The “could’ve been worse” BS line has no science behind it. Because it’s been spewed from the blow horns of media and government officials 24/7, people like my parents, believe it. I hate what the liars have done to good people. The liars should have a covid vax drip installed in their veins permanently.

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That is all they can say honestly because they NOW know they were sold a lie and lost their critical thinking skills. I wonder if any of them now thing "hm what ELSE was I wrong about"??

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Yeah, it's clear that one lie often reveals others. Work backward from the vaxx lies and see the whole past 30 months have been a lie.

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I went all the way back to 9/11. Now I think EVERYTHING I’ve ever believed was a lie.

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Most of you are not old enough to remember, but even as a child I thought it nonsense that Jack Ruby, about to die of cancer anyway, was able to walk right up to the one person that actually knew the story of the Kennedy assassination, Lee Harvey Oswald, while surrounded by the best security of the day, and assassinate him. Ruby was a small time crook and could have given a damn less about the President being shot. It was clearly a setup (likely CIA but who knows) and they have lied about it for 60 years. Why stop ever?

For many years I thought I was just not understanding something. Sadly, I came to understand that what I was not understanding was the government's intentional lying to the populace, virtually all the time.

Sobering. I am with the group that says if the government says something, assume the opposite and you will be far more likely to be correct.

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Congress passed a bill requiring all the JFK materials be released, the date for which happened to fall wi the Trump presidency.

He released a portion but didn’t release it all.

Make of that what you will.

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Here's a very interesting paper on the JFK assassination, unlike any other. The author's views on the landscape of the power structure have evolved since he wrote it, but the analysis remains on target. http://mileswmathis.com/barindex2.pdf

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that link doesn't work

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Like you, I pretty much thought the same thing but with all that’s been going on since just before Trump took office and especially now that Biden is in, my eyes have really opened up. I’m sure if the Dems &/or left gets their way, we will never get to see those documents about the JFK assassination.

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Correct, because the CeeEyeAy took him out.

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Ruby absolutely was a CIA asset - w/I the last year I read quite an eye-opening piece about him and his subsequent trial (and the endless delays resulting in his death before it could take place.)

Just before the trial was to actually happen, a psychiatrist from the University of Oklahoma - who later left OU to run an infamous top secret LSD operation at UCal Berkeley - met with Ruby.

Ruby never spoke again.

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Take a close look at the photos of Jack Rubenstein shooting Lee Oswald. If you can, put aside everything you've heard and read, all the various theories, and just give them a look with fresh, impartial, unprejudiced eyes. http://mileswmathis.com/barindex2.pdf

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And on the JFK topic, Trump has seen that classified info.

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Martha, Maybe so, but I would not expect the DeepState to show him of anyone the "true" classified information. Would you?

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Me too! I spent five or six hours last week watching 9/11 videos exposing all the lies. I want to read some books next. Are there any you recommend?

We have a very sick country and government!!

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There are so many holes in the official 9-11 story, I can't believe I ever bought it.

Just for starters: a plane did not crash in that field in Pennsylvania. We all saw the footage on TV which featured a smoking hole about 15x30 feet, but no debris field, no bodies, no nothing to indicate a plane crashed there, and we somehow believed a plane crashed there? Just because "they" said so. What the hell? That is some serious black magic, man.

It's scary, but also fascinating. How did they do it?

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It's like the reporter outside the pentagon.

One report.

Hard to find.

But it does not support the plane into building narrative.

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I grew up in a very rural area but I always like to watch people as events unfold. I was living in Brooklyn during 911 and I was in the habit of watching people all of the time especially because I worked in the psychology field at the time.

When I saw the plane hit the building and then the building fall directly into his footprint I was watching people and just saw their shock over the situation. From a psychological standpoint their mind is completely open to be told what is happening by the authorities. They’re basically in a deep delta state.

I then noticed how the news showed the plane going into the buildings the buildings falling into their footprint and then the pictures of the supposed perpetrators. And it was that loop over and over and I watched the expressions on their faces change from the shock to fear and finally anger. I wasn’t surprised when Bush came on with his call for retaliation.

I also noticed how they never showed Ground Zero. Perhaps that’s because the buildings were more powder than anything else. Can’t have (in the masses) memories of how ground zero looked because it certainly wouldn’t look anything like a building that was impacted by a jet and fell. They also hauled it away and cleaned up as fast as they possibly could (To save the American people from pain). Can’t have an untidy crime scene now can we.

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I’ve only read the articles online. Don’t know of any books. I’m still trying to read Bobby’s about Fauci before I see Bobby again in Knoxville next month. I don’t want to ask him to sign it if I haven’t read it!

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If anyone wants the RFK book, I'll mail you mine. I'm done with it.

forecheck32 at g mail

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Martin Luther King Jr,

"On some positions cowardice asks the question, is it safe?

Expediency asks the question, is it politic?

Vanity asks the question, is it popular?

But conscience asks the question, is it right?

And there comes a time when one must take a position

that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular

but he must take it because conscience tells him it is right."


Video equivalent https://www.bitchute.com/video/A5csOmwmYjhP/

There are some uncomfortable realities about 9/11, and the power structure of our world in general. Don't shrink away from the facts out of fear of being called dirty names.

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Did you see the video of George Bush saying that the terrorists purposefully "PLACED THE EXPLOSIVES" so that the people above couldn't escape.

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An update. When I read the transcript of Bush's speech, he appeared to be talking about "other" planned attacks against America, so the quote does appear to have been taken out of context.

That does not explain the many other glaring anomalies in the official story about Sept 11th.

I never previously believed in the "conspiracies", but seeing architects and engineers pick holes in the official story and witnessing the events of the last few years have opened my eyes to what our glorious leaders are capable of and how much they all lie.

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I did not! Interesting, eh?

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I would recommend the books by David Ray Griffin specific to this topic. They're a good starting point. Films I can recommend are "Who Killed John O'Neill?" and "Zero". Believe it or not, "Zero" is still available on PooTube: https://youtu.be/6-CxA3iBHzA

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Looking back, I’m not sure anything we’ve been told is true. It’s all very scripted.

What’s chilling is the absolute ease with which our elected officials lie or completely fabricate information.

I guess you can sleep well at night if you have NO conscience whatsoever.

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The last 2.5 years have made me much more skeptical, but I still can't buy that 9/11 wasn't a foreign jihadist attack. The leaps of logic are too great.

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The "leaps of logic" required of us by those who failed miserably that day (if one believes the official story) such as the entire U.S. government, its military, and all its agencies responsible for the defense of this country are easy for you to make, Jon?

If you could take five minutes for a review of that "logic", I offer this: https://youtu.be/ieww8Ws1nDY

Given the stunning failure of the military and other air defense systems that day, naive little me -- still a believer back then -- declared that same day, "Heads are gonna roll for this."

Ahhh...Well, we all have to grow up some time.

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I don’t know what happened that day but a plane did not crash in that field in Pennsylvania. Look back at the original photos from the scene. There is no debris field, not a single scrap of metal. Never before nor since has that happened. Just sit with that for a while. Nothing else. Just that one thing. The leaps of logic required to explain how there was no debris field are too great.

Once you sit with that turn your attention to WTC building 7. It also collapsed that day, and it only had a few small fires smoldering. Watch the footage of it falling and compare it to footage of controlled demolitions.

WTC7 was only the third skyscraper in the world to collapse like that, and it hasn’t happened since. Guess what the other two were?

Again, I don’t know who was behind what happened that day but I do trust the evidence of my own eyes and ears. Believing the official story requires me to ignore all of that.

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Perhaps looking up "Operation Northwoods" would allay your skepticism.

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I also found it hard to accept but after reading some things and the scamdemic, I don't know what to believe anymore. Best to not believe anything from government. I found this enlightening, and the biggest thing was not believing a government would kill so many of it's own people. And then came the jabs and removed all doubt!


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Laura- Another thing I keep thinking about is the "Shoe Bomber" at the airport story. It seemed a bit crazy at the time, but we all bought it because of all the paranoia after 9-11, and because of it, we now have the dept of Homeland Security to thank for the indignities of removing our shoes and having all our liquids sorted out, etc.

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The airport shoe removal ritual serves as psychological prep for further absurdities forced upon the populace such as masking and social distancing as part of Operation Covidia.

It has nothing to do with public health and everything to do with social control of a restive population within a system of vast financial and social inequality.

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Yes, absolutely right! In hindsight, you can see it all very clearly.

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Thank god they didn't do the same wrt the "underwear bomber!" FYI, an American lawyer named Kurt Haskell observed Abdulmutallab being escorted *past* security.

Director of DHS at the time, Michael Chertoff, had ownership in full body scanner BAE systems and has since held owner stakes and represented both BAE, RapiScan (AKA RapeScan), and others. People call this "security theater," but the "need" for security was invented from the ground up. DHS has never foiled a terror plot, and the only terror incidents to occur have all been CIA false-flags and FBI patsies. It's just a treasury dip, with the added benefit of solidifying control and eroding our rights.

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That does explain a lot! Thank you!

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Some of us bought it, Genevieve. I never did.

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Don't forget the pat-downs. I went through the scanner and my daughter was ahead of me and my scan showed my outline, with hands in the air and a HUGE RED BOX in my crotch area. She got a pic of the scan. I mean, it was super funny but the person who did the pat down was not the one I had my eye on. I don't swing that way, but she seemed to enjoy it.

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Ah yes, the pat downs, the scanners, all of it is dehumanizing! I wonder if the whole thing was just a means to usher in more government control over the masses.

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Exactly, but it’s okay for illegal immigrants to go through no problem! It’s all a charade. When I was in CO in May, the security line was so long and people missing their flights that by the time I got up there, you just walked through and didn’t have to sort anything in a tray!

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Moon landing.

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My grandma swore up and down it was all a farce and huge hoax.

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This one confuses me- if the moon landing was a hoax, what would be the reasoning behind it all? I never really saw the point of it, it just seemed like a waste of a lot of money, we could have done better things with.

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The classic 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘴𝘱𝘪𝘳𝘢𝘤𝘺 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘰𝘳𝘺 explanation is that every time some new atrocity came out of Vietnam, an Apollo mission was there to overtake the headlines and nightly news. A possibility.

What I think more important with any conspiracy- JFK/911 etc., is that we are free to explore all sorts of theories to our hearts content (there is a cottage industry of intelligence assets doing limited hangouts exposing various government misdeeds and pushing different theories) as long as we don't ever settle on the most obvious and correct theory. Remember, if we faked our moon missions, the Soviet 𝘨𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘯𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵 knew and said nothing. That's an important detail in itself.

Moon http://mileswmathis.com/ammoon.pdf

(Just for fun) JFK http://mileswmathis.com/barindex2.pdf

Also just for fun, check out "Capricorn One" 1978, James Brolin, Sam Waterston, and OJ Simpson (bonus! http://mileswmathis.com/oj.pdf )

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psychological warfare or just testing how far media can go with the lies etc

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I think due to the interviews that not a single astronaut (CIA agent) been to the moon.

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Here is a great Stack about politicians and gives some good links to "thinking" sites. She does a great job summing some things up without being too verbose. The politicians you "see" granting freedoms are usually just shills. Bunch of liars. Most of them anyway...https://shethinksliberty.substack.com/p/more-musings-on-floridas-governor

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❤️ Thank you!

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Even before 9/11 Ruby Ridge and Waco. Would sit and watch and WTF. The gubmit is killing people that "just want to be left alone". Both happened under Demonrats.

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Work backward longer than that and you can see the planning that went into the whole scam of a pandemic. I'm old enough to remember the swine flu scam in the 70's. MAss vaxxing was stopped after people just said hell no and more harm was being done by the vaxx than the swine flu. That was their first try at total control.

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I'd like to know if there are any studies or data to back up the " would've been worse " statement 🤔

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They aren’t capable of that level of self analysis.

What they do know is:

-That Donald Trump is bad

-That Republicans are bad

-That they are the good people

-They are the people who care

-That they are smarter

-That they took the Covid vaccine because they care about others, not themselves .... and certainly not because they were scared shitless.

Just ask them......


This is a general observation that applies to most of these people. There are always exceptions.

This also does not apply to those mandated to get the shots or to children.

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Actually, the craziest COVID fear riddled people I know, are wealthy white Republicans. But their fears are fueled by their Trump hating liberal children and spouses. My best friends have four teenage grandsons who all play High School hockey and I pray that these boys don’t keel over in Mennen Arena ( NJ.)

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Here in liberal ground zero HP the ostensible CV fear was/is off the charts.

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People thinking "What ELSE am I wrong about?" is the best outcome of all of this.

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Sadly, I know way too many people who are still under the spell and believe it was the best outcome due to the shots and the dictate of the 3-letter agencies. They are ready to line up for the bivalent covid/flu combo. It is beyond belief.

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Yup! I know a few of those.

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I am grateful I started asking myself this exact question.

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they don't think. perhaps never really needed to. the pitch I use is that since there's no package insert or any information on what's in the vaxx and only 8 test mice to convince us, how can the 'it could've been worse' -bit be true?

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They didn't before hope they do now, but my 2 friends got Then an in the last 4 month's for their cruises. Sorry they are Morons!!

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I honestly don’t think many are even thinking what else they’ve gotten wrong - they truly believe it coulda been worse. People like my Sister who can’t afford cable or are technologically challenged are totally in the dark. I saw my sister last week for first time since before elections in 2020 and she’s totally unaware of anything that’s really been going on because she only gets the mainstream news channels. She doesn’t believe me and says she’s gonna ask her son or her neighbor. I sent her home with a week old Epoch Times Newspaper I hopes she starts to question things a bit.

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It IS amazing.. truly Good luck to you and your sister!

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Thanks! For now, I’m seeing her sparingly! Lol I just can’t deal with stupid anymore which is partly why I didn’t see her all this time.

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OH I hear you big time . Sister got jab after many long months because her priest told her it was a good idea. Brother is soo liberal makes my blood boil. Of course he would stand in line to be jabbed. I sent him the article about the Ivermectin and how it's effective that came out recently. CRICKETS. I tend NOT to send him things or talk about anything with him related to the jabs or the last 2 years and fortunately we live far enough away from each other to not visit LOL

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Lol sounds like my Brother! Total Lib in Calif and actually likes Newsom! I’m also glad we are not in the same State!

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It's the same line that they used to justify the lockdowns. The most extreme response is now always the right response because no matter how bad things get "they could have been worse". This is a very dangerous precedent.

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Would be (will be?) interesting to see who complies this next time!

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They all believe it, all of them. It must be some natural human instinct that resides inside people. Like they say, if you tell a lie long enough you’ll start to believe it. Even when your the one telling the lie.

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My crazy theory is that people NEED some form of religion. In steps the federal government with worship of the dollar and belief in the miracles of “science”. These miracles Cure people and protect people. But they only do so if you believe hard enough.

How else do you explain porous “masks” (try blowing smoke through them) or the sitting in a restaurant to eat but placing your mask upon standing. If you believe, these are all perfectly normal.

If you don’t believe, it very much looks like a 🤡 show. Truly challenging not to burst out laughing for very long periods of time.

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the comparison to religion is precise and spot on

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I’ve asked people to explain how their not dying after contracting Covid is not a coincidence. After all, illness and disability after a jab is called by the medical types a mere coincidence. I’ve never gotten much of a response other than “my doctors said it’s so”. Ohhhhhhhhh. One is true without a shred of truth and one is false with mountains of proof. Poor deluded souls.

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Obama used to do this all the time during the Crash: if we didn't do Cash for Clunkers, we would have had soup lines, etc.

People that would never accept the deterioration-of-society-without-religion idea never for a second accept this sort of reasoning, even as they see the collapse of civilization in real time.

When I think about this response of theirs, my attention keeps turning to the Apocalypse when seal after seal, trumpet blow after trumpet blow, seems only to solidify the wicked in their wickedness. They keep doubling down by refusing to turn and repent of the actions of their hands.

The Mass Formation is seemingly complete: they view their sin and evil as intrinsic to themselves. Moses described this as "having their hearts hardened".

I'd say it's unbelievable, except I've seen this for many years now.

Want to know the scary thing? If we're being honest, there is ZERO sign that this is going to stop any time soon.

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I agree with your last statement!

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Well, there are indeed studies that purport show vaccination does reduce severity. But it's been the case for many years, even pre-Covid as I know from my immersion in the nutrition science community, that you can pretty much find a 'scientific' study to support whatever position you want. Unfortunately, rather than engaging in some critical thinking and learning how to tease apart the more common statistical manipulation techniques, a lot of people just grasp onto whatever supports their fervent belief system.

On a slightly related topic, I wonder why there isn't more discussion about the fact that, if indeed the shots reduce severity, they could be making the 'pandemic' worse—by encouraging people to be out and about while infected, rather than staying home in bed.

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They said it would prevent getting it; they said it would prevent spread; they said it lessened the intensity; they said it was safe.

Turns out they KNEW it didn't prevent getting it or spreading it. They said it was safe has been shown to be false by not only VAERS, but by a litany of different measures and data.

Does it lessen intensity. If all those others are false, then intensity is too.

It was all one big ass lie after another. The best course of action is to avoid the Jab and to open up Nuremberg Trials. But with 72 Senators receiving Pfizer Stash, and like 302 House members receiving receiving Pfizer Bucks, it's not going to happen.

It's just what the mafia does: implicate everyone so that no one goes and gets any bright ideas!!

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I'm not disagreeing with what you say, but I think you missed my point.

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Great piece once again. In my life experience, the most liberating act I have ever discovered, and it took me many years, was the act of just saying I'm sorry, and the simple words, I was wrong. Doing this immediately gives me the upper hand in most social situations. These simple words immediately move any confrontation into a more peaceful resolution. If these people would just say, I was wrong, I was misled, the healing of society would begin. But misplaced pride is a strong deterrent to this outcome.

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Thanks, Living.

If you're in New Brunswick, stop by.

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No longer in Central Jersey, now retired and hiding out in Cape May. Keep up the fantastic writing.

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Thank you for this Living. A doctor friend of mine told me he felt he had super powers when he got the vax. A year later he quietly told me that I was right to avoid the shot and he was wrong. I greatly respect him for this.

My spouse, also a physician, has not and most likely will not ever admit it was a mistake to fall for the propaganda. Admitting any error is anathema to him so no surprise here, which is a shame. All of us are asleep until we awaken.

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Admitting I’m wrong has been one of the most liberating experiences! My sis and I have talked about that feeling as a kid when you know you’ve behaved badly or were wrong but can’t admit it. Awful feeling I remember well. It seems many adults are stewing in that icky torment now. Likely why they’ve now declared Covid over. I hope at lease those who can’t admit they were wrong will at least avoid falling for the next scam.

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And not force their insanity on everyone else.

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"I'm sorry" is a very powerful phrase. and it just means that, no further explanation needed. one can either react by saying something along the line of 'oh, alright, that's OK, let me give you a hug' or ask 'so, what happened?', creating space for a meaningful dialogue.

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My cousin and uncle were beasts to me a little over a year ago about their choices and mine being different. I gave up on having any kind of rational conversation with my cousin. After a few months, I reached out to my uncle in hopes that I would get a simple “I was wrong. I’m sorry.” That didn’t come. It still hasn’t come from either one of them. It astonishes me that this is the case. It does not do me any good at all to long for the simple statement to be said to me. I don’t think it will ever come. I don’t understand why, but I’m pretty sure that they will never ever articulate this simple statement. Cousins and uncles are not disposable relationships. It’s heartbreaking.

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there's a difference between knowing to be right and to be recognised for being right. this reminds me of the 'Father, forgive them, for they don't know what they do!' (Lucas 23: 34).

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Hi Mary Lou. Thanks for helping me clarify my thoughts on this issue. I think that it’s mostly the “I’m sorry“ that I’m longing to hear. I don’t really care so much who is right or wrong.

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I understand. Sometimes family just needs to agree to disagree. The relationship is more important than almost any issue.

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that's understandable. best would be to cherish the good and beautiful while discarding the bad and ugly. sometimes I find positivity in the weirdest places! which is more valuable than sometimes longing for something that might not happen. perhaps as a bit of inspiration a song (Andrew Sisters & Bing Crosby) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Qk9o_ZeR7s

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It's pretty rare for people to admit they were wrong and apologize, especially on a bigger type thing that caused a lot of contention.

With this vax situation, there's also the bigger social and political factions that make it hard, because people feel like they'd have to switch sides to change their mind. Cognitive dissonance can be easier.

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They have chosen allegiance to a political party over allegiance to family and shared history. It is astonishing.

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It is essential for purposes of social control that the powers that be create division between vaxxed vs unvaxxed.

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There is an interesting book about this topic, worth the read...I read it awhile back for continuing education--clinical psychologist here. You are so correct that it is liberating to own our mistakes, and also healing!

Mistakes Were Made (but Not By Me) Third Edition: Why We Justify Foolish Beliefs, Bad Decisions, and Hurtful Acts

by Carol Tavris and Elliot Aronson

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Thank you for the suggestion. Love the title, will check it out.

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Even in your marriage you say that? 😂😂.

I still have a long way to go there but I will remember these words “I’m sorry and I was wrong.” Thank you for that! Really!

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Saved or may I say revived my marriage 25 years ago. These words open the doors to healing and understanding. Imagine if Trump or Biden could say these words. I can dream I guess.

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Something to share with my tribe. It was on Malone’s stack “Sunday Strip” this past Sunday. I know it will resonate with all.

To ALL MY FRIENDS OUT THERE who know what's really going on ... To all my conspiracy realist friends ...

Yes, sometimes it's a curse and not always a blessing to be AWAKE.

Awakening is the most liberating, alienating, excruciating, empowering, lonely, confusing, freeing, frightening, expansive journey.

If you find yourself struggling as you try to process all this insanity, you are not alone.

No one talks about the darkness that accompanies awakening, or the GRIEF. Not only grieving the life and illusions you once had, but the realization that almost everything you thought you once knew, is a LIE.

The beliefs you've held, people you've trusted, principles you were taught- ALL LIES.

Shattering illusions is RARELY an enjoyable experience. There is a considerable amount of discomfort that comes with growth and the grieving process doesn't stop there.

With these newfound realizations, you then find yourself grieving all over again. Grieving for our children, knowing all too well the broken world they are inheriting. Grieving the loss of many relationships with people who just don't "get it".

Feeling alone, being ridiculed and shamed, not only by the masses, but for many of you, your very own family and friends too.

Feeling like you no longer have much in common with the people you are surrounded by. Struggling with carrying on bullshit, shallow conversations that lack substance with those who are still fast asleep.

Even feeling disconnected from your entire support system because they can't see what you see. Some even grieve the loss of their ignorance- because "ignorance is bliss" and reality is harsh. Awakening can be a lonely road and you will often find yourself journeying alone.

There is no way to sugar coat it- Awakening to the realities of this world is brutal. It will have you running through the entire gamut of human emotions.

You have to master the art of diving down the darkest of rabbit holes only to come out and still function in daily life, and that's a skill people don't talk about enough.

Some of you are struggling with feeling disconnected from family and friends, it's as though they exist in another world.

Please know you are NOT ALONE, and not only are you not alone, you have an entire tribe standing with you. We may be separated by miles, but we are DEEPLY connected; in purpose and in spirit

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This is why I write these.

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And that's why they mean so much to me and many others of like mind.

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I'm struggling to stay out of constant grief mode but it's so hard. Just when I think I've made peace with the horror, I'm knocked down fresh. Last evening I was taking my mom to dinner when she told me that my nephew just jabbed his 2 year old son so he'd "be safe" at preschool. This hit me hard and I didn't even try to hide it from her even though she is a hard core believer in this scam.

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A friend recently told me of the same thing of her grandson. I had to stifle a gasp and glad we were on the phone so she couldn’t see the look of horror on my face and she’s waiting to get the new shot to keep him protected!

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What's going to be so very hard for us, is if (and that's a very doubtful if) they ever wake up to this horror, they will ask us - did you know? And we will have to sadly say, yes.

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Agreed! As I mentioned in a thread my sister is shocked and doesn’t believe me. I said those of us who know the truth will be in a book or writing books about the Holocaust 2.0 I’ll be one those of those survivors! You should have seen the look on her face!

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I have a file started to write that book. I got two shots before I woke up so I hope I live long enough to write it 😢

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JFly - I just this evening learned that two family members (no shared DNA, but nonetheless "family") have serious health issues. They are a married couple (probably 4 or 5 times jabbed) - one had a kidney cancer diagnosis right after the first shots, now has breast cancer. The other just had an MRI for pancreatic issues (I pray it's not cancer). When they told me, I wanted to fall to my knees. Of course they have no idea. I didn't say anything because until I ran into them today, we had been estranged because of the vaxxed vs. unvaxxed issue. So very hard to hold it all inside. The grief eats away at us, doesn't it?!

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It sure does! I have a friend with "turbo cancer". Healthy one week, infection and fevers the next which led to diagnosis of acute leukemia. So sad for him and his family.

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Laura Kasner, this post is beautiful and important.

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Well said Laura. I feel exactly like this. Returning from a company trip today (that sadly was not close enough to NJ to say hello to Mark!). It is very hard to be away with these guys and keep the conversation light and upbeat when I want to raise the roof.

Maybe we have stiffarmed the mandates for now but the craziness is rapidly escaping going into the midterms.

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HowardJ - for me, it has been psychological torture. I’m in counseling to keep my sanity. It’s helping thank God.

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Thanks Laura for sharing that from Robert’s Substack. I’ll add to this, that many of us are also grieving for the loss of a country as we knew it.

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Yes - a very important addition.

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Yes!!!! Not easy but we shall prevail🙏💞

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Thanks for posting this, Laura. I read it in Malone’s post, but it was good to read it again. It’s exactly how I feel and do appreciate all the comments of the awake tribe here on Substack - and of course, Mark’s great writing! I think we need to make an effort to find each other in real life. Any Westchester County, NY’ers out there? I’d love to organize meetups.

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Wish I lived closer Jane. I’m in Northeast Ohio. Hope you can find a tribe close to you.

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I don't know. I'm not old but awake since very long time. I questioned 9/11 on the next day it happened. I questioned the fake flu pandemic. I questioned the fake sars/mers pandemic. I always questioned all the wars and democracy exports etc.

What's different now?? That they nearly killed me for questioning it. My job got collapsed. My freedom got limited (it's still due to being unquakcinated). People turned violent against me (family members too and I don't have many...)

This is what hurts and gives me PTSD. Before I was awake and everyone called me a looney but I was able to live my life.

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Vxi7 - I’m so very sorry.

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I've been awake regarding the lies government tells us for a very long time. Luckily I had a parent who encouraged us to question, and read a wide variety of alternative news (and this was in the early 60s). I also saw the BS in the first 5 minutes of that footage they kept repeating on 9/11. Even then, friends were appalled that I would question what had occurred. Same with everything you've mentioned Vxi7. Hang in there, get outside and breathe fresh air and walk in nature.

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Honestly Mark we are birds of a feather. The world as we knew it is more divided than ever. My family is stilled divided. My son’s friend died while lifting weights at the gym, 25years old. When I tell people what happened they blame an undiagnosed heart condition and then tell me did he have an EKG , or an echo? After I say no they immediately say well it wasn’t the vaccine ( young man had 3 jabs). Why would he have tests he was active , fit and thin , 3rd year med student and dropped dead. Too many people dropping dead. Haven’t they noticed ??? … “It would be a lot worse if I wasn’t vaccinated “.. so sick of their bull * narrative. Great essay and insightful observations as always!🌻

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Thanks, Brandon.

HPHS two blocks away.

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If you jump the fence behind the goal post where the stands are there is a culdesac , cross the street and follow the stream to Harrison Ave make a right up to the Temple .. that was our family home. 😁

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I have to get home before winter hits , have to get to my parents grave. It’s been heavy in my heart.

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Bro...you're from Highland Park?! I was born in New Brunswick and lived in HP (near Donaldson Park) until I was five. Went back for college and spent four years across the river. I made cash for school by cleaning houses in HP. Good times. One of my favorite small towns ever!

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Highland Park, NJ 08904! Wow.

I grew up in Highland Park, on the south side near Donaldson Park, and went to school there from kindergarten all the way through HS.

I've wondered what Covid was like there. I now live in, ahem, San Francisco.... and I cannot imagine that HP measures up on the Covid caution continuum. Or does it?

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How cool is that !

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“I’m a Dale Carnegie dropout.”

Oh my dear Mark! Thank you for making me laugh out loud. I don’t do it very often these days. God bless you

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I just got that reference. My dad was obsessed with How to Win Friends and Influence People, and gave it to me in the seventh grade when I was being bullied, as if that would help. He wasn't the most emotionally intuitive person ....

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Same, same. That was a laugh out loud moment for me too!

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Me, too! A good belly laugh to start the day!

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Next time you might want to say they got the Trump shot. Just a little icing on the cake.

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He was moving away from me so quickly I didn't have time to add that without shouting.

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That is exactly what I told Hubs to tell his company. Tell them he doesn't want any more Trump Jabs. Watch them bend over backwards to accommodate him. His company is run by a bunch of liberal Seattle foxtrots who have managed to not drop dead yet from their repeated jabbing. Probably special batches brewed up for blue areas.

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Reverse psychology!!😁😉

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At least he did not mandate it

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I just want him to refute it but your 100% correct.

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Ha good one Bridget!

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This comment... 🧯🔥🤣

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While leafletting for my campaign as a Medical Freedom Party candidate for NY State Senate, I was confronted by a man holding my flier.

He (scowling): What is this Medical Freedom Party? Is this about vaccines? Are you an anti-vaxxer?

I: We are anti-mandate. We believe people should have a right to make informed medical decisions for themselves.

He (thrusting the flier at me): That's a line in the sand for me. I can't support that!

I (calling to him as he moves quickly away): You can't support people having the right to make informed decisions about their healthcare?

He: Yes, but vaccines aren't about healthcare!

I: Oh, I agree completely!

He: ..... ?! Turns and runs off quickly.

Is the truth breaking through despite all the cognitive dissonance?

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Speaking as someone (background in healthcare - both sides,, provision of in early career and supply to later) who had polio and TB vaccination as a child, Smallpox, Yellow Fever, Cholera, Typhoid vaccinations as an adult, but has resisted CoVid products on the grounds of not-needed and lack of evidence of safety & efficacy, I would not hitherto have considered myself an ‘antivaxxer’. However my past experience highlighted by these past two years has exposed the Medical Industrial Complex as the money-making, racket it is, rather than being a true benefit to our health and welfare - I am re-evaluating my position. I wonder how much our triumph over certain diseases is due to the magic bullet - vaccination - and how much due to better sanitation, hygiene, nutrition, education and basic medical care?

I am also of the opinion that there is a link between the obsessive vaccination of children with umpteen vaccines mostly for non-fatal or serious diseases and the significant rise in allergies to foodstuffs and other elements in the environment. The usual brigade like to blame this on ‘additives’, ‘chemicals’, ‘pollution’ but these are nothing new, our ancestors came into contact with plenty of ‘additives’, pollutants and chemicals in former times.

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Another question is how many diseases pinned on infectious disease were actually caused by chemicals, such as DDT. Or if you read the RFK Fauci book, whether the mainstream AIDS narrative has any resemblance to reality.

Covid isn't an isolated case of public health and big pharma malfeasance, it's just the first time many of us ever really paid attention and questioned them.

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"Toxic Legacy" by Stephanie Seneff is a good analysis of the glyphosate biology, chemistry, and epidemiology. I see it as the 2020 equivalent of Rachel Carson's "Silent Spring" of the early 1960's, since you mention DDT.

I don't think anybody can understand the Covid Scamdemic (Acknowledgement to our host!) without reading "The Real A. Fauci", and I thought I had a fairly good grasp until I worked my way through it.

One of RFK's minor characters is now living nearby and disemployed after declining the ClotShot, as am I, from Oct. 26, 2021, in the realm of Queen Bonnie Henry. ( The Red Queen in Alice in Wonderland was supposed to be fictional!)

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Read Dissolving Illusions by Suzanne Humphries and watch Del Bigtree’s productions of Vaxxed and Vaxxed II for confirmation of those thoughts.

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Hi Mark. You’re on point once again. A couple of weeks ago I was chatting with one of my wife’s college buddies who is a college professor and researcher in ---- CRISPR research on mice. I let her know I was unvaxxed, that the shot was an untested and scary transfection, and I blamed everyone in the field who should know better. She disagreed, reminded me she was a PhD, ( of course) and to just let it go... that I’d be a much happier person.

Well, hell. I’m pretty damned happy actually. And to keep the peace, I backed off. But I realized something at that moment.:

The transfected will never admit they’ve been damaged. EVER. They will do and think anything to avoid the depression and unhappiness of acknowledging this unhappy fact.

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Put it to her.

I have been wanting somebody skilled at CRISPR to develop a method to excise the Spike DNA segments from the injecteds' genomes.


Or dead like Andreas Noack (don't tell her.)

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Almost all of my vaxxed friends have had CoVid twice! I asked one, a nurse, how do you know it would have been worse? She just looked at me with a blank stare.

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Half the people you meet are below average intelligence. Even nurses and doctors. They appear smart sometimes because they have good memory. Google knows everything but is actually pretty stupid. Stupid is as stupid does. We have an epidemic of stupid. I think the odds are actually greater than half the people.

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Very astute observation, David! Stupidity is contagious. And has reached global pandemic proportions. It seems to have severely infected the so-called 'western liberal democracies'.

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Here's a well-known old saying: Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain.

By: Friedrich Schiller (1759 - 1805)

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Yes, one can have expertise in one or more areas but people are no longer taught logical thinking and, above all, to ALWAYS question authority.

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Logical thinking is punished. Conformity is mandatory. If we tolerate it, we must like it.

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As an unvaxed nurse I’m pretty disappointed in nurses who failed to question. Most in my work circle actually did in the beginning but took it anyway. The ones you still believe the narrative, yikes that’s some deep conditioning.

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I'm debating going back to working as a nurse. Not sure I could deal with it. Also, uninjected

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My hospital hasn’t been too bad. I received a religious exemption without too much drama. I did pay a lawyer for help. Most know the testing is silly at this point though it is continuing. I noticed there was no mention of the Covid booster in the email about the flu shot. Apparently the hospital in Texas that was the first to mandate is not requiring boosters. I’ve heard horror stories about shaming etc but I’ve not experienced that. Most say, “I wish I didn’t get it”. I did get glazed looks when discussing a young male pt with myocarditis and Covid when I mentioned that it’s commonly understood at this point the the shots are causing myocarditis. They just assume it’s from Covid alone. It’s been an opportunity for growth honestly. The system is crumbling. I’ll stay in it as long as I can sanely. It’s amazing to witness.

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Byram Bridle on his Substack <viralimmunologist.substack.com> has one of the best explanations of the RT-PCR testing scam that I have seen. Even my former Chief of Staff ,an Orthopaedic Surgeon (Hi, Bob) might have been able to understand it if he had wanted to read it.

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It’s crazy to realize that so many people will do thorough research before they buy a new refrigerator but not before they inject an experimental concoction into their bodies. 🤦‍♀️

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I have a friend with severe asthma and a sick sister she's caring for. She did it early, believing she was caring for herself and others. She's had covid THREE TIMES. I wouldn't have the heart to say one word to her. It would smack of "I told you so." It would break my heart to add to her pain.

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Your silence convinces her she's right, assuring she'll do it again.

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When I asked my friend how she knew it would have been worse, she angrily replied, I BELIEVE it.

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Made my morning once again Mark!

The COVIDians are all WAY too emotionally invested in one outcome. Otherwise there's a tacit admission that they've caused irreparable harm to themselves and their children.

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Meryl Nass's short substack on how hard it is to admit being wrong "because it's just too painful" is also spot on.

Golfed last week with a man who said so plaintively, "I did everything right. I wear a mask everywhere, and last month, I got my 4th shot, and still I got Covid and had to cancel my flight here." (to golf with his brother) It was so painful hearing another first hand account of how brainwashed/deceived people are.

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At this point, so many months down the road, there is no convincing and getting the "coulda been worse" crowd to admit that they've irreparably harmed themselves with the jabs. I believe that deep down they know that the jabs harmed them more than they helped anything, but they live in denial, because to admit they were duped is much worse than to live with and keep the lie going. To admit it would also mean they know they've accelerated the remaining time they have on this earth, and most if not all of them are scared to death of death.

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WHAT a timely piece. I have people (two that got the jab to go on a freaking CRUISE!) to "pray for me" or other (jabbed) family members because they have this or that ailment now. Before healthy. I asked my husband.. what do I do? Pray for them to learn the error of their ways? Pray for their health when I think the jab is doing damage day after day? I decided all I could do is pray for wisdom for them and leave it at that.

You did make me laugh when you said "Dale Carnegie" dropout. Have to admit too that it's on the TIP OF MY TONGUE!!!

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Classic Oshinskie. Can I say that? Right there people, THIS is what has to happen. Don't let em off the hook to be nice, make em own it. Be civil, yet deadpan honest. Awesome Mark. Gold star! I aspire to match this... Best, Scott

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At my synagogue last week, around the table with the cookies, a woman I know well said to me "Seems like we're having a lot of deaths lately." I replied, "It's the vaccines" She looked horrified, turned on her heel and stomped away. Later, as I was talking with some others, she approached and tried to be nice. I would not have brought that topic up in conversation, but when she did, I felt compelled to give my honest opinion.

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They can’t admit they were fooled…they were wrong- it’s an ego thing. It take a special person and humility. I have a sister and a brother who are vaxxed and boosted….and will not hear anything contrary to their opinions. I have pleaded with them NOT to get this “new” vax because it’s only been tested on 8 mice…they don’t care! 🙏

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Same here. Now when I send links on our group texts, I get insulting memes. I think I am done trying.

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They really need to feel they got something good out of the deal when they exchanged theIr functioning immune system for social credit. Sad.

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