For me, it's my witness of the credulity and cooperation afforded the absurd, the utterly nonsensical, the obviously destructive, the criminal, and the patently stupid that have affected me to my core. I am forever changed; that is, I will forever see my fellow human beings as untrustworthy. They proved it -- in spades. I now know -- for sure -- that the vast majority can be told 𝒂𝒏𝒚𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 -- and to save their sorry asses will do 𝒂𝒏𝒚𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈, including tossing everything of real value right out the window while demanding that I do the same.
It is hard to look at people the same way. In addition to the gullibility, many saw this as a political and economic opportunity. And that's even more contemptible.
I was fooled for a time by this, probably 6 months or so. Being retired, got time to research and read plenty, not just about alleged SARSCov2, the computer generated PCR test used globally, as no-one had a real virus sample in the world, history of allopathic medicines, previous hoaxes, germ/virus theory, books, The Invisible Rainbow, Dissolving Illusions were my first reads. All consumed before injections available and info which I gleaned shared widely with family and friends. All ignored, became disconnected, shunned, called crazy, etc. Being ignorant and accepting everything you are told to be true is one thing but when shown true historical facts that counter the narrative are not examined or persued further, that is, to me, complete stupidity and I'm very sorry to say my family and most friends (now ex) fall into this category!
Markker, even if what lowlifes like Fauci, Birx, Redfield, Ferguson, et al. alleged had been true, WTH difference does it make in terms of the basics of life and living? How ITAF could it possibly make any sense whatsoever to shut the world over a respiratory infection? Thus, its obviousness as a crime was so 𝒐𝒃𝒗𝒊𝒐𝒖𝒔 that the inability or refusal to see it as such confirmed some very unfortunate facts. To watch virtually everyone around us act like total schmucks was the last straw for me. The threads I clung to about people were ripped away -- forever. I think my tone gives me away. Three and a half years in and I still fume...
I can't disagree with anything you've said here. It made no sense and the total misery, financial, mental ....... I personally don't know of any deaths from "Covid" and any that was classified as such were due to the new protocols which caused deaths. My ex mil taken to hospital after a fall out of bed, April 2022. No cold symptoms but she was tested positive, admitted, family banned for 10 days. When allowed in, they found her neglected, dishevelled, unwashed, not fed or watered and completely sedated on morphine all that time. She had developed double pneumonia too and died on 6th May. They put her death as Covid. Now this is what happened to many attending for other things and families not allowed in which for lots of people hearing these stories amplifies the warnings of how deadly Covid was and makes people more fearful to follow orders. And no doubt they will do it again.
So just to add a little levity to tragedy, Dr. Malone had a hilarious comic this last week:
A man is sitting on an exam table with an arrow through his head. The doctor says, “At first glance I’d say you have an arrow through your head, but I’ll run a Covid test to make sure.”
Stay strong! Stay connected with people like the folk here about in Oshinskie land.
Prior to the covid years, I had not considered the possibility that metaphysical evil was a reality. Knowing that changes everything. Those who go along with the narratives still consider Evil as no big deal. Jews know about evil, which is why they are a serious people.
Evil's biggest accomplishment has been to fool us into believing that it does not exist. Satan exists and knows he's no match for Our Creator and there is only one thing he can do, defile God's maximum creation. The Covid vaccines and the new mRNA vaccines the WHO is pushing are all meant to change our DNA
Yesterday I was doing one of my favorite things, browsing through Homegoods buying things I absolutely don’t need. I offered the woman( 60 something) behind me in the check out line my cart as her arms were laden with Christmas decorations ... admiring some lovely Holiday flannel sheets, she told me she was decorating their master bedroom “christmassy “ because her husband has been sick with Long COVID since April.... I mean, what do you say? Tactfully? After expressing my sympathies.... “ the doctors can’t figure it out, he’s vaccinated and has had every booster, and he keeps getting sick.” I wished her a happy hopefully healthy Holiday Season and went my brain screaming “ good God, are doctors really this obtuse?!?!” ... I’m still smh. Following protocols like that, we will never be “ healthy.”
Either way, this man has been lingering for 6 months and it’s not occurred to anyone that maybe it’s the boosters debilitating this man?? It was really hard for me to not say something!!
And rightfully so. We lost a LOT, jobs, education, what I thought were friends…the fact that they were so easily manipulated also infuriates me but worse than that is terrifies me. Watching a documentary on how citizens during WWII gave up their neighbours, assisted in murder because they fell into “group think” or simply to save their own asses makes me vomit. Seriously. Victims simply followed orders, no fighting back paralyzed by fear? Yes, it is good not to trust anymore this instinct may save your ass because this isn’t over by a LONG shot, in fact it’s just begun.
especially that 193 of 196 countries went along with the story, well, may be I can discount Sweden as well. It was so obvious, that the letterword agencies were pulling the strings, together with bigharma and bigmoney. they surely tried to make all small people and businesses go broke, a few did, but thankfully, lots survived.
Sadly, mine too Markker. The worst outcome from this (so far) is the knowledge that those you innocently and logically trusted to be true to you, would rather believe a load of twaddle from talking heads on the CBC, BBC, CNN etc. Going along to get along is a truly frightening concept, and far more so than a respiratory virus that killed as many, or fewer, percentage wise, than the largely ignored flu virus of 2017-2018.
Could not agree more! It gives me no pleasure to acknowledge this sentiment but I prefer to deal with reality than to delude myself that people have the intelligence, rationality, common sense and courage which are demonstrably absent.
ANYONE, and I mean anyone that wears a mask thinking that it protects them from viruses should have a guardian. The problem with that plan is finding enough guardians.
OTOH, dogs will love you no matter what.
Lock your dog in one closet and the wife in another for 2 hours.
As always, a well-told tale, Mark. I volunteer at a local county animal shelter (in SC: use your imagination), and have seen, even there, the sad consequences of the scamdemic idiocy. People forced to stay home dashed out and got a companion pet for ‘me, me, me, so I won’t be lonely.’ Yay! A boon for crowded shelters. Now that the economy has totally tanked and people are no longer locked down, they heartlessly return the poor, animal to the shelter. It’s a f**king nightmare. I’ve never hated people but I do now. Selfish and stupid are my public words. My private ones are not for polite society.
Had not given this much thought but it doesn't take much imagination to visualize this issue. Thank you for your service to the "Staffordshire terrier" population.
It was never about public health. It was always about instituting a socialist takeover of societies, then culling the populations. Socialism is a death cult and they always use crises, real or contrived, to implement their policies. As you point out, it's far easier to catch some illness from a dog or pet than a bat but that going after pets would be a bridge too far for even the most fanatical devotees of Wuhan mass formation.
"Hand over Benji?! People simply wouldn’t accept such governmental overreach." I can only hope so. There are, actually, a lot of people out there who would be glad to take away your pets (including gentle lap dogs) and euthenize them, like, yesterday.
But I do very much agree with your conclusion, that, "Instead of weighing the obvious, astronomical human costs of the various, ludicrous “mitigation” measures against these measures’ purported, but unattainable and faux goal of crushing a virus, government officials deliberately induced maximum disruption and consternation."
I think the only way past the kerazy is going to be to keep on telling the truth and keep on standing for freedom.
I think the true believers, those scared sh*tless, would even give away their dogs. I think these people lack the heart and soul that you attribute to them. They'd suffer for a bit, but their own health would still be way more important to them. If they didn't do it for their kids?
I would fight to the death to protect my dog. I would have willingly given myself instead of my previous dog (now passed). After my husband left this world, Bailey became my reason for living.
My enjoyment of the stories with which you begin your articles is enhanced by the knowledge that they will always lead to another pinpoint attack on the totalitarian onslaught we have suffered for the past 4 years.
No question but that the scandemic was pure drama. Did a lab created frankenvirus infect man and beast, culling some of the oldest, least healthy among us? Seemingly so. Rather than admit to their historic “medical” blunder (or was it a military one?), they foisted a huge histrionic grift upon the entire world. It was the biggest smokescreen ever conceived and carried out. $15 wasted trillions and untold societal damage (unquantifiable) later, the handful of culprits are still free and the puppet master$ are still pulling strings.
Yup. If they came to my house to "euthanize" my pets they would have to "euthanize" me first, but not, perhaps, before one or two of them found themselves euthanized. If I remember correctly, they briefly talked about this possibility in the UK during the pandemic--until they realized it would create a revolution (and also that, like all the other COVID theatre they actually did impose on people, it would not do anything slow the spread of the virus.) Some of the most extreme climate change zealots (the same ones who want to dramatically reduce the human population) are now suggesting we will have to give up our pets (along with our cars and our babies) for "the planet." There is something seriously wrong with these people. It is indeed sad that people are using their pets as substitutes for human companionship--there are a lot of lonely and troubled souls out there-- but at the same time I'm always suspicious of someone who says "I don't like animals." Your dog stories illustrate how rich the relationship between man and animal can be. Keep the good stories coming, Mark.
Along with AOCs fear of garbage disposals, the government’s demonization of plastic straws and grocery bags (except masks), gas stoves, nitrogen, suburban living, and anything that runs on fuel that burns, please be aware that pets are on the hit list. Don’t we just love sentences that start with, “Studies show…” But, supposedly studies show that owning pets contributes mightily to the ever-present doom of climate change. Breeding the animals which many think is cruel in and of itself, to their food supply and methane producing excrement all so they can serve their “masters” ugh! Can this get any uglier?! So, let’s not kid ourselves, the progressive climate Nazis do not condone pet ownership. Don’t like it one bit. Some cursory internet searching will pull up their logic on the matter. Remember. the next time someone says something sympathetic to progressive causes, we must remind ourselves it’s all fun and virtuous until they target something that’s close to your heart. And, they will. Their thirst for absolute power demands they take everything from us.
BBC radio 4 did a feature on the news programme about a vegan dog and how we'll need to change what we feed our pets to mitigate " climate change". I turned it off .
Vegan dog...crazy. Then I see ads on TV for dog and cat food and shake my head at the ingredients. Carrots, potatoes, grain....I've never seen a lion or wolf eat any of these. Then again, I live in the suburbs and don't see wild animals on a regular basis.
I know. The only good thing is cats are obligate carnivores so they can't be insulted with rubbish. Mine has raw as well as cooked meat....and raw mice !
My kitty the same food as you do, with the occasional rabbit…I know the poor bunnies…I have ‘rescued’ a few from his clutches, sprayed the flower essences spray, Rescue Remedy for Pets on them, put them into seclusion for a few hours in a box in my garage, then let them go. Away from my backyard. One didn’t make it one day and I buried it.
Dogs and cats are carnivores! They don’t hunt in the wild for fruits and berries! But then again, some of the vegans I have encountered were quite delusional about what their animals need to eat. They wanted them to be vegan, just like them!
I like to say that "Covid" was a test...a test of HUMANITY. One which humanity overwhelmingly FAILED.
They call us "conspiracy-minded". Someone recently offered a counter to that: Naivete-minded.
Besides, one didn't even need to venture down any "conspiracy rabbit-holes" to figure out that Public Health was selling porky pies. Such was obvious by March/April of 2020.
Completely agree, but I say obvious by mid-March. Why would anyone expect Americans to react differently to a virus than Italians or Spaniards? Euro data told us all we needed to know.
I know this is definitely off target but I really like the name of your dog, Sugar Bear. It seems friendly and strong. If I ever get a dog again, which I doubt, I hope I remember that name. I have always liked dogs and had many dogs in my lifetime. I don't like dogs that incessantly lick people. Many people also let their dogs lick their entire faces and mouth. That's gross. Many people kiss their dogs. Some people kiss their dogs on their lips. There is no doubt that fluid transmission is happening and that bi-directional COVID transmission would be likely. Yes, dogs would definitely be a repository of our viruses. But I don't think the COVID interventions had anything to do with actual virus prevention. It was simply mass control for the sake of mass control. They wanted to change the economic system to kill off small businesses and they were very successful. Build Back Better!
My dog does not suffer from "zoonotic yuckiness" because I shared my ivermectin horse paste with him in weight appropriate doses. Just sayin' it was one of the most cost effective mitigations not offered or suggested. Ok picking up dog poo and emptying litter boxes is disgusting but as a retired healthcare professional I have an undergraduate degree in body fluids:). Thank you for the well written story. Wish a few young people would make the sacrifice and invest in children now.
That's a great story about Sugar Bear (which to me doesn't sound like an incongruent name at all). My daughter named our all black lab mix Daisy, which seemed a little more of a stretch on coloration.
I do believe that people would be enraged to give up their pooches, but such atrocities did happen in China based on videos during their lockdown lunacy when, if some poor resident tested positive and was to be forcibly restrained in quarantine camp, the dog was destroyed. There's horrific videos of like bags of living dogs being hauled away. I always thought if that was America there might be some snipers positioning themselves on roofs and aiming at the people in hazmat suits.
Yes tents do get wet inside in the rain. Here during the monsoon stuff the bottom floods very easily and you get all of the blankets wet. It's always best on a platform. 55 is a little chilly for me though I would have brought a change of clothes. And I bet they hitchikers do remember you...
Yes, I think it was particularly bad in Shanghai. New reports said police were killing pets of the COVID-positive. Then again, there were news reports of a lot of things from China.
my dog is my everything. she sleeps on my bed at night, she is with me almost 24/7and when i go to the store, when i get back it looks like i was gone an eternity.
I remember pres. Magafuli testing a gourd and it tested positive - then he died (under weird circumstances). I adored the man.
I got 2 cats but they are outside, because, like you, I hate litter boxes. Even a very clean one smells.As to germs. they are everywhere. Everything is full of them, your skin, your mouth, and if you have no germs in your intestins you die ! most germs are good, some are neutral, and only very few are sick-makers, anf these very few, a small number could kill you. Does that mean we have to live a life of fear? I would say, if you are that scared, stop driving a car. Lots of people die in car accidents. In this country full of snakes I am still surprised how little people realize that snakes are not out there to bite you. People are strange. I will stay with my dog and 2 cats.
I attribute my never catching any bugs that go around to having a dog and some cats. I’m exposed to all kinds of germs, I’m sure, but they bounce off me.
For me, it's my witness of the credulity and cooperation afforded the absurd, the utterly nonsensical, the obviously destructive, the criminal, and the patently stupid that have affected me to my core. I am forever changed; that is, I will forever see my fellow human beings as untrustworthy. They proved it -- in spades. I now know -- for sure -- that the vast majority can be told 𝒂𝒏𝒚𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 -- and to save their sorry asses will do 𝒂𝒏𝒚𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈, including tossing everything of real value right out the window while demanding that I do the same.
It is hard to look at people the same way. In addition to the gullibility, many saw this as a political and economic opportunity. And that's even more contemptible.
That part has awakened in me a loathing that will not abate, and a thirst for justice that cannot quench.
Indeed. Utterly contemptible.
I was fooled for a time by this, probably 6 months or so. Being retired, got time to research and read plenty, not just about alleged SARSCov2, the computer generated PCR test used globally, as no-one had a real virus sample in the world, history of allopathic medicines, previous hoaxes, germ/virus theory, books, The Invisible Rainbow, Dissolving Illusions were my first reads. All consumed before injections available and info which I gleaned shared widely with family and friends. All ignored, became disconnected, shunned, called crazy, etc. Being ignorant and accepting everything you are told to be true is one thing but when shown true historical facts that counter the narrative are not examined or persued further, that is, to me, complete stupidity and I'm very sorry to say my family and most friends (now ex) fall into this category!
Markker, even if what lowlifes like Fauci, Birx, Redfield, Ferguson, et al. alleged had been true, WTH difference does it make in terms of the basics of life and living? How ITAF could it possibly make any sense whatsoever to shut the world over a respiratory infection? Thus, its obviousness as a crime was so 𝒐𝒃𝒗𝒊𝒐𝒖𝒔 that the inability or refusal to see it as such confirmed some very unfortunate facts. To watch virtually everyone around us act like total schmucks was the last straw for me. The threads I clung to about people were ripped away -- forever. I think my tone gives me away. Three and a half years in and I still fume...
I can't disagree with anything you've said here. It made no sense and the total misery, financial, mental ....... I personally don't know of any deaths from "Covid" and any that was classified as such were due to the new protocols which caused deaths. My ex mil taken to hospital after a fall out of bed, April 2022. No cold symptoms but she was tested positive, admitted, family banned for 10 days. When allowed in, they found her neglected, dishevelled, unwashed, not fed or watered and completely sedated on morphine all that time. She had developed double pneumonia too and died on 6th May. They put her death as Covid. Now this is what happened to many attending for other things and families not allowed in which for lots of people hearing these stories amplifies the warnings of how deadly Covid was and makes people more fearful to follow orders. And no doubt they will do it again.
So just to add a little levity to tragedy, Dr. Malone had a hilarious comic this last week:
A man is sitting on an exam table with an arrow through his head. The doctor says, “At first glance I’d say you have an arrow through your head, but I’ll run a Covid test to make sure.”
Stay strong! Stay connected with people like the folk here about in Oshinskie land.
Mark if you start a country I might come too LOL
I would apply for asylum… with my dogs.
Prior to the covid years, I had not considered the possibility that metaphysical evil was a reality. Knowing that changes everything. Those who go along with the narratives still consider Evil as no big deal. Jews know about evil, which is why they are a serious people.
Evil's biggest accomplishment has been to fool us into believing that it does not exist. Satan exists and knows he's no match for Our Creator and there is only one thing he can do, defile God's maximum creation. The Covid vaccines and the new mRNA vaccines the WHO is pushing are all meant to change our DNA
I know jews who are hilariously funny, maybe because they know about evil. Just another way to look at it.
Yesterday I was doing one of my favorite things, browsing through Homegoods buying things I absolutely don’t need. I offered the woman( 60 something) behind me in the check out line my cart as her arms were laden with Christmas decorations ... admiring some lovely Holiday flannel sheets, she told me she was decorating their master bedroom “christmassy “ because her husband has been sick with Long COVID since April.... I mean, what do you say? Tactfully? After expressing my sympathies.... “ the doctors can’t figure it out, he’s vaccinated and has had every booster, and he keeps getting sick.” I wished her a happy hopefully healthy Holiday Season and went my brain screaming “ good God, are doctors really this obtuse?!?!” ... I’m still smh. Following protocols like that, we will never be “ healthy.”
I don't know if the doctors are obtuse or if they're just turning a blind eye to vaxx effects.
I think obtuse but also their puffed up egos won’t let them admit they were wrong, or admit they were acting like sheep.
Either way, this man has been lingering for 6 months and it’s not occurred to anyone that maybe it’s the boosters debilitating this man?? It was really hard for me to not say something!!
We should talk. Please e-mail me at forecheck32 at g mail.
And rightfully so. We lost a LOT, jobs, education, what I thought were friends…the fact that they were so easily manipulated also infuriates me but worse than that is terrifies me. Watching a documentary on how citizens during WWII gave up their neighbours, assisted in murder because they fell into “group think” or simply to save their own asses makes me vomit. Seriously. Victims simply followed orders, no fighting back paralyzed by fear? Yes, it is good not to trust anymore this instinct may save your ass because this isn’t over by a LONG shot, in fact it’s just begun.
especially that 193 of 196 countries went along with the story, well, may be I can discount Sweden as well. It was so obvious, that the letterword agencies were pulling the strings, together with bigharma and bigmoney. they surely tried to make all small people and businesses go broke, a few did, but thankfully, lots survived.
Sadly, mine too Markker. The worst outcome from this (so far) is the knowledge that those you innocently and logically trusted to be true to you, would rather believe a load of twaddle from talking heads on the CBC, BBC, CNN etc. Going along to get along is a truly frightening concept, and far more so than a respiratory virus that killed as many, or fewer, percentage wise, than the largely ignored flu virus of 2017-2018.
idem ditto Markker
We've seen how 1930s Germany happened, and how much worse may well be in our future.
Could not agree more! It gives me no pleasure to acknowledge this sentiment but I prefer to deal with reality than to delude myself that people have the intelligence, rationality, common sense and courage which are demonstrably absent.
Thank you, “She” for describing so articulately what I have been struggling with the last 3+ years.
ANYONE, and I mean anyone that wears a mask thinking that it protects them from viruses should have a guardian. The problem with that plan is finding enough guardians.
OTOH, dogs will love you no matter what.
Lock your dog in one closet and the wife in another for 2 hours.
Which one is going to be happy to see you????
Now that was funny.
😂 thanks for the laugh. That is perfect.
I would not want to be the guardian of someone so stupid
As always, a well-told tale, Mark. I volunteer at a local county animal shelter (in SC: use your imagination), and have seen, even there, the sad consequences of the scamdemic idiocy. People forced to stay home dashed out and got a companion pet for ‘me, me, me, so I won’t be lonely.’ Yay! A boon for crowded shelters. Now that the economy has totally tanked and people are no longer locked down, they heartlessly return the poor, animal to the shelter. It’s a f**king nightmare. I’ve never hated people but I do now. Selfish and stupid are my public words. My private ones are not for polite society.
It was never about "love thy neighbor" but rather a reflection of a hedonistic society unaccustomed to taking "no" for an answer.
So many brains already damaged by prussian schooling and endless jabs, the dogs were for more self-validation and dopamine hits.
When society "reopened" ("your papers, please") the new response was:
Sorry and bye, Rover.
Had not given this much thought but it doesn't take much imagination to visualize this issue. Thank you for your service to the "Staffordshire terrier" population.
I am so sorry you are having to see this. My sister always said that humans were a heartless and selfish species. I wholeheartedly agree.
It was never about public health. It was always about instituting a socialist takeover of societies, then culling the populations. Socialism is a death cult and they always use crises, real or contrived, to implement their policies. As you point out, it's far easier to catch some illness from a dog or pet than a bat but that going after pets would be a bridge too far for even the most fanatical devotees of Wuhan mass formation.
Danny Huckabee
"Hand over Benji?! People simply wouldn’t accept such governmental overreach." I can only hope so. There are, actually, a lot of people out there who would be glad to take away your pets (including gentle lap dogs) and euthenize them, like, yesterday.
But I do very much agree with your conclusion, that, "Instead of weighing the obvious, astronomical human costs of the various, ludicrous “mitigation” measures against these measures’ purported, but unattainable and faux goal of crushing a virus, government officials deliberately induced maximum disruption and consternation."
I think the only way past the kerazy is going to be to keep on telling the truth and keep on standing for freedom.
Many would like to take away pets.
Many more would refuse to give them away.
I think the true believers, those scared sh*tless, would even give away their dogs. I think these people lack the heart and soul that you attribute to them. They'd suffer for a bit, but their own health would still be way more important to them. If they didn't do it for their kids?
Many would. But some would fight to the death.
I would fight to the death to protect my dog. I would have willingly given myself instead of my previous dog (now passed). After my husband left this world, Bailey became my reason for living.
"their own health"
Irony of ironies... most took the shots (with hardly a whimper).
yeah, correction. Their misinformed opinion about their own health.
Getting people to agree to VAIDS through their ignorance and incredible fear is the unkindest cut of all.
We have all suffered and lost at least a little something through this plandemic.
Let good come from this. For where sin abounds, Grace further abounds.
My enjoyment of the stories with which you begin your articles is enhanced by the knowledge that they will always lead to another pinpoint attack on the totalitarian onslaught we have suffered for the past 4 years.
No question but that the scandemic was pure drama. Did a lab created frankenvirus infect man and beast, culling some of the oldest, least healthy among us? Seemingly so. Rather than admit to their historic “medical” blunder (or was it a military one?), they foisted a huge histrionic grift upon the entire world. It was the biggest smokescreen ever conceived and carried out. $15 wasted trillions and untold societal damage (unquantifiable) later, the handful of culprits are still free and the puppet master$ are still pulling strings.
Yup. If they came to my house to "euthanize" my pets they would have to "euthanize" me first, but not, perhaps, before one or two of them found themselves euthanized. If I remember correctly, they briefly talked about this possibility in the UK during the pandemic--until they realized it would create a revolution (and also that, like all the other COVID theatre they actually did impose on people, it would not do anything slow the spread of the virus.) Some of the most extreme climate change zealots (the same ones who want to dramatically reduce the human population) are now suggesting we will have to give up our pets (along with our cars and our babies) for "the planet." There is something seriously wrong with these people. It is indeed sad that people are using their pets as substitutes for human companionship--there are a lot of lonely and troubled souls out there-- but at the same time I'm always suspicious of someone who says "I don't like animals." Your dog stories illustrate how rich the relationship between man and animal can be. Keep the good stories coming, Mark.
I was just so glad you saved Sugar Bear from floating away in the river. Now that’s a very good boy!
I gave myself a Milk Bone.
Along with AOCs fear of garbage disposals, the government’s demonization of plastic straws and grocery bags (except masks), gas stoves, nitrogen, suburban living, and anything that runs on fuel that burns, please be aware that pets are on the hit list. Don’t we just love sentences that start with, “Studies show…” But, supposedly studies show that owning pets contributes mightily to the ever-present doom of climate change. Breeding the animals which many think is cruel in and of itself, to their food supply and methane producing excrement all so they can serve their “masters” ugh! Can this get any uglier?! So, let’s not kid ourselves, the progressive climate Nazis do not condone pet ownership. Don’t like it one bit. Some cursory internet searching will pull up their logic on the matter. Remember. the next time someone says something sympathetic to progressive causes, we must remind ourselves it’s all fun and virtuous until they target something that’s close to your heart. And, they will. Their thirst for absolute power demands they take everything from us.
BBC radio 4 did a feature on the news programme about a vegan dog and how we'll need to change what we feed our pets to mitigate " climate change". I turned it off .
Vegan dog...crazy. Then I see ads on TV for dog and cat food and shake my head at the ingredients. Carrots, potatoes, grain....I've never seen a lion or wolf eat any of these. Then again, I live in the suburbs and don't see wild animals on a regular basis.
I know. The only good thing is cats are obligate carnivores so they can't be insulted with rubbish. Mine has raw as well as cooked meat....and raw mice !
My kitty the same food as you do, with the occasional rabbit…I know the poor bunnies…I have ‘rescued’ a few from his clutches, sprayed the flower essences spray, Rescue Remedy for Pets on them, put them into seclusion for a few hours in a box in my garage, then let them go. Away from my backyard. One didn’t make it one day and I buried it.
Dogs and cats are carnivores! They don’t hunt in the wild for fruits and berries! But then again, some of the vegans I have encountered were quite delusional about what their animals need to eat. They wanted them to be vegan, just like them!
Start looking into what some of the "animal rights" advocates are saying on the subject of owning pets.
I like to say that "Covid" was a test...a test of HUMANITY. One which humanity overwhelmingly FAILED.
They call us "conspiracy-minded". Someone recently offered a counter to that: Naivete-minded.
Besides, one didn't even need to venture down any "conspiracy rabbit-holes" to figure out that Public Health was selling porky pies. Such was obvious by March/April of 2020.
Completely agree, but I say obvious by mid-March. Why would anyone expect Americans to react differently to a virus than Italians or Spaniards? Euro data told us all we needed to know.
I know this is definitely off target but I really like the name of your dog, Sugar Bear. It seems friendly and strong. If I ever get a dog again, which I doubt, I hope I remember that name. I have always liked dogs and had many dogs in my lifetime. I don't like dogs that incessantly lick people. Many people also let their dogs lick their entire faces and mouth. That's gross. Many people kiss their dogs. Some people kiss their dogs on their lips. There is no doubt that fluid transmission is happening and that bi-directional COVID transmission would be likely. Yes, dogs would definitely be a repository of our viruses. But I don't think the COVID interventions had anything to do with actual virus prevention. It was simply mass control for the sake of mass control. They wanted to change the economic system to kill off small businesses and they were very successful. Build Back Better!
“Regardless, he was the best dog ever. (Except, of course, for any of your dogs).”
You are clearly a man of great humility, discernment and good taste! Thank you for recognizing the incomparable excellence of my dogs!
My dog does not suffer from "zoonotic yuckiness" because I shared my ivermectin horse paste with him in weight appropriate doses. Just sayin' it was one of the most cost effective mitigations not offered or suggested. Ok picking up dog poo and emptying litter boxes is disgusting but as a retired healthcare professional I have an undergraduate degree in body fluids:). Thank you for the well written story. Wish a few young people would make the sacrifice and invest in children now.
That's a great story about Sugar Bear (which to me doesn't sound like an incongruent name at all). My daughter named our all black lab mix Daisy, which seemed a little more of a stretch on coloration.
I do believe that people would be enraged to give up their pooches, but such atrocities did happen in China based on videos during their lockdown lunacy when, if some poor resident tested positive and was to be forcibly restrained in quarantine camp, the dog was destroyed. There's horrific videos of like bags of living dogs being hauled away. I always thought if that was America there might be some snipers positioning themselves on roofs and aiming at the people in hazmat suits.
Yes tents do get wet inside in the rain. Here during the monsoon stuff the bottom floods very easily and you get all of the blankets wet. It's always best on a platform. 55 is a little chilly for me though I would have brought a change of clothes. And I bet they hitchikers do remember you...
Yes, I think it was particularly bad in Shanghai. New reports said police were killing pets of the COVID-positive. Then again, there were news reports of a lot of things from China.
Yes, Amy, though I did my best to block it out, I also remember seeing those awful stories about pets in China being hauled away.
my dog is my everything. she sleeps on my bed at night, she is with me almost 24/7and when i go to the store, when i get back it looks like i was gone an eternity.
I remember pres. Magafuli testing a gourd and it tested positive - then he died (under weird circumstances). I adored the man.
I got 2 cats but they are outside, because, like you, I hate litter boxes. Even a very clean one smells.As to germs. they are everywhere. Everything is full of them, your skin, your mouth, and if you have no germs in your intestins you die ! most germs are good, some are neutral, and only very few are sick-makers, anf these very few, a small number could kill you. Does that mean we have to live a life of fear? I would say, if you are that scared, stop driving a car. Lots of people die in car accidents. In this country full of snakes I am still surprised how little people realize that snakes are not out there to bite you. People are strange. I will stay with my dog and 2 cats.
I attribute my never catching any bugs that go around to having a dog and some cats. I’m exposed to all kinds of germs, I’m sure, but they bounce off me.