it; if there is a will, there is always a way!

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I watch occasionally because I'm collecting data on the disease-mongering ads of big pharma. Those are enraging and entertaining at the same time. We all have our vices.

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Its not the TV ; it’s the content. I watch a bit of golf and also Daystar. If you have Apple TV you can watch your interesting podcasts and read Substack’s on a big screen.

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I live in Oregon and it's the same! People still believe the lie, very few have realized what is going on.

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I'm an Oregonian too. Depressing.

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I live 4 states away and yell at the TV, every so often, so it's not just you New York nuts. 😉 Luckily, they don't have bunches of the jab ads on the channels I watch. (All in English.) They make my blood boil, so sometimes I yell at them to shut-up or that they're lying.

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I’m so glad I’m not the only one yelling at the tv. It’s therapeutic actually .

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What boat are you on?

I'm in GOM. Companies hiring without the compliance card.

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Fascinates me that all of a sudden Fauci is nowhere to be found.

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I was just thinking the same thing.

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Me three! As always great writing ,always insightful 😊

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U.S. said it would send Ukraine defensive weapons, so Fauci is on a plane there with masks and hand sanitizers.

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Let’s hope he has been vaxxed and has to stay out of sight because of vax injury. That’s not very nice or Christian but … And great article Mark!

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no way he's jabbed.

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It must be horrifying for a man who is as much a narcissist as Trump to come to the realization that the reputation and legacy that he thought he had built was an illusion, and instead he will actually be known forever as the greatest failure in public health history. I'd stay out of sight too.

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Narcissist with solid policies better than demented ccp puppet in the White House . Just sayin.

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the left and the MSM lost his phone number and won't answer his calls. They finally found out we all hate him.

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They’ve moved the two minutes hate onto Russia

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But he managed to fund a study “showing” the Wuhan market was the real source of the virus! And of course the media loves it.

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I waffle these days between feeling vindicated that I was right all along and bitter because no one at the University would listen and they fired me because I wouldn’t be coerced into taking a shot.

It’s all falling apart now and the game of musical chairs has started to see who will take the fall for this epic failure.

Dr. Jessica Rose has also pulled together a brilliant presentation that shows causation between the shots and adverse events - http://worldcouncilforhealth.org/multimedia/uvc-jessica-rose/

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With you, Mike. I'll call you soon. I was away and I'm catching up on stuff.

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She always presents overwhelming data.

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We unjabbed will be left standing, they have just culled the obedient ones. I never thought my obstinant defiant disorder would save my life, but it did. Strange times, we are now a country of dissidents, uniting us as it did long ago.

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I knew my rebellious streak would come in handy one day. Resistance is vital.

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The vaxxxed are going to go ballistic


Count down to the Mass Hysteria of the Vaccinated


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Lawrence Butts is one of my favorites here, realized the depth of the tragedy as it has been unfolding for him in such a personal way. I have felt much less alone reading him.

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A lot of people have said how sweet I am and how Independent, in good and bad ways. Tends to get back to me.

Saved me this time (which was so many times, I had to say no, really)

We stand unbowed and un-MRNA'd. Hope this works out.

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I used to get 'unique' alot, but now that I'm older and even more skiddish I am easy to mistake for your general vagabond, which I do claim. Oh yeah, a guy on the street called me a peasant awhile back. I have never thought of that as a pejoritive, so I said, yep, that's what I am. He had a large wrench in his hand at the time, so I sauntered off with my peasant self. My partners son called me a n-word last night, (it's part of his general speech patterns now which is dangerous and distressing to me because he cannot filter it).....so I guess my new handle can be peasant-nword....I am glad to take on those labels if they are being so freely given. Oh yeah, today I went to my sec of state page for voting registration and became a Libertarian. I guess I should go check out some books. /s

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Kick ass attitude my friend

I feel you defy labeling

You are a precious limited edition

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I was just in a Weis grocery store in Central PA that I hadn’t been to for awhile (because we got an Aldi finally). Aldi does not run ads over the public address system, but Weis does. And every five minutes, the Voice came on, telling us all that we could get our free boosters anytime, without an appointment, at no charge. Or our first or second doses. And that we should do that, because it will keep us from “getting sick,” or even, “ending up in the hospital.”

So many bearing so much false witness. So enraging.

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Yes, enraging, but I've had fun yelling in the supermarket aisles louder than they are over the speakers. Im 6 feet 2 and my hair is long and tangled and I look insane. Or maybe I am. Regardless, people stay out of my aisles when Im yelling. I don't want to scare children or older people so I yell "sweet" things like "Wait, are you serious??!!??" and "Sign me up, I need a shot in my arm brutha!!" Or "Killing me softly" (I'll yell Roberta Flack cuz I love that "K" sound). Unfortunately I don't present well for our side, but it's fun for a few minutes, then I buy a few cereals from my Manhattan childhood (Cap'n Crunch and Pebbles, fruity and cocoa) and that does nothing to soften my image. PS, I grew up in NYC but went to high school in Centre County, I see we might've crossed paths if you are in your 60's. My hair was long then too, but I hadn't been driven mad by the sociopaths quite yet. Mark, I loved basketball as well, I played on the 6th ave courts and Penn State's big gym every day - but I'm betting you can drive left so you might've taken me off the dribble, but at the risk of sounding like the dude you recently played (and wrote about) my midrange was awesome... unless I clanged out.

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Fred, I want you on my team.

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Your columns are great and sounds like we had similar east coast upbringings. Rock on Mark!

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I wouldn’t be able to shop at a store with such messages as you described.

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I think for some (not likely the majority, but definitely some) of us, the last two years has dramatically changed our lives and the trajectory of them. I for one, will NEVER forget nor will I forgive the pompous politicians who have made going to school for my children a near impossibility. Nor will I forget their - obvious to anyone with a single bit of critical thinking skills - mandates / rules / regulations for my children that did absolutely nothing to "keep them safe" but did everything to allow them to feel morally superior and bully everyone at their whim.

My anger, bordering on hatred of these evil bullies is unlikely to subside until I'm 6 feet under, nor will my now lifetime crusade to ensure these people are held accountable.

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Don't let it consume you. You beat them by living a life of love. They are just insignificant pawns of satan, a defeated foe.

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Love your handle Veefor!

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Mark not sure you've seen this yet. Spartacus has entered. Everything you've said with the veil removed.


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Awesome Vigil!!!

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Thank you for this extraordinarily well written piece. It’s comforting to know that there are many fellow resisters out here who refuse to succumb to the incessant PSA’s emanating from on high. Keep up the good fight!

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Hectoring is putting it mildly. Its was and still is in someplaces a nonstop barrage, browbeating us with shameless propaganda. Posters in parks were the worst bc i went to the NJ parks to escape the hoards of insane covid zombies and I would see signs/ wear a mask , stay six feet apart. What a waste of human life. I tore many of the signs down.

A thick noxious fog of bullshit , like clouds of thick acrid diesel smoke assaulted my senses wherever i went. Stand here, go out this way, use hand sanitizer, check your temperature. All for nothing

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It's refreshing to hear that I'm putting it mildly. Many people I know think I've turned into a mad dog.

Hmmm, maybe I shouldn't have taken that first injection.

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but didn't take the second and third?

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It was a joke. No shot for me.

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I know Boots, he got me for a second too! No shots here either, but my wife did the shots and booster so I gotta care about the jabbed (my two daughters did none of the jabs w/o me saying a word!!)

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Smart daughters. I'm the only family member (big Irish family), unjabbed-- a lot of side effects and denial and me worrying. wishing well for yours and mine.

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Another great read! I agree so strongly with your views. Also—I am so happy see someone call out Murphy. He continues to be a disgrace yet seems to fly under the radar. He’s doubled down on his nonsensical vax mandates for many employees in NJ. No one is talking about that and it’s an absolute shame.

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Thanks, Maggie. I

f you want to meet for lunch, please LMK. I'm in New Brunswick. Happily married.

forecheck32 at gmail

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So close to my old stomping grounds! We were in Hillsborough for 7 years and my first 3 kids were born in Somerville!

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Knocked this one WAY out. Give 'em hell, Mark!

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The Ads in Ontario are also full-out annoying. I turn off the radio, if I'm in the car. Even our local D.Js have promoted the "safe and effective shots" clinics. I don't ever want to hear either word, ever again. BTW, this was a hilarious article. I guess at this point, know what is coming, it is more dark humour. It hit me this a.m., that instead of a grand reuniting with family and friends, once they learn we tried to save them, they are instead going to be really angry with us, for not trying hard enough, instead of being angry with all of the lying docs and alphabet agencies.

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"...they are instead going to be really angry with us, for not trying hard enough." I was just thinking this very thing today. I tried with my family, I really did. And when it all comes out, I really can imagine them saying why didnt you TELL US!"

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I told them too. And the shots had negative effects and they don't credit it.

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😡 😢 😡 😢 😡 😢

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It's the same here in California. I rarely have the tv on, we only get four channels but if the kids are gone I turn it on for the noise and turn it off once I have to start yelling on the liars pushing the garbage. "Doctors" claiming they're "safe and effective" and the only way out of this pandemic. Makes me physically ill.

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What a fun article. I'm glad I'm not the only one who curses TV ads for the shots.

I must sound insane. Taking care of a neighbor's little dog this week. She leaves the boob tube on for background noise for him during the day. While feeding him, near the tube yesterday, I started yelling at the TV. Then noticed he was cowering. I felt bad at frightening an innocent little dog with my rage.

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Well said, that man!

Yesterday, Iceland said "Enough!"

In the meantime, Italy's Covid advisor to the Minister for Health is saying GreenPass is a central tool in our strategy to combat yhe virus and should be kept until June 2023, a fourth shot will be available in the autumn, the Prime Minister said the unvaccinated are not part of his society, the visibly obese deputy health minister says the unvaccinated are dangerous and a doctor in Sicily said that if he had his way, the unvaccinated would be in concentration camps....

It seems the Hymn sheet has more pages than I realised.. ! 🤔

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Yikes. Italy has been one of the worst. We still have much work to do in some of our countries, including here in Canada.

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I yell at the freeway signs that repeatedly tell me “Covid vaccines save lives” or “join the other ?million residents who have gotten the vaccine” Ugh, I live in a red state but the nonsense is everywhere to a degree.

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