Are you volunteering to watch the doddering corrupt old fool's speech and report back? I don't think I have the stomach for it.

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No, just saving you the time. I won't watch it, either. It will be predictable bullshit, badly delivered.

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Some of it was actually funny to watch. Pelosi (behind him) could barely keep her dentures in place, and Kamala tried her darndest to look interested and intelligent. Both failed miserably.

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I wait for the outtakes, I could’ve said blooper’s but he’s never been anything but a blooper. Blooper Biden

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Oh, is THAT what the bathroom accident with the pope was called?

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no, that was a POOPER.

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My bad. My hearing is horrible these days. Thank you.

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Make it a drinking game: whenever Joey leans forward and whispers, everybody shouts "Viktor Mykolayovych Shokin!", and downs a shot of vodka. The last to finish has to drink an extra shot. Anybody who mangles pronunciation of Shokin's name drinks an extra shot.

Bottles will be empty in no time flat.

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State of Shambles.

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Remember that whatever this puppet says---you'll find the truth in the exact opposite position. So if you want to know the TRUTH listen carefully to his lies.

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I have to watch. Duty calls. I’ve selected my favorite red so I know at least THAT will be 100% enjoyable. 🤣

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I didn't watch it on the same principle that I don't swim in the sewer. I don't want that noise, complete bullshit or even the memory of it in my head. I've been reading different people's takes on it today and it's exactly as I expected it would have been.

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I think most made it sound more coherent than it was. Fevered gibberish is very difficult to convey accurately.

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I personally cannot bear to watch this liar and the support apparatus of our venal elected officials tonight.

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The only good thing was that the sewer - I mean the chamber - was only half full tonight. I don't know if that was lack of interest or fear of being seen on camera dozing through Sleepy Joe's monotone blathering.

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Boebert didn't sleep!

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You are correct Mark. This will be a full on victory lap..."we crushed the virus!" He will roll out a plethora of overcooked stats about the miracle vaxes and other measures and take full credit for achieving the "number one goal of my administration" Conveniently, no guests are allowed at the SOTU so the absence of the mysteriously shrinking Fauci will not be conspicuous.

Then another reality inversion will be rolled out explaining the Russia-Ukraine debacle. It will be blamed for every aspect of consumer inflation, especially what "Americans pay at the pump." Expect him to take full credit for isolating Putin and collapsing his economy. Never mind the fact that 62% of the public believes that Russia would not have invaded with Trump in office. High oil prices (due to bad executive decisions) and weak USA leadership paved the way for bad actors to make their move now.

Interesting times...to your on point conclusion...our job is to never forget or let them forget these last 2 years.

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expect ‘Build Back BS’

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Haven’t watched TV in 14 years so don’t know if I’ll have the stomach for his lies. Not sure how the country can last another three years. It’s so utterly sad.

I read that only half of his free CCP VIRUS tests had been claimed. They can keep mine and use them as suppositories for all I care. Same as the clot shots.

I do miss those arrows in the store isles! I simply pulled my cart in reverse hoping to get a laugh out of people or daring to be admonished by management. The laughs must have been hushed but that doesn’t matter. It’s no more crazy than what has happened to our world.

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unclaimed test kits = hazardous waste disposal

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Many of the stores put the arrows down to calm the anxieties of their customers not because they believed they worked. They (management) knew people weren't getting covid by grocery shopping.

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How come nobody ever considered the idea that if covid was everywhere, grocery store employees would have been dropping like flies.

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Also, the homeless

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Some guy yelled at me when I did that 😅

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Well written and spot-on distillation of state of the Covid debacle. New subscriber. Voted for charmless Trump twice, solely because his policies were superior to HRC, then JB. Dishonest media have successfully made Trump name too toxic to win (3rd time) in 2024. PREDICTION: an agreeable dark horse candidate will appear and win it all.

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With you.

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I hope you are right. I fear you are wrong.

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I hope and pray that "steal two years from the young" is the extent of it. With the majority of US college kids jabbed. It might be a hell of a lot worse that that.

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I have the same concerns. I have three adult kids who bought in. It's my nightmare.

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I have 2 sons, their spouses and 2 grandchildren, 10 and 12, all vaxxed. During the day I am mad as a hornet at them for not questioning the experiment and subjecting my grandkids to the poisonous shots. I'm so scared for them all at night. I pray so hard it's hard to sleep.I'm a spiritual person but not religious, so maybe I'm doing it wrong. It brings me no peace.

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The body's natural resilience may overcome adverse consequences for most.

There are emerging regimens to detoxify and eliminate the vaccine from the body.

Trusting gov't to do the right thing was the wrong thing to do.

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It's the Universities. Unless the Federal Gov't begins to withhold funding to force ideological and intellectual balance, our western society will be over.

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Remember way back in Dec 2021, Biden told Americans "But it's here now and it's spreading and it's gonna increase. ... We are looking at a winter of severe illness and death for the unvaccinated -- for themselves, their families and the hospitals they'll soon overwhelm. But there's good news: If you're vaccinated and you have your booster shot, you're protected from severe illness and death." I can't wait for tonight's update.

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Unchanged. Wants more money for Covid vaxxes and treatments.

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I had to turn the channel, my husband was sitting here listening to that doddering old fool. I despise him, absolutely despise that sell-out to China.

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I threatened to change the channel, but stuck it out. Speech filled with the same lies we have heard since January 20, 2021. Only new part was his empty words on Ukraine. I hate him too.

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Biden is the perfect symbol for the Democratic party today: old, out of touch, hollow, stupid, deaf to the people's concerns and corrupt as hell. And they will continue to implode and rot as every sick organism does. We all smell it. It won't be much longer now. Hopefully America can survive long enough to drive the stake into their dark heart and the nails in their coffin.

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I hate him like no other.

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There are a few presidents for whom I have no respect whatsoever and indeed dislike immensely. Obama was one for whom I had intense dislike. But, Biden is in that next pantheon! I despise him.

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"Biden and his party are shameless". You bet they are. They are cowards and totalitarians. I used to ascribe a modicum of sincerity and good intentions to masking and shots but I'm now convinced it's about forced obedience. What took me so long? I live near and attend lectures and events at a local University campus and the admin policy is forced shots and boosters for all the kids (despite the uselessness and danger of them for young people), and compulsory masking in all campus buildings. Last night we went to a concert at the music school. The student performers could only lower their face papers when they played and then immediately put them back over their mouths as if, mask down=danger, mask up=safe. Up and down all evening. Like the virus would not get airborne or inhaled? It was absurd and tragic to watch, and even more ridiculous if you thought about the nature of aerosolized viruses. They are just whipping these kids to make them good, obedient, unquestioning progressive automatons. Mindless robots. Brandon's kids. Sick.

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Nuremberg II lies in the future for many. When people start seeing many of their loved ones dying or getting terminally ill in the near future, these monsters will not be able to hide from the fact--that the vaccines are the real cause.

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Y'know how in Central America they used to push people out of helicopters.....

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We will never forget.

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They certainly lost me forever. If I had known what a bunch of liars they are I would have voted for trump

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Oh you must have missed how Joementia built his outlandish 50 year career sucking on the public teet with egregious lies. Obama was correct about one thing... Biden's ability to fuck things up!

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Was scared under Trump that his foolishness would start a war. Now I see his foolishness prevented a war. And no, although I have been a citizen for 12 years, I had not followed well enough. Even Bernie would be better!

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I understand.

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Don’t forget Herr Fauci. An investigation must be done ASAP regarding the origins of Covid 19 and the development of the vaccines. Some of the latest studies about vaccine side effects are looking kind of grim. We need to know who is responsible for this cluster f*#€ and mete out punishment as needed to prevent this from EVER happening again.

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I expressly criticized him. And wished that he would remain disappeared.

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I’m sorry, I didn’t see it, but I really meant it as more a reminder to everyone that we need to find out what really happened. It was in no way a criticism of you or your article and I apologize for not making myself clear.



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I don't believe Fauci was mentioned once during the speech...not once. Wonder why...

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Isn’t it odd how Dr. Fauci has completely disappeared for the 10 days leading up to the SOTU? It’s almost as if they’ve decided Fauci is someone they want to disappear from your notice. Hmm.

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Maybe they dropped him from a helicopter, as in Latin America.

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The Party loyalists will lap it up. The talking heads will talk about what a great job he did. Ignore-ance is something The Party holds dear. The more one can demonstrate ignore-ance the better Party member they are.

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Crushed it.

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Excellent well written post, thank you. 👍🏼💕

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