I’ve been thinking about this vaxx. After waiting all this time, I decided it’s probably time for me to take it.
After all, a 0.1% chance of dying if Coronavirus-infected keeps me awake at night. I don’t trust my immune system. So what if natural immunity has enabled 7.8 billion people to survive on this planet despite being surrounded 24/7 by trillions of bacteria and viruses?
Plus, my vaxx — like my mask — protects others. Right? I heard that on one of the relentless ads, like the folksy one with the twangy voiced guy speaking over that fingerpicked guitar campfire-y track. I’ll ignore recent studies showing that the vaxxed carry substantial, spreadable viral loads, as well as the many anecdotes about such spread by, for example, vaxxed, wayward Democrat Texas legislators.
I thought your vaxx protected you. But you seem upset, so I’ll do what you want me too, as irrational as it may seem.
Besides, some nice celebrities say the vaxx is safe and effective. l worship celebrities so I’ll blithely disregard recent reports that at least 13,921 Americans and 32, 977 Europeans have died shortly after taking the vaxx, and that ever increasing numbers of the many of the vaxxed are experiencing serious side effects, and later dying with Covid. It doesn’t matter to me that vaxx manufacturers were given immunity from lawsuits alleging that the vaxxes were harmful.
And I’ll disregard that there’s been no ability to study the long-term effects of a nine month old experimental shot. Plus, maybe I can get a few free doughnuts or a beer. And Joe Biden tells me I’ll “pay a big price” if I don’t vaxx.
And they might end up throwing away the vaxxes that 30% of Americans — including tens of thousands of medical workers and half of the CDC/NIH staff — don’t want. I hate to see stuff wasted. Though good, old Uncle Joe has announced a program to “donate” (extra) vaxxes to other countries. I heard he’s already thoughtfully internationally dumped — er, I mean donated — thousands of ventilators. Remember how “essential” Cuomo whined that these were before it was discovered that many people hooked up to them, died? Before he resigned in disgrace, Cuomo did an “award-winning” job with the pandemic, even though his state had the most deaths.
And I want to set a good example for American kids: obey your government and be injected with experimental substances even when they are at .003% risk of dying, lower than the flu.
After all, why wouldn’t I want to cooperate with federal and state governments and bureaucrats like Tony Fauci that have, for political and personal gain, unnecessarily, unintelligently, ineffectively and destructively deprived Americans of a wide range of freedoms and dealt with us in extremely bad faith for the past 18 months? And those in government or business who now want to deprive me of my right to travel and even earn a living if I don’t vaxx.
Further, I’ll ignore data from Israel and Iceland—the nations with the earliest vaxx campaigns—that show that vaxxes “wear off within six months. So as the “miracle” vaxxes wear off in the United States, I’ll get an endless series of “boosters,” too. I’ll smile, congratulate myself for being so “kind,” and think of them as “bonus shots.”
Most of all, I want to help to foster the false narrative that Big Pharma saved America, and to prevent people from noticing that death rates were dropping— cyclically and reflecting the development of widespread natural immunity from exposure to the virus—when only 1% of Americans were vaxxed. And to provide optical cover for the politically opportunistic lockdowns/mask-ups.
Friend, I’m really hoping that Christmas meetup works out. 🙏 My husband is mostly on the same page as me/you. He’s definitely pro-freedom and anti-mandate, but he’s also a firm believer in the vaccine and he doesn’t despise masks like I do. He’s a lawyer too and most of the people he interacts with in his area of law are doctors and loyal followers of “The Science.” Would love to have you guys chat. :)