who could not, at this stage of his life, complete four years at a decent high school, will go on national TV and effectively admit—without admitting—that his Party effected a massive Viral Scam in order to oust the Evil Orange Man. And then tried to make it look like that’s not what happened.
If the experimental shots had worked, Democrats might have gotten away with their terrorizing lockdowns, cruel school closures, goofy masks, absurd testing and tracing, yellow police-taped park entrances, silly arrows on the supermarket floors, ubiquitous “Warning!” signs, OCD sanitizing and all the other political theater. During Coronamania, many Americans have shown how gullible, fearful and/or politically partisan they are.
Unfortunately for Old Joe, like the lockdowns, masks, tests and all the other theater, the shots also abjectly failed. I suspected they would and never jabbed. I never feared the virus, because I knew that my uninjected survival prospects—like most other peoples’—were very strong. The vast majority of people should never have been scared, nor injected. They most certainly should not have been required to inject.
Do you think that tonight, Biden will man up and admit that he’s been wrong about everything Covid, most of all when he “lost his patience!”—as old guys do—and grouchily and groundlessly asserted that masks and vaxxes stopped infection and spread? Do you think he’ll apologize for unconstitutionally trying to require tens of millions of people—under threat of losing their livelihoods— to submit to a shot that failed to do what he rashly and irresponsibly insisted it would? This is the same guy who dodged Vietnam by claiming he had asthma, falsely claimed that he excelled in law school, dishonestly asserted that his wife was killed by a drunk driver and claims that his son is a solid citizen who did honest business with Russia and Ukraine and funneled nothing back to Dad. Biden and his Party are shameless. Don’t expect straight Coronavirus dealing tonight. Or ever.
Instead, political survival requires Biden to ludicrously assert that the talismanic shots and masks have “shut down the virus!” and that, on the heels of his “Winter of Death,” the long crisis is suddenly, miraculously over. After two years of non-stop lies and fearmongering, why not finish with a Really Big Lie? Think of it as an encore in a tour de farce charade. Tres bon!
I’ve never been a Trump fan. He shouldn’t have declared a Corona Emergency, he spent way too much public money on what he called “The Plague,” and he foolishly gave Fauci the mic. I wish both Trump and Fauci—and their jointly huckstered “vaxx”—would disappear. Recently, Fauci seems to, as they say in Latin America, become a desaparecido, i.e., one who has been made to disappear. But at least Trump didn’t mandate the shots or steal two years from the young and everyone else who wanted to do more than stare at laptops.
While there have been hints of it in the past few weeks, the Democrats’ revisionism officially begins tonight. It will resolutely continue, probably for years, with full media support. But the depth, breadth and Democrat origins of the Scamdemic lies must never be forgotten, and often stated out loud.
Epilogue: I read the transcript today. It was unbelievably bad, even by Biden’s extremely low standards. This evil clown still asserts that the shots stop the spread and that we should inject more people. Does he think that people believe him?
He also suggests that, after 24 months of Democrat demagoguery and oppression, sane people should act like none of this mega destructive Scamdemic happened. There is no basis to ever forget or forgive.
Are you volunteering to watch the doddering corrupt old fool's speech and report back? I don't think I have the stomach for it.
I personally cannot bear to watch this liar and the support apparatus of our venal elected officials tonight.