Apr 11Liked by Mark Oshinskie

I want to know when someone like Andy Slavitt is going to be prosecuted for crimes against humanity. For over a year, all that fucking cockroach did was bang the fearmongering drum and list each 30-60 year old who unexpectedly had their life cut down by posting their untimely death on Twitter while blaming a coronavirus. Each time I called him out as a fearmongering piece of shit who was using other people's tragedies to scare the masses, Twitter would suspend my account and silence me. What about the Microsoft (I'm sure that was Bill Gates's idea)Death-O-Meter? The daily ticker tape that kept score for us by counting daily CORONAVIRUS DEATHS. It was like watching the Celtics and Lakers in a daily battle for game 7 of the NBA finals on an infinite loop.

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Apr 11Liked by Mark Oshinskie

Loner here, because never heard any Taylor Swift song, does not care what Trump does, was outside the range of the eclipse... when I talk it is mostly to the dog, the cats, and the last year, the birds. At least, now I can say I talk to them - no way am I talking to myself! Mudwater milkshake LOL. The good thing about the whole scamdemic is, that lots of people are starting to wake up to what has been going on for over 100 years now - America is dying because of its over-medication. I still know a few people who run for the doctor to get all possible and impossible treatments, but also found several, who quit (some already 10 and more years ago) and are doctoring for themselves with excellent results. Lawsuits are coming off the ground to sue the needle pushers. LIttle hope to see anyone hang, but at least, the public eye is opening - thanks to people like you!

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AMEN and well said.

Somehow, despite the pathetic minority still masked up and the majority of "reasonable people in the middle" who still won't acknowledge, let along apologize for, their essential role in the Covidcaust; still I don't think they'll fall for the next go 'round of "deadly virus" propaganda. I sure as hell hope not, anyway.

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Apr 11Liked by Mark Oshinskie

So I dont have to keep waiting for pigs to fly?

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Apr 11Liked by Mark Oshinskie

Another fine essay, Mark. I’m leaving space in my bookcase for Vol. II. I was cleaning the kitchen when I became aware the sunlight had changed and remembered it was Eclipse Day. I dug out my 2017 glasses and walked out into the yard here in SC. I enjoyed seeing it but the best part was many of my neighbors were outdoors walking dogs or doing yardwork. I shared my glasses among all of them, including the garbage man. They were as delighted as kids. It was a rare, old-fashioned neighborly moment. One woman hasn’t spoken to me since I put my Trump sign out in 2020, and another has had every booster offered and aged a million years. She used to be pretty. Now she wonders aloud why her husband has kidney cancer and all her friends are dying, from pancreatic cancer specifically. She actually asked me once what I thought was causing it and I said The Shots. She got very quiet. Thank God, I never have to try to unring THAT bell!

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Apr 11·edited Apr 11Liked by Mark Oshinskie

don't underestimate stupidity, I'm sure there are people out there who believe pigs fly!!

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Apr 11·edited Apr 11Liked by Mark Oshinskie

A+++++ once again Mark. Your work never disappoints. You know, I think most of us consider you a very important truth warrior. You force us to reflect, and become more than just “skilled TV watchers.” I’m going to plug another important truth warrior who reminds me of you: JJ Couey of gigaohmbiological.com. He’s an accomplished patchclamp physiologist. His videos are stunning, entertaining,and important, and show us the impossibility of an RNA virus causing a global pandemic. Jay’s been fighting this fight from a biological perspective, and he’s only funded by his viewers. Please check him out. Remember, this whole thing started by all of us being bamboozled by "The Science" and they're going to try this again...So I learn about science through Couey, and real world reflection and observations through you.

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Apr 11Liked by Mark Oshinskie

The 4 year event we label as Corona or The Virus or the Jabfest or whatever - was carefully orchestrated by evil genius to instill fear in the masses. It worked so well cause they've done it before. This country ( on a federal level) is not run by our elected officials- it is run by Black Ops and has been since the late 40's. So many people simply trust whatever the liberal media spouts as "gospel truth". We do not live in a democratic society nor a republic- that's the real scam!

In the first few months of this scam I started doing my own research- it was not too difficult- just had to dig a bit. I found many reports from different medical institutions that really did question the larger narrative- but those reports never saw the light of day in the "Main Stream Media".

I'm just thankful that Mark shared his heart with eloquent storytelling and helped many of us get to real truth.

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Apr 11Liked by Mark Oshinskie

Good morning all,

I'm one of those people who went from working in an office full of people to working from home. For 12 years, I commuted 1 hour each way to work; now (since March 24, 2020). I walk to my desk in the basement. I don't miss the drive, although it was down to a mindless rote for the most part. I'd get in the car, drive to the gas station for a coffee, then off to work, listening to sports radio. There were a few times I would be walking up the sidewalk to the office building and I would think "How did I get here". I wouldn't remember the drive in! Scary!

No, I don't miss the drive and getting back 2 hours a day is nice too, although I haven't put it to any use. I do miss the interactions with my co-workers.. No more popping my head over the cubicle or someone dropping by to chat. Now it's all Microsoft Teams meetings, where everyone is talking over top of everyone else. THAT sh!t drives me mad.

Now I'm just going though the motions of Life, waiting for something to happen, such as the upcoming weekend or TEOTWAWKI, or thinking of retirement (far too many years to go, if at all possible). Heck, I'd take a (small) earthquake to break up the monotony!

Have a good day, Everyone.

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Next time there is a scamdemic, and there will be a next time, persons like me who don’t particularly desire to be obstreperous will need to buck up, hitch up our britches and vocally resist. I did not participate in much of the madness but next time I need to be bolder. I need to speak up. I will not be unkind but, next time, I will not go quietly.

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Apr 11Liked by Mark Oshinskie

The most worrying part of this covid mess is that the majority want to forget as if it never happened. It leaves them open for the next global scam which they will fall hook, line and sinker for just as before. So many people never learn by their mistakes because they want to forget, therefore they repeat them time after time.

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Apr 11Liked by Mark Oshinskie

But wait, there's more. I just saw a clip from Sharyl Attkisson's news channel about disgusting and frightening giant fibrous blood clots being discovered by embalmers worldwide. This is a direct result of tampering with cellular reproduction. Brought to you by the MRNA shots. Of course, the corporate press is silent. Nothing to see here. They can't create social hysteria over this cuz it'd fu** up the money flow. Wakey wakey. Flying pigs suck, but sheep are worrisome too.

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Apr 11Liked by Mark Oshinskie

Man, I thought you were going to write a piece about your coming of-age days in Kearny, but it turned out to be about that doggone ‘Rona virus that just won’t leave us…..oh well…..before you get forgetful, spin us some tales of the bygone days of youth in the old gritty industrial towns….God bless you and yours!

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Apr 11Liked by Mark Oshinskie

It’s all the same game plan. The Spanish flu, AIDS and Coronavirus are separate but not unique illnesses that are given a catchy label and diagnosed with inappropriate methods. Treat these unicorns with toxic drugs and therapies that kill and voilá! The illusion of a real existential threat to mankind has been created. Virology was invented centuries ago to fill in the gaps of half-formed theories about why people get sick, without ever isolating or scientifically proving anything. The emperor has no clothes and in the case of Virology, no body as well.

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Apr 11Liked by Mark Oshinskie

The benefit of going along with the majority is you never have to say you're sorry.

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Yeah, the media is going on overdrive to pump up the fear and loathing. They are desperate to keep us from thinking about the current genocide in the middle east and the corruption that runs in politics and business.

I don't agree that work from home is a bad thing.

My gf is much more productive not having to be in an annoying office where people talk loud on the phone, toxic perfume smells everywhere, and the annoying commute.

The joke is that now they're getting push back because they're pushing 3 days in the office (in order to keep their tax breaks 🤡 ). She asked her co-workers whether they got more done in the office vs at home and only two of them were more productive in the office. (They're older people that are less tech savvy.)

As someone whose job cannot be done remotely, I support work from home because traffic is a son of a bitch and one less person commuting helps!

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