“But the aggregate amount of panic-building stories on both broadcast media and The Net drowned out the truthful message of Internet Coronamania debunkers. Thus, most people never saw or heard the thoughtful criticism.”
Yep. I never saw or heard the criticism. I knew things started sounding absurd. It wasn’t until after getting two shots and my friend getting seriously ill from Covid (due to no early treatment and low vitamin D level) did I start looking for the truth.
Now, all my time is spent trying to educate (my state senators) on the dangers of the shots. Will it make a difference? Only God knows. But I refuse to think that just one person like me, who is still pissed off at being duped, can’t.
As always Mark, I love starting my day off with your insightful, thought provoking prose. May God bless you and those you love.
Hubs was required to get the shot to continue work. He works on a ship in the Bering Sea. They gave 'us' 5 days notice. My brother called when he heard this news and said no way should Hubs get this. NO WAY. Then he sent me a link to Geert Vanden Bossche in April of 2021. I was already skeptical..it is what I do and who I am. So..the people actually paying the tax dollars were coerced and threatened. And...his company is still recommending the next booster, as of a month ago. Probably not anymore. We managed to stay alive through all this crap and live to work another day. I am the disseminator...go figure. But, as we see friends drop weekly from this jab, we are grateful that we did not fall for this crap.
I think communicating with legislators does make a difference, and perhaps more than we realize-- some of the legislators are speaking out, however we don't see it because they are so censored and shadow-banned on YouTube, FB & etc. I have come across many videos that few people have seen, but that are evidence to me that at least some legislators are getting the message. Here is one example (of many):
RUSSELL BROADBENT: Today I wanted to hear from a mum, Nikki, who's reached out and asked me to share her family's story with my parliamentary colleagues.
The rate of severe injuries caused by covid-19 vaccines and excess deaths in Australia, especially in younger people, should be front page news. It's one thing for the majority of my colleagues to deliberately block, mock, and ignore this unfolding human health crisis, but why is, why is the media doing the same? It seems that the Academy Awards and reality TV updates take precedence. Really? Where's our humanity? And where's our compassion? There's a time for politics and debate, and there's a time to unite for the good of our nation, and that time is now. Here's Nikki's story.
NIKKI: This message is for you, Russell Broadbent, Federal Member of Parliament, representing the division of Monash in Victoria. Thank you for taking an interest in Johanna's story. It has been 16 months since our beautiful 20 year-old daughter received her mandatory covid vaccination which has resulted in ongoing debilitating heart issues that we still do not have answers for. As her mother I have been shouting our story from the rooftops, but nobody seems to want to listen. You have read Johanna's story and have offered to share my message with your parliamentarian colleagues. Well, Russell, here is my message.
All four members of our family are proud voters. Before our girls turned 18 they knew their vote was valuable and they cast very considered ones, as do we. We respect each other's opinion to not discuss our individual choices with each other. We are the very people who put you in the seats you now occupy.
Devastatingly, over the past three years the blatant coercion the Australian government have displayed and are still displaying, has not only shattered ours and both our daughters pride in the opportunity to vote that you have robbed us and so many people of freedom of choice. We still are told the same lie, the vaccine is safe. Until you walk in my shoes, see your own child suffering [makes air quotes with fingers] the unknown underlying health issue that has now raised its ugly head, and only because she was forced to make a health choice and told, no jab no job, you will never know the anger of being so devastatingly let down by a system that we trusted would always right the wrongs.
It is time, it is time to stop the lies. It is time to begin the healing for your own soul. When you know it to be true and speak about vaccine injuries, speak as I do, alongside me, with the fear in your voice, knowing you may also have made a choice and were so lucky to evade still being trapped in the pandemic like our daughter still is.
This needs to filter through to our specialists who continually say, low iron, anxiety, dehydrated, exercise more, none of which is helpful. I invite you to contact me, to sit down and hear our story. I know you will align because when you remove your position of power, you are someone's son, daughter, mother, father, sister, brother. Somewhere you know someone who has been through this and is still going through it. So now it is the time to speak up in your position of power that we have so proudly placed you in. Speak up now even if your voice shakes.
SHANE MEKELAND: Thank you everyone. So this has been an interesting journey for me for the last two years [now speaking extremely rapidly] I have no medical background, I give no medical advice nor legal advice, I have no legal background.
I have to tell it to every constituent I talk to so nobody can ever say I gave medical advice.
I have personally had well over 500 constituents who have reached out to me, deathly ill, terrified, and they could not get any help at a hospital. I have contacts in other states with other doctors that will do a tele-help and prescribe therapeutics. Not a single one has gone to a hospital yet. Not one.
On the other side of this equation I have talked to well over 500 nurses and respiratory therapists. I have three of those that I've talked to, one literally fell apart emotionally on the phone screaming and crying, swearing, this guy never swears, of how bad it is and what's going on in these hospitals. That many of these supposed covid patients are actually covid vaccine-injured patients. The stories that Mark told about the ventilators, very true. I have gotten to know a couple of these doctors— 17,000 doctors are screaming from the rooftops, this thing, this program has got to stop. And yet we press on.
If the media would just do some digging. If I can find 500 nurses, RNs, LPNs, whatever they all are, that will tell me personal stories of all that what they're seeing I don't know why somebody else can't.
Now many of them came to me, but I'm sure they're reaching out to others. There was a nurse of 20 years for the Mayo Clinic, husband is self-employed, she has a choice, she was denied an exemption, so she got a choice, either take this damn jab or lose your job. Two kids in college. What do you do? She suddenly began to just completely fell apart crying, I couldn't understand anything for 10 minutes. She took it and she is now paralyzed. Her daughters had to come from school to take care of her, to get her back and forth to the bathroom, to feed her, clean her, all of it. Bad choice.
These are not rare stories. These are not the few. There are so many of them.
My father had mild melanoma for the last ten years. He takes the stupid shot and now his body is fully blown full of cancer in one month. His sister got the booster shot. The following day she was hemorrhaging internally, they couldn't figure out where, they just
kept pumping her full of blood til they could get inside her and figure it out. I actually looked at my dad and said, When do your red flags go up? Because mine went up many, many months ago.
I strongly suggest for those who that want to have some research look into what Dr. Robert Malone, Peter McCullough, Pierre Kory, and particularly Ryan Cole who is a wonderful, decent man, if you have not met this guy he's an amazing man. And then ask yourself a question, when these people are dying because why will nobody do an autopsy in Minnesota? Why did I have to contact Ryan Cole to come here and do one for a family?
DR. JOHN CAMPBELL: When the omicron virus became predominant, and that was for most of Australia's outbreak actually, most of Australia's pandemic was omicron, did did the government and the regulatory authorities realize omicron was much less pathogenic than the previous variants and changed their vaccination recommendations? Or did they just plow on as they were before?
SENATOR GERARD RENNICK: They didn't just plow on, they doubled down. So—
SENATOR GERARD RENNICK: About the same time, and I think it was Kyle, the the mountain biker *? [Warner_ inaudible]
SENATOR GERARD RENNICK: So that was when I started getting literally the same week, I started getting in injuries from young people as well. And that was a very, very important video you released, that, John, you should be very proud of what you did there.
DR. JOHN CAMPBELL: Well, Kyle should be very proud at sharing his suffering with the world.
SENATOR GERARD RENNICK: Absolutely. [inaudible] for just coming out and you know, I mean, he was injured, you know, he he was a victim —
SENATOR GERARD RENNICK: — and he just you know was just treated terribly, like. And subsequently, you know, as it turns out, hundreds of thousands if not millions of others have been treated the same way.
DR. JOHN CAMPBELL: You're mad, young man, go away it's in your mind.
SENATOR GERARD RENNICK: But guy our guys here in Australia doubled down. So we were supposed to open up at 80% vaccination rate across the country, but instead what our state premiers did was they doubled down and told everyone to get a booster. This is when omicron was breaking out, so yeah, at the same time they were saying it wasn't as bad, they were telling everyone to get a booster, children had to get vaccinated as well as teenagers, and I mean, I heard from teenagers who couldn't go to school formals because they weren't vaccinated, you know, that you had students, university students two or three years through their degree, they can't complete it because they're not vaccinated. I mean, this is just absurd, right?
My reflection: anything and anyone might have changed the course of it in some way, however two individuals, Trump and Biden, as Presidents of the US, had the leverage to slow and even stop a good part of the crazy train. For example, the former could have refused to impose lockdowns, and refused to plug the experimental vaccines as safe and effective, and the latter could have refused to impose mandates. Just those two moves by those two people would have been game changers. I get it, though, that something deeper is going on in various entrenched bureaucracies and etc., and even if Trump had not been so gullible, and Biden so craven and stupid, we would nonetheless have been living through some kind of shale show.
Trump could have done things better for sure, but he didn’t impose lockdowns. Governors did. All of them except Kristy Noem of South Dakota. Yes even DeSantis locked down Florida.
Agree that pushing the vaccine was a bad look for Trump, but Biden’s mandates and his retoric around the vaccines (especially his Christmas address where he said “…as for the unvaccinated, you are looking at a winter of serious illness and death for you, your families, and the hospitals you may soon overwhelm.”) were 1000% worse than anything Trump did.
Not exactly. President Trump said in his March 16, 2020 press conference:
"“My administration is recommending that all Americans, including the young and healthy, work to engage in schooling from home when possible, avoid gathering in groups of more than 10 people. Avoid discretionary travel and avoid eating and drinking at bars, restaurants, and public food courts. If everyone makes this change or these critical changes and sacrifices now, we will rally together as one nation and we will defeat the virus and we’re going to have a big celebration together.”
Good point! He encouraged people to stay home but didn’t mandate it. That’s an important distinction IMO.
What I liked about Noem’s response was that she and her administration shared the facts then let people decide their course of action. She treated adults as adults capable of making their own risk assessments. That’s the way to do it.
His recommendation, nonetheless, emboldened governors to lock down, especially (R) governors who could say "Look, even Trump supports these measures, so we'll force you to do them." The fact is the US Feds don't have the police power for a lockdown-the country is too big. The States are really our countries in terms of enforcement power. The correct response from Trump would've been Sweden's response or the response that decades of research have led to, essentially what is seen in the Great Barrington Declaration. Not to mention he gave Fauci and Birx a platform, not to mention the vaccine which he still brags about. His administration shouldn't have recommended anything as it's not the federal government's place to do so. Let the States handle things. Would've been smarter politically and would've caused fewer harms from lockdowns and other measures. Instead the Leviathan State marched on under Trump. Shit I even forgot about the $2 trillion stimulus he signed and the Trump checks with his tacky Sharpie signature for all to know they were from him.
defending trump on covid is impossible. How much mental gymnatstics to people that defend him have to do because they like him?? He failed miserably on everything covid, this is irrefutable. He shut down travel, and wanted everyone to lock down. He was the engine behind the corrupt project warp speed which directly led to the rushed, worthless jabs. There is no defending trump on his covid response.
I'm not defending Trump. I was pointing out that he didn't mandate lockdowns, or even suggest them. As the other poster pointed out, he made a statement about how everyone should stay home. He didn't enact a federal lockdown mandate or direct governors to enact lockdowns. The governors (except for Kristy Noem) enacted lockdowns of their own free will.
You may think this distinction is trivial, but I think it's important to remember what actually happened.
💬 Why did it happen, despite obvious reasons that it shouldn’t have?
Yet another proposition: acquired helplessness with attendant wilful not-seeing as misguided survival strategy.
🗨 But they would prefer not to know. Or if they do, they’d prefer not to say.[...] They fear it would deal them into a game they don’t think they’re equipped to play, let alone to win.[...] So instead of pointing those [strings attached] out, they train themselves to never care.[...] “I can’t change it, so I don’t care,” has practically become their national anthem, or the call-and-response liturgy of their imperial church.
Outstanding work Mark. I often wonder as well regarding being born at a certain time and/or place. Heartbreaking to think of all the young lives lost (particularly regarding war) just for being a certain age at a certain time and place. I will take exception to one line in your piece. “But protest gatherings were banned.”
….Except in the name of justice and for one George Floyd. Imagine smack dab in the middle of a deadly once-in-a-lifetime pandemic if you will. Hundreds, if not thousands of people all packed close screaming, yelling, many not masked up.
Kafkaesque logic and Orwellian ethics tightly wrapped in deafening Brawndo sloganeering. A byte more than mildly interesting times to be living through 😏
And all the subsequent “peaceful protests” that ensued that summer in NYC, Baltimore, Denver, Seattle, etc... looting, burning cars..what did that idiot mayor of Seattle ( Portland?)call it ?The Summer of ??... I don’t recall any of those protesters being 6’ apart..but God forbid you went down a grocery store aisle the wrong direction or weren’t standing on a taped X waiting your turn to check out....
"But medicine is America’s latter-day religion. Americans think they owe their lives to all things medical, including Pharma drugs and vaccines."
This is the killer quote from another great essay. I have the (bad) habit of using Reddit. One has to have something to do in the bathroom. The English Language subs are largely dominated by US people with a particular mindset while not, perhaps, typical of the rest of the US is representative of the very vocal online supporters of 'the current thing'. They tend to be left-of-centre and cynical about big corporations apart from, of course, the pharmaceutical industry, despite the industry's egregious record for dishonesty and outright fraud.
The efficacy and safety of vaccines is an article of faith and even the slightest questioning of this marks the author as a blasphemer and infidel. I read a thread a couple of days ago, something like, "What was the craziest thing that happened in the pandemic", and one of the highly upvoted comments was about (to paraphrase) how the mentally challenged anti-vaxxers had all come out of the woodwork. There was a chorus of approval for this and the one or two brave souls who put their heads over the parapet to demur were furiously downvoted. It is, absolutely, a religion for these people who, ironically, would in the most part describe themselves as rational and atheist.
Thanks for the link Mark - another essay that is spot on again. Although it all looks pretty bleak at the moment, there has been an unintended consequence of the militancy of the vax promotors, which is that many of us who formerly did not question vaccines, are now doing so. My reading has convinced me that the whole debate is far more nuanced than we are led to believe. I've had all the vaccines offered to me, as has my daughter, but knowing what I know now I would not repeat those errors. I know a lot of people have been similarly 'red-pilled' and this has to have an effect on future campaigns.
The Nazis based their collectivism on race, the soviets on class and in the US we just lived through a mass totalitarian movement of our own that was based on HYGIENE. The unvaxxed were the "jews" or the "bourgoisie"
I'm currently reading "Overdosed America" by John Abramson, MD. I disagree with him on a few things but he has interesting insight into our health and how it's suffering because of the biomedical philosophy to which we now subscribe. Simply put, we regard a person as a collection of highly functioning molecules and believe drugs and procedures are the answer to everything. Our religion is now pharma-worship.
Re "mentally challenged anti-vaxxers had all come out of the woodwork." They really still say this?? Oh dear, the vaccines must be dissolving their brains even more that I supposed.
Was it inevitable? Given that Americans are drug-addled to start with, yes. In fact we were an oil-soaked rag and Fauci's blather was the spark. The covid mess was already underway long before 2020 in one sense: we seem to think life is dependent on taking the right pills. You mentioned Illich and his books on overmedicalization: how apposite. We're obese and unhealthy, take more pills than any other nation, and were just waiting for shut-down orders so we could fold up and coast.
I have had a few pharma pills in my life in the UK but not many as I never fancied them. I have to say that those who think pills are the answer are, well, just pill-ocks. :)
Not only gifted, but Mark is easily the best writer of nuanced, thoughtful, "you are there" pieces on how things like covid intersect with the rest of life. I was an early subscriber, and still check every day to see if he has written another piece. Each is absorbing, spot-on, and resonates long after reading. I will be thinking berets all day...
I use stories b/c I think people have seen enough acronyms and graphs. And b/c I saw the Scam from Day 1 based on prior life experiences and a basic science framework. And b/c as you say, the overreaction messed up LIFE, which is short enough and hard enough without fabricating crises.
You don't need to look every day for my posts. I only do one/week. I have a job and other stuff I need to do so can't write full-time.
yes - we should be smarter and wiser. yet it seems we just keep making the same mistakes over and over again and cant course correct. remember Psych 101. we all studied the Milgram and Asch experiments. they were designed and undertaken to try and understand how a society could become so deranged. yet we saw one play out - right in front of our eyes. its a little disturbing to see people harmed from some of these therapies. its hard for people to wrap around the simple fact that these leadership people are acting in their "own best interest" - not yours.
I too have some interesting shoe boxes downstairs in the basement. I look at them every once in a while...
The coronamania was instigated by those who control the money. The situation in Sept 2019 was in an even worse situation than 2008 and locking down economies and funnelling the money to prop up banks was necessary. All planned well in advance with the unnamed as of Feb 2020 disease of Covid 19 already appearing on World International Trade website in 2017/18 for global procurement of "Covid19 PCR machines." Also, print purchasing UK Gov docs seen for social distancing measures, floor stickers, posters, etc., months ahead of any pandemic announcements. I used to buy print. Preplanning for paper, inks, logistics, current orders, cannot happen overnight. Same with vaccines. No company would be purchasing all liquids, chemicals etc. until goods signed off as "safe and effective" unless they knew in advance that they would be. Due Dilligence and Art S/S has the details of that. Remember, every gov heavily in debt. PM's controlled by banks and serve them, not the people. Those that did serve people like Tanzania, Brunai, Haiti, all ended up dead.
We're about to find out that Pfizer/Moderna/J&J were able to "produce" a coronavirus vaccine so quickly because it had already been stockpiled the U.S. Defense Department.
Although I've always been skeptical of 9/11 (watching those massive steel reinforced freefall has never made sense to me), I've never been able to buy the idea that the US Govt was in on it all.
Well, Coronamania has gone a LONG LONG way to convincing me of that.
I've become an avid reader these last 30 months or so and learned that history as we are taught it is not the way things really happened, or never actually happened at all. If you repeat the lie often enough, it becomes the truth.
Yep, that's the big issue. But seeing what they're planning, it's going to be harsh on the true believers. The new jabs for other weak diseases will cause more hardship on people who didn't get the message during convid.
Unfortunately, some people are so asleep that they'll only wake up when it hits them directly.
This quote doesn't just apply to intelligent people, but anyone that has blind faith in anything.
"The evolutionary psychologist William von Hippel found that humans use large parts of thinking power to navigate social world rather than perform independent analysis and decision making. For most people it is the mechanism that, in case of doubt, will prevent one from thinking what is right if, in return, it endangers one’s social status. This phenomenon occurs more strongly the higher a person’s social status. Another factor is that the more educated and more theoretically intelligent a person is, the more their brain is adept at selling them the biggest nonsense as a reasonable idea, as long as it elevates their social status. The upper educated class tends to be more inclined than ordinary people to chase some intellectual boondoggle. "
-Sasha Latypova
“The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, and wise people so full of doubts.” -Bertrand Russell
"They went along to get along"- (without engaging their brains). Had lunch yesterday with a long time friend who totally bought into the whole mess. She kept bringing up the last few years by inserting "during covid" into her conversation. I didn't respond directly to those remarks, except for one topic when I was explaining by brain tumor removal and the symptoms I had prior, she asked "did you ever think you had covid" and my knee jerk reaction was a loud and emphatic "No". (Maybe a little too loud my husband thought)- but I guess she fell into that category of someone who really doesn't feel valued in her community (retired, not in a relationship, really doesn't do any volunteer work or belong to any kind of group) so she grabbed on and grabbed on hard....and can't let go...at least she's not wearing a mask to walk into a restaurant anymore, because "covid's over"! :-) smh Thanks always for your level head and great ability to put reason and stories on paper! (A+)
Best, most well written and argued refutation of the scamdemic I’ve encountered in the three years of this apocalypse. (Apocalypse in the sense of it being a revelation as well as the more commonly held belief of it meaning destruction) For it has truly been revelatory about many many things humanity is facing and has faced since the ‘dawning of time’.
Thankfully I have discovered your stack and will visit again. 😉
This is about the 100th one I've posted. I started writing these in March, 2020. I posted the earliest ones on Medium, who canceled me for telling the truth about the shots. I moved to Substack and the stories are archived there.
Mark, I'd read the 100 only because I imagine them to be a wonderful journey. For that reason alone but the past three years has been laboriously irritating, as you well know. I'd read your writings because I think they'd be a balm to my soul at this point.
Do you mean your stories are archived on Medium? If so, how do I access them?
Marc, I believe all of Mark's work (at least in this area) is archived on substack. You will be impressed at the quality of the pieces even going back to the very beginning. They all stick with you.
A book could be a great way to aggregate so much of your thinking on the topic. Maybe organized and curated to illustrate the progression of things, to make it easier for readers to follow. I'd say 'boil down' but I don't that is the best way to describe the process. Maybe more like picking through a bushel basket of leafy greens to make the best salad one has ever had the pleasure to eat. Only the tastiest morsels can qualify for inclusion.
I believe that most of our American history has been orchestrated by a select few- some good, most bad. All of our wars in the last 125 years could have been averted, but the elite who run the show could not gain additional power nor make gobs of money from peace. Just munitions alone has created vast wealth- never mind the tens of millions lost in the so- called battles. Economics always reigns supreme. There are surely exceptions to my last statements, but not many.
Mark, I really liked this latest masterpiece of yours. I immediately reflected on my college years. I had some scholarship offers from a few schools, but couldn't get any peace of mind about where to go. I got a call from the new head coach at MS State and he asked me to try out for his team in fall practice. I spent 4 years there and met the mother of my children as well as lifelong friends! What if I had chosen another school? I hadn't thought about this in a while- my memories are precious and my friendships are priceless! Your writing was the trigger.
Sometimes I feel meaningless. But that doesn't mean I will join any cult to find myself. Coronamania exists for one reason. The masses are psychologically asleep and refuse to wake up. Thus they need something to quell their nightmares and the thought of death from a dreaded virus was enough to make them join forces and become wards of big pharma. Trust of big pharma and the medical mafia is one gigantic cult...right up the the point of death.
I absolutely love your work. Trump was verifiably the 1st to turn to say it was an over reaction. But the media wouldn't have it. You go on to list a host of others highly credentialed who went along as well. I vociferously argued 1st with phone calls and then writing multiple times to the President of the University Bamm Bamm1 attends to no avail. We were played. Trump was played.
Then he's too stupid and incompetent to be given another term in office.
There are only two choices: either Donald Trump willingly went along with the Swamp, or he was too incompetent to defend us against them. Choose either option.
“But the aggregate amount of panic-building stories on both broadcast media and The Net drowned out the truthful message of Internet Coronamania debunkers. Thus, most people never saw or heard the thoughtful criticism.”
Yep. I never saw or heard the criticism. I knew things started sounding absurd. It wasn’t until after getting two shots and my friend getting seriously ill from Covid (due to no early treatment and low vitamin D level) did I start looking for the truth.
Now, all my time is spent trying to educate (my state senators) on the dangers of the shots. Will it make a difference? Only God knows. But I refuse to think that just one person like me, who is still pissed off at being duped, can’t.
As always Mark, I love starting my day off with your insightful, thought provoking prose. May God bless you and those you love.
Thank you for spending your time doing this. I very sincerely thank you for your efforts.
🥰And I thank you, for yours.
Thanks, Laura.
Hubs was required to get the shot to continue work. He works on a ship in the Bering Sea. They gave 'us' 5 days notice. My brother called when he heard this news and said no way should Hubs get this. NO WAY. Then he sent me a link to Geert Vanden Bossche in April of 2021. I was already skeptical..it is what I do and who I am. So..the people actually paying the tax dollars were coerced and threatened. And...his company is still recommending the next booster, as of a month ago. Probably not anymore. We managed to stay alive through all this crap and live to work another day. I am the disseminator...go figure. But, as we see friends drop weekly from this jab, we are grateful that we did not fall for this crap.
I think communicating with legislators does make a difference, and perhaps more than we realize-- some of the legislators are speaking out, however we don't see it because they are so censored and shadow-banned on YouTube, FB & etc. I have come across many videos that few people have seen, but that are evidence to me that at least some legislators are getting the message. Here is one example (of many):
Nikki's Story of Her Daughter's Vaccine Injury
Russell Broadbent, MP, Australia
March 15, 2023
RUSSELL BROADBENT: Today I wanted to hear from a mum, Nikki, who's reached out and asked me to share her family's story with my parliamentary colleagues.
The rate of severe injuries caused by covid-19 vaccines and excess deaths in Australia, especially in younger people, should be front page news. It's one thing for the majority of my colleagues to deliberately block, mock, and ignore this unfolding human health crisis, but why is, why is the media doing the same? It seems that the Academy Awards and reality TV updates take precedence. Really? Where's our humanity? And where's our compassion? There's a time for politics and debate, and there's a time to unite for the good of our nation, and that time is now. Here's Nikki's story.
NIKKI: This message is for you, Russell Broadbent, Federal Member of Parliament, representing the division of Monash in Victoria. Thank you for taking an interest in Johanna's story. It has been 16 months since our beautiful 20 year-old daughter received her mandatory covid vaccination which has resulted in ongoing debilitating heart issues that we still do not have answers for. As her mother I have been shouting our story from the rooftops, but nobody seems to want to listen. You have read Johanna's story and have offered to share my message with your parliamentarian colleagues. Well, Russell, here is my message.
All four members of our family are proud voters. Before our girls turned 18 they knew their vote was valuable and they cast very considered ones, as do we. We respect each other's opinion to not discuss our individual choices with each other. We are the very people who put you in the seats you now occupy.
Devastatingly, over the past three years the blatant coercion the Australian government have displayed and are still displaying, has not only shattered ours and both our daughters pride in the opportunity to vote that you have robbed us and so many people of freedom of choice. We still are told the same lie, the vaccine is safe. Until you walk in my shoes, see your own child suffering [makes air quotes with fingers] the unknown underlying health issue that has now raised its ugly head, and only because she was forced to make a health choice and told, no jab no job, you will never know the anger of being so devastatingly let down by a system that we trusted would always right the wrongs.
It is time, it is time to stop the lies. It is time to begin the healing for your own soul. When you know it to be true and speak about vaccine injuries, speak as I do, alongside me, with the fear in your voice, knowing you may also have made a choice and were so lucky to evade still being trapped in the pandemic like our daughter still is.
This needs to filter through to our specialists who continually say, low iron, anxiety, dehydrated, exercise more, none of which is helpful. I invite you to contact me, to sit down and hear our story. I know you will align because when you remove your position of power, you are someone's son, daughter, mother, father, sister, brother. Somewhere you know someone who has been through this and is still going through it. So now it is the time to speak up in your position of power that we have so proudly placed you in. Speak up now even if your voice shakes.
Text on screen reads: RUSSELL (03) 5623 2064 russell.broadbent.mp@aph.gov.au
And an example from the US:
HF2348 Press Conference 4-20-22 - Representative Shane Mekeland
Vaccine Safety Council of Minnesota
Published April 29, 2022
SHANE MEKELAND: Thank you everyone. So this has been an interesting journey for me for the last two years [now speaking extremely rapidly] I have no medical background, I give no medical advice nor legal advice, I have no legal background.
I have to tell it to every constituent I talk to so nobody can ever say I gave medical advice.
I have personally had well over 500 constituents who have reached out to me, deathly ill, terrified, and they could not get any help at a hospital. I have contacts in other states with other doctors that will do a tele-help and prescribe therapeutics. Not a single one has gone to a hospital yet. Not one.
On the other side of this equation I have talked to well over 500 nurses and respiratory therapists. I have three of those that I've talked to, one literally fell apart emotionally on the phone screaming and crying, swearing, this guy never swears, of how bad it is and what's going on in these hospitals. That many of these supposed covid patients are actually covid vaccine-injured patients. The stories that Mark told about the ventilators, very true. I have gotten to know a couple of these doctors— 17,000 doctors are screaming from the rooftops, this thing, this program has got to stop. And yet we press on.
If the media would just do some digging. If I can find 500 nurses, RNs, LPNs, whatever they all are, that will tell me personal stories of all that what they're seeing I don't know why somebody else can't.
Now many of them came to me, but I'm sure they're reaching out to others. There was a nurse of 20 years for the Mayo Clinic, husband is self-employed, she has a choice, she was denied an exemption, so she got a choice, either take this damn jab or lose your job. Two kids in college. What do you do? She suddenly began to just completely fell apart crying, I couldn't understand anything for 10 minutes. She took it and she is now paralyzed. Her daughters had to come from school to take care of her, to get her back and forth to the bathroom, to feed her, clean her, all of it. Bad choice.
These are not rare stories. These are not the few. There are so many of them.
My father had mild melanoma for the last ten years. He takes the stupid shot and now his body is fully blown full of cancer in one month. His sister got the booster shot. The following day she was hemorrhaging internally, they couldn't figure out where, they just
kept pumping her full of blood til they could get inside her and figure it out. I actually looked at my dad and said, When do your red flags go up? Because mine went up many, many months ago.
I strongly suggest for those who that want to have some research look into what Dr. Robert Malone, Peter McCullough, Pierre Kory, and particularly Ryan Cole who is a wonderful, decent man, if you have not met this guy he's an amazing man. And then ask yourself a question, when these people are dying because why will nobody do an autopsy in Minnesota? Why did I have to contact Ryan Cole to come here and do one for a family?
There's something that's not right.
So with that I will thank you.
# # #
Shane Mekeland's personal website is https://shanemekeland.com
His official page as a representative in the Minnesota Legislature is:
Vaccine Safety Council of Minnesota's webpage is
(That webpage offers a PDF "Tools for Standing Up Against Attempted Vaccine Mandates"
https://vaccinesafetycouncilminnesota.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/VSCM-Tools-for-Standing-Up-Against-Vaccine-Mandates-2.pdf )
One more-- an Australian senator talks about hearing from his constitutents:
Senator Rennick on What the Australian Government Knew, January 2021
Dr. John Campbell
March 24, 2023
DR. JOHN CAMPBELL: When the omicron virus became predominant, and that was for most of Australia's outbreak actually, most of Australia's pandemic was omicron, did did the government and the regulatory authorities realize omicron was much less pathogenic than the previous variants and changed their vaccination recommendations? Or did they just plow on as they were before?
SENATOR GERARD RENNICK: They didn't just plow on, they doubled down. So—
SENATOR GERARD RENNICK: About the same time, and I think it was Kyle, the the mountain biker *? [Warner_ inaudible]
**[See "Kyle's vaccine complication"
October 21, 2021
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H7inaTiDKaU ]
DR. JOHN CAMPBELL: Yeah, yeah.
SENATOR GERARD RENNICK: So that was when I started getting literally the same week, I started getting in injuries from young people as well. And that was a very, very important video you released, that, John, you should be very proud of what you did there.
DR. JOHN CAMPBELL: Well, Kyle should be very proud at sharing his suffering with the world.
SENATOR GERARD RENNICK: Absolutely. [inaudible] for just coming out and you know, I mean, he was injured, you know, he he was a victim —
SENATOR GERARD RENNICK: — and he just you know was just treated terribly, like. And subsequently, you know, as it turns out, hundreds of thousands if not millions of others have been treated the same way.
DR. JOHN CAMPBELL: You're mad, young man, go away it's in your mind.
SENATOR GERARD RENNICK: But guy our guys here in Australia doubled down. So we were supposed to open up at 80% vaccination rate across the country, but instead what our state premiers did was they doubled down and told everyone to get a booster. This is when omicron was breaking out, so yeah, at the same time they were saying it wasn't as bad, they were telling everyone to get a booster, children had to get vaccinated as well as teenagers, and I mean, I heard from teenagers who couldn't go to school formals because they weren't vaccinated, you know, that you had students, university students two or three years through their degree, they can't complete it because they're not vaccinated. I mean, this is just absurd, right?
🤩 Each & every li'l bit matters! Especially when not just one-and-done. Most heartfelt ty from me as well 💖😊
Your essays are a balm. Thank you.
My reflection: anything and anyone might have changed the course of it in some way, however two individuals, Trump and Biden, as Presidents of the US, had the leverage to slow and even stop a good part of the crazy train. For example, the former could have refused to impose lockdowns, and refused to plug the experimental vaccines as safe and effective, and the latter could have refused to impose mandates. Just those two moves by those two people would have been game changers. I get it, though, that something deeper is going on in various entrenched bureaucracies and etc., and even if Trump had not been so gullible, and Biden so craven and stupid, we would nonetheless have been living through some kind of shale show.
Trump could have done things better for sure, but he didn’t impose lockdowns. Governors did. All of them except Kristy Noem of South Dakota. Yes even DeSantis locked down Florida.
Agree that pushing the vaccine was a bad look for Trump, but Biden’s mandates and his retoric around the vaccines (especially his Christmas address where he said “…as for the unvaccinated, you are looking at a winter of serious illness and death for you, your families, and the hospitals you may soon overwhelm.”) were 1000% worse than anything Trump did.
Also Biden, “ if don’t get vaccinated, you may cause someone to die.” These false bullying statements need to not be forgotten.
Biden is a complete phony and liar and his mind is long gone.
But Trump declared the emergency. And then pushed a "vaxx" and still says it's great.
Trump, also, financially incentivized the governors to lock down. The poly ticks know how to force people to do what they want them to do.
If there's a contest of craven idiocy Biden wins, hands down. Not that I approve of Trump's actions, either.
Not exactly. President Trump said in his March 16, 2020 press conference:
"“My administration is recommending that all Americans, including the young and healthy, work to engage in schooling from home when possible, avoid gathering in groups of more than 10 people. Avoid discretionary travel and avoid eating and drinking at bars, restaurants, and public food courts. If everyone makes this change or these critical changes and sacrifices now, we will rally together as one nation and we will defeat the virus and we’re going to have a big celebration together.”
Good point! He encouraged people to stay home but didn’t mandate it. That’s an important distinction IMO.
What I liked about Noem’s response was that she and her administration shared the facts then let people decide their course of action. She treated adults as adults capable of making their own risk assessments. That’s the way to do it.
I agree, it's an important distinction. Vitally important.
His recommendation, nonetheless, emboldened governors to lock down, especially (R) governors who could say "Look, even Trump supports these measures, so we'll force you to do them." The fact is the US Feds don't have the police power for a lockdown-the country is too big. The States are really our countries in terms of enforcement power. The correct response from Trump would've been Sweden's response or the response that decades of research have led to, essentially what is seen in the Great Barrington Declaration. Not to mention he gave Fauci and Birx a platform, not to mention the vaccine which he still brags about. His administration shouldn't have recommended anything as it's not the federal government's place to do so. Let the States handle things. Would've been smarter politically and would've caused fewer harms from lockdowns and other measures. Instead the Leviathan State marched on under Trump. Shit I even forgot about the $2 trillion stimulus he signed and the Trump checks with his tacky Sharpie signature for all to know they were from him.
defending trump on covid is impossible. How much mental gymnatstics to people that defend him have to do because they like him?? He failed miserably on everything covid, this is irrefutable. He shut down travel, and wanted everyone to lock down. He was the engine behind the corrupt project warp speed which directly led to the rushed, worthless jabs. There is no defending trump on his covid response.
I'm not defending Trump. I was pointing out that he didn't mandate lockdowns, or even suggest them. As the other poster pointed out, he made a statement about how everyone should stay home. He didn't enact a federal lockdown mandate or direct governors to enact lockdowns. The governors (except for Kristy Noem) enacted lockdowns of their own free will.
You may think this distinction is trivial, but I think it's important to remember what actually happened.
I will defend Kristy Noem to the death, though!
"Trump could have done things better for sure, but he didn’t impose lockdowns."
Well he keeps claiming it was all him. Do we need to watch him say so (over and over and over again)? I'll go find the YouTube vids.
listen to RFKjr's speech in which he talks about how Trump caved when he had the power as President to not cave
💬 Why did it happen, despite obvious reasons that it shouldn’t have?
Yet another proposition: acquired helplessness with attendant wilful not-seeing as misguided survival strategy.
🗨 But they would prefer not to know. Or if they do, they’d prefer not to say.[...] They fear it would deal them into a game they don’t think they’re equipped to play, let alone to win.[...] So instead of pointing those [strings attached] out, they train themselves to never care.[...] “I can’t change it, so I don’t care,” has practically become their national anthem, or the call-and-response liturgy of their imperial church.
markbisone.substack.com/p/strings-attached <-- addresses as well your 'something deeper is going on in various entrenched bureaucracies' 🔥👌
Outstanding work Mark. I often wonder as well regarding being born at a certain time and/or place. Heartbreaking to think of all the young lives lost (particularly regarding war) just for being a certain age at a certain time and place. I will take exception to one line in your piece. “But protest gatherings were banned.”
….Except in the name of justice and for one George Floyd. Imagine smack dab in the middle of a deadly once-in-a-lifetime pandemic if you will. Hundreds, if not thousands of people all packed close screaming, yelling, many not masked up.
That couldn’t happen. Right?
Yes,, we noticed. I would have added that but what I wrote was already too long.
And there was no ensuing "spike" in cases thereafter.
There was another big gathering, the sturgis bike rally.
That one got called a super spreader event.
Some moron ECONOMIST estimated how it would infect so many people.
Yes, a freaking economist! What's next, a doctor writing papers about inflation?
What an Idiocracy we are in!
BTW, the stupid amnesty article was also written by an economist...
And Jeffrey Sachs who pushed the lab leak narrative and was on the convid commission was also an economist.
Why the fk are economists heard about a pandemic while they censor and cancel actual scientists who speak about medical issues?
We have the Idiocracy form of totalitarianism.
Kafkaesque logic and Orwellian ethics tightly wrapped in deafening Brawndo sloganeering. A byte more than mildly interesting times to be living through 😏
And all the subsequent “peaceful protests” that ensued that summer in NYC, Baltimore, Denver, Seattle, etc... looting, burning cars..what did that idiot mayor of Seattle ( Portland?)call it ?The Summer of ??... I don’t recall any of those protesters being 6’ apart..but God forbid you went down a grocery store aisle the wrong direction or weren’t standing on a taped X waiting your turn to check out....
"But medicine is America’s latter-day religion. Americans think they owe their lives to all things medical, including Pharma drugs and vaccines."
This is the killer quote from another great essay. I have the (bad) habit of using Reddit. One has to have something to do in the bathroom. The English Language subs are largely dominated by US people with a particular mindset while not, perhaps, typical of the rest of the US is representative of the very vocal online supporters of 'the current thing'. They tend to be left-of-centre and cynical about big corporations apart from, of course, the pharmaceutical industry, despite the industry's egregious record for dishonesty and outright fraud.
The efficacy and safety of vaccines is an article of faith and even the slightest questioning of this marks the author as a blasphemer and infidel. I read a thread a couple of days ago, something like, "What was the craziest thing that happened in the pandemic", and one of the highly upvoted comments was about (to paraphrase) how the mentally challenged anti-vaxxers had all come out of the woodwork. There was a chorus of approval for this and the one or two brave souls who put their heads over the parapet to demur were furiously downvoted. It is, absolutely, a religion for these people who, ironically, would in the most part describe themselves as rational and atheist.
I wrote about the religion of Vaxxism about 18 months ago.
Thanks for the link Mark - another essay that is spot on again. Although it all looks pretty bleak at the moment, there has been an unintended consequence of the militancy of the vax promotors, which is that many of us who formerly did not question vaccines, are now doing so. My reading has convinced me that the whole debate is far more nuanced than we are led to believe. I've had all the vaccines offered to me, as has my daughter, but knowing what I know now I would not repeat those errors. I know a lot of people have been similarly 'red-pilled' and this has to have an effect on future campaigns.
welcome to the anti-vaxx tin foil hat grassy knoll. It was lonely up here with only the three tramps for company.
Thanks, I'll take a look.
The Nazis based their collectivism on race, the soviets on class and in the US we just lived through a mass totalitarian movement of our own that was based on HYGIENE. The unvaxxed were the "jews" or the "bourgoisie"
Wow. Good point. Well said
I'm currently reading "Overdosed America" by John Abramson, MD. I disagree with him on a few things but he has interesting insight into our health and how it's suffering because of the biomedical philosophy to which we now subscribe. Simply put, we regard a person as a collection of highly functioning molecules and believe drugs and procedures are the answer to everything. Our religion is now pharma-worship.
Re "mentally challenged anti-vaxxers had all come out of the woodwork." They really still say this?? Oh dear, the vaccines must be dissolving their brains even more that I supposed.
Here are the vaccine cultists at worship.
And their principal beliefs possibly.
Lord the Cod- funny and Fish Fridays now make sense.
Was it inevitable? Given that Americans are drug-addled to start with, yes. In fact we were an oil-soaked rag and Fauci's blather was the spark. The covid mess was already underway long before 2020 in one sense: we seem to think life is dependent on taking the right pills. You mentioned Illich and his books on overmedicalization: how apposite. We're obese and unhealthy, take more pills than any other nation, and were just waiting for shut-down orders so we could fold up and coast.
“In fact we were an oil-soaked rag and Fauci's blather was the spark”.
Great insight and expression all in one. Well done.
Oh thanks! What I wonder is: would we fall for this again?
I'm not so sure.
I have had a few pharma pills in my life in the UK but not many as I never fancied them. I have to say that those who think pills are the answer are, well, just pill-ocks. :)
One of the best essays I’ve read on this whole covid debacle. You are a gifted writer, Mark! I’ll be sharing this piece to many!
Thanks, Susan.
Not only gifted, but Mark is easily the best writer of nuanced, thoughtful, "you are there" pieces on how things like covid intersect with the rest of life. I was an early subscriber, and still check every day to see if he has written another piece. Each is absorbing, spot-on, and resonates long after reading. I will be thinking berets all day...
Thanks, Dr. K. Your comment means a lot to me.
I use stories b/c I think people have seen enough acronyms and graphs. And b/c I saw the Scam from Day 1 based on prior life experiences and a basic science framework. And b/c as you say, the overreaction messed up LIFE, which is short enough and hard enough without fabricating crises.
You don't need to look every day for my posts. I only do one/week. I have a job and other stuff I need to do so can't write full-time.
yes - we should be smarter and wiser. yet it seems we just keep making the same mistakes over and over again and cant course correct. remember Psych 101. we all studied the Milgram and Asch experiments. they were designed and undertaken to try and understand how a society could become so deranged. yet we saw one play out - right in front of our eyes. its a little disturbing to see people harmed from some of these therapies. its hard for people to wrap around the simple fact that these leadership people are acting in their "own best interest" - not yours.
I too have some interesting shoe boxes downstairs in the basement. I look at them every once in a while...
💬 we all studied the Milgram and Asch experiments
Add Zimbardo and Calhoun (of Universe 25 fame) for full measure 🙂
thanks for correcting my horrible spelling!
The coronamania was instigated by those who control the money. The situation in Sept 2019 was in an even worse situation than 2008 and locking down economies and funnelling the money to prop up banks was necessary. All planned well in advance with the unnamed as of Feb 2020 disease of Covid 19 already appearing on World International Trade website in 2017/18 for global procurement of "Covid19 PCR machines." Also, print purchasing UK Gov docs seen for social distancing measures, floor stickers, posters, etc., months ahead of any pandemic announcements. I used to buy print. Preplanning for paper, inks, logistics, current orders, cannot happen overnight. Same with vaccines. No company would be purchasing all liquids, chemicals etc. until goods signed off as "safe and effective" unless they knew in advance that they would be. Due Dilligence and Art S/S has the details of that. Remember, every gov heavily in debt. PM's controlled by banks and serve them, not the people. Those that did serve people like Tanzania, Brunai, Haiti, all ended up dead.
We're about to find out that Pfizer/Moderna/J&J were able to "produce" a coronavirus vaccine so quickly because it had already been stockpiled the U.S. Defense Department.
Although I've always been skeptical of 9/11 (watching those massive steel reinforced freefall has never made sense to me), I've never been able to buy the idea that the US Govt was in on it all.
Well, Coronamania has gone a LONG LONG way to convincing me of that.
I've become an avid reader these last 30 months or so and learned that history as we are taught it is not the way things really happened, or never actually happened at all. If you repeat the lie often enough, it becomes the truth.
"But medicine is America’s latter-day religion. "
Yep, that's the big issue. But seeing what they're planning, it's going to be harsh on the true believers. The new jabs for other weak diseases will cause more hardship on people who didn't get the message during convid.
Unfortunately, some people are so asleep that they'll only wake up when it hits them directly.
This quote doesn't just apply to intelligent people, but anyone that has blind faith in anything.
"The evolutionary psychologist William von Hippel found that humans use large parts of thinking power to navigate social world rather than perform independent analysis and decision making. For most people it is the mechanism that, in case of doubt, will prevent one from thinking what is right if, in return, it endangers one’s social status. This phenomenon occurs more strongly the higher a person’s social status. Another factor is that the more educated and more theoretically intelligent a person is, the more their brain is adept at selling them the biggest nonsense as a reasonable idea, as long as it elevates their social status. The upper educated class tends to be more inclined than ordinary people to chase some intellectual boondoggle. "
-Sasha Latypova
“The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, and wise people so full of doubts.” -Bertrand Russell
"They went along to get along"- (without engaging their brains). Had lunch yesterday with a long time friend who totally bought into the whole mess. She kept bringing up the last few years by inserting "during covid" into her conversation. I didn't respond directly to those remarks, except for one topic when I was explaining by brain tumor removal and the symptoms I had prior, she asked "did you ever think you had covid" and my knee jerk reaction was a loud and emphatic "No". (Maybe a little too loud my husband thought)- but I guess she fell into that category of someone who really doesn't feel valued in her community (retired, not in a relationship, really doesn't do any volunteer work or belong to any kind of group) so she grabbed on and grabbed on hard....and can't let go...at least she's not wearing a mask to walk into a restaurant anymore, because "covid's over"! :-) smh Thanks always for your level head and great ability to put reason and stories on paper! (A+)
The expressions "During Covid" or "During The Pandemic" drive me crazy.
I prefer to make the point of saying “during the lockdowns” instead
Best, most well written and argued refutation of the scamdemic I’ve encountered in the three years of this apocalypse. (Apocalypse in the sense of it being a revelation as well as the more commonly held belief of it meaning destruction) For it has truly been revelatory about many many things humanity is facing and has faced since the ‘dawning of time’.
Thankfully I have discovered your stack and will visit again. 😉
Thanks, Marc.
This is about the 100th one I've posted. I started writing these in March, 2020. I posted the earliest ones on Medium, who canceled me for telling the truth about the shots. I moved to Substack and the stories are archived there.
Mark, I'd read the 100 only because I imagine them to be a wonderful journey. For that reason alone but the past three years has been laboriously irritating, as you well know. I'd read your writings because I think they'd be a balm to my soul at this point.
Do you mean your stories are archived on Medium? If so, how do I access them?
Marc, I believe all of Mark's work (at least in this area) is archived on substack. You will be impressed at the quality of the pieces even going back to the very beginning. They all stick with you.
I have no doubt. Thanks for the info.
There is some talk of a book that would contain the best of these.
I'll let you know if this gets traction.
Shut up and take my money, Mark.
A book could be a great way to aggregate so much of your thinking on the topic. Maybe organized and curated to illustrate the progression of things, to make it easier for readers to follow. I'd say 'boil down' but I don't that is the best way to describe the process. Maybe more like picking through a bushel basket of leafy greens to make the best salad one has ever had the pleasure to eat. Only the tastiest morsels can qualify for inclusion.
Chance, circumstances, and agency.
Once they shut down playgrounds and beaches, I knew it was a scam.
How did everyone not see that?
I'll never forget watching that guy on a paddleboard in the Pacific Ocean being chased down and arrested by the California sheriffs boat.
They had their heads in the sand...although as they weren't at the beach at the time that may not make sense.
But then neither did the lockdowns. :)
I believe that most of our American history has been orchestrated by a select few- some good, most bad. All of our wars in the last 125 years could have been averted, but the elite who run the show could not gain additional power nor make gobs of money from peace. Just munitions alone has created vast wealth- never mind the tens of millions lost in the so- called battles. Economics always reigns supreme. There are surely exceptions to my last statements, but not many.
Mark, I really liked this latest masterpiece of yours. I immediately reflected on my college years. I had some scholarship offers from a few schools, but couldn't get any peace of mind about where to go. I got a call from the new head coach at MS State and he asked me to try out for his team in fall practice. I spent 4 years there and met the mother of my children as well as lifelong friends! What if I had chosen another school? I hadn't thought about this in a while- my memories are precious and my friendships are priceless! Your writing was the trigger.
Thanks, Mike.
The road not taken...
Sometimes I feel meaningless. But that doesn't mean I will join any cult to find myself. Coronamania exists for one reason. The masses are psychologically asleep and refuse to wake up. Thus they need something to quell their nightmares and the thought of death from a dreaded virus was enough to make them join forces and become wards of big pharma. Trust of big pharma and the medical mafia is one gigantic cult...right up the the point of death.
I absolutely love your work. Trump was verifiably the 1st to turn to say it was an over reaction. But the media wouldn't have it. You go on to list a host of others highly credentialed who went along as well. I vociferously argued 1st with phone calls and then writing multiple times to the President of the University Bamm Bamm1 attends to no avail. We were played. Trump was played.
Then he's too stupid and incompetent to be given another term in office.
There are only two choices: either Donald Trump willingly went along with the Swamp, or he was too incompetent to defend us against them. Choose either option.