Much easier to “go along to get along” then go against the grain. Most people including my family tell me to move on and stop talking about it. For them, it is over. Just like that, they dismiss the whole Covid debacle. I just can’t forget these 2.5 years. It wears on me everyday. Maybe I need to take up yoga! Great article, Mark!
My daughter has "forbidden" me to ever speak again about the vaccines in her presence or I will lose access to my grandchildren. If something happens to her or her thrice-vaccinated husband, I will be terribly sad but not guilty... God knows I tried.
How did so many people get so comfortable with ultimatums? I mean, I don't get along with my mother but I'd never tell her any such thing. Actually my mother goes on and on about covid, Trump, whatever the "current thing" is continually and I just change the subject. "Nice (or awful) weather we're having lately. How about you?" (etc)
No one is thrilled with confronting the vacuity of their opinions or convictions when experience proves that their whole culture-defined "epistemology" is basically "believe the propaganda or you will be ridiculed".
I've developed a variation of that. "I lived in this body my entire life and that's 57 years longer than you have. So I know a thing or two about it." (etc)
I've taken to telling anyone and everyone that my husband is not allowed to enter the USA with my girls and I. It's not over.
"How was your summer? Did you go see your family in America?"
"No, we didn't. That was the plan but he is not vaccinated and so he is not allowed. We don't negotiate with terrorists. It's a health precaution you can take if you are so inclined, but not just to travel, even to see family we haven't seen in years."
The subject gets changed quickly, but I'm on a mission.
During my termination process, I was encouraged to be silent about the reason. I was not. I also informed people of the financial consequences (no severance). I was not going to disappear without people knowing why. I got some support, I learned some were coerced, and a lot of silence. Very few have reached out - though, at the end of the day, I was referred to the job I accepted by a former colleague to whom I did not even say goodbye. It gets uncomfortable when people ask me why I left, because I am factual and honest. Some of the best support, though, has come from places completely unexpected.
And while what has happened is unjustifiable, how nice to find that unexpected support. That’s been nice for me too. Keep telling the truth, allowing others to forget so it isn’t awkward would be the worst thing we could do. I’m so glad Ive decided to just open fire these days.
They may find it "awkward", but that is because it is vindication.
Do not let them ever forget.
Do not be scared away or threatened to be silent.
Expect this to happen again, this war is far from done.
On every front, not just medical (social, education, economic, justice, politics, etc).
This is our chance to be on the offensive. It must wake people up to prevent the next one.
They should be as angry as we are, but perhaps they leveraged too much of their ego on you being "the crazy one." You weren't. You should be proud of yourselves. Buckle up.
No - I don't live in NYC. My former employer is HQd there but they put in the policy long before NYC's announcement. They believe it is the right thing to do for safety. To my knowledge, their mandate remains in place. Anecdotally, I understand that the company stats on infection have not corresponded with expectations presented by "the science" though they do correspond with expectations of science and data points of other countries. Since January, there has been no legal justification, and yet they plowed ahead anyway.
We have friends, a Spanish woman, American man and two teenage boys. The man, a US citizen, does not require a vaccine to return to the US, the younger boy is a Spanish citizen but below the age where a vaccine is required for entry to the US, the older boy is a US citizen. The Spanish woman, against her wishes, has had the Moderna jab because she did not want to abandon her family during a traumatic family situation (visit to a terminally ill mother-in-law) in the US.
Even if you accept that the jabs did anything beneficial at all, which for the record neither I nor they do, the nonsense is palpable. How does nationality, a bureaucratic label, confer greater or lesser risk with respect to a virus?
We feel huge sympathy for our Spanish friend who has taken this unnecessary risk for the sake of her family.
Oh that’s horrible. The non sense is upsetting as it is, but what will the physical repercussions be for her? My husband asked if I expected him to take it and I said absolutely not. But neither do I expect him to pay for a family vacation he can’t join. So we stayed close to home this year. At least my mother came to visit in April and we don’t have any horrible emergencies at the moment. But life is short, childhood is shorter and we all feel absolutely robbed.
Gag. The tentacles reach further. I was so upset for novax in Australia. I had so many friends who said he should just get the shots. No further thinking about possible side effects, the fact that he had natural immunity, or, the real clincher, why his body was their business. Now America is following a bad example. And for what? A fucking marketing stunt? Geez. Great digging BTW.
....ah, but don't underestimate the virus' smartness and subterfuge, it can even tell who's received the shot and who hasn't, lying in wait to attack by surprise!!
Same here. We can't let people forget this. This is the new 911. Remember, the Patriot Act and the surveillance cameras were supposed to be temporary too.
Omg I tell this to people all the time! That was the first political event of my adulthood that got me really riled up--I protested and wrote so many letters all for nothing of course and now look where we are! The ratcheting continues. When people don't get it, this is a great reminder.
Good luck with that. The RINOs will be hiding under the rocks, too. They don’t have spines to do what’s right. Even the good ones are mostly just stupid followers and probably took the hokey pokey themselves.
I agree. I don’t think we can expect anything from anyone in the government / judicial system. There might be a few goods ones, but not nearly enough to make a difference.
Most of Congress has taken plenty of pharma money for their campaigns so I won't expect much deep digging in any kind of hearings, if there ever are any. Congress is owned.
That is why WE need to hold their feet to the fire. An old saying, but true.....’the squeaky wheel gets the grease’.....
If the elections aren’t tainted, then we will probably have a lot of new representatives who haven’t been corrupted yet.
We need to encourage and support those who are willing to investigate this mess.
WE are going to have to nag the hell out of them in order to get it done. We can’t sit back and wait for someone else to do it. We are all pretty good at identifying the problems....... but not so good when it comes to pushing a solution.
The left is very good at nudging and pushing. They bitch, whine, and complain.... and repeat, repeat, repeat, until they get what they want.
I think that it’s time for us to give it a try.
And for those of you who don’t want too, or think it’s all over, or that there’s no difference between the parties, or that the system is too captured to make a difference....
IF the Republicans take the House (or the House and Senate) it means that our REPUBLIC is still functioning.... at least partially and that WE still have a say in OUR government.
Bannon’s “Warroom” constantly showcases this new rising class of politicians vowing to bring white hot light to border invasion, election fraud, and especially the Scamdemic. Like many here I’m very skeptical of establishment R’s who talk a good game but won’t close the deal. (Ex: Rand Paul makes a great spectacle but he stops short of asking for Fauci’s unredacted emails…almost like he is playing a role to make us think he is on the case.)
I’m guardedly optimistic the new class of 2022 House electees can make it happen. We shall see.
Agree completely. We should see a sizable red wave. I think the house races will be cleaner than the senate since the senate vote will be more centralized at the state level.
We can see if there’s any support for something like this after the election. Maybe propose the idea to a few of the writers with larger subscriptions.
My feeling is that we should limit it to covid investigations and some other ‘common sense’ ideas that reflect the Substack community . Maybe support of anti-corruption legislation. I think most of us can agree to that.
If the elections aren’t fixed, then we still have a chance to help change things . I think that we owe it to ourselves to try.
Howard, thanks for the comments. This idea may be the equivalent of tilting at windmills . If you have any suggestions, let me know.
I SO want to be wrong about this conjecture. Please talk me out of it.
It seems to me...
Well, for example, remember how the Tea Party surge lasted for about a minute?
It seems to me, freshman arrive in Washington or state capitals, have a happy swearing in, things go swell, then they get the sit down. This is how things work, and no amount of grandstanding is going to change it, see? Play along, you’ll get a few crumbs. Don’t play, you’re going nowhere. That’s a nice freshman, now run along.
This is how we get RINOS - imo.
They all know which side their bread is buttered on.
How do we change this? “Hold their feet to the fire?” They’re not accountable to us. They’re just... not. They have a four year seat. That’s a long time. Any process by which they’d get the boot would be another long, drawn out, sordid show - including a second run, hardly any guarantees there.
I’m old. The system was broken long before I ever cast my first vote. I just didn’t know it then.
No denying the wet blanket hath arrived on this thread. Tell me I got it wrong. Tell me again how your proposed efforts will penetrate the unwritten code I’ve seen in play for 50+ years of voting - longer when I look at history.
We’re witnessing another blatant truth about how the executive branch runs the show. Legislative (and judicial) are tiny compared to executive. Every alphabet agency is under executive; they are in control; oversight is lip service.
Ok, I’m winding down now. I’m on team Truth, honest, but I just don’t see how doing the same thing in the same broken system is going to have any different type of effect. Here’s where the rubber meets the road ‘cos my only solution sounds awfully familiar, and just as implausible as the previous iteration: drain the swamp. Is it any wonder the pie in the sky dream of NESARA appeals?
Apologies if I sucked any wind out of sails. There was stated above the practical view, “tilting at windmills.” It’s a lot like that methinks. NOT saying we shouldn’t try. Just opinionating that we can’t solve our problems with the same thinking that created them (paraphrasing Einstein or whoever dropped that pearl). My solution is not much of a solution it would seem, certainly not near term.
*slips silently away, head hanging in dejection, not many more pepper hairs left to see their last day, far less welcome here than before I began to speak
I fully understand where you are coming from. And I get frustrated all the time.
Some musings :
1) the tea party was fighting a Dim Party who had control of both houses and the Presidency. I was there and I think that it made a difference. I do know that the tea party scared the hell out of the dim leadership. It effectively ended when GWB was elected.
2) Newt Gingrich and the new congress that came in with him did make a difference.... many things that were passed ended up being watered down later (again by the dims) but they had a positive effect overall.
We now have a radical leftist party driving the country into a ditch. The last time we had something this bad the result was the election of Ronald Reagan. I don’t care what the a-holes in the press say, the 1980s were a great time to be alive..... and a large part of that was a rejection of liberal/left policies.
This country is the best place in the history of the world. Despite our faults, this country has helped more people and done more good things for the world than any other country ever. It would be a crime against humanity to just let it fall.
Books have been written on this but I’m afraid that I need to stop now.... I’ve got an appointment coming up😎
All points well taken with original reservations, no, make that conviction, about Reagan’s election. Just his election. That was the construction of the politics is *all* theater coffin for me. An actor. Couldn’t vote for an actor. My first abstention in prez race. (It continues. Have you seen ? ) After that disenchantment I stepped way back to observe. The picture came into focus. He did a good job, as front man. I wasn’t sure who was pulling the strings, only sure the front was phony. It is. The People don’t have a lobby = broken system in simplest terms per its purported design. I mighta / my instructors mighta been imputing elements of design that in reality the founders didn’t intend. -?
Anyway, the brokenness is way deeper than I -and a host of far *far* more astute minds- ever observed. Have you read any of Katherine Watt’s deep dive into the cross administration /congress dismantling of the Constitution? Right under our noses. Sample:
I realize I am painting with a broad brush. I agree that the American experiment has been the greatest in human history. I feel fortunate this is where I was born. Impossible to overstate that stroke of plenty. In a way, I shouldn’t complain. On the other hand the façade we’ve been sold is crumbling, long past due.
Even broader brush, the cosmos is not static. It’s a dynamic system we don’t have the faintest grasp of. There’s that sector of observers, going back millennia, long before the birth of christianity, that speaks of cycles. They might or might not have had our current knowledge of physics? The teachings jibe with energy and cycles. Something is happening on the planet. Some manifestation of some cycle. The façade crumble, the truth coming to light to the least politically/establishment connected of us (that are still using our brains), and the speed! is quite something to witness. I prefer the wide angle lens but I still gotta eat. And help secure the best possible for generations that follow. Thud. Back on the ground.
Thanks for being a warrior, strong where I’m not - no illusions, I’m not in particular ways, especially in a trauma weary state. I think I’ve diverged far enough from original points. End of day tired. Fan of naps 😴 to recharge, not even a cat one today. I do have hope. Giving in to despair is not an option. I just see a certain futility in (paraphrasing Einstein -this was his) the insanity of doing things the same way as ever and expecting a different result. ...States’ sovereignty? Nullifying DC incursions? They -states- love the federal $$. ...New system of exchange coming after the Federal Reserve’s now 109-year-long party screeches to an ignominious end? NOT CBDCs, a beyond Orwellian nightmare. ...So many levels. Tired. Thanks for your consideration of my disjointed rambling.
Never happen, most republicans were on team apocalypse. I suspect the house will do some sort of investigation, les by rand Paul. That will be mostly political theater, as I suspect not 1 person will ever be held accountable for the suffering and loss so many have felt these last 21/2 years, not 1.
We should NEVER forget what the psychopathic medical mafia and government "overlords" have done, and never let them forget that we remember.
Of course, those who were deceived and manipulated by the orchestrated weapons of fear (many of whom may feel quiet regret now) would very much like to forget the whole thing.
Remembering is not useful unless accompanied by actions. It will be useful to remember that we punished the criminals. It will be useful to remember that medical "authorities" can never be blindly trusted. It will be useful to remember that our health is more important to ourselves than anyone else. It will be useful to remember that we can learn to maintain a healthy immune system, and that makes a big difference in surviving infections. It will not be useful to remember that we were assaulted and did nothing.
I think that pretty much encapsulates "never forget what they did and never let them forget that you remember." Of course, the memories of people are individualized, and the details are specific to them.
Remembering is not only useful in itself, but essential, and it's not a given, as short as the attention span of many people can be. Crimes that are dismissed and forgotten can never reach the accountability and punishment stage.
Of course it's not over ... they will never stop. But enough people remembering is a vital first step toward a sufficient number of people finally saying, "No more!" For a lot of people, refusing to comply can only happen through acknowledging and remembering what happened the first time.
Those of us who didn't comply from the start bypassed the need for that "jolt." We foresaw before we remembered.
I'm still protesting against the Patriot Act and other post 911 surveillance laws. I'm surprised by the people who've forgotten that the mass surveillance state was supposed to be a "temporary" means of fighting terrorism.
Me too. I remember that whole episode. I was horrified when the bombing in bagdad started. Shock and awe! It was such bullshit. A bunch of crimnals flew planes into buildings and the US government overreacted and basically started world war 3, empowered the TSA, passed the patriot act. And set the stage for the totalitarian nightmare we are in today.
None of the 9/11 stuff would have ever happened if the US government hdnt been mucking around all over world with other peoples cultures and countries.
YES! Thank you for this! Sorry for the language but I FUCKING HATE THE TSA. And I tell my children stories about life before they came along. NEVER FORGET indeed.
That's great! We need to educate kids who are growing up with this mass surveillance state so that they know there was a time when there were no surveillance cameras on the streets and when everyone believed surveillance was wrong, undemocratic, violating our 4th Amendment right to privacy.
Sometime in the early 70s, my father and I went to LAX to pick up my mom and sister who had attended a wedding in NY. We were early and just killing time at the gate when a guy in a grey TWA (I believe) jumpsuit asked if we’d like to see a 747, a new plane at the time. We were a little puzzled, but said, “sure.” We followed him down the jetway onto an empty plane whereupon he gave us a complete tour of both decks and a peek inside the cockpit. As we were following him back to the concourse, my dad whispered that he should probably give him something. We thanked him and shook hands and my dad tried to slip him a few dollars, which the man would not accept. A story your kids, who are growing up in a completely different world, would probably not believe.
What no one wished to discuss or acknowledge is the fact that there will millions of people who did not have to die. There were therapeutics that worked well and were widely available and affordable. (noted in the Senate hearing). We punished people at the Nuremberg trials for gross promotion of death, but here we move on? Were is the justice? Where is the shame? Not even a "my bad". Sad, sad. There's a place in hell for our leaders and pushers. One must acknowledge and confess before one can be forgiven.
So true. I was just trying to explain to my sister (vaxxed and calls me ... all together now ... a conspiracy theorist) that just one reason for my emphatic persistence in sending email after email after email (which she largely ignored) to my contacts for over two years has been knowing that hundreds of thousands of people would die, and have died, due to being denied effective early treatment. And those who are responsible should pay.
Mark Crispin Miller just said, in a live zoom with Dr Kory, we are nearing a tipping point and when enough people wake up and see the level of destruction in our midst we will see Nuremberg 2.0. He didn’t provide a timeline but it was great to hear nonetheless.
This is so true! My own primary care doc tried to talk me into the jab at my yearly physical in 12/21. I knew this doc for many years as I had worked at a hospital in a suburb of Chicago for 22 years. I was a charge nurse on a cardiac floor, and was “voluntarily resigned” when I wouldn’t comply with the mandates.
I handed him a copy of the VAERS report and said “this is why I’m not getting it”. He told me he researched it before he had his children get it. I told him the co-inventor of the mRNA vaccines, Dr. Malone, stated he wouldn’t not get THIS one. Our discussion continued and was friendly, but in the end I told him; “I’ll just keep my healthy immune system and you just keep getting your boosters”. I said this with a smile which was of course masked 🥴.
In a last ditch effort to try and wake up my brother (74 and with an IQ of 149) I mailed him RFK Jr.’s book A LETTER TO LIBERALS. I thought the passage in the book about how Galileo’s fellow scientists refused to look thru his telescope would speak to him - he’s an amateur astronomer (built his first telescope at the age of 13) and was the director of a planetarium. He returned the unread book. Told me Bobby was a charlatan and an opportunist. Said Galileo’s fellow scientists were NOT scientists. Said I was uneducated (I did not attend college) and that I am part of a cult. He said kiss me goodbye because you’ll probably never see me again - to which I did. I didn’t cry until he drove away - I think I was in shock. I am prepared for him to never wake up despite the evidence. I had been in the anger stages of grief over the loss of this once extremely close relationship. Now I am working towards the acceptance stage. And the saddest part is that his twin brother is of the exact same mindset. He lives in Hawaii - we haven’t spoken in months. The mass formation is real. I pray everyday.
That's a sad story. I've also lost some relationships over this scam. But I can't respect the judgment of anyone who bought the scam or forget all of the harm they've arrogantly caused to so many people, esp. the young.
I feel your pain. We live in TX and have basically lost our nyc daughter. She says we are dumb and selfish for refusing masks and injections. I mailed her a copy of the real A Fauci. She hasn’t mailed it back but who knows if she ever opened it. The combination of arrogance and ignorance she displays is just beyond my understanding. I also pray every day. What else can we do.
Most of the covidian true believers are most concerned about maintaining their status in the class system. They think if they reject anything in the covidian belief system, that classes them with the deplorables.
My brother disowned me last week. He has consistently treated me with disdain for putting my family at risk financially and listening to conspiracy theories. The conversation that caused his decision to cut me off was my refusal to agree I had a choice (I had freedom and bodily autonomy, sacred rights that I cannot be coerced to violate) and that anti-vaxxer was a slur that I would not tolerate. I refused to back down, he told me he would never speak to me again if I would not retract the statements and apologize. I have chosen to compartmentalize that. And told him he made a choice, not me. I am sorry for your situation. You remind me that I must pray for him. Consistently.
That's extremely upsetting. Did you see the (based on true story) TV series "The Shrink Next Door" with Will Ferrell?" Won't give away any spoiler alerts but might be very encouraging to watch in terms of having lost/missed out on a close relationship (specifically siblings in this case) due to manipulative psyop forces..
That's an extremely sad story Laura. I'm sorry for what you've been through. The mass formation is real. This PsyOp was top notch, the best ever. Just imagine what kind of good could be accomplished if they used their influence in a positive way. Instead of manipulating the world to take a deadly shot, they could have convinced the world to spend an afternoon helping the widow next door or pulling weeds at the local elementary. But instead they chose the depopulation route. It's always the depopulation route...
Or the pedophilia route. Imagine if they spent the resources used for fighting terrorism on finding kidnapped children? My big take away from the Madeline McCan documentary.
I'm sorry about your brother- maybe he'll come around in the future. It hurts like hell when you get thrown under the bus, but you seem to be on the recovery trail. I got sober 15 years ago -some of my friends embraced me, but some rejected me and said goodbye. I guess they couldn't deal with my "change" or else they didn't want to face their own delusion. I wish you healing and happiness.
Gees Laura… my brother didn’t listen either jabbed x 3 … quarterback, scholarship athlete of the town where Mark lives. Now his wife tells me his balance is off and falls. I begged him no shots . We have to let it go and give all to our Lord.
From what I can tell, my home state is in bad shape. I'm so sorry to read your story. You tried. But this life is about you and your growth, so try and focus on that!
Give him time. Let him know the door is always open. Keep your own heart open and let him know it is, and that you will always love matter what.
Although I have been adamantly opposed to the jabs from the start (40 years in pharma-- I know how to recognize bad studies) my husband chose to believe his cardiologist and internist who highly recommended that he not only the get the initial series but also boosters. I would have liked the opportunity to ask his MD's the questions that the yoga instructor posed (no pun intended) but my husband knew I probably would embarrass them as I had with my statin questions. It is hard to make people understand that physicians may NOT know best. I believe MD's should be held liable for their recommendations as the actual data never lined up with the marketing message.
When I refused the jab and said if I got Covid I’d like Hydroxychloroquine (protocol) treatment at home, my PCP said “That just plain doesn’t work.” I was thunderstruck with the realization that my own Physician didn’t know as much about this as I did — he wasn’t checking things out — and I thought: “He’s sold out truth for something else … probably his job.” I’ve never trusted him since and am searching for a Doc aligned with my research and values. Haven’t found ONE yet.
I was in a similar situation with my PCP. I had Covid in the summer of 2020 and our family doctor of 20+ years refused to see me or even talk to me on the phone said to go the the ER…then at the ER they said basically I wasn’t sick “enough” to be there and I should see my family doctor ohhh and not to come back unless I couldn’t breathe. It was an awful run around. I was sicker than I had ever been in my life (though thankfully never felt like I couldn’t breathe)…for me it was like a poison was in every fiber of my body…the pain was excruciating. My family and Google got me thru it…but it was rough. I have never felt the same about my doctor and went on a mission to replace him. We’ve since gotten established with a new MD…who very much respects my decision not to be vaccinated. I have MS and I knew that I didn’t want to put anything in my body that would possibly over activate my immune system not to mention that I believed this whole pandemic was manufactured and a crock of “you know what”! My experience at the ER also damaged my overall feelings about healthcare (it’s not healthcare, it’s “sickcare”) and the medical profession in general. I used to be an LPN back before I had 4 kids and I would no longer want to be part of this corrupt institution. “Healthcare” workers went along with their orders as to not lose their jobs…well, so did the SS in Nazi Germany…doesn’t make it right or ethical. Wonder how both these circumstances (the Holocaust and the Covid “pandemic”) would have, could have, and should have turned out differently if people refused to follow orders or just spoke up…sadly, we’ll never know.
I hope you’re able to find a new physician that you can trust…they’re out there, but few and far between!
If they take insurance or Medicare/Medicaid, most likely they are REQUIRED to pass along the "real misinformation" or they won't be paid for the visit. (Bonus bucks for successful jabbing!) Finding doctors who resist the machine intent on depopulation--yet controls the flow of money in the industry--is nearly impossible. My hope and prayer is that this concocted "pandemic" forces doctors who are capable of critical thinking into a more simple practice model: paid lower fees directly by their patients (probably would be more than they earn from insurance), but without the interference. Sadly, it's all or nothing when it comes to insurance acceptance--the doctor must do as they say, or they don't get paid.
Keep looking! They’re few and far between but they do exist and the payoff will be well worth the effort! I would never trust my health to a doctor who fell for this line of BS and pushed it on patients. This was true for me even before covid (I’ve been down on most “western” doctors since forever😁). I thought my general opinion of doctors was already as low as it could go, but I have to say I have been absolutely shocked by the level of arrogance, stupidity and self-serving willful blindness they’ve displayed en masse throughout this debacle. Unbelievable.
But as I said earlier, there ARE good doctors out there. With some effort and searching I was very blessed to find 3 within an hours drive of my hometown - our dentist, eye doctor and GP are all holistic, independent-thinking, absolutely brilliant doctors - I am infinitely grateful for them. I hope you’ll eventually find the same in your area! 🙏🏻♥️
Thank you for the HOPE. Holistic? Do these non-lemmings (lemming: a person who unTHINKINGLY joins a movement and with it falls headlong into destruction) generally) go by a “label” such as DO (?) or Neuropathic? I’ve been calling MD. Ha!!
Using search terms such as naturopath, functional medicine, alternative medicine, etc is a good way to start (altho NOT on Google or DuckDuckGo! I use Brave - there are other good search engines also :).
To be honest, I can’t remember the specifics or exactly how I found our 3 favorite doctors, it was a decade or more ago😁. I’m sure I probably searched using terms like these to start? But as I recall, only our dentist came up with the actual term “holistic” in his description. (He’s incredible. Just announced his much deserved retirement tho - after nearly 45 years being a trailblazer in his field. I’m not sure what our plan will be now? A new dentist search I guess but sigh… he is truly irreplaceable💔)
Our eye doctor and GP are incredible trailblazers as well, finding them was more a stroke of luck (answered prayer ;) than anything else I think, I can’t remember how it happened? They are both nearing retirement age also though and just as irreplaceable as our beloved dentist 😭😭 (again - much deserved retirement after long exemplary careers helping countless patients) but I’m not sure where we’ll go from here? I’ll be back in the search for good doctors myself I’m afraid.
Best of luck to you - hope you find the real deal!🙏🏻♥️
Thank you. So far I’ve found some Doctors of Osteopathy who specialize in “natural” disease prevention (diet, supplements, maybe chiropractic?) rather than treat disease after it’s there. 👍
There’s an ID doc in NJ who almost lost his license until he presented his own study of COVID and HCQ to the NJ Medical Board.... he was quite vocal in the beginning and then it got ugly....
That ID Doc is a HERO in my book! Speaking out has many consequences, but the “GOOD” coming out of having done so will live long after we’ve fallen while trying.
Back story… this doctor’s Dad was also an ID Doctor… he diagnosed me in 1996 with Lyme Disease after 8 months of diagnosis hell. What was my treatment? Antibiotics and PlaQUINel aka HCQ for 8 weeks….there is NO legitimate reason why HCQ was banned. None. Lupus and RA patients take it daily in much higher doses. And taken daily in countries plagued with Malaria.
Doctors are products of their training. They're well trained in following the standards, and following orders. They're prohibited from independent judgement. If you want standard care and standard outcomes, doctors can help. If you want to do better, you're on your own.
I am a primary care doctor that when asked would say “I don’t know” ,I don’t know the short medium or long side effects because time has not passed! I was and still am so baffled at how people would be so willingly be part of a medical experiment
Why would they ask me what are the side effects? I would tell them I don’t know what can happen to you in 6 months,1 year,5 years ,10 years or more -I said—nobody knows!
There’s no control group now (well there’s a silent control group )
I also made patients question .the young and healthy..your risk is very low..I don’t know the risk of this -patient’s fear was so palpable and out of proportion
Luckily I was able to help some-usually people that you would think were the “least educated” were the wisest -they didn’t want to go to the hospital or be part of the experiment (unfortunately most of them were so coherced and needed their jobs they HAD to do it )-so sad
I gave examples of other drugs being banned after years of “safe and effective” use
In reality I knew- I strongly did not recommend it
ARN getting into your cells and messing your genes/proteins? How can that be good and safe? I knew already cancers, autoimmune diseases would happen.
I didn’t allow my mom to get it
I told my husband from day 1-he was skeptical as well ,told him this will be hard to prove medically like everything else
I didn’t know I was going to see all these illnesses happen so quick
Speaking in past tense because I lost that job of 10 years
This is an uphill battle with blind people
Not sure how this will be fixed -I hope it does soon because it’s so sad to think this is the world my young daughters have to live..I try to instill critical thinking skills every day
( i say even if ALL the kids in the school do something but YOU think it’s wrong or unsafe -don’t do it! Even if you are the ONLY one!)
I wish you could be our PCP. We mistrust everything now and do not even want to go to yearly checkups. I used to think you could always trust a doctor. I was so wrong. Thank you for standing up for what you believe.
I agree with those below who've already said they wish you were there physician. What you said about no long-term studies or official control group -- spot on! That's the topmost reason why my spouse and I refused the shots. How anyone, especially a doctor, can recommend these jabs in good conscience is beyond me. I've certainly lost respect for my doctor as a result.
I asked my local state reps to share with me the scientific data they were basing their support of mask mandates on. One sent me to an NPR podcast, the other told me “as a frontline nurse of 32 years who, with many thousands of my colleagues have worn masks for long periods of time before COVID, and a professional whose career and patients have depended on understanding the hierarchy of evidence (quality) I can assure you that I am not giving in to uninformed hysteria and panic” nor am I virtue signaling.... it is clear we disagree on this”
I had sent her links to several studies showing the inefficacy of masks, to which that was her response.
I replied that “In your position of representative of the people, I would ask for more than “agree to disagree”... I would ask that you engage with the studies I sent”
She replied that “I don’t want to get into an evidence slinging contest with you, there would be no point”
This was last November. I will likely be voting republican for the first time in my life just to spite this condescending entitlement.
I'm right there with you. I will not vote for anyone who supported lockdowns, mask mandates or vaccine mandates. My right to move freely and my right to bodily autonomy are extremely important, obviously. The democrats supported all of those things.
I’d vote for them again if they admitted they were wrong. Of course none will, but it would show courage and the right way to start leading people out of this mess
If they admitted they were wrong AND vowed to never, ever do that again. That's the thing for me. I don't want this to ever happen again, and I fear it will with Democrat-majority state and local governments, not to mention the federal government.
IMO, we need a mix of people at all levels of government. If one party gets too much power they inevitably abuse it.
Great piece! And I like your painting. I'm laughing because in my city, which is rapidly being run into the ground by leftist idiots, to display that message would make my dimbulb neighbors find another block to walk their dogs down. But that wouldn't bother me.
I have a lot of MD friends and for the most part they don't question what comes down from on high or if they do they're way too status conscious to squawk about it. The culture of medicine is one of hierarchical bullying and kowtowing. So many of these docs still think Fauci is "doing an outstanding job". His words.
I wonder. My own field of physics has its bullies and toadies, stemming usually from insecurity I think. In medicine it's palpable. And now that pharma has captured the flagship medical agencies in the US, it's really not safe to go to a doctor if you're ignorant of drug side effects. The doctors will prescribe what the other docs are prescribing. They don't know anything about side effects, but I've learned the hard way. In the end, I think they way they've behaved during covid has cost them prestige, status and trust in the eyes of the patients.
I agree on the lost of trust. Doctors do not have a clue about the implications of their actions, nor in most cases, do they care. Medicine has become so siloed, with each specialty doing their thing, that the patient MUST become CEO of their own health care, if only to coordinate things and find all the errors. Too many stories to tell there!
The medical training process is abusive and dysfunctional. Just like a dysfunctional family, it breeds uncaring bullies afraid of their position on the pyramid. Attendings abuse residents and residents go on to become attendings. The cycle perpetuates.
Many years ago, I worked as a financial advisor and had mostly surgeon clients. I think that the vast majority of doctors are total sheep. The group think, group acceptance and group defense (when there is a threat) is the stuff of Stepford Wives (remember them?). The only solace was that charging them far more than other clients made them feel important. It made me feel good too! :)
The credentialing system is serving it's purpose. It's holds them hostage so that if they rock the boat their license can be pulled and their livelihood is ruined.
When I was eight my brother told me there was a monster under my bed. I was scared of this monster and couldn’t sleep so my brother told me to stay under the blankets because monsters can’t penetrate blankets. When morning came and I was still alive, the eight year old me truly believed that monsters couldn’t penetrate blankets. Eventually I realized that the blanket wasn’t protecting me. There wasn’t a monster under the bed.
They told people there was a monster under the bed and so many people believed them. They also believed that the monster couldn’t penetrate their masks. They still haven’t realized that there is no monster under the bed. My eight year old self could have told them that.
The difference in cognitive style between the establishment-aligned and the dissident or, one might say, conscience-aligned, is rather stark isn't it? For the former, truth is determined socially by reference to authority pronouncement. For the latter, who said what is rather irrelevant: what matters is the structure of the argument and how well it does or does not conform to the observable world.
The result is one group inhabiting a hallucinatory hall of mirrors, which has been driven quite insane; and another, which inhabits reality.
Of course, to the authoritarians, we look quite insane. But again, the big difference is that they're not really capable of explaining why we're crazy, aside from 'you don't agree with authorities'. While we are perfectly capable of pointing out the inconsistencies in the authoritarian hyperreality, and doing so in detail.
Mark this is another of your brilliant insights from seemingly ordinary daily encounters. I expect most of your readers practically “know” both characters in the story. I feel like I do.
I have to applaud your willingness to engage where so many of us keep quiet and go about our business.
I have a good friend that's a doctor and works at the hospital. She makes fun of my healthy eating and thought it strange that vitamin A helped a skin problem I was having on my hands.
When Covid first made the news she told me it was just a disease that killed old and unhealthy people, this is no big deal, SARS was scary she said, that was killing young people. She was flying back from China before the lockdown and making fun of the people that were wearing masks, we even discussed the attempts at coronavirus vaccines and how the animals died in the experimental stage when introduced to the wild virus, but then everything changed with her. She applauded Newsom's locking down the state, I kept asking if the hospitals were full and she would say no, but our wave hasn't hit yet! She was wearing a mask even to meet us on the beach for a walk when the mask mandate hit. She told me people were occasionally coming into the ER after receiving a positive test and had slight symptoms but would tell her nurses to tell the patient with an eye roll, come back when they couldn't breathe.
Why arent you offering other treatments, I asked? Because we're waiting for the NIH to give us guidance. She literally told me "I trust Fauci, he knows his stuff." I decided to test the waters with her and sent her a video of a doctor in Texas that was treating patients with nebulized budesanide and she replied "he sounds like a quack." I pulled up his experience of being in practice for over 30 years and getting his degree in very respected medical schools and she said that didn't mean anything, she knew a lot of quack doctors that she would never let treat her or her family.
I probably don't have to even add how excited she was when she showed me that she received the vaccine when they were first handing it out to hospital staff.
So yeah, I don't know what's going on in the brains of these "higher educated" people but it's not critical thinking.
Love the yoga teacher's comments. I'm a yoga teacher, too, and was totally freaked out by everyone rushing like lunatics to get their injections here in Melbourne last year. The atmosphere in my city was already oppressive after all the lockdown madness, but the injection frenzy added a sinister dimension that truly terrified me. I will never understand what the hell got into people.
Yes, it has. Our psychotic premier and his bunch of nihilist goons destroyed it. Plus the people here did not put up enough of a fight, so Melbourne is very much a shadow of its former self.
Another great piece Mark. And I genuinely like your painting. Delete it's very pertinent message, and my vaccinated wife would have that on a wall in our house (yes, I'm sad about this). As for the Yoga instructor, it has been my experience that anyone remotely associated with Yoga, in all it's variations, is working on limiting that damned Ego.... and, as such, sees everything more clearly than those more distracted, egocentric souls.
I was thinking along the same lines. This has been a giant ego reveal. It has become clear to me who in my circles loves themselves and who loves others. Wearing masks and getting the vaxx were presented as loving others and not doing so was presented as selfish- the exact opposite of reality! It gives the egocentric a way to play at being caring, while in actuality, stroking their own egos.
Just thinking a little further-- no one who truly loves others feels superior in doing so. Truly loving others seems to me to be the complete dissolution of ego.
If you ask a person what kind of milk they like in their latte, they usually have a quick answer based on health or preference, and are often quite knowledgeable about why they prefer it. If you ask them what kind of substance is being in injected into their body, they have no idea whatsoever. Perhaps we could work to reverse this trend, so people apply at least as much scrutiny to such an important and potentially deadly decision. Laughin' and cryin' but I ain't lyin'.
No kidding!! The majority of people have NO depth or ability to critically think about most things. There is NO going back from that needle and it's contents. I got a tetanus booster before we went to Africa 6 years ago. I had a "procedure" that required an IV in February of 2021. I have now decided that I will never let them stick me again. If I get in an accident, just let me bleed out because I will not get a transfusion. Updating my living will is a top priority.
Same here SadieJay, all the jabby donated blood in the blood banks, folks don't stand a chance. I am (sadly) excited by some new info i saw about how they can image the surface of a persons body and see the clogged veins or arteries....Its becoming quite obvious about the science of what is really happening, the clots and all...I am so glad that at least we have a sense of it. Poor normies, even when they hate me I know they would choose differently if they had understood the danger.
Sad but true. I live in ct. I've had the same doctor for 30 years. He advised me against in the beginning. So now I'm wondering if he was forced himself!? I had a physical a month ago, and I started to ask him about covid, but he looked nervous as hell, so I left him alone. He knows that I know and remember our conversation in the beginning of this nightmare!
Much easier to “go along to get along” then go against the grain. Most people including my family tell me to move on and stop talking about it. For them, it is over. Just like that, they dismiss the whole Covid debacle. I just can’t forget these 2.5 years. It wears on me everyday. Maybe I need to take up yoga! Great article, Mark!
I'm not a "go along" person. I will listen to people. But I'll let them know that I disagree with them.
My daughter has "forbidden" me to ever speak again about the vaccines in her presence or I will lose access to my grandchildren. If something happens to her or her thrice-vaccinated husband, I will be terribly sad but not guilty... God knows I tried.
It shouldn’t be this way. But here we are. Sorry. I know you’re worried about her health, but stay in their life and know you tried.
thats called emotional blackmail.
How did so many people get so comfortable with ultimatums? I mean, I don't get along with my mother but I'd never tell her any such thing. Actually my mother goes on and on about covid, Trump, whatever the "current thing" is continually and I just change the subject. "Nice (or awful) weather we're having lately. How about you?" (etc)
No one is thrilled with confronting the vacuity of their opinions or convictions when experience proves that their whole culture-defined "epistemology" is basically "believe the propaganda or you will be ridiculed".
Me neither. I have used my brain my whole life, I don’t intend to stop because of a souped up cold virus.
I've developed a variation of that. "I lived in this body my entire life and that's 57 years longer than you have. So I know a thing or two about it." (etc)
Me too and they don’t like to hear it or even discuss other views.
That is exactly right Ruth. Reasoning with these people is an exercise in futility.
mee too
100 %
I've taken to telling anyone and everyone that my husband is not allowed to enter the USA with my girls and I. It's not over.
"How was your summer? Did you go see your family in America?"
"No, we didn't. That was the plan but he is not vaccinated and so he is not allowed. We don't negotiate with terrorists. It's a health precaution you can take if you are so inclined, but not just to travel, even to see family we haven't seen in years."
The subject gets changed quickly, but I'm on a mission.
During my termination process, I was encouraged to be silent about the reason. I was not. I also informed people of the financial consequences (no severance). I was not going to disappear without people knowing why. I got some support, I learned some were coerced, and a lot of silence. Very few have reached out - though, at the end of the day, I was referred to the job I accepted by a former colleague to whom I did not even say goodbye. It gets uncomfortable when people ask me why I left, because I am factual and honest. Some of the best support, though, has come from places completely unexpected.
And while what has happened is unjustifiable, how nice to find that unexpected support. That’s been nice for me too. Keep telling the truth, allowing others to forget so it isn’t awkward would be the worst thing we could do. I’m so glad Ive decided to just open fire these days.
They may find it "awkward", but that is because it is vindication.
Do not let them ever forget.
Do not be scared away or threatened to be silent.
Expect this to happen again, this war is far from done.
On every front, not just medical (social, education, economic, justice, politics, etc).
This is our chance to be on the offensive. It must wake people up to prevent the next one.
They should be as angry as we are, but perhaps they leveraged too much of their ego on you being "the crazy one." You weren't. You should be proud of yourselves. Buckle up.
You are very brave. Standing up for the truth matters.
Were you working in the medical field?
In the world of Wall Street and high finance - the zoom class.
Were you terminated because of NYC’s stupid vax mandate?
No - I don't live in NYC. My former employer is HQd there but they put in the policy long before NYC's announcement. They believe it is the right thing to do for safety. To my knowledge, their mandate remains in place. Anecdotally, I understand that the company stats on infection have not corresponded with expectations presented by "the science" though they do correspond with expectations of science and data points of other countries. Since January, there has been no legal justification, and yet they plowed ahead anyway.
We have friends, a Spanish woman, American man and two teenage boys. The man, a US citizen, does not require a vaccine to return to the US, the younger boy is a Spanish citizen but below the age where a vaccine is required for entry to the US, the older boy is a US citizen. The Spanish woman, against her wishes, has had the Moderna jab because she did not want to abandon her family during a traumatic family situation (visit to a terminally ill mother-in-law) in the US.
Even if you accept that the jabs did anything beneficial at all, which for the record neither I nor they do, the nonsense is palpable. How does nationality, a bureaucratic label, confer greater or lesser risk with respect to a virus?
We feel huge sympathy for our Spanish friend who has taken this unnecessary risk for the sake of her family.
Oh that’s horrible. The non sense is upsetting as it is, but what will the physical repercussions be for her? My husband asked if I expected him to take it and I said absolutely not. But neither do I expect him to pay for a family vacation he can’t join. So we stayed close to home this year. At least my mother came to visit in April and we don’t have any horrible emergencies at the moment. But life is short, childhood is shorter and we all feel absolutely robbed.
This is politically motivated scientific nonsense:
Could this be part of the reason?
Gag. The tentacles reach further. I was so upset for novax in Australia. I had so many friends who said he should just get the shots. No further thinking about possible side effects, the fact that he had natural immunity, or, the real clincher, why his body was their business. Now America is following a bad example. And for what? A fucking marketing stunt? Geez. Great digging BTW.
....ah, but don't underestimate the virus' smartness and subterfuge, it can even tell who's received the shot and who hasn't, lying in wait to attack by surprise!!
fearmongering on steroids.
That's an atrocity.
And I don't believe it's "Mission Impossible." Praying you will soon be able to report "Mission Accomplished."
Same here. We can't let people forget this. This is the new 911. Remember, the Patriot Act and the surveillance cameras were supposed to be temporary too.
Omg I tell this to people all the time! That was the first political event of my adulthood that got me really riled up--I protested and wrote so many letters all for nothing of course and now look where we are! The ratcheting continues. When people don't get it, this is a great reminder.
Yes, we need to keep getting people to see that this isn't what our founders fought for, especially kids who won't remember the pre-9/11 era.
We are not forgetting. Nor should we.
The new congress better find the resolve to turn over every rock…especially the ones that look like garden gnomes.
Good luck with that. The RINOs will be hiding under the rocks, too. They don’t have spines to do what’s right. Even the good ones are mostly just stupid followers and probably took the hokey pokey themselves.
I agree. I don’t think we can expect anything from anyone in the government / judicial system. There might be a few goods ones, but not nearly enough to make a difference.
Most of Congress has taken plenty of pharma money for their campaigns so I won't expect much deep digging in any kind of hearings, if there ever are any. Congress is owned.
Maybe Judicial Watch will find out how much Congress got from the threefake vaxx pharmaceutical companies. It would be great
Don’t disagree.
Still we have to bring the heat where and when we can.
My suspicion is this is just a warmup. The real sinister stuff awaits.
That is why WE need to hold their feet to the fire. An old saying, but true.....’the squeaky wheel gets the grease’.....
If the elections aren’t tainted, then we will probably have a lot of new representatives who haven’t been corrupted yet.
We need to encourage and support those who are willing to investigate this mess.
WE are going to have to nag the hell out of them in order to get it done. We can’t sit back and wait for someone else to do it. We are all pretty good at identifying the problems....... but not so good when it comes to pushing a solution.
The left is very good at nudging and pushing. They bitch, whine, and complain.... and repeat, repeat, repeat, until they get what they want.
I think that it’s time for us to give it a try.
And for those of you who don’t want too, or think it’s all over, or that there’s no difference between the parties, or that the system is too captured to make a difference....
IF the Republicans take the House (or the House and Senate) it means that our REPUBLIC is still functioning.... at least partially and that WE still have a say in OUR government.
We should try using it......
Exactly! Well said.
Bannon’s “Warroom” constantly showcases this new rising class of politicians vowing to bring white hot light to border invasion, election fraud, and especially the Scamdemic. Like many here I’m very skeptical of establishment R’s who talk a good game but won’t close the deal. (Ex: Rand Paul makes a great spectacle but he stops short of asking for Fauci’s unredacted emails…almost like he is playing a role to make us think he is on the case.)
I’m guardedly optimistic the new class of 2022 House electees can make it happen. We shall see.
After the election....if all goes well:
Not sure how to do this, but we need to set up a mechanism for‘pushing’ the new reps and senators and avoid them going bad.
We will have to make contact lists available with email info, office phone numbers etc.
We can set up an informal (or even formal) lobbying organization loosely based on Substack participants.
We would have to agree on our goals and processes for achieving them.
But first we need to vote... and see if the system still works. If the Dims don’t loose pretty significantly then we’ll know.....
Agree completely. We should see a sizable red wave. I think the house races will be cleaner than the senate since the senate vote will be more centralized at the state level.
I like your idea. Happy to help where I can.
We can see if there’s any support for something like this after the election. Maybe propose the idea to a few of the writers with larger subscriptions.
My feeling is that we should limit it to covid investigations and some other ‘common sense’ ideas that reflect the Substack community . Maybe support of anti-corruption legislation. I think most of us can agree to that.
If the elections aren’t fixed, then we still have a chance to help change things . I think that we owe it to ourselves to try.
Howard, thanks for the comments. This idea may be the equivalent of tilting at windmills . If you have any suggestions, let me know.
Same goes for anyone else, of course.
I SO want to be wrong about this conjecture. Please talk me out of it.
It seems to me...
Well, for example, remember how the Tea Party surge lasted for about a minute?
It seems to me, freshman arrive in Washington or state capitals, have a happy swearing in, things go swell, then they get the sit down. This is how things work, and no amount of grandstanding is going to change it, see? Play along, you’ll get a few crumbs. Don’t play, you’re going nowhere. That’s a nice freshman, now run along.
This is how we get RINOS - imo.
They all know which side their bread is buttered on.
How do we change this? “Hold their feet to the fire?” They’re not accountable to us. They’re just... not. They have a four year seat. That’s a long time. Any process by which they’d get the boot would be another long, drawn out, sordid show - including a second run, hardly any guarantees there.
I’m old. The system was broken long before I ever cast my first vote. I just didn’t know it then.
No denying the wet blanket hath arrived on this thread. Tell me I got it wrong. Tell me again how your proposed efforts will penetrate the unwritten code I’ve seen in play for 50+ years of voting - longer when I look at history.
We’re witnessing another blatant truth about how the executive branch runs the show. Legislative (and judicial) are tiny compared to executive. Every alphabet agency is under executive; they are in control; oversight is lip service.
Ok, I’m winding down now. I’m on team Truth, honest, but I just don’t see how doing the same thing in the same broken system is going to have any different type of effect. Here’s where the rubber meets the road ‘cos my only solution sounds awfully familiar, and just as implausible as the previous iteration: drain the swamp. Is it any wonder the pie in the sky dream of NESARA appeals?
Apologies if I sucked any wind out of sails. There was stated above the practical view, “tilting at windmills.” It’s a lot like that methinks. NOT saying we shouldn’t try. Just opinionating that we can’t solve our problems with the same thinking that created them (paraphrasing Einstein or whoever dropped that pearl). My solution is not much of a solution it would seem, certainly not near term.
*slips silently away, head hanging in dejection, not many more pepper hairs left to see their last day, far less welcome here than before I began to speak
I fully understand where you are coming from. And I get frustrated all the time.
Some musings :
1) the tea party was fighting a Dim Party who had control of both houses and the Presidency. I was there and I think that it made a difference. I do know that the tea party scared the hell out of the dim leadership. It effectively ended when GWB was elected.
2) Newt Gingrich and the new congress that came in with him did make a difference.... many things that were passed ended up being watered down later (again by the dims) but they had a positive effect overall.
We now have a radical leftist party driving the country into a ditch. The last time we had something this bad the result was the election of Ronald Reagan. I don’t care what the a-holes in the press say, the 1980s were a great time to be alive..... and a large part of that was a rejection of liberal/left policies.
This country is the best place in the history of the world. Despite our faults, this country has helped more people and done more good things for the world than any other country ever. It would be a crime against humanity to just let it fall.
Books have been written on this but I’m afraid that I need to stop now.... I’ve got an appointment coming up😎
All points well taken with original reservations, no, make that conviction, about Reagan’s election. Just his election. That was the construction of the politics is *all* theater coffin for me. An actor. Couldn’t vote for an actor. My first abstention in prez race. (It continues. Have you seen ? ) After that disenchantment I stepped way back to observe. The picture came into focus. He did a good job, as front man. I wasn’t sure who was pulling the strings, only sure the front was phony. It is. The People don’t have a lobby = broken system in simplest terms per its purported design. I mighta / my instructors mighta been imputing elements of design that in reality the founders didn’t intend. -?
Anyway, the brokenness is way deeper than I -and a host of far *far* more astute minds- ever observed. Have you read any of Katherine Watt’s deep dive into the cross administration /congress dismantling of the Constitution? Right under our noses. Sample:
I realize I am painting with a broad brush. I agree that the American experiment has been the greatest in human history. I feel fortunate this is where I was born. Impossible to overstate that stroke of plenty. In a way, I shouldn’t complain. On the other hand the façade we’ve been sold is crumbling, long past due.
Even broader brush, the cosmos is not static. It’s a dynamic system we don’t have the faintest grasp of. There’s that sector of observers, going back millennia, long before the birth of christianity, that speaks of cycles. They might or might not have had our current knowledge of physics? The teachings jibe with energy and cycles. Something is happening on the planet. Some manifestation of some cycle. The façade crumble, the truth coming to light to the least politically/establishment connected of us (that are still using our brains), and the speed! is quite something to witness. I prefer the wide angle lens but I still gotta eat. And help secure the best possible for generations that follow. Thud. Back on the ground.
Thanks for being a warrior, strong where I’m not - no illusions, I’m not in particular ways, especially in a trauma weary state. I think I’ve diverged far enough from original points. End of day tired. Fan of naps 😴 to recharge, not even a cat one today. I do have hope. Giving in to despair is not an option. I just see a certain futility in (paraphrasing Einstein -this was his) the insanity of doing things the same way as ever and expecting a different result. ...States’ sovereignty? Nullifying DC incursions? They -states- love the federal $$. ...New system of exchange coming after the Federal Reserve’s now 109-year-long party screeches to an ignominious end? NOT CBDCs, a beyond Orwellian nightmare. ...So many levels. Tired. Thanks for your consideration of my disjointed rambling.
Never happen, most republicans were on team apocalypse. I suspect the house will do some sort of investigation, les by rand Paul. That will be mostly political theater, as I suspect not 1 person will ever be held accountable for the suffering and loss so many have felt these last 21/2 years, not 1.
I agree with everything except that Rand Paul is a member of the House.
We should NEVER forget what the psychopathic medical mafia and government "overlords" have done, and never let them forget that we remember.
Of course, those who were deceived and manipulated by the orchestrated weapons of fear (many of whom may feel quiet regret now) would very much like to forget the whole thing.
Remembering is not useful unless accompanied by actions. It will be useful to remember that we punished the criminals. It will be useful to remember that medical "authorities" can never be blindly trusted. It will be useful to remember that our health is more important to ourselves than anyone else. It will be useful to remember that we can learn to maintain a healthy immune system, and that makes a big difference in surviving infections. It will not be useful to remember that we were assaulted and did nothing.
I think that pretty much encapsulates "never forget what they did and never let them forget that you remember." Of course, the memories of people are individualized, and the details are specific to them.
Remembering is not only useful in itself, but essential, and it's not a given, as short as the attention span of many people can be. Crimes that are dismissed and forgotten can never reach the accountability and punishment stage.
I wish it were that simple - but it's not about remembering. It's not over.
Of course it's not over ... they will never stop. But enough people remembering is a vital first step toward a sufficient number of people finally saying, "No more!" For a lot of people, refusing to comply can only happen through acknowledging and remembering what happened the first time.
Those of us who didn't comply from the start bypassed the need for that "jolt." We foresaw before we remembered.
Take up yoga, but don’t let them forget.
Namaste 🙏
Und just like that, it ends with a whimper, not a bang.
Not if you spend time with me, it won't.
I'm still protesting against the Patriot Act and other post 911 surveillance laws. I'm surprised by the people who've forgotten that the mass surveillance state was supposed to be a "temporary" means of fighting terrorism.
Me too. I remember that whole episode. I was horrified when the bombing in bagdad started. Shock and awe! It was such bullshit. A bunch of crimnals flew planes into buildings and the US government overreacted and basically started world war 3, empowered the TSA, passed the patriot act. And set the stage for the totalitarian nightmare we are in today.
None of the 9/11 stuff would have ever happened if the US government hdnt been mucking around all over world with other peoples cultures and countries.
YES! Thank you for this! Sorry for the language but I FUCKING HATE THE TSA. And I tell my children stories about life before they came along. NEVER FORGET indeed.
That's great! We need to educate kids who are growing up with this mass surveillance state so that they know there was a time when there were no surveillance cameras on the streets and when everyone believed surveillance was wrong, undemocratic, violating our 4th Amendment right to privacy.
amen sister
Sometime in the early 70s, my father and I went to LAX to pick up my mom and sister who had attended a wedding in NY. We were early and just killing time at the gate when a guy in a grey TWA (I believe) jumpsuit asked if we’d like to see a 747, a new plane at the time. We were a little puzzled, but said, “sure.” We followed him down the jetway onto an empty plane whereupon he gave us a complete tour of both decks and a peek inside the cockpit. As we were following him back to the concourse, my dad whispered that he should probably give him something. We thanked him and shook hands and my dad tried to slip him a few dollars, which the man would not accept. A story your kids, who are growing up in a completely different world, would probably not believe.
What no one wished to discuss or acknowledge is the fact that there will millions of people who did not have to die. There were therapeutics that worked well and were widely available and affordable. (noted in the Senate hearing). We punished people at the Nuremberg trials for gross promotion of death, but here we move on? Were is the justice? Where is the shame? Not even a "my bad". Sad, sad. There's a place in hell for our leaders and pushers. One must acknowledge and confess before one can be forgiven.
So true. I was just trying to explain to my sister (vaxxed and calls me ... all together now ... a conspiracy theorist) that just one reason for my emphatic persistence in sending email after email after email (which she largely ignored) to my contacts for over two years has been knowing that hundreds of thousands of people would die, and have died, due to being denied effective early treatment. And those who are responsible should pay.
Mark Crispin Miller just said, in a live zoom with Dr Kory, we are nearing a tipping point and when enough people wake up and see the level of destruction in our midst we will see Nuremberg 2.0. He didn’t provide a timeline but it was great to hear nonetheless.
That's hopeful...
You are welcome in my yoga class any time, Suzanne!!
Me toooo😁
I feel you
never forget... maybe forgive some... but not all
I feel the same. 💗
Most of us in these Substacks, have learned more than any doctor in the last 29 months!
This is so true! My own primary care doc tried to talk me into the jab at my yearly physical in 12/21. I knew this doc for many years as I had worked at a hospital in a suburb of Chicago for 22 years. I was a charge nurse on a cardiac floor, and was “voluntarily resigned” when I wouldn’t comply with the mandates.
I handed him a copy of the VAERS report and said “this is why I’m not getting it”. He told me he researched it before he had his children get it. I told him the co-inventor of the mRNA vaccines, Dr. Malone, stated he wouldn’t not get THIS one. Our discussion continued and was friendly, but in the end I told him; “I’ll just keep my healthy immune system and you just keep getting your boosters”. I said this with a smile which was of course masked 🥴.
I know more than I ever cared to about Virology. Def more than my doctor Also on Statins!!
What poor research the doctor did. Numbskull
learned more earned less ?
Amen to that JustANobody
Mark - first, you are quite the talented artist!
In a last ditch effort to try and wake up my brother (74 and with an IQ of 149) I mailed him RFK Jr.’s book A LETTER TO LIBERALS. I thought the passage in the book about how Galileo’s fellow scientists refused to look thru his telescope would speak to him - he’s an amateur astronomer (built his first telescope at the age of 13) and was the director of a planetarium. He returned the unread book. Told me Bobby was a charlatan and an opportunist. Said Galileo’s fellow scientists were NOT scientists. Said I was uneducated (I did not attend college) and that I am part of a cult. He said kiss me goodbye because you’ll probably never see me again - to which I did. I didn’t cry until he drove away - I think I was in shock. I am prepared for him to never wake up despite the evidence. I had been in the anger stages of grief over the loss of this once extremely close relationship. Now I am working towards the acceptance stage. And the saddest part is that his twin brother is of the exact same mindset. He lives in Hawaii - we haven’t spoken in months. The mass formation is real. I pray everyday.
That's a sad story. I've also lost some relationships over this scam. But I can't respect the judgment of anyone who bought the scam or forget all of the harm they've arrogantly caused to so many people, esp. the young.
Proof that IQ is given far more importance than it merits. I'm so sorry this happened to you, and to so many others. It's truly heartbreaking.
I am praying, too. God bless you.
I feel your pain. We live in TX and have basically lost our nyc daughter. She says we are dumb and selfish for refusing masks and injections. I mailed her a copy of the real A Fauci. She hasn’t mailed it back but who knows if she ever opened it. The combination of arrogance and ignorance she displays is just beyond my understanding. I also pray every day. What else can we do.
Most of the covidian true believers are most concerned about maintaining their status in the class system. They think if they reject anything in the covidian belief system, that classes them with the deplorables.
My brother disowned me last week. He has consistently treated me with disdain for putting my family at risk financially and listening to conspiracy theories. The conversation that caused his decision to cut me off was my refusal to agree I had a choice (I had freedom and bodily autonomy, sacred rights that I cannot be coerced to violate) and that anti-vaxxer was a slur that I would not tolerate. I refused to back down, he told me he would never speak to me again if I would not retract the statements and apologize. I have chosen to compartmentalize that. And told him he made a choice, not me. I am sorry for your situation. You remind me that I must pray for him. Consistently.
That's extremely upsetting. Did you see the (based on true story) TV series "The Shrink Next Door" with Will Ferrell?" Won't give away any spoiler alerts but might be very encouraging to watch in terms of having lost/missed out on a close relationship (specifically siblings in this case) due to manipulative psyop forces..
This breaks my heart. I’m so sorry you were unable to reach him.
Thank you Som. I am blessed to also have a twin. A sister who is wide awake, thank the Lord.
Two pairs of twins? Wow! That has to be a pretty rare occurrence. I'm glad your sister is "woke" in the positive sense.
So sorry to hear this. Fits a pattern though. Lots of people like him.
That's an extremely sad story Laura. I'm sorry for what you've been through. The mass formation is real. This PsyOp was top notch, the best ever. Just imagine what kind of good could be accomplished if they used their influence in a positive way. Instead of manipulating the world to take a deadly shot, they could have convinced the world to spend an afternoon helping the widow next door or pulling weeds at the local elementary. But instead they chose the depopulation route. It's always the depopulation route...
Or the pedophilia route. Imagine if they spent the resources used for fighting terrorism on finding kidnapped children? My big take away from the Madeline McCan documentary.
I'm sorry about your brother- maybe he'll come around in the future. It hurts like hell when you get thrown under the bus, but you seem to be on the recovery trail. I got sober 15 years ago -some of my friends embraced me, but some rejected me and said goodbye. I guess they couldn't deal with my "change" or else they didn't want to face their own delusion. I wish you healing and happiness.
Gees Laura… my brother didn’t listen either jabbed x 3 … quarterback, scholarship athlete of the town where Mark lives. Now his wife tells me his balance is off and falls. I begged him no shots . We have to let it go and give all to our Lord.
He owns his own business, he didn’t need to do this. 🥲. He golfs with a pharmacist who knows everything.
Unity is a sign of the Holy Spirit
Division a sign of the devil
Sorry Laura. That’s rough.
From what I can tell, my home state is in bad shape. I'm so sorry to read your story. You tried. But this life is about you and your growth, so try and focus on that!
Laura, I'm so sorry for your loss. It's very difficult thing to let go of a sibling relationship. I've had to do it, and it is awful.
Give him time. Let him know the door is always open. Keep your own heart open and let him know it is, and that you will always love matter what.
Don't confuse them with the facts, their mind's made up. Ancient wisdom. It's our nature.
Very sad
Time May heal the wounds
You only can control yourself
Sounds like they’re so wrapped up in pride and arrogance. Hopefully they find some humility
Laura - stop adding to my book addiction. I mean, I quit drinking a while ago - let me enjoy sobriety while I still can. Lol
Although I have been adamantly opposed to the jabs from the start (40 years in pharma-- I know how to recognize bad studies) my husband chose to believe his cardiologist and internist who highly recommended that he not only the get the initial series but also boosters. I would have liked the opportunity to ask his MD's the questions that the yoga instructor posed (no pun intended) but my husband knew I probably would embarrass them as I had with my statin questions. It is hard to make people understand that physicians may NOT know best. I believe MD's should be held liable for their recommendations as the actual data never lined up with the marketing message.
It's an overrated group.
By far
When I refused the jab and said if I got Covid I’d like Hydroxychloroquine (protocol) treatment at home, my PCP said “That just plain doesn’t work.” I was thunderstruck with the realization that my own Physician didn’t know as much about this as I did — he wasn’t checking things out — and I thought: “He’s sold out truth for something else … probably his job.” I’ve never trusted him since and am searching for a Doc aligned with my research and values. Haven’t found ONE yet.
I was in a similar situation with my PCP. I had Covid in the summer of 2020 and our family doctor of 20+ years refused to see me or even talk to me on the phone said to go the the ER…then at the ER they said basically I wasn’t sick “enough” to be there and I should see my family doctor ohhh and not to come back unless I couldn’t breathe. It was an awful run around. I was sicker than I had ever been in my life (though thankfully never felt like I couldn’t breathe)…for me it was like a poison was in every fiber of my body…the pain was excruciating. My family and Google got me thru it…but it was rough. I have never felt the same about my doctor and went on a mission to replace him. We’ve since gotten established with a new MD…who very much respects my decision not to be vaccinated. I have MS and I knew that I didn’t want to put anything in my body that would possibly over activate my immune system not to mention that I believed this whole pandemic was manufactured and a crock of “you know what”! My experience at the ER also damaged my overall feelings about healthcare (it’s not healthcare, it’s “sickcare”) and the medical profession in general. I used to be an LPN back before I had 4 kids and I would no longer want to be part of this corrupt institution. “Healthcare” workers went along with their orders as to not lose their jobs…well, so did the SS in Nazi Germany…doesn’t make it right or ethical. Wonder how both these circumstances (the Holocaust and the Covid “pandemic”) would have, could have, and should have turned out differently if people refused to follow orders or just spoke up…sadly, we’ll never know.
I hope you’re able to find a new physician that you can trust…they’re out there, but few and far between!
I applaud your astute judgment. Glad you found a new doctor.
Thanks for your story. There are millions of us! Blessings to you. 🙏
If they take insurance or Medicare/Medicaid, most likely they are REQUIRED to pass along the "real misinformation" or they won't be paid for the visit. (Bonus bucks for successful jabbing!) Finding doctors who resist the machine intent on depopulation--yet controls the flow of money in the industry--is nearly impossible. My hope and prayer is that this concocted "pandemic" forces doctors who are capable of critical thinking into a more simple practice model: paid lower fees directly by their patients (probably would be more than they earn from insurance), but without the interference. Sadly, it's all or nothing when it comes to insurance acceptance--the doctor must do as they say, or they don't get paid.
How does insurance know if the doctor lets you know how dangerous (and useless) the jabs are?
Thank you. All the information coming in is helpful. 🙏🇺🇸
You learned a valuable lesson that a degree doesn't imply wisdom.
Keep looking! They’re few and far between but they do exist and the payoff will be well worth the effort! I would never trust my health to a doctor who fell for this line of BS and pushed it on patients. This was true for me even before covid (I’ve been down on most “western” doctors since forever😁). I thought my general opinion of doctors was already as low as it could go, but I have to say I have been absolutely shocked by the level of arrogance, stupidity and self-serving willful blindness they’ve displayed en masse throughout this debacle. Unbelievable.
But as I said earlier, there ARE good doctors out there. With some effort and searching I was very blessed to find 3 within an hours drive of my hometown - our dentist, eye doctor and GP are all holistic, independent-thinking, absolutely brilliant doctors - I am infinitely grateful for them. I hope you’ll eventually find the same in your area! 🙏🏻♥️
Thank you for the HOPE. Holistic? Do these non-lemmings (lemming: a person who unTHINKINGLY joins a movement and with it falls headlong into destruction) generally) go by a “label” such as DO (?) or Neuropathic? I’ve been calling MD. Ha!!
Using search terms such as naturopath, functional medicine, alternative medicine, etc is a good way to start (altho NOT on Google or DuckDuckGo! I use Brave - there are other good search engines also :).
To be honest, I can’t remember the specifics or exactly how I found our 3 favorite doctors, it was a decade or more ago😁. I’m sure I probably searched using terms like these to start? But as I recall, only our dentist came up with the actual term “holistic” in his description. (He’s incredible. Just announced his much deserved retirement tho - after nearly 45 years being a trailblazer in his field. I’m not sure what our plan will be now? A new dentist search I guess but sigh… he is truly irreplaceable💔)
Our eye doctor and GP are incredible trailblazers as well, finding them was more a stroke of luck (answered prayer ;) than anything else I think, I can’t remember how it happened? They are both nearing retirement age also though and just as irreplaceable as our beloved dentist 😭😭 (again - much deserved retirement after long exemplary careers helping countless patients) but I’m not sure where we’ll go from here? I’ll be back in the search for good doctors myself I’m afraid.
Best of luck to you - hope you find the real deal!🙏🏻♥️
Thank you. So far I’ve found some Doctors of Osteopathy who specialize in “natural” disease prevention (diet, supplements, maybe chiropractic?) rather than treat disease after it’s there. 👍
There’s an ID doc in NJ who almost lost his license until he presented his own study of COVID and HCQ to the NJ Medical Board.... he was quite vocal in the beginning and then it got ugly....
That ID Doc is a HERO in my book! Speaking out has many consequences, but the “GOOD” coming out of having done so will live long after we’ve fallen while trying.
Back story… this doctor’s Dad was also an ID Doctor… he diagnosed me in 1996 with Lyme Disease after 8 months of diagnosis hell. What was my treatment? Antibiotics and PlaQUINel aka HCQ for 8 weeks….there is NO legitimate reason why HCQ was banned. None. Lupus and RA patients take it daily in much higher doses. And taken daily in countries plagued with Malaria.
Hummm… 😒 … makes a THINKING person think: Something doesn’t small right about all this … What’s the REAL story?
Doctors are products of their training. They're well trained in following the standards, and following orders. They're prohibited from independent judgement. If you want standard care and standard outcomes, doctors can help. If you want to do better, you're on your own.
Thanks for writing this piece
I am a primary care doctor that when asked would say “I don’t know” ,I don’t know the short medium or long side effects because time has not passed! I was and still am so baffled at how people would be so willingly be part of a medical experiment
Why would they ask me what are the side effects? I would tell them I don’t know what can happen to you in 6 months,1 year,5 years ,10 years or more -I said—nobody knows!
There’s no control group now (well there’s a silent control group )
I also made patients question .the young and healthy..your risk is very low..I don’t know the risk of this -patient’s fear was so palpable and out of proportion
Luckily I was able to help some-usually people that you would think were the “least educated” were the wisest -they didn’t want to go to the hospital or be part of the experiment (unfortunately most of them were so coherced and needed their jobs they HAD to do it )-so sad
I gave examples of other drugs being banned after years of “safe and effective” use
In reality I knew- I strongly did not recommend it
ARN getting into your cells and messing your genes/proteins? How can that be good and safe? I knew already cancers, autoimmune diseases would happen.
I didn’t allow my mom to get it
I told my husband from day 1-he was skeptical as well ,told him this will be hard to prove medically like everything else
I didn’t know I was going to see all these illnesses happen so quick
Speaking in past tense because I lost that job of 10 years
This is an uphill battle with blind people
Not sure how this will be fixed -I hope it does soon because it’s so sad to think this is the world my young daughters have to live..I try to instill critical thinking skills every day
( i say even if ALL the kids in the school do something but YOU think it’s wrong or unsafe -don’t do it! Even if you are the ONLY one!)
Thank you for your devotion to inquiry, truth and your patients' health.
I wish you could be our PCP. We mistrust everything now and do not even want to go to yearly checkups. I used to think you could always trust a doctor. I was so wrong. Thank you for standing up for what you believe.
Same here!!
I agree with those below who've already said they wish you were there physician. What you said about no long-term studies or official control group -- spot on! That's the topmost reason why my spouse and I refused the shots. How anyone, especially a doctor, can recommend these jabs in good conscience is beyond me. I've certainly lost respect for my doctor as a result.
Jen, thank you! For being a critical thinker, for serving your patients. Move south and you can get a job. My physician dad had your same approach.
I asked my local state reps to share with me the scientific data they were basing their support of mask mandates on. One sent me to an NPR podcast, the other told me “as a frontline nurse of 32 years who, with many thousands of my colleagues have worn masks for long periods of time before COVID, and a professional whose career and patients have depended on understanding the hierarchy of evidence (quality) I can assure you that I am not giving in to uninformed hysteria and panic” nor am I virtue signaling.... it is clear we disagree on this”
I had sent her links to several studies showing the inefficacy of masks, to which that was her response.
I replied that “In your position of representative of the people, I would ask for more than “agree to disagree”... I would ask that you engage with the studies I sent”
She replied that “I don’t want to get into an evidence slinging contest with you, there would be no point”
This was last November. I will likely be voting republican for the first time in my life just to spite this condescending entitlement.
Yes, our exchanges were similar. And common. Though not as common as complete disengagement.
There needs to be political payback. If not, things will get even worse.
No POINT in exchanging evidence? I wonder how many patients she killed.
I'm right there with you. I will not vote for anyone who supported lockdowns, mask mandates or vaccine mandates. My right to move freely and my right to bodily autonomy are extremely important, obviously. The democrats supported all of those things.
I’d vote for them again if they admitted they were wrong. Of course none will, but it would show courage and the right way to start leading people out of this mess
If they admitted they were wrong AND vowed to never, ever do that again. That's the thing for me. I don't want this to ever happen again, and I fear it will with Democrat-majority state and local governments, not to mention the federal government.
IMO, we need a mix of people at all levels of government. If one party gets too much power they inevitably abuse it.
Great piece! And I like your painting. I'm laughing because in my city, which is rapidly being run into the ground by leftist idiots, to display that message would make my dimbulb neighbors find another block to walk their dogs down. But that wouldn't bother me.
I have a lot of MD friends and for the most part they don't question what comes down from on high or if they do they're way too status conscious to squawk about it. The culture of medicine is one of hierarchical bullying and kowtowing. So many of these docs still think Fauci is "doing an outstanding job". His words.
Nice going you pack of buffoons. I pity you.
You nailed the culture of medicine. What are they all so afraid of (because we know that bullies are acting out some insecurity)?
I wonder. My own field of physics has its bullies and toadies, stemming usually from insecurity I think. In medicine it's palpable. And now that pharma has captured the flagship medical agencies in the US, it's really not safe to go to a doctor if you're ignorant of drug side effects. The doctors will prescribe what the other docs are prescribing. They don't know anything about side effects, but I've learned the hard way. In the end, I think they way they've behaved during covid has cost them prestige, status and trust in the eyes of the patients.
I agree on the lost of trust. Doctors do not have a clue about the implications of their actions, nor in most cases, do they care. Medicine has become so siloed, with each specialty doing their thing, that the patient MUST become CEO of their own health care, if only to coordinate things and find all the errors. Too many stories to tell there!
The medical training process is abusive and dysfunctional. Just like a dysfunctional family, it breeds uncaring bullies afraid of their position on the pyramid. Attendings abuse residents and residents go on to become attendings. The cycle perpetuates.
Many years ago, I worked as a financial advisor and had mostly surgeon clients. I think that the vast majority of doctors are total sheep. The group think, group acceptance and group defense (when there is a threat) is the stuff of Stepford Wives (remember them?). The only solace was that charging them far more than other clients made them feel important. It made me feel good too! :)
Stay healthy!!!!
The credentialing system is serving it's purpose. It's holds them hostage so that if they rock the boat their license can be pulled and their livelihood is ruined.
When I was eight my brother told me there was a monster under my bed. I was scared of this monster and couldn’t sleep so my brother told me to stay under the blankets because monsters can’t penetrate blankets. When morning came and I was still alive, the eight year old me truly believed that monsters couldn’t penetrate blankets. Eventually I realized that the blanket wasn’t protecting me. There wasn’t a monster under the bed.
They told people there was a monster under the bed and so many people believed them. They also believed that the monster couldn’t penetrate their masks. They still haven’t realized that there is no monster under the bed. My eight year old self could have told them that.
I love this analogy
Haha! I read this comment to my wife and she said, "That's a great analogy."
That is borderline brilliant.
Eight year olds are much better learners than adults.
many md's, nurses, and lawyers are protective of their 'licenses' and will not 'rock the boat'.
from experts at nih/cdc, to practicing professionals the stark ignorance of risks posed by accepting a hypothesis is exploringly obvious.
when they say 'safe and effective' my reply is 'what is the probability that that hypothesis you just affirmed is false'?
the answer is for these:
'far too high'!
and politicians who a month ago were firing people for no jab are now blaming trump & warp speed for the harm they caused.
Yes there are signs of the long predicted narrative change. “It was really the fault of Trump and OWS!”
The difference in cognitive style between the establishment-aligned and the dissident or, one might say, conscience-aligned, is rather stark isn't it? For the former, truth is determined socially by reference to authority pronouncement. For the latter, who said what is rather irrelevant: what matters is the structure of the argument and how well it does or does not conform to the observable world.
The result is one group inhabiting a hallucinatory hall of mirrors, which has been driven quite insane; and another, which inhabits reality.
Of course, to the authoritarians, we look quite insane. But again, the big difference is that they're not really capable of explaining why we're crazy, aside from 'you don't agree with authorities'. While we are perfectly capable of pointing out the inconsistencies in the authoritarian hyperreality, and doing so in detail.
LOL! Los Angeles is offering free Covid testing for pets . . . gotta use up those paid-for test kits.
My German Shepherd keeps pulling her N95 off.
Right? She doesn't want to mask up . . .
Yeah. Reckless ignorant soul that she is. I tell her don't come crying and whining to me when you get covid. She just won't listen.
lmao! Rotten bitch . . . as the saying goes, "they don't call em bitches for nothing!"
At least my parakeets are good about masking.
Not a good little German is she.
Mark this is another of your brilliant insights from seemingly ordinary daily encounters. I expect most of your readers practically “know” both characters in the story. I feel like I do.
I have to applaud your willingness to engage where so many of us keep quiet and go about our business.
I will not be silent. The truth matters.
I make friends easily. If I lose a friend, I make a new one. Or two.
I have a good friend that's a doctor and works at the hospital. She makes fun of my healthy eating and thought it strange that vitamin A helped a skin problem I was having on my hands.
When Covid first made the news she told me it was just a disease that killed old and unhealthy people, this is no big deal, SARS was scary she said, that was killing young people. She was flying back from China before the lockdown and making fun of the people that were wearing masks, we even discussed the attempts at coronavirus vaccines and how the animals died in the experimental stage when introduced to the wild virus, but then everything changed with her. She applauded Newsom's locking down the state, I kept asking if the hospitals were full and she would say no, but our wave hasn't hit yet! She was wearing a mask even to meet us on the beach for a walk when the mask mandate hit. She told me people were occasionally coming into the ER after receiving a positive test and had slight symptoms but would tell her nurses to tell the patient with an eye roll, come back when they couldn't breathe.
Why arent you offering other treatments, I asked? Because we're waiting for the NIH to give us guidance. She literally told me "I trust Fauci, he knows his stuff." I decided to test the waters with her and sent her a video of a doctor in Texas that was treating patients with nebulized budesanide and she replied "he sounds like a quack." I pulled up his experience of being in practice for over 30 years and getting his degree in very respected medical schools and she said that didn't mean anything, she knew a lot of quack doctors that she would never let treat her or her family.
I probably don't have to even add how excited she was when she showed me that she received the vaccine when they were first handing it out to hospital staff.
So yeah, I don't know what's going on in the brains of these "higher educated" people but it's not critical thinking.
Love the yoga teacher's comments. I'm a yoga teacher, too, and was totally freaked out by everyone rushing like lunatics to get their injections here in Melbourne last year. The atmosphere in my city was already oppressive after all the lockdown madness, but the injection frenzy added a sinister dimension that truly terrified me. I will never understand what the hell got into people.
My friends in Melbourne tell me that the city has lost its vibe.
Yes, it has. Our psychotic premier and his bunch of nihilist goons destroyed it. Plus the people here did not put up enough of a fight, so Melbourne is very much a shadow of its former self.
It’s simple…FEAR…fear got into them. Fear is what is (and has been) used to control people!
"Anxiety lives in the psychological space where the consciousness of God is absent." Dr. Zelenko
Another great piece Mark. And I genuinely like your painting. Delete it's very pertinent message, and my vaccinated wife would have that on a wall in our house (yes, I'm sad about this). As for the Yoga instructor, it has been my experience that anyone remotely associated with Yoga, in all it's variations, is working on limiting that damned Ego.... and, as such, sees everything more clearly than those more distracted, egocentric souls.
I was thinking along the same lines. This has been a giant ego reveal. It has become clear to me who in my circles loves themselves and who loves others. Wearing masks and getting the vaxx were presented as loving others and not doing so was presented as selfish- the exact opposite of reality! It gives the egocentric a way to play at being caring, while in actuality, stroking their own egos.
Just thinking a little further-- no one who truly loves others feels superior in doing so. Truly loving others seems to me to be the complete dissolution of ego.
If you ask a person what kind of milk they like in their latte, they usually have a quick answer based on health or preference, and are often quite knowledgeable about why they prefer it. If you ask them what kind of substance is being in injected into their body, they have no idea whatsoever. Perhaps we could work to reverse this trend, so people apply at least as much scrutiny to such an important and potentially deadly decision. Laughin' and cryin' but I ain't lyin'.
Sadly, deeply true.
No kidding!! The majority of people have NO depth or ability to critically think about most things. There is NO going back from that needle and it's contents. I got a tetanus booster before we went to Africa 6 years ago. I had a "procedure" that required an IV in February of 2021. I have now decided that I will never let them stick me again. If I get in an accident, just let me bleed out because I will not get a transfusion. Updating my living will is a top priority.
Same here SadieJay, all the jabby donated blood in the blood banks, folks don't stand a chance. I am (sadly) excited by some new info i saw about how they can image the surface of a persons body and see the clogged veins or arteries....Its becoming quite obvious about the science of what is really happening, the clots and all...I am so glad that at least we have a sense of it. Poor normies, even when they hate me I know they would choose differently if they had understood the danger.
Sad but true. I live in ct. I've had the same doctor for 30 years. He advised me against in the beginning. So now I'm wondering if he was forced himself!? I had a physical a month ago, and I started to ask him about covid, but he looked nervous as hell, so I left him alone. He knows that I know and remember our conversation in the beginning of this nightmare!
I'm not sure what type of milk I prefer, never got to drink much. We were so poor growing up that we ate our cereal with a fork to save milk.