I am old enough to have had all the childhood illnesses without vaccination and I survived them all. So did all the children in my family, my school, my neighborhood, and my church. Autism was unknown then. Now the rate of autism increases right along with the number of vaccines pushed on children. There was a study done in the last few years that compared the health of vaccinated children in pediatric practices with the health of the unvaccinated children. The vaccinated children had far more allergies and chronic illnesses, and therefore far more pediatrician visits. What I cannot comprehend is the arrogance and hubris involved in believing that the human body is born so flawed that it cannot survive without these injections. How can they not see that we have been harming, not helping?
It was kerazy how all the allergies started. I well remember it. When I was a kid I'd never heard of food allergies among anyone I knew. The one that I had heard of was one my grandma mentioned-- that someone she'd invited to dinner (this in the 1930s) had a cucumber allergy— and I always remembered the story because it was so weird.
I too am 70. When I was 25 and pregnant with my first child, I had a rubella titer drawn to make sure I had the disease as a child. The titer was positive and I likely had rubella 20 years prior. Don't talk to me about how the vaccines produced superior immunity. You will get an earful.
I'm 70 and went to school with one child who had a peanut allergy, several children who were lactose intolerant, and the elderly couple across the street took care of their adult son who was autistic. I also went to school with several children who wore leg braces because of polio.
As for what changed, well, people eat a lot more crap than they used to while living in urban environments where they are exposed to multiple pollutants on a daily basis, not to mention the constant stress goes with urban living. People also tend to start having children when they are older, which can contribute to poorer health (and increased rates of autism) among their offspring. That said, I do think it's likely that young children are receiving too many vaccines.
Yes, but it is my understanding that vaccine-derived polio cases are rare, do not cause paralysis, and tend to only become a problem in areas with poor hygiene and low vaccination coverage, the latter because it allows the vaccine-derived virus to circulate and therefore mutate. Also, one of the earlier polio vaccines was found to contain live, infectious viruses, possibly because of shoddy manufacturing practices.
Of course, we should always take such claims with large grains of salt since those who have a stake in these claims can engage in misleading practices. I found that this is true of government, industrial and activist interests. One should also consider the possibility that some interests are now deliberately releasing faulty vaccines because they want to reduce the size of the human population.
exactly, Momo. That is always the point I make to people: why would I ever want to mess with my God-given immune system? We are already created as self-healing beings. And we have herbal medicine which is the way we are designed to heal and be vibrantly healthy. We've gotten so far away from that..... older people lived through a time with fewer vaccines so we shake our heads in bewilderment that people have been so brainwashed. But many of the brainwashed youngers look at us as though we are idiots and dangerous, to boot -- not questioning how we have managed to survive so many years, with so few of these "necessary" vaccines.
This pretty much sums it up: Popular affinity for modern medicine is based more on indoctrination and conformity than on informed, thoughtful risk/reward analysis.
What a great observation that extends well beyond vaccines and the medical arena.
I suppose we can't expect anything else from children who have had to submit to these shots from birth. I think that's one reason so many people complied to the 'vid mass vax.
Same here. Born 2 months early and survived all the childhood diseases. Born in Belgium, at the time only pox and polio were obligatory. From one I was so sick I spent the night in hospital (too young at the time to remember). We had one more, a liquid on a sugar cube - I think it might have been for measles but not sure. I know no one who had anything happen after getting any of the childhood diseases. My grandma tended to say, whatever does not kill you makes you stronger, and I fully agree. The large number of antibiotics given to me as a child made me allergic to several when at 14 I got pneumonia. The specialist got me healthy with vitamins and a product that was so good, it was taken off the market 3 years later. No one who had taken it got sick anymore. Reason why they keep giving so many jabs in America is the milking cow! The more shots the more kids get sick and go back to the doc. Money money !
The attacks and discrediting of Paul Thomas’ excellent vax-unvaxxed study of his own patients is telling. Much like the attacks on anyone who dared question the C shots.
The other modern pandemic that was missing entirely 1940 to 1975 or so was Type 1 diabetes. My "study group" is my entire school system which had approximately 12,000 students (3,000 in the HS, 3,000 in two middle schools and about 6,000 in 8 elementary schools).
During the 12 years that I stayed in and went through that district, I never heard of a single case of Type 1 diabetes. Not a single one. Today, as with autism, I suspect that the current background rate for the immune disorder is in the 1 in 40 to 1 in 30 range.
That is very interesting Quality. Oddly enough, the only young person I knew who died when I was in high school was a 17 year old girl, who died of Type 1 diabetes. I also had one girl friend who was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes when we were in high school. She had the worst diet possible, all sugary snacks from the vending machines, never a good lunch. This was in the very early '70s.
Yes, it's a mystery. But in my school days, 1960-1972, no autism, no allergies, no type 1 (or type 2) diabetes, no Crohns, no gluten intolerance, no obesity, no SIDS, no athletes collapsing from myo.
Of course if the background rate was 1 in 10,000 or 1 in 1,000, I could have missed hearing/knowing about it.
What was there? Down Syndrome, probably in the same rate as today. Everyone got chicken pox, measles, mumps . . . Two kids (not in my grade) committed suicide.
I believe that study was a project of the Children's Health Defense, which is hardly an unbiased organization. As such, I would wait to see if the results can be reproduced by researchers that have no biases (assuming such researchers exists) in regards to childhood vaccines before placing too much importants on the conclusion. Always consider the biases of those involved when considering the outcomes of any study, including those that may support our own positions on a subject.
That said, it should be up to parents to decide which, if any, vaccines their children should receive.
A neighbour recently had a bout of very nasty shingles and complained loudly about how ill she’d been and was continuing to feel, despite having had the magic injection. I casually mentioned that I hadn’t taken up the offer to have the jab. “Oh you really should” was her response. When I observed that it hadn’t done her much good she gave the obvious response “Oh but I’d have been much worse without it”. I bit my tongue and refrained from asking just how much worse she could have been.
As the Aztecs' priests insisted that if they didn't perfom the sacrificial rituals the sun wouldn't rise in the east.
I like your rabbit foot retort. Me, I snap my fingers and whisper abracadabra into my sleeve, that works for all sorts of things, including not winning the Illinois State lottery. You know, actually, winning a state lottery can be a real mindfadoodle. Imagine what a terrible thing I would have had to deal with, managing and deciding what to do with I dunno how many million dollars.
Sacasm aside, I get it, "it would have been much worse without the jabs" is a feels-good way to not think about something extremely unpleasant. And it works quite well, it seems, given how almost everyone I know who's been jabbed goes around repeating it like a mantra.
a friend had the same thing happen, 2 weeks after the second (very painful according to her) shot, she got shingles. And she connected the dots. The shots don't work! I hope she thought further and wondered if ANY of these shots work. Dissolving Illusions should be read by everyone - as soon as they are old enough to read it! Specially pregnant couples!
The shingles vaccines has a FDA black box warning on it for developing Guillain-Barre Syndrome.
The FDA black box warning is the strongest warning put on a product before it is pulled from the market. Also, it is the strongest warning put on a product to warn of possible illness or injury.
Having had chickenpox as an adult due to being invited over to a house where the kids all had it--their mother assumed that "only children get this disease" and didn't inform me until too late that her kids had it--I've been told that I have a supposedly higher risk for shingles. I briefly considered getting the vaccine until I realized that the "1 in 3 people who get chickenpox get shingles later in life" also means 2 out of 3 won't. Since my case was a mild one, I'm playing the odds and remaining unvaccinated. I don't know about my brother; he had a bad case of chickenpox as an adult, caught from guess where, yup, I was the one who brought it home.
So, as I said upstream, I'm not advocating mandatory vaccination. If you choose not to vaccinate your kids, fine. But that means that it is ON YOU to make sure they don't spread things like chickenpox, mumps, measles, rubella when they are sick. I've heard some people have parties when one of these diseases is present so that all the kids invited will get it and thus "herd immunity". What these people are not considering is that if these kids are exposed and get sick, then anyone coming into those kids' homes or living there will likewise be exposed, and what may be minor for a kid may very well have serious consequences for an adult. I'd say, due to the severity of my brother's illness, he's at greater risk of developing shingles. This was a situation that could have been 100% prevented by use of common sense. But, "Oh! It doesn't matter, only kids get this." So the kids go to a rubella party, all get exposed, all get it, and one of them passes it on to a woman who may not realize she's pregnant . . .
the thing is, no one does actually "understand" the susceptibility to shingles. People like to talk as if they are experts (especially people in white coats) but this has never been completely settled.
But here is an interesting theory I've heard, which is possibly worth considering:
in the olden days, before the chickenpox vaccine, most people did not get shingles until later in life -- like grandparent age, older.....
but then along comes the vaccine, so what does that do? I suppresses the chickenpox in the young people, for a period of time, but then they need boosters, right? Do they ever actually get boosters?
Well... here is the part about shingles. It is theorized that in those olden days, parents and people who spend time around the always-getting-chickenpox children, were continually "boosted" by being exposed to the chicken pox ALL THE TIME. And that is why, once they were older and no longer around kids very much ..... they might be susceptible to shingles (no longer being "boosted" by exposure to chicken pox).
You have surely heard that shingles is on the rise now, and in much younger people -- ever since the advent of the chicken pox vaccine. Is there a connection?
I don't' know if this is covered in the Dissolving Illusions book, as I have not yet read all the way through it.
Chicken pox can be much more severe, the older you catch it. This is an example (an adult who never caught it as a child) where I might say..... consider vaccination to protect yourself against severe illness. Even though I'm otherwise fairly anti vaxx. It is up to each individual to do the research.
I would never blame the parents for their child catching chickenpox and spreading it -- only if that parent did something irresponsible like taking that child on an airplane ride, or going out in public (when the kid is contagious, he/she should stay home until well - -that is how we always used to do it!) The parent who invited you over without letting you know -- that was irresponsible.
I got shingles just after I stopped breastfeeding my twins when they were eleven months old. Not bad and managed with antivirals and vitamin B complex supplements. My mother had it slightly when she was about 70 and moving house after the death of my father. Neither of us are jabbed against chicken pox. I've always understood the herpes virus lies dormant after a case of chicken pox and if you are stressed or very tired it has a go. Would seem to be the case for us.
One of the things that I hope RFK does is remove the financial incentives for doctors to recommend these injections. I recently went to my doctor and had to sign a form declining the flu shot. The recommendation of the shot seemed to be directed at all patients, and not just those who might theoretically benefit from them.
The system seemed kind of like the payola stores get for putting certain products in a display at the end of the aisle. I think that doctors stopped using their own judgment about what treatments that can best help an individual patient, and substituted official government recommendations or big pharma's directives. I want my doctor to do what is best for me, and not the system.
Sadly, I do not think it was my doctor's idea. It is likely the policy of the clinic that writes her paycheck. She would probably get fired if she doesn't put needles in enough arms. My insurance doesn't allow me to pick any doctor, so I must choose among the big pharma hostages.
Pediatricians aren’t adamant that parents vaccinate because they believe it’s beneficial for the child (although many mistakenly believe this). They are adamant about it because a specific, very high percentage of their patients must be vaxxed in order to get significant bribe money from insurance/pharma.
In the absence of the bribe money, 95% of pediatrician practices would go bankrupt overnight. And our children would be far healthier and happier.
I recently had the flu, and I've never had a flu shot. I got over the flu within a couple days, though one of those days I had to take off work and spend in bed. My COVID-injected friends and family also get the flu, and their recoveries seem to take much longer, yet I also hear such things as "I'm so glad I got a flu shot. It would have been so much worse, otherwise...." This is brainwashing, and yes I'm talking about the flu and not COVID.
Like you, Mark, I never had a COVID injection, and I never had severe illness nor hospitalization. I never took a COVID test, and while I am certainly surrounded by injected/shedding and sick people, somehow I have managed to stay healthy.
I'm old enough that I had the few shots that were on the schedule in the 1960s, I don't know what they were; I was severely ill with pertussis when I was in college, but somehow made it through that, too. I had many childhood illnesses that knocked me out (chickenpox, a few other things).... and recovered and went on to be what I'd consider healthy. I really don't see that, on balance, these vaccines do any good for most people, and there is no reason I can see to ever require, push, or mandate them. Maybe they confer some benefit to people who have "compromised immune systems" (?? but then, I would wonder HOW did they get their immune systems compromised in the first place...... vaccines??).
Also, people don't understand what herd immunity actually is or how the herd is supposed to acquire it. We have been massively misled about that.
My belief is that the flu and colds are the body's attempt to clear out toxins and other things it doesn't need. It an internal process, not a virus you catch. It cracks me up when people say they were lucky to get the flu shot otherwise their flu would have been worse. And they know that how? It's brilliant indoctrination, which is the core of our entire health(less) system of medical nonsense.
I agree with you, except.... well, first I'll say that all of this is theoretical, and no one does actually "know" -- whether it's terrain, germ, conventional, alternative.... I keep an open mind.
So..... I definitely agree that these illnesses (colds, flu, whatever) are our body's detox. Having said that, there is something more to it that leads me to not entirely reject the germ theory or contagiousness..... we do have immune systems, and so that is the terrain part... I think that is paramount; if we have a healthy immune system, biome, etc., then we may "catch" whatever is transmitted, but our body disposes of it so quickly and easily and mildly, that we may never become aware that it passed through us. I think there IS something.
As for contagiousness, "germs" or whatever... I prefer to think of it as akin to a computer virus -- simply information. This ties into herd immunity, as well (which is why I like my theory): think of it this way.... the healthy ones are the "tip of the spear" so to speak, so they should be at the frontlines to "catch" the (illness) -- when they get it, their bodies do battle with it to one degree or another, and in so doing, the thing (ok let's call it a virus) mutates before being passed to the next person. The mutation is less deadly but more contagious. It is as though a new program is overwritten onto the initial virus.... (which is why we should not have shut down the schools or locked down -- the healthy people should have "caught" COVID, if there was such a thing, and I think there was) -- to mutate it several times, knocking down its lethality to a point where the weaker/vulnerable people would either be able to handle it, OR, the "herd" would have eliminated hosts and the virus dies out before it ever gets to the elderly/immune compromised....
so much indoctrination, I agree with you there. I think the best advice is always not to fear, and to take reasonable countermeasures which are individual in nature. some people have genetically strong constitutions, but there is always something each person can do to strengthen their immune system.
I feel bad for the people (so many) who were duped into believing that the immune system God gave them is somehow insufficient. Also, the many innocent children (my own included, sadly) whose well-meaning, loving parents, injected them.
It will take generations to come to terms with this tragedy.
I want to comment on life spans as this is the second time in 2 days that I have read an article that says life spans increased. I don't think that is quite correct as I can go very far back into my family tree and find ancestors who lived into their 80s and 90s and even close to 100. What has increased is life expectancy which is a different measure of statistical aging for populations. More people live longer rather than succumbing to early disease, accident, or even childbirth, but the actual age that can be attained is still relatively unchanged. And I believe that if we looked at quality of life for many of those reaching advanced age we would find that has degraded.
A second comment on childhood vaccines. Years ago, following the flurry of vaccines/boosters given as my son entered school he exhibited Tourette's symptoms. His pediatrician assured me that this wasn't uncommon and usually went away with time. In retrospect following all that I have read in the past few years, I am convinced that it was a vaccine injury. At the time, this never occurred to me.
Great post! Informative and very well written. I hope the best for RFK Jr's appointment and his success in bringing common sense to the profit driven practice of vaccines.
The belief that injecting synthetic chemicals made by habitually criminal companies who profit from perpetual disease somehow produces health is not only ridiculous and unproven— it is a foundational teaching of a dangerous religious cult that western medicine has become.
Lost in the fog of history is the fact that one year before the 1986 Vaccine Act was passed Pharma Cos. were pulling out of the vaxx industry (through the 70's-80's) due to costs of litigation/fines.
Pharmaceutical companies were being inundated with lawsuits for injuries that would soon bankrupt them. For every $1 they made off the DTP vaccine, they were losing $20 to injury lawsuits.
The 1986 law was enacted because there was only one manufacturer left for each of the only three routine vaccines at that time, and the harms they caused created financial liability exceeding their revenue.
If that law had not been passed we would not being having this conversation as the Pharma ghouls would have exited the vaccine business for greener (ca$h) pastures as they have less than zero interest in the health and well-being of anyone and actively operate to harm people knowing full well that is what they are doing.
Even as all vaccines are toxic synthetic chemicals (the idea that such products somehow produce health has been created through mass propaganda not evidence) it is no longer the case that when you receive a single injection you are receiving a single vaccine.
Multivalent vaccines are the norm now so when someone gets 3 shots e.g. they are receiving well beyond 3 antigens. The number varies depending on shots given.
This was done so that Pharma could get all their 90 or so antigens on the schedule from birth to 18 without having to have the kids marched into the pediatricians for each and every one. They spoke about the need for this strategy as they wanted to get more vaccines on the schedule to make more dollars.
This was an intentional tactic done in part to manage the situation where parents did not want to keep bringing their kids in with the increasing number of shots as it is such an unpleasant experience.
Of course there are exactly zero studies ever done that examine the combinative and synergistic impacts of these multivalent witches brew and I'd say that such a study is quite impossible to do.
Of course the Pharma Cartel and their wholly owned media subsidiaries label all of this madness 'safe and effective'.
Superb. You know what is extra awful? Those "well visits" were just vaccine visits. I feel tricked. I wish I knew then what I know now. I didn't know about the extra money doctors receive for meeting vaccine goals; they should disclose that up front.
Henry Ford Health is huge where I live here in the suburbs of Detroit. They now have signs around the offices: "We Vaccinate". The sign reads that you may be denied service if you continue to refuse vaccinations. It's very mean and threatening and I can't believe they have the gall. So I avoid these big places and I now go to these independent "Urgent Care" places you see around town. Of course Henry Ford, although late to the game, now has all these Urgent Cares of their own popping up. I think they've figured out people will pay less and wait less time at these urgent care centers so they want a piece of that action too.
Same story with vet visits. I brought my puppy in, same story, thinking it was always for his well-being, and getting him all the jabs. Now if I had a puppy that was eating and acting normally, bright-eyed, running and jumping normally, generally looked fine, I would keep him far, far, very far away from any vet clinic.
Great post as always! (and I love your Aquinas quote….)
What I have a hard time understanding is how and why it became routine, and acceptable, to inject ANYTHING into the body except on an emergency (NARCAN) or definitively necessary (anaesthetics for surgery,etc) basis.
However you look at it, the body was created (or evolved) with a whole bunch of screening, filtering and defense mechanisms, all of which are entirely bypassed by injected something through the skin, into the muscle and nearby blood vessels.
This is a serious medical procedure.
How the f*** did this ever become “routine”????
Marc Girardot’s book, “The Needle’s Secret” is well worth a look. He hypothesizes that a lot of what we are seeing in terms of chronic disease and vax injuries aren’t so much what is being injected (though the contents do matter, and the more toxic the payload, the worse the result if it goes IV) but how much of it gets into our bloodstream, in what concentration, and how quickly.
I just turned 60 a couple of days ago, and, like everyone else, never met or heard about someone with “autism” when I was a child, allergies were so rare it was a news item if someone was diagnosed with one, and chronic diseases hadn’t even been invented as a category yet.
I vividly remember the old timer GP reach under his desk in his home office for a jug of gasoline and a rag which he used as a liquid antibiotic on the cut on my arm. Even my mother who was all for home remedies, winced a bit a that one.😊 The good old days…..
Excellent point re needle as entry - the body specifically designed with only a couple ways for toxins to enter and if they go directly into the bloodstream via the skin… well not much good has often come from that! Loving all these comments and contributions. GREAT piece Mark. I avoided giving my first born (now 30) any innoculations until he was 4.. found a gp who agreed with my position and admitted he hadn’t given his children the pertussis and never would… I have more stories but it’s super late… first time I learned the word iatrogenic was when pregnant and learning about the presumptive jabs my new born would be expected to take… three strapping young men now with a sprinkle of shots between them and only given separately and when considered necessary (which possibly wasn’t but…).
Gave the two youngest chicken pox via a waiting room at my local doctors where a visiting mother from the uk and her three kids were warning me to keep my toddlers away as they had chicken pox… yay! She obliged me with a garggled cup of water which my two consumed… I kept them out of circulation for 3 weeks!!!! Final day of supposed incubation time and they finally got sick!! Two small boys, snuggled up with mum for a week in winter. Job, tick, done!
This is one of the best summaries of vaccine choices parents can make. I chose to not vaccinate my kids and they are doing the same thing so I can relate to much of the content. Everyone is super healthy. With your permission, I plan to use sections of this summary in discussions i expect to have in the future. I have been aware of the pitfalls of vaccines since the mid 80s and have recently read both Turtles all the way down and Dissolving Illusions. Thanks for yet another great post.
Nuts on all vaccines; instead, take care of immune systems with clean water, clean food, and a safe environment. I am more and more convinced that vaccines are going to be soon viewed as a primitive medical embarrassment.
Growing up—-a long, long time ago—- my parents would tell us “you are not sick, just take a nap or go outside and play and you’ll feel better.” We kids believed them and turned out they were always right. The very few times a fever would prove we were ailing, they’d mix up equal parts lemon, whiskey, and honey, give us a tablespoon or so, and somehow the fever disappeared. I guess it just depends on who you get indoctrinated by, but i sure am glad mine came from healthy and wise parents.
A friends daughter (who is autistic) was telling those who wanted to interact with her baby that they had to have updated TDAP vaccines. This is the insanity we are dealing with... all brought to you by Pfizer! I do hope we are seeing the beginning of the end with vaccines, but it seems futile. People can't even connect the dots with their pets... 😞.
So: about that vax-autism link, they were lying all this time. [insert here GIF of cartoon gnome blinking as stars swirl overhead]
I understand the naiveté, the trusting doctors, the wanting to do the best, most modern thing. It's all so sad what a con it all was. I wouldn't take a vax-- any vax-- now if you held a gun to my head.
Mark Oshinskie: You & your wife were ahead of your time! Great article! I think too many of us have deferred to the "professionals" forgetting the propensity of human nature toward greed.
When I was a kid, you didn't go to a doctor unless you had a specific need, perhaps needing stitches or setting a broken bone.
I fell for too much interference just to get a prescription I probably never needed & have since stepped down & away from the medical industry. No more shots of any kind for me! I was anything but an anti-vaxxer for years, but thank God I didn't take the bioweapon jab. So sorry for so many who did & are no longer here to tell their stories. So much damage done, people injured & ignored. And still the push goes on for jabs. Accountability must come, but perhaps not until the Judgement Day. I had no idea just how corrupt the medical industry & so much else in America had become. I should have known better/sooner. There's a remedy for sin in Jesus Christ. Human nature without God is a losing proposition.
I am old enough to have had all the childhood illnesses without vaccination and I survived them all. So did all the children in my family, my school, my neighborhood, and my church. Autism was unknown then. Now the rate of autism increases right along with the number of vaccines pushed on children. There was a study done in the last few years that compared the health of vaccinated children in pediatric practices with the health of the unvaccinated children. The vaccinated children had far more allergies and chronic illnesses, and therefore far more pediatrician visits. What I cannot comprehend is the arrogance and hubris involved in believing that the human body is born so flawed that it cannot survive without these injections. How can they not see that we have been harming, not helping?
So true.
I'm 70, and in grade school, no one was autistic, peanut allergies were unheard of, and to the best my knowledge, no one was lactose intolerant.
So what changed in the next 60+ years?
Exactly, Indrek. I would also note that no kids were obese. Some kids were chubby, but then they had a growth spurt and the chubbiness disappeared.
It was kerazy how all the allergies started. I well remember it. When I was a kid I'd never heard of food allergies among anyone I knew. The one that I had heard of was one my grandma mentioned-- that someone she'd invited to dinner (this in the 1930s) had a cucumber allergy— and I always remembered the story because it was so weird.
I too am 70. When I was 25 and pregnant with my first child, I had a rubella titer drawn to make sure I had the disease as a child. The titer was positive and I likely had rubella 20 years prior. Don't talk to me about how the vaccines produced superior immunity. You will get an earful.
In the same boat. I knew of only one kid that had asthma. Everyone else was basically fine.
I'm 70 and went to school with one child who had a peanut allergy, several children who were lactose intolerant, and the elderly couple across the street took care of their adult son who was autistic. I also went to school with several children who wore leg braces because of polio.
As for what changed, well, people eat a lot more crap than they used to while living in urban environments where they are exposed to multiple pollutants on a daily basis, not to mention the constant stress goes with urban living. People also tend to start having children when they are older, which can contribute to poorer health (and increased rates of autism) among their offspring. That said, I do think it's likely that young children are receiving too many vaccines.
All relevant I think, but remember that the polio vaccine itself caused at least some of those cases.
Yes, but it is my understanding that vaccine-derived polio cases are rare, do not cause paralysis, and tend to only become a problem in areas with poor hygiene and low vaccination coverage, the latter because it allows the vaccine-derived virus to circulate and therefore mutate. Also, one of the earlier polio vaccines was found to contain live, infectious viruses, possibly because of shoddy manufacturing practices.
Of course, we should always take such claims with large grains of salt since those who have a stake in these claims can engage in misleading practices. I found that this is true of government, industrial and activist interests. One should also consider the possibility that some interests are now deliberately releasing faulty vaccines because they want to reduce the size of the human population.
exactly, Momo. That is always the point I make to people: why would I ever want to mess with my God-given immune system? We are already created as self-healing beings. And we have herbal medicine which is the way we are designed to heal and be vibrantly healthy. We've gotten so far away from that..... older people lived through a time with fewer vaccines so we shake our heads in bewilderment that people have been so brainwashed. But many of the brainwashed youngers look at us as though we are idiots and dangerous, to boot -- not questioning how we have managed to survive so many years, with so few of these "necessary" vaccines.
This pretty much sums it up: Popular affinity for modern medicine is based more on indoctrination and conformity than on informed, thoughtful risk/reward analysis.
What a great observation that extends well beyond vaccines and the medical arena.
So true. The cultural repercussions of this are vast.
I suppose we can't expect anything else from children who have had to submit to these shots from birth. I think that's one reason so many people complied to the 'vid mass vax.
It's almost like we've been "groomed", isn't it??
Same here. Born 2 months early and survived all the childhood diseases. Born in Belgium, at the time only pox and polio were obligatory. From one I was so sick I spent the night in hospital (too young at the time to remember). We had one more, a liquid on a sugar cube - I think it might have been for measles but not sure. I know no one who had anything happen after getting any of the childhood diseases. My grandma tended to say, whatever does not kill you makes you stronger, and I fully agree. The large number of antibiotics given to me as a child made me allergic to several when at 14 I got pneumonia. The specialist got me healthy with vitamins and a product that was so good, it was taken off the market 3 years later. No one who had taken it got sick anymore. Reason why they keep giving so many jabs in America is the milking cow! The more shots the more kids get sick and go back to the doc. Money money !
Hi Ingrid, thank you for this recollection. I think it's important that those of us who were children back then keep these memories alive.
The liquid on the sugar cube would have been the oral polio. I took it as well.
The attacks and discrediting of Paul Thomas’ excellent vax-unvaxxed study of his own patients is telling. Much like the attacks on anyone who dared question the C shots.
The other modern pandemic that was missing entirely 1940 to 1975 or so was Type 1 diabetes. My "study group" is my entire school system which had approximately 12,000 students (3,000 in the HS, 3,000 in two middle schools and about 6,000 in 8 elementary schools).
During the 12 years that I stayed in and went through that district, I never heard of a single case of Type 1 diabetes. Not a single one. Today, as with autism, I suspect that the current background rate for the immune disorder is in the 1 in 40 to 1 in 30 range.
That is very interesting Quality. Oddly enough, the only young person I knew who died when I was in high school was a 17 year old girl, who died of Type 1 diabetes. I also had one girl friend who was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes when we were in high school. She had the worst diet possible, all sugary snacks from the vending machines, never a good lunch. This was in the very early '70s.
Yes, it's a mystery. But in my school days, 1960-1972, no autism, no allergies, no type 1 (or type 2) diabetes, no Crohns, no gluten intolerance, no obesity, no SIDS, no athletes collapsing from myo.
Of course if the background rate was 1 in 10,000 or 1 in 1,000, I could have missed hearing/knowing about it.
What was there? Down Syndrome, probably in the same rate as today. Everyone got chicken pox, measles, mumps . . . Two kids (not in my grade) committed suicide.
That study was done in the pediatric practice of Dr. Paul Thomas, a now retired pediatrician from Portland, Oregon.
Dr. Paul Thomas and James Lyons-Weiler did the study.
I believe that study was a project of the Children's Health Defense, which is hardly an unbiased organization. As such, I would wait to see if the results can be reproduced by researchers that have no biases (assuming such researchers exists) in regards to childhood vaccines before placing too much importants on the conclusion. Always consider the biases of those involved when considering the outcomes of any study, including those that may support our own positions on a subject.
That said, it should be up to parents to decide which, if any, vaccines their children should receive.
A neighbour recently had a bout of very nasty shingles and complained loudly about how ill she’d been and was continuing to feel, despite having had the magic injection. I casually mentioned that I hadn’t taken up the offer to have the jab. “Oh you really should” was her response. When I observed that it hadn’t done her much good she gave the obvious response “Oh but I’d have been much worse without it”. I bit my tongue and refrained from asking just how much worse she could have been.
It's like a religion.
As the Aztecs' priests insisted that if they didn't perfom the sacrificial rituals the sun wouldn't rise in the east.
I like your rabbit foot retort. Me, I snap my fingers and whisper abracadabra into my sleeve, that works for all sorts of things, including not winning the Illinois State lottery. You know, actually, winning a state lottery can be a real mindfadoodle. Imagine what a terrible thing I would have had to deal with, managing and deciding what to do with I dunno how many million dollars.
Sacasm aside, I get it, "it would have been much worse without the jabs" is a feels-good way to not think about something extremely unpleasant. And it works quite well, it seems, given how almost everyone I know who's been jabbed goes around repeating it like a mantra.
Respectfully suggest: It IS a religion.
It’s a cult
a friend had the same thing happen, 2 weeks after the second (very painful according to her) shot, she got shingles. And she connected the dots. The shots don't work! I hope she thought further and wondered if ANY of these shots work. Dissolving Illusions should be read by everyone - as soon as they are old enough to read it! Specially pregnant couples!
The shingles vaccines has a FDA black box warning on it for developing Guillain-Barre Syndrome.
The FDA black box warning is the strongest warning put on a product before it is pulled from the market. Also, it is the strongest warning put on a product to warn of possible illness or injury.
Having had chickenpox as an adult due to being invited over to a house where the kids all had it--their mother assumed that "only children get this disease" and didn't inform me until too late that her kids had it--I've been told that I have a supposedly higher risk for shingles. I briefly considered getting the vaccine until I realized that the "1 in 3 people who get chickenpox get shingles later in life" also means 2 out of 3 won't. Since my case was a mild one, I'm playing the odds and remaining unvaccinated. I don't know about my brother; he had a bad case of chickenpox as an adult, caught from guess where, yup, I was the one who brought it home.
So, as I said upstream, I'm not advocating mandatory vaccination. If you choose not to vaccinate your kids, fine. But that means that it is ON YOU to make sure they don't spread things like chickenpox, mumps, measles, rubella when they are sick. I've heard some people have parties when one of these diseases is present so that all the kids invited will get it and thus "herd immunity". What these people are not considering is that if these kids are exposed and get sick, then anyone coming into those kids' homes or living there will likewise be exposed, and what may be minor for a kid may very well have serious consequences for an adult. I'd say, due to the severity of my brother's illness, he's at greater risk of developing shingles. This was a situation that could have been 100% prevented by use of common sense. But, "Oh! It doesn't matter, only kids get this." So the kids go to a rubella party, all get exposed, all get it, and one of them passes it on to a woman who may not realize she's pregnant . . .
the thing is, no one does actually "understand" the susceptibility to shingles. People like to talk as if they are experts (especially people in white coats) but this has never been completely settled.
But here is an interesting theory I've heard, which is possibly worth considering:
in the olden days, before the chickenpox vaccine, most people did not get shingles until later in life -- like grandparent age, older.....
but then along comes the vaccine, so what does that do? I suppresses the chickenpox in the young people, for a period of time, but then they need boosters, right? Do they ever actually get boosters?
Well... here is the part about shingles. It is theorized that in those olden days, parents and people who spend time around the always-getting-chickenpox children, were continually "boosted" by being exposed to the chicken pox ALL THE TIME. And that is why, once they were older and no longer around kids very much ..... they might be susceptible to shingles (no longer being "boosted" by exposure to chicken pox).
You have surely heard that shingles is on the rise now, and in much younger people -- ever since the advent of the chicken pox vaccine. Is there a connection?
I don't' know if this is covered in the Dissolving Illusions book, as I have not yet read all the way through it.
Chicken pox can be much more severe, the older you catch it. This is an example (an adult who never caught it as a child) where I might say..... consider vaccination to protect yourself against severe illness. Even though I'm otherwise fairly anti vaxx. It is up to each individual to do the research.
I would never blame the parents for their child catching chickenpox and spreading it -- only if that parent did something irresponsible like taking that child on an airplane ride, or going out in public (when the kid is contagious, he/she should stay home until well - -that is how we always used to do it!) The parent who invited you over without letting you know -- that was irresponsible.
I got shingles just after I stopped breastfeeding my twins when they were eleven months old. Not bad and managed with antivirals and vitamin B complex supplements. My mother had it slightly when she was about 70 and moving house after the death of my father. Neither of us are jabbed against chicken pox. I've always understood the herpes virus lies dormant after a case of chicken pox and if you are stressed or very tired it has a go. Would seem to be the case for us.
Mass Formation Psychosis...
One of the things that I hope RFK does is remove the financial incentives for doctors to recommend these injections. I recently went to my doctor and had to sign a form declining the flu shot. The recommendation of the shot seemed to be directed at all patients, and not just those who might theoretically benefit from them.
The system seemed kind of like the payola stores get for putting certain products in a display at the end of the aisle. I think that doctors stopped using their own judgment about what treatments that can best help an individual patient, and substituted official government recommendations or big pharma's directives. I want my doctor to do what is best for me, and not the system.
thankfully I found a doc who does not pressure any jabs or tests! And also did not do 200 unnecessary blood tests!
Sadly, I do not think it was my doctor's idea. It is likely the policy of the clinic that writes her paycheck. She would probably get fired if she doesn't put needles in enough arms. My insurance doesn't allow me to pick any doctor, so I must choose among the big pharma hostages.
Pediatricians aren’t adamant that parents vaccinate because they believe it’s beneficial for the child (although many mistakenly believe this). They are adamant about it because a specific, very high percentage of their patients must be vaxxed in order to get significant bribe money from insurance/pharma.
In the absence of the bribe money, 95% of pediatrician practices would go bankrupt overnight. And our children would be far healthier and happier.
I recently had the flu, and I've never had a flu shot. I got over the flu within a couple days, though one of those days I had to take off work and spend in bed. My COVID-injected friends and family also get the flu, and their recoveries seem to take much longer, yet I also hear such things as "I'm so glad I got a flu shot. It would have been so much worse, otherwise...." This is brainwashing, and yes I'm talking about the flu and not COVID.
Like you, Mark, I never had a COVID injection, and I never had severe illness nor hospitalization. I never took a COVID test, and while I am certainly surrounded by injected/shedding and sick people, somehow I have managed to stay healthy.
I'm old enough that I had the few shots that were on the schedule in the 1960s, I don't know what they were; I was severely ill with pertussis when I was in college, but somehow made it through that, too. I had many childhood illnesses that knocked me out (chickenpox, a few other things).... and recovered and went on to be what I'd consider healthy. I really don't see that, on balance, these vaccines do any good for most people, and there is no reason I can see to ever require, push, or mandate them. Maybe they confer some benefit to people who have "compromised immune systems" (?? but then, I would wonder HOW did they get their immune systems compromised in the first place...... vaccines??).
Also, people don't understand what herd immunity actually is or how the herd is supposed to acquire it. We have been massively misled about that.
My belief is that the flu and colds are the body's attempt to clear out toxins and other things it doesn't need. It an internal process, not a virus you catch. It cracks me up when people say they were lucky to get the flu shot otherwise their flu would have been worse. And they know that how? It's brilliant indoctrination, which is the core of our entire health(less) system of medical nonsense.
I agree with you, except.... well, first I'll say that all of this is theoretical, and no one does actually "know" -- whether it's terrain, germ, conventional, alternative.... I keep an open mind.
So..... I definitely agree that these illnesses (colds, flu, whatever) are our body's detox. Having said that, there is something more to it that leads me to not entirely reject the germ theory or contagiousness..... we do have immune systems, and so that is the terrain part... I think that is paramount; if we have a healthy immune system, biome, etc., then we may "catch" whatever is transmitted, but our body disposes of it so quickly and easily and mildly, that we may never become aware that it passed through us. I think there IS something.
As for contagiousness, "germs" or whatever... I prefer to think of it as akin to a computer virus -- simply information. This ties into herd immunity, as well (which is why I like my theory): think of it this way.... the healthy ones are the "tip of the spear" so to speak, so they should be at the frontlines to "catch" the (illness) -- when they get it, their bodies do battle with it to one degree or another, and in so doing, the thing (ok let's call it a virus) mutates before being passed to the next person. The mutation is less deadly but more contagious. It is as though a new program is overwritten onto the initial virus.... (which is why we should not have shut down the schools or locked down -- the healthy people should have "caught" COVID, if there was such a thing, and I think there was) -- to mutate it several times, knocking down its lethality to a point where the weaker/vulnerable people would either be able to handle it, OR, the "herd" would have eliminated hosts and the virus dies out before it ever gets to the elderly/immune compromised....
so much indoctrination, I agree with you there. I think the best advice is always not to fear, and to take reasonable countermeasures which are individual in nature. some people have genetically strong constitutions, but there is always something each person can do to strengthen their immune system.
I feel bad for the people (so many) who were duped into believing that the immune system God gave them is somehow insufficient. Also, the many innocent children (my own included, sadly) whose well-meaning, loving parents, injected them.
It will take generations to come to terms with this tragedy.
I want to comment on life spans as this is the second time in 2 days that I have read an article that says life spans increased. I don't think that is quite correct as I can go very far back into my family tree and find ancestors who lived into their 80s and 90s and even close to 100. What has increased is life expectancy which is a different measure of statistical aging for populations. More people live longer rather than succumbing to early disease, accident, or even childbirth, but the actual age that can be attained is still relatively unchanged. And I believe that if we looked at quality of life for many of those reaching advanced age we would find that has degraded.
A second comment on childhood vaccines. Years ago, following the flurry of vaccines/boosters given as my son entered school he exhibited Tourette's symptoms. His pediatrician assured me that this wasn't uncommon and usually went away with time. In retrospect following all that I have read in the past few years, I am convinced that it was a vaccine injury. At the time, this never occurred to me.
I think the life span equation is highly affected by those on the lower end, or younger people dying more often.
Great post! Informative and very well written. I hope the best for RFK Jr's appointment and his success in bringing common sense to the profit driven practice of vaccines.
Thanks, Steve.
The belief that injecting synthetic chemicals made by habitually criminal companies who profit from perpetual disease somehow produces health is not only ridiculous and unproven— it is a foundational teaching of a dangerous religious cult that western medicine has become.
Lost in the fog of history is the fact that one year before the 1986 Vaccine Act was passed Pharma Cos. were pulling out of the vaxx industry (through the 70's-80's) due to costs of litigation/fines.
Pharmaceutical companies were being inundated with lawsuits for injuries that would soon bankrupt them. For every $1 they made off the DTP vaccine, they were losing $20 to injury lawsuits.
The 1986 law was enacted because there was only one manufacturer left for each of the only three routine vaccines at that time, and the harms they caused created financial liability exceeding their revenue.
If that law had not been passed we would not being having this conversation as the Pharma ghouls would have exited the vaccine business for greener (ca$h) pastures as they have less than zero interest in the health and well-being of anyone and actively operate to harm people knowing full well that is what they are doing.
Even as all vaccines are toxic synthetic chemicals (the idea that such products somehow produce health has been created through mass propaganda not evidence) it is no longer the case that when you receive a single injection you are receiving a single vaccine.
Multivalent vaccines are the norm now so when someone gets 3 shots e.g. they are receiving well beyond 3 antigens. The number varies depending on shots given.
This was done so that Pharma could get all their 90 or so antigens on the schedule from birth to 18 without having to have the kids marched into the pediatricians for each and every one. They spoke about the need for this strategy as they wanted to get more vaccines on the schedule to make more dollars.
This was an intentional tactic done in part to manage the situation where parents did not want to keep bringing their kids in with the increasing number of shots as it is such an unpleasant experience.
Of course there are exactly zero studies ever done that examine the combinative and synergistic impacts of these multivalent witches brew and I'd say that such a study is quite impossible to do.
Of course the Pharma Cartel and their wholly owned media subsidiaries label all of this madness 'safe and effective'.
Superb. You know what is extra awful? Those "well visits" were just vaccine visits. I feel tricked. I wish I knew then what I know now. I didn't know about the extra money doctors receive for meeting vaccine goals; they should disclose that up front.
Henry Ford Health is huge where I live here in the suburbs of Detroit. They now have signs around the offices: "We Vaccinate". The sign reads that you may be denied service if you continue to refuse vaccinations. It's very mean and threatening and I can't believe they have the gall. So I avoid these big places and I now go to these independent "Urgent Care" places you see around town. Of course Henry Ford, although late to the game, now has all these Urgent Cares of their own popping up. I think they've figured out people will pay less and wait less time at these urgent care centers so they want a piece of that action too.
Same story with vet visits. I brought my puppy in, same story, thinking it was always for his well-being, and getting him all the jabs. Now if I had a puppy that was eating and acting normally, bright-eyed, running and jumping normally, generally looked fine, I would keep him far, far, very far away from any vet clinic.
Pet Big Pharma is huge and just as big a scam.
Great post as always! (and I love your Aquinas quote….)
What I have a hard time understanding is how and why it became routine, and acceptable, to inject ANYTHING into the body except on an emergency (NARCAN) or definitively necessary (anaesthetics for surgery,etc) basis.
However you look at it, the body was created (or evolved) with a whole bunch of screening, filtering and defense mechanisms, all of which are entirely bypassed by injected something through the skin, into the muscle and nearby blood vessels.
This is a serious medical procedure.
How the f*** did this ever become “routine”????
Marc Girardot’s book, “The Needle’s Secret” is well worth a look. He hypothesizes that a lot of what we are seeing in terms of chronic disease and vax injuries aren’t so much what is being injected (though the contents do matter, and the more toxic the payload, the worse the result if it goes IV) but how much of it gets into our bloodstream, in what concentration, and how quickly.
I just turned 60 a couple of days ago, and, like everyone else, never met or heard about someone with “autism” when I was a child, allergies were so rare it was a news item if someone was diagnosed with one, and chronic diseases hadn’t even been invented as a category yet.
I vividly remember the old timer GP reach under his desk in his home office for a jug of gasoline and a rag which he used as a liquid antibiotic on the cut on my arm. Even my mother who was all for home remedies, winced a bit a that one.😊 The good old days…..
Excellent point re needle as entry - the body specifically designed with only a couple ways for toxins to enter and if they go directly into the bloodstream via the skin… well not much good has often come from that! Loving all these comments and contributions. GREAT piece Mark. I avoided giving my first born (now 30) any innoculations until he was 4.. found a gp who agreed with my position and admitted he hadn’t given his children the pertussis and never would… I have more stories but it’s super late… first time I learned the word iatrogenic was when pregnant and learning about the presumptive jabs my new born would be expected to take… three strapping young men now with a sprinkle of shots between them and only given separately and when considered necessary (which possibly wasn’t but…).
Gave the two youngest chicken pox via a waiting room at my local doctors where a visiting mother from the uk and her three kids were warning me to keep my toddlers away as they had chicken pox… yay! She obliged me with a garggled cup of water which my two consumed… I kept them out of circulation for 3 weeks!!!! Final day of supposed incubation time and they finally got sick!! Two small boys, snuggled up with mum for a week in winter. Job, tick, done!
This is one of the best summaries of vaccine choices parents can make. I chose to not vaccinate my kids and they are doing the same thing so I can relate to much of the content. Everyone is super healthy. With your permission, I plan to use sections of this summary in discussions i expect to have in the future. I have been aware of the pitfalls of vaccines since the mid 80s and have recently read both Turtles all the way down and Dissolving Illusions. Thanks for yet another great post.
Thanks, Simon.
Nuts on all vaccines; instead, take care of immune systems with clean water, clean food, and a safe environment. I am more and more convinced that vaccines are going to be soon viewed as a primitive medical embarrassment.
Maybe vaccines are better described as medical fads, like lobotomies were at one time.
Growing up—-a long, long time ago—- my parents would tell us “you are not sick, just take a nap or go outside and play and you’ll feel better.” We kids believed them and turned out they were always right. The very few times a fever would prove we were ailing, they’d mix up equal parts lemon, whiskey, and honey, give us a tablespoon or so, and somehow the fever disappeared. I guess it just depends on who you get indoctrinated by, but i sure am glad mine came from healthy and wise parents.
A friends daughter (who is autistic) was telling those who wanted to interact with her baby that they had to have updated TDAP vaccines. This is the insanity we are dealing with... all brought to you by Pfizer! I do hope we are seeing the beginning of the end with vaccines, but it seems futile. People can't even connect the dots with their pets... 😞.
Do you mean the new Mom is autistic?
I've not heard of that before.
Always enjoy reading your posts.
About the vax and autism link: https://kirschsubstack.com/p/over-300-pages-of-evidence-from-the
So: about that vax-autism link, they were lying all this time. [insert here GIF of cartoon gnome blinking as stars swirl overhead]
I understand the naiveté, the trusting doctors, the wanting to do the best, most modern thing. It's all so sad what a con it all was. I wouldn't take a vax-- any vax-- now if you held a gun to my head.
Thanks, TB.
Often, as with vaxxes, less is more.
Mark Oshinskie: You & your wife were ahead of your time! Great article! I think too many of us have deferred to the "professionals" forgetting the propensity of human nature toward greed.
When I was a kid, you didn't go to a doctor unless you had a specific need, perhaps needing stitches or setting a broken bone.
I fell for too much interference just to get a prescription I probably never needed & have since stepped down & away from the medical industry. No more shots of any kind for me! I was anything but an anti-vaxxer for years, but thank God I didn't take the bioweapon jab. So sorry for so many who did & are no longer here to tell their stories. So much damage done, people injured & ignored. And still the push goes on for jabs. Accountability must come, but perhaps not until the Judgement Day. I had no idea just how corrupt the medical industry & so much else in America had become. I should have known better/sooner. There's a remedy for sin in Jesus Christ. Human nature without God is a losing proposition.
Thank you.