What has become deeply troubling to me is my own sense of emotional ‘flattening’ following the years of being ostracized; the years of realizing I live amidst People of The Hive. Always an introvert, I nonetheless enjoyed a pleasant social life prior to the scam. Now, I am alone 90% of the time. I find I have far less compassion for people in general, and more anger at both what has been done TO us and what we so freely allowed to happen. I was at Publix yesterday and saw the manager opening a box of blue masks. I said, ‘You’re not doing that again? They don’t work.’ You wouldn’t believe how she bristled! Right now I’m sidelined with serious injury/pain. Grateful for my paid-for middle-class home where I can ride out whatever fifth circle of hell is coming next. Substacks like yours help me hold on to sanity.
Yes--t-shirts are powerful in that way. Just had another such experience yesterday. What is it that they used to say? Clothes are the measure of the man?
I think many of us feel this way. So much of the world has lost its luster. And people have been so disappointing. I had to leave my home, friends, state, and my now ex-partner because he couldn't accept my position on any of it (lockdowns, jabs, etc.). Sadly, I couldn't afford to stay in my state and have relocated to another. Don't know anyone and am not really interested in finding people. Luckily, I, like you it sounds, have always enjoyed my own company.
We are not alone. Just not in the same place. We will remain sane.
Teresa, your reference to Publix makes me think you could be in Florida? I am, but have not seen that happening in the Publix where we shop.
I hear you re "emotional flattening" and that sense of having less compassion for people. I tend to "go soft" for young people that got so effed over these last three years. They break my heart, so when I engage with them when out to eat or at the store, I feel a ton of compassion for them. (I struggle often enough to push down the anger I feel at cowardly "adults" who would countenance such abuse of the young -- for their alleged benefit.)
South Carolina, but an area infested with Yankees. (Apologies, Mark.) I rarely meet young people but I do grieve for my grandsons’ future. Their parents have NOT COMPLIED and they are homeschooled so they’ve been spared a great deal. Nonetheless, it’s a dreadful miasma with tendrils everywhere.
I worry about mine as well. They have all been shot and boosted and have had the virus multiple times, as has their father. No one listened to my warnings. Instead they kept me away for a year because they thought I was unclean. Things are better now, but they have the virus again. What a merry-go-round!!
Hi Teresa .. a warrior calls with C. James at 8 p.m. Thrusdays .... David Carrico and Jon Pounders Midnight Ride and Now you see tv. Just a place to chat. Be Blessed.
Hi Mark ...answer: A Warrior Call is a web site Christopher James runs it. once you go to his home page you can register for his thursday at 8:pm eastern time live chat. Just follow the instructions to register. He will send you a link to your email. Jon Pounders and David Carrico site Amidnightride and Nowyouseetv sites are for deep ancient documents on the world REAL history but it is Christian in spirit as our history is a lie. Be Blessed. patricia52bowman@gmail.com
All your observations are true from my experience. Things are getting worse, as they're meant to. The left, with help from some of the "R"s, have been trying to destroy our society and more generally Western societies, for generations and replace the Judeo-Christian values with socialist ones. Largely they've succeeded. Get to know your neighbors, arm yourselves, lay in provisions, vote against all RINOs, then all Democrats, help those you can, but put your families first, pray for guidance and thanks for the blessings you have, everyday.
Thanks for your leadership in your writings and the thoughts you share.
I've had a few people admit they were wrong, that we got it right.
Have friends and family with memory loss, lack of motor function, severe brain damage, heart issues, pacemakers, anger issues, nerve damage and some died post-jab.
Some have owned it, others may still yet, but we have to keep moving forward regardless and try to enjoy life too.
I asked a German friend about post-WW2 Germany and she said it feels similar in many ways. They great shameful thing that no one can admit or talk about. The holocaust still is something of a taboo topic I think. I fear Coronamania will also be the same for us.
Getting together with a few friends this weekend for an annual event. Got a group text from one last night saying he can't make it because he has covid. I'm thinking: "So what?" (personally, I'm not 100% convinced this entire thing hasn't just been a rebranding of every cold/flu/respiratory virus under one covid umbrella). Sigh....
A food storage bag over the head works very well, I hear--it fits snugly, especially every time you inhale. Which of course, you won't be doing for very long.
I used that one on some grocery store staff once as they were insisting I wear a mask and all I got were vacant stares. I think they were actually considering it 😂
One might also tell the vaxxed that vaxing does not work unless you get at least 20 of them. Might get a kickback from pharma, or is that giving medical advice without a license?
He is definitely jabbed. Reminds me of when we got together last year and one of the other guys casually asked me how many jabs I had gotten (can't remember how/why the topic came up) - he didn't quite know how to process my answer of "none". Thankfully he didn't jump back or otherwise distance from me after that; just seemed genuinely surprised to meet a living unjabbed person.
I've also had people look surprised when I tell them I didn't inject.
But I was reciprocally surprised/disgusted that so many people bought in. Vaxxmania was the clearest sign ever that people are extremely gullible and irrationally fearful.
Yes, I know many were "forced." But so was I, and I said "Find someone who can do this job as well as I can."
Same here. I was also mandated to be jabbed but requested a religious exemption (never approved or disapproved). I expected I'd be forced into early retirement but just rode out the madness.
Sounds like my situation. I waited until about 2 weeks before my company's mandate deadline and told my supervisor that I wasn't jabbed and wasn't GOING to be jabbed. About an hour later, she called me and I was "highly encouraged" to apply for a religious exemption, which was ultimately approved. About 2 weeks after that, the Federal mandate was dropped and so was my company's mandate. I was expecting to be fired, but thankfully it didn't come to that. I don't know the numbers of people who received the religious exemption, but I heard through the grape vine a good number of employees weren't jabbed (20%-30%).
I know several here in Texas who - if they had just held out for a WEEK or two (!) they could have saved themselves. But they did not. I am so glad that you did. I was not under similar distress - I have to say I am not sure how I would have reacted. F the lying government.
I also can't believe that people who clearly know "they" are bent on culling the herd with this fuxxine still trust these b-tards with other ones? THEY JUMPED THE SHARK finally, I thought; but folks still trust that 'oh, the others are okay, though. 🤪🙄
I’m glad I live in a rural area that didn’t fall for the scam. My sister is in Boston and she fell hard.
My mom lives with me and for a very long time my sister badgered me to get her the clot shot. Once when she called and was on the phone with Mom, I could hear her going on and on and on about Covid.
Mom said, “That’s too bad. I don’t guess we’re having a pandemic around here.” I could hear my sister explode from across the room. 😝
My husband repeatedly told my sister-in-law not to vaxx their mother. She said she wouldn’t then did behind our back lying about it until a couple days before my m-in-l died due to sepsis from a “dead bowel.” Three months after her second shot.
You said it well. They are all still brainwashed. Even the few I know who have admitted to being injured by their second or third shot, say the new thing, "COVID is over." While they swear they will never get another shot, I have no trouble betting that they will don the mask or shove the swab way up there, if society promotes this.
One friend told me a couple days ago, "well, it was political. That's why (he couldn't hear my admonishments to avoid the shots at all costs)." And so, that's HIS reason. My friends are all democrats, and this is because of where I live and how I grew up, surrounded. I have liberal leanings myself. I admit, this puzzle of trying to break through and save my loved ones is a very tough puzzle to solve, and/but I'm fascinated by it. I have decades invested in these relationships, but I never once considered taking a bioweapon injection.
you know, I don't even want to hit the reset button anymore and go back to the way things were before. Too much has happened: I've learned a lot about the false framework we all lived under, and I can't unlearn that. I've learned a lot about the characters of the people I've known and loved for years. I may still love them, but I look at them differently, now.
What I wish for is a universal common framework based on truth, and that alone will bring us together. But these continued lies and cowardly fantasyland pretending are only dividing us further.
I tell people that nothing mattered that happened pre-2020, since we were living a lie while the cabal was cooking this up. This is now reality & we're in constant war, so seek out new friends and fellow soldiers. I got involved in recalling Newsom here in SF CA & made a bunch of new friends & now am working w/the RFK Jr. campaign. On to the battle!
I have just lost all respect for those people. I can't find anything to love about their behavior. I can't unsee their smug superiority and strong conviction that I was the problem.
You’re friends aren’t democrats, they’re communist, no matter what they call themselves. My parents were lifelong democrats, as were all of my grandparents. That party and their people, don’t even closely resemble what I knew of my family. Amazingly, my youngest sister was the first registered Republican I knew. Myself and my older sister were always registered as IND. I changed my party affiliation after Michael Brown. Something in me changed and I knew what I was watching on CNN wasn’t real.
Traveling to her funeral (which I attended) I became ill with dysentery and was hospitalized for a week. Yes, in a first world country, with all my showering and hand washing I got a 3rd world disease. Makes me wonder what’s really going on in this country and it’s all just an illusion.
Dani, what you wrote is my experience, too. I could have written the same comment. 100%. It has been a terrible time, but I wouldn’t undo all that I’ve learned. It is harder and lonelier, but it’s better by far.
Do you remember the story about Dellridge Health and Rehabilitation Center in Paramus, New Jersey which was reported as the care home in the US with the most "Covid deaths."
All the news outlets were reporting that this care home had a staggering 753 deaths. This seemed a bit off to me as even in the CNN story they listed the care home as having a 90 bed capacity. How in the world did they have so many deaths when they had so few residents?
So I called them directly and spoke to their marketing director over the phone and she asserted they had only 20 "Covid deaths."
Same story at Southern Pointe Living Center in Colbert, Oklahoma which was listed as having 339 residents die of COVID-19 despite only having a 95 bed capacity.
I called them too and spoke directly with the manager of the home, Heather Martin. She told me they did not have a single "case" of "Covid" let alone a death.
They were both well aware of the media reports and Heather Martin was openly upset about these fabrications. She told me they had to file reports every day and did not know where the media was coming up with these figures.
BTW are you putting together a book with your collection of essays? You have been one of the most poignant observers and writers in these last three years.
Yes, Mark, you need to put these essays together into some sort of book. It’s the type of book I would want people 20 years from now to run across. I would want these people to see that not everyone went berserk during this strange period of time.
Growing up in Cleveland, OH there were two major newspapers, The Press and The Plain Dealer. My parent’s subscribed to The Press.
When I was around 19 years old The Press folded. Even my self-absorbed teenage self felt it was wrong for Cleveland to be a one-newspaper town.
In the ensuing years every small Newspaper, The Sun and Scene Magazine got absorbed by the Plain Dealer empire. I could see the articles in all of them becoming tepid, slanted and biased.
On my own in the 1980s I stopped subscribing to Newspapers. My skilled TV News watching in-laws (and others) just shake their heads like I’m some kind of out of the loop idiot.
One of my favorite anecdotal scenes in Steve Martin’s “Roxanne” is when strolling along the sidewalk he casually drops a quarter in the Newspaper machine and immediately upon reading begins screaming in a panic, then PAYS with another quarter to open the machine and put the paper back. Now much calmer, he continues his merry stroll.
We have had no television since our kids were born (1991) but years ago our routine was to turn on the radio (CBC) first thing each morning. The radio fell silent 42 months ago and remains as such today. I also used to read The Globe and Mail daily. Beginning in March 2020 and for a full year I read the opinion pieces, editorials and letters to the editor each day. I thought, in a country of 30+ million and with the virus being ‘novel’ and all mitigation measures being without precedent, one would think there would be a variety of opinions/views being published. In that whole first year there was not a single article or letter that strayed from the narrative. No dissent, I thought, is simply not possible among so many people. Needless to say I no longer read the paper either. The only news I consume now is from independent outlets on the internet be it wars, coups or covid. The truth was and always will be there, you just need to look for and be open to it.
All of the teachers in my (high school) department bought into it. Department head kept her son in the cellar, leaving trays of food on the top stair, because he had 'tested positive'.
My brother and sister-in-law made their 8 year old son open presents on the staircase on Christmas morning because he had “covid.” Not locked in a basement but maybe equally cruel and unusual?
Oh, so much more so! The parents admitting their fear of the very child they had engendered? I have chills as I type, thinking of this. Tell me please, if you will: was this child put into daycare? At what age? ( I am working on a hypothesis which I first thought about 51 years ago. )
I'm very interested in your hypothesis. I have one also. Mine is based on the dramatic change in my neighborhood from 1980, when all the moms of young children stayed home with their kids, and 1985, when all the moms were back to work and the kids disappeared.
Yes. I'm sure that one of the punishments of Hell is a television you cannot mute, blaring CNN and daytime TV fare for all eternity, together with the idiotic commercials and happy-clappy blonde bimbos droning happily along about "How to Keep Your Family SAFE."
Mark, this was as concise of an observation of the last 42 months as I have seen anywhere. I wish so much all your points were wrong or fabricated. Sadly, they are not. I have began to live life differently now, I refuse to comply to the demands of the authorities and the ruling class, and I don't resist either. I just go about my life as much as is possible ignoring their demands. Kind of just hiding in plain sight praying for the day I can raise my head again. I'm convinced this madness must run its course. Cities must fail, collapse, people must suffer for the act of putting these criminals in power. The left carries on and goes after Trump without ever admittedly its they who allowed him to rise to power by presenting us with another Clinton in 2016. They are more to blame for Trump than anyone. I'm a firm believer that we need to hit rock bottom before things get better. I'm starting to think rock bottom means 4 more years of this insanity. Too many in this country need to learn the hard way that elections matter.
At a birthday celebration dinner the other night we talked about what career we would have chosen if we hadn't been able to participate in the one we spent years honing- one lady said she would have been a journalist. My husband compared today's "journalists" with ambulance - chasing lawyers and he would be proud if his offspring would have chosen THAT career over creating fake news/fear/drama. She was aghast- BUT she tunes into ABC daily, so there's that....SMH. I remember turning off Pandora for good as I re-finished furniture out in my garage in 2020, Knew those ads were planned, fake, and messing with my common sense. I have trusted my gut ever since- and guess what? :-)
I’ve noticed a softening general by liberals I know. They would never admit they were wrong about anything. They just avoid the subjects. I never hear them say anything about antivax people, Ukraine, BLM, etc. I haven’t even heard them reacting with glee about Trump’s legal troubles. Maybe I am reading too much into things, but it feels like a lot of folks are thinking, “Ohhhhh shit” and bracing for what is next.
I love your relentlessness, Mark. I continue to speak out although it’s cost me my relationship and, like others, has left me incredulous and apathetic towards the zombies.
My father, 86, got cancer and 2 blood clots post jabs and won’t even consider a correlation. SMH
When I see a mask wearer, I smile and shake my head in disgust. I almost feel sorry for them... almost.
The only thing that keeps me sane is the hope of finding a significant other who shares the same views. I can only imagine the relief that will bring me as my whole world is filled with highly educated idiots.
Yes, my mom vaxxed and had a series of strokes in the weeks thereafter. But she was a rule follower and wouldn't have listened to my warning not to inject.
They have not changed at all. And too bad for them, because they also refuse to look into possible treatments and countermeasures. It is too soon to tell if these possible treatments won't work, but they are self-selecting themselves into the damaged placebo group. The brainwashing runs very deep, and they continually misunderstand where I'm coming from (as always, trying to pass on information that might be helpful to them.......).
They can't hear any of it.
And very strangely, they are not at all curious about my robust health and lack of catching any types of respiratory illnesses over the past four years. They don't WANT to know.
It's a self-protective, self-deception that continues to lead them in only one direction: off the cliff.
Take this lightheartedly I beg you; don't read anything into it. --
What is the difference between a "possible treatment" and a "countermeasure"? It's not a trick question, honest. Is a "countermeasure" taken once some damage (infection, symptoms/illness) has occurred? Or is a "countermeasure" actually some preventive measure, like say, nasal rinses with a povidone-iodine solution? --
You couldn't get my point from the questions. My apologies, I had no intention to mislead. I'm getting around to it now: the language "countermeasure" is military speak. It's never been medical speak. (Retired from adjunct medical-dental.) "Countermeasure" didn't enter popular usage until this plandemic thing, a now-known military operation. (For reference see Sasha Latypova's work.) I don't know who started using it first. Probably someone televised (I don't have a TV), someone from the wrong side of this operation, a useful idiot perpetraitor vs. a medical professional (yes, there were/are still many useful idiot perpetraitors there, too). Zero to 60 in no time flat. Yes, even some medicos started using it. Just my opinion, but I'm thinking we need to drop it from medical speak. --
You can tell me what to do with my opinion, I'm fine with that. --
Language use for your consideration. THEY (The Hierarchy Exploiting You) are manipulating our minds with this one, too. Laughing at us once again is my guess. 🤷♀️
fair question. I have neither a medical nor a military background, but I read a lot. My intention in using the two (without looking them up first for the dictionary definitions) was that a "possible treatment" would be for a manifested condition (in this case, an adverse effect of the bioweapon -- something like ivermectin and NAC and other things found to show promise with apparently low risk) and a "countermeasure" would start with awareness that we are dealing with a bioweapon attack/acts of war, so act accordingly (which could include preventive maneuvers or actions such as prophylactic supplements, behaviors, mental attitudes, avoidance of likely danger/no more shots or swabs, non-compliance, sabotage and sharing this info widely and carefully, to increase awareness in the general population)
In which case, since war is central to the picture, "countermeasures" would be appropriate terminology. My frame was strictly medical. Your frame is broader. My lesson, just for me: make the distinction, medical concerns or attack-on-us concerns. And the muddy mess where they intersect. Yeah, the muddy mess. Like slogging through the desert after a big rain. That metaphor works for about where I am. ...I can think of a few men I'd like to burn. Women, too...
Mark, i accidentally discovered a sub culture that seems unchanged by the ridiculous covid era—-surfers! i went to a major surfing contest a few weeks ago and surfers seem now just as they were 30+ years ago—lanky and all shades of brown, cool without trying to be, taking delight in the ocean and sun, and being consumed by all things waves and weather. The large group i observed were giddy in their greetings to one another, using updated surfer slang that surely will be heard soon in mainstream reporting—-surf lingo is always copied! Anyway, it was refreshing to see that this quite wonderful sport/culture has retained much of the free spiritedness that continues to draw many to it.
I so very much agree with your point regarding loss of respect for other humans regarding their frightened and mindless submission to tyranny. I've read that Elon Musk feels the same way, that he has lost respect for the human species.
I used to socialize with a few lawyers in my small town, mostly democrats, but most of them took the shot and now avoid social interaction. More disgustingly, several have bought completely into the official Jan 6 narrative, completely abandoning the presumption of innocence. A real bummer.
What has become deeply troubling to me is my own sense of emotional ‘flattening’ following the years of being ostracized; the years of realizing I live amidst People of The Hive. Always an introvert, I nonetheless enjoyed a pleasant social life prior to the scam. Now, I am alone 90% of the time. I find I have far less compassion for people in general, and more anger at both what has been done TO us and what we so freely allowed to happen. I was at Publix yesterday and saw the manager opening a box of blue masks. I said, ‘You’re not doing that again? They don’t work.’ You wouldn’t believe how she bristled! Right now I’m sidelined with serious injury/pain. Grateful for my paid-for middle-class home where I can ride out whatever fifth circle of hell is coming next. Substacks like yours help me hold on to sanity.
Hang in, Theresa. We've all cut loose relationships over this. You find out about people.
Strive to make new friends. I wear my t-shirt to find kindred spirits.
Yes--t-shirts are powerful in that way. Just had another such experience yesterday. What is it that they used to say? Clothes are the measure of the man?
pure blood 100%
unmasked unvaxxed unafraid
"Emotional flattening" - this sounds like how I feel but haven't been able to succinctly articulate; thanks.
It's a trauma response and it is exacerbated by lack of physical contact.
Funny how masks themselves act to emotionally flatten because of removing one of the primary paths for nonverbal communication.
I think many of us feel this way. So much of the world has lost its luster. And people have been so disappointing. I had to leave my home, friends, state, and my now ex-partner because he couldn't accept my position on any of it (lockdowns, jabs, etc.). Sadly, I couldn't afford to stay in my state and have relocated to another. Don't know anyone and am not really interested in finding people. Luckily, I, like you it sounds, have always enjoyed my own company.
We are not alone. Just not in the same place. We will remain sane.
We just wanted to live normally and people hated us or that.
If you wish, please e-mail or call me. forecheck32 at g mail.
Teresa, your reference to Publix makes me think you could be in Florida? I am, but have not seen that happening in the Publix where we shop.
I hear you re "emotional flattening" and that sense of having less compassion for people. I tend to "go soft" for young people that got so effed over these last three years. They break my heart, so when I engage with them when out to eat or at the store, I feel a ton of compassion for them. (I struggle often enough to push down the anger I feel at cowardly "adults" who would countenance such abuse of the young -- for their alleged benefit.)
South Carolina, but an area infested with Yankees. (Apologies, Mark.) I rarely meet young people but I do grieve for my grandsons’ future. Their parents have NOT COMPLIED and they are homeschooled so they’ve been spared a great deal. Nonetheless, it’s a dreadful miasma with tendrils everywhere.
I worry about mine as well. They have all been shot and boosted and have had the virus multiple times, as has their father. No one listened to my warnings. Instead they kept me away for a year because they thought I was unclean. Things are better now, but they have the virus again. What a merry-go-round!!
You were right the whole time, Claire.
Thanks for sticking to your principles and using your smarts.
No need to apologize, Teresa.
I like Southerners. They're friendlier than people up here.
No need to apologize re Yankees. I'm one, and I know what you mean.
That is good news about your parents and grandsons, but your point about their future is well-taken. Humanity has a "mess" on its hands.
"What has become deeply troubling to me is my own sense of emotional ‘flattening’ following the years of being ostracized"
Hello :)
(act of rebellion)
(and how we win this)
Hi Teresa .. a warrior calls with C. James at 8 p.m. Thrusdays .... David Carrico and Jon Pounders Midnight Ride and Now you see tv. Just a place to chat. Be Blessed.
Where does one find this?
Hi Mark ...answer: A Warrior Call is a web site Christopher James runs it. once you go to his home page you can register for his thursday at 8:pm eastern time live chat. Just follow the instructions to register. He will send you a link to your email. Jon Pounders and David Carrico site Amidnightride and Nowyouseetv sites are for deep ancient documents on the world REAL history but it is Christian in spirit as our history is a lie. Be Blessed. patricia52bowman@gmail.com
All your observations are true from my experience. Things are getting worse, as they're meant to. The left, with help from some of the "R"s, have been trying to destroy our society and more generally Western societies, for generations and replace the Judeo-Christian values with socialist ones. Largely they've succeeded. Get to know your neighbors, arm yourselves, lay in provisions, vote against all RINOs, then all Democrats, help those you can, but put your families first, pray for guidance and thanks for the blessings you have, everyday.
Thanks for your leadership in your writings and the thoughts you share.
Danny Huckabee
All good. Except I don't trust my neighbors. They were all in on the Mania.
And no one I know has apologized or even acknowledged their complicity.
They still think they’re right! The MSM tells them that and the bureaucrats agree.
And they never will.
I've had a few people admit they were wrong, that we got it right.
Have friends and family with memory loss, lack of motor function, severe brain damage, heart issues, pacemakers, anger issues, nerve damage and some died post-jab.
Some have owned it, others may still yet, but we have to keep moving forward regardless and try to enjoy life too.
Which is why my standard reply is...No Amnesty!
I asked a German friend about post-WW2 Germany and she said it feels similar in many ways. They great shameful thing that no one can admit or talk about. The holocaust still is something of a taboo topic I think. I fear Coronamania will also be the same for us.
I wonder, will there be any kind of reckoning here?
Also I am afraid to find out what 'side' they are on. If I bring that up they will not agree to collect my mail when I am out of town.
How terrible that is. We are a mess of a country.
Getting together with a few friends this weekend for an annual event. Got a group text from one last night saying he can't make it because he has covid. I'm thinking: "So what?" (personally, I'm not 100% convinced this entire thing hasn't just been a rebranding of every cold/flu/respiratory virus under one covid umbrella). Sigh....
He's probably "vaxxed."
I would tell him to wear his mask b/c it'll "stop the spread."
I like to tell masked people that masks don't work unless they wear three of them.
A food storage bag over the head works very well, I hear--it fits snugly, especially every time you inhale. Which of course, you won't be doing for very long.
I used that one on some grocery store staff once as they were insisting I wear a mask and all I got were vacant stares. I think they were actually considering it 😂
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Thank you for making me laugh out loud so hard I have tears streaming down my face!❤️❤️❤️🙏🙏🙏
I'm stealing that.
One might also tell the vaxxed that vaxing does not work unless you get at least 20 of them. Might get a kickback from pharma, or is that giving medical advice without a license?
He is definitely jabbed. Reminds me of when we got together last year and one of the other guys casually asked me how many jabs I had gotten (can't remember how/why the topic came up) - he didn't quite know how to process my answer of "none". Thankfully he didn't jump back or otherwise distance from me after that; just seemed genuinely surprised to meet a living unjabbed person.
I've also had people look surprised when I tell them I didn't inject.
But I was reciprocally surprised/disgusted that so many people bought in. Vaxxmania was the clearest sign ever that people are extremely gullible and irrationally fearful.
Yes, I know many were "forced." But so was I, and I said "Find someone who can do this job as well as I can."
Same here. I was also mandated to be jabbed but requested a religious exemption (never approved or disapproved). I expected I'd be forced into early retirement but just rode out the madness.
Sounds like my situation. I waited until about 2 weeks before my company's mandate deadline and told my supervisor that I wasn't jabbed and wasn't GOING to be jabbed. About an hour later, she called me and I was "highly encouraged" to apply for a religious exemption, which was ultimately approved. About 2 weeks after that, the Federal mandate was dropped and so was my company's mandate. I was expecting to be fired, but thankfully it didn't come to that. I don't know the numbers of people who received the religious exemption, but I heard through the grape vine a good number of employees weren't jabbed (20%-30%).
I know several here in Texas who - if they had just held out for a WEEK or two (!) they could have saved themselves. But they did not. I am so glad that you did. I was not under similar distress - I have to say I am not sure how I would have reacted. F the lying government.
Sure sounds as though 'highly encouraged' means they knew quite well that you were too valuable to lose.
I also can't believe that people who clearly know "they" are bent on culling the herd with this fuxxine still trust these b-tards with other ones? THEY JUMPED THE SHARK finally, I thought; but folks still trust that 'oh, the others are okay, though. 🤪🙄
I am soooo stealing ‘fuxxine!’
I saw the handwriting on the wall in late '20, had socked away enough to get out, and did so.
No mask
No jab
No illness
I’m glad I live in a rural area that didn’t fall for the scam. My sister is in Boston and she fell hard.
My mom lives with me and for a very long time my sister badgered me to get her the clot shot. Once when she called and was on the phone with Mom, I could hear her going on and on and on about Covid.
Mom said, “That’s too bad. I don’t guess we’re having a pandemic around here.” I could hear my sister explode from across the room. 😝
My husband repeatedly told my sister-in-law not to vaxx their mother. She said she wouldn’t then did behind our back lying about it until a couple days before my m-in-l died due to sepsis from a “dead bowel.” Three months after her second shot.
Ugh, I'm so sorry.
Thank you…
You said it well. They are all still brainwashed. Even the few I know who have admitted to being injured by their second or third shot, say the new thing, "COVID is over." While they swear they will never get another shot, I have no trouble betting that they will don the mask or shove the swab way up there, if society promotes this.
One friend told me a couple days ago, "well, it was political. That's why (he couldn't hear my admonishments to avoid the shots at all costs)." And so, that's HIS reason. My friends are all democrats, and this is because of where I live and how I grew up, surrounded. I have liberal leanings myself. I admit, this puzzle of trying to break through and save my loved ones is a very tough puzzle to solve, and/but I'm fascinated by it. I have decades invested in these relationships, but I never once considered taking a bioweapon injection.
you know, I don't even want to hit the reset button anymore and go back to the way things were before. Too much has happened: I've learned a lot about the false framework we all lived under, and I can't unlearn that. I've learned a lot about the characters of the people I've known and loved for years. I may still love them, but I look at them differently, now.
What I wish for is a universal common framework based on truth, and that alone will bring us together. But these continued lies and cowardly fantasyland pretending are only dividing us further.
I don't love those people anymore. I see that they are--and have always been--believers in pop culure lies.
I'm finding new people to love.
My wife is going to DC this weekend to see two of our kids. I'd say "Let's meet, Dani." But I'm going to CT for work.
I tell people that nothing mattered that happened pre-2020, since we were living a lie while the cabal was cooking this up. This is now reality & we're in constant war, so seek out new friends and fellow soldiers. I got involved in recalling Newsom here in SF CA & made a bunch of new friends & now am working w/the RFK Jr. campaign. On to the battle!
Reality and we're in constant war--I really feel this one.
I have just lost all respect for those people. I can't find anything to love about their behavior. I can't unsee their smug superiority and strong conviction that I was the problem.
I crave the ability to meet, in this physical, world, a number of the people with whom I 'correspond' on Substack. Only discovered you 30 min ago.
yeah, I guess I have changed my definition of "love," haha.
It will never be the same that it was, and that is as it should be -- as Doug Young says, we were living a lie.
I'll drop you an email, Mark, and hope to see you the next time you come this way! Wait until it cools off -- we are having a horrible heat wave.
I'm not telling you who to love, or not, Dani. If you love these people maybe you're a better person than I am.
I'm only stating my own perspective.
We live in a small west Texas town. Our daughter went to college in NY and is now an NYC full bore yankee.
She mostly hates us. She got all the jabs - regardless of what we said.
WHY is that??? We cannot make sense of this. How is the propaganda so very strong in NYC???
Many NY'ers and NJ'ans are med lovers and gov't control fans. The vaxx is sacrament to them.
You’re friends aren’t democrats, they’re communist, no matter what they call themselves. My parents were lifelong democrats, as were all of my grandparents. That party and their people, don’t even closely resemble what I knew of my family. Amazingly, my youngest sister was the first registered Republican I knew. Myself and my older sister were always registered as IND. I changed my party affiliation after Michael Brown. Something in me changed and I knew what I was watching on CNN wasn’t real.
My younger sister who was a wife, mother, sister, daughter and a registered nurse, passed away March 2nd 2023, died in her sleep. You already know her vax status, murdered by Pfizer and her own government. https://www.brownfuneralhomeswv.com/memorials/heather-pleasants/5151595/
Traveling to her funeral (which I attended) I became ill with dysentery and was hospitalized for a week. Yes, in a first world country, with all my showering and hand washing I got a 3rd world disease. Makes me wonder what’s really going on in this country and it’s all just an illusion.
Very sorry about your sister.
Yes, I think we all, to one degree or another, lived among so very many illusions.
I am so sorry for your loss of your sister, Andrea.
You are absolutely correct about communists in democrats' clothing.
And that's crazy about the dysentery!
I'm so sorry about your sister.
Dani, what you wrote is my experience, too. I could have written the same comment. 100%. It has been a terrible time, but I wouldn’t undo all that I’ve learned. It is harder and lonelier, but it’s better by far.
Another superb piece.
Do you remember the story about Dellridge Health and Rehabilitation Center in Paramus, New Jersey which was reported as the care home in the US with the most "Covid deaths."
All the news outlets were reporting that this care home had a staggering 753 deaths. This seemed a bit off to me as even in the CNN story they listed the care home as having a 90 bed capacity. How in the world did they have so many deaths when they had so few residents?
So I called them directly and spoke to their marketing director over the phone and she asserted they had only 20 "Covid deaths."
Same story at Southern Pointe Living Center in Colbert, Oklahoma which was listed as having 339 residents die of COVID-19 despite only having a 95 bed capacity.
I called them too and spoke directly with the manager of the home, Heather Martin. She told me they did not have a single "case" of "Covid" let alone a death.
They were both well aware of the media reports and Heather Martin was openly upset about these fabrications. She told me they had to file reports every day and did not know where the media was coming up with these figures.
BTW are you putting together a book with your collection of essays? You have been one of the most poignant observers and writers in these last three years.
On edit: Those reports were in June of 2020.
Yes, Mark, you need to put these essays together into some sort of book. It’s the type of book I would want people 20 years from now to run across. I would want these people to see that not everyone went berserk during this strange period of time.
Growing up in Cleveland, OH there were two major newspapers, The Press and The Plain Dealer. My parent’s subscribed to The Press.
When I was around 19 years old The Press folded. Even my self-absorbed teenage self felt it was wrong for Cleveland to be a one-newspaper town.
In the ensuing years every small Newspaper, The Sun and Scene Magazine got absorbed by the Plain Dealer empire. I could see the articles in all of them becoming tepid, slanted and biased.
On my own in the 1980s I stopped subscribing to Newspapers. My skilled TV News watching in-laws (and others) just shake their heads like I’m some kind of out of the loop idiot.
One of my favorite anecdotal scenes in Steve Martin’s “Roxanne” is when strolling along the sidewalk he casually drops a quarter in the Newspaper machine and immediately upon reading begins screaming in a panic, then PAYS with another quarter to open the machine and put the paper back. Now much calmer, he continues his merry stroll.
Lots of truth and wisdom in that scene.
We have had no television since our kids were born (1991) but years ago our routine was to turn on the radio (CBC) first thing each morning. The radio fell silent 42 months ago and remains as such today. I also used to read The Globe and Mail daily. Beginning in March 2020 and for a full year I read the opinion pieces, editorials and letters to the editor each day. I thought, in a country of 30+ million and with the virus being ‘novel’ and all mitigation measures being without precedent, one would think there would be a variety of opinions/views being published. In that whole first year there was not a single article or letter that strayed from the narrative. No dissent, I thought, is simply not possible among so many people. Needless to say I no longer read the paper either. The only news I consume now is from independent outlets on the internet be it wars, coups or covid. The truth was and always will be there, you just need to look for and be open to it.
"No dissent, I thought, is simply not possible among so many people."
I thought the same thing.
But they did con a whole lot of people. In the first week, I surveyed the people I knew. Nearly everyone did buy the Scam. I got very discouraged.
All of the teachers in my (high school) department bought into it. Department head kept her son in the cellar, leaving trays of food on the top stair, because he had 'tested positive'.
My brother and sister-in-law made their 8 year old son open presents on the staircase on Christmas morning because he had “covid.” Not locked in a basement but maybe equally cruel and unusual?
Oh, so much more so! The parents admitting their fear of the very child they had engendered? I have chills as I type, thinking of this. Tell me please, if you will: was this child put into daycare? At what age? ( I am working on a hypothesis which I first thought about 51 years ago. )
If you have chills, it might be "The Covid."
You are directed to quarantine for two weeks!
I'm very interested in your hypothesis. I have one also. Mine is based on the dramatic change in my neighborhood from 1980, when all the moms of young children stayed home with their kids, and 1985, when all the moms were back to work and the kids disappeared.
Momo. This is interesting. Please further explain.
No, no daycare, but a part time nanny coming to the house was part of the equation.
Thank you so much for responding to my question.
I can think of no worse torture than to be faced with the only option of communication being the TV or social media news.
Yes. I'm sure that one of the punishments of Hell is a television you cannot mute, blaring CNN and daytime TV fare for all eternity, together with the idiotic commercials and happy-clappy blonde bimbos droning happily along about "How to Keep Your Family SAFE."
Mark, this was as concise of an observation of the last 42 months as I have seen anywhere. I wish so much all your points were wrong or fabricated. Sadly, they are not. I have began to live life differently now, I refuse to comply to the demands of the authorities and the ruling class, and I don't resist either. I just go about my life as much as is possible ignoring their demands. Kind of just hiding in plain sight praying for the day I can raise my head again. I'm convinced this madness must run its course. Cities must fail, collapse, people must suffer for the act of putting these criminals in power. The left carries on and goes after Trump without ever admittedly its they who allowed him to rise to power by presenting us with another Clinton in 2016. They are more to blame for Trump than anyone. I'm a firm believer that we need to hit rock bottom before things get better. I'm starting to think rock bottom means 4 more years of this insanity. Too many in this country need to learn the hard way that elections matter.
refusal to comply IS resisting. Kind of like ghosting IS breaking up with someone.
At a birthday celebration dinner the other night we talked about what career we would have chosen if we hadn't been able to participate in the one we spent years honing- one lady said she would have been a journalist. My husband compared today's "journalists" with ambulance - chasing lawyers and he would be proud if his offspring would have chosen THAT career over creating fake news/fear/drama. She was aghast- BUT she tunes into ABC daily, so there's that....SMH. I remember turning off Pandora for good as I re-finished furniture out in my garage in 2020, Knew those ads were planned, fake, and messing with my common sense. I have trusted my gut ever since- and guess what? :-)
I’ve noticed a softening general by liberals I know. They would never admit they were wrong about anything. They just avoid the subjects. I never hear them say anything about antivax people, Ukraine, BLM, etc. I haven’t even heard them reacting with glee about Trump’s legal troubles. Maybe I am reading too much into things, but it feels like a lot of folks are thinking, “Ohhhhh shit” and bracing for what is next.
There's def a silence on these topics. I won't allow it.
When I bring up Coronamania, people say "Covid is over."
I tell them they only say that b/c they supported the stupidity. I wrote about this about two months ago.
I love your relentlessness, Mark. I continue to speak out although it’s cost me my relationship and, like others, has left me incredulous and apathetic towards the zombies.
My father, 86, got cancer and 2 blood clots post jabs and won’t even consider a correlation. SMH
When I see a mask wearer, I smile and shake my head in disgust. I almost feel sorry for them... almost.
The only thing that keeps me sane is the hope of finding a significant other who shares the same views. I can only imagine the relief that will bring me as my whole world is filled with highly educated idiots.
Yes, my mom vaxxed and had a series of strokes in the weeks thereafter. But she was a rule follower and wouldn't have listened to my warning not to inject.
Previously, I would’ve considered myself to be a rule follower. I guess I am not.
Yes Ino, and the majority of maskers are young healthy adults! Unbelievable!
an UNvaccinated significant other.
Of course!
They have not changed at all. And too bad for them, because they also refuse to look into possible treatments and countermeasures. It is too soon to tell if these possible treatments won't work, but they are self-selecting themselves into the damaged placebo group. The brainwashing runs very deep, and they continually misunderstand where I'm coming from (as always, trying to pass on information that might be helpful to them.......).
They can't hear any of it.
And very strangely, they are not at all curious about my robust health and lack of catching any types of respiratory illnesses over the past four years. They don't WANT to know.
It's a self-protective, self-deception that continues to lead them in only one direction: off the cliff.
Take this lightheartedly I beg you; don't read anything into it. --
What is the difference between a "possible treatment" and a "countermeasure"? It's not a trick question, honest. Is a "countermeasure" taken once some damage (infection, symptoms/illness) has occurred? Or is a "countermeasure" actually some preventive measure, like say, nasal rinses with a povidone-iodine solution? --
You couldn't get my point from the questions. My apologies, I had no intention to mislead. I'm getting around to it now: the language "countermeasure" is military speak. It's never been medical speak. (Retired from adjunct medical-dental.) "Countermeasure" didn't enter popular usage until this plandemic thing, a now-known military operation. (For reference see Sasha Latypova's work.) I don't know who started using it first. Probably someone televised (I don't have a TV), someone from the wrong side of this operation, a useful idiot perpetraitor vs. a medical professional (yes, there were/are still many useful idiot perpetraitors there, too). Zero to 60 in no time flat. Yes, even some medicos started using it. Just my opinion, but I'm thinking we need to drop it from medical speak. --
You can tell me what to do with my opinion, I'm fine with that. --
Language use for your consideration. THEY (The Hierarchy Exploiting You) are manipulating our minds with this one, too. Laughing at us once again is my guess. 🤷♀️
fair question. I have neither a medical nor a military background, but I read a lot. My intention in using the two (without looking them up first for the dictionary definitions) was that a "possible treatment" would be for a manifested condition (in this case, an adverse effect of the bioweapon -- something like ivermectin and NAC and other things found to show promise with apparently low risk) and a "countermeasure" would start with awareness that we are dealing with a bioweapon attack/acts of war, so act accordingly (which could include preventive maneuvers or actions such as prophylactic supplements, behaviors, mental attitudes, avoidance of likely danger/no more shots or swabs, non-compliance, sabotage and sharing this info widely and carefully, to increase awareness in the general population)
In which case, since war is central to the picture, "countermeasures" would be appropriate terminology. My frame was strictly medical. Your frame is broader. My lesson, just for me: make the distinction, medical concerns or attack-on-us concerns. And the muddy mess where they intersect. Yeah, the muddy mess. Like slogging through the desert after a big rain. That metaphor works for about where I am. ...I can think of a few men I'd like to burn. Women, too...
*generally, not general
Spot on, Mark. Thanks
Mark, i accidentally discovered a sub culture that seems unchanged by the ridiculous covid era—-surfers! i went to a major surfing contest a few weeks ago and surfers seem now just as they were 30+ years ago—lanky and all shades of brown, cool without trying to be, taking delight in the ocean and sun, and being consumed by all things waves and weather. The large group i observed were giddy in their greetings to one another, using updated surfer slang that surely will be heard soon in mainstream reporting—-surf lingo is always copied! Anyway, it was refreshing to see that this quite wonderful sport/culture has retained much of the free spiritedness that continues to draw many to it.
Great article. Thank you for your time writing it. Here we go again with the insanity.
Great observations Mark, and well written.
I so very much agree with your point regarding loss of respect for other humans regarding their frightened and mindless submission to tyranny. I've read that Elon Musk feels the same way, that he has lost respect for the human species.
I used to socialize with a few lawyers in my small town, mostly democrats, but most of them took the shot and now avoid social interaction. More disgustingly, several have bought completely into the official Jan 6 narrative, completely abandoning the presumption of innocence. A real bummer.