Sep 12Liked by Mark Oshinskie

Bravo! Excellent explanation of why you need to keep writing! The revisionist history and purposeful amnesia make me crazy. We begin our new homeschool co-op year tomorrow and just last night, a new homeschool mom said she heard I started a co-op that was an "offshoot" of my old, well-established co-op. In front of everyone I told her flat out that our co-op wasn't an offshoot, I was kicked out of the old co-op for refusing to mask my children. I refuse to bow to the revisionist history that I just felt like randomly leaving my social support system of 13 years, no reason, who knows why! Weird! No, they'll get the real story from me, I'm not protecting cowards so they can live with themselves after their actions in 2020-21 exposed them.

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Thank you for this reply. For a while I felt somewhat wary about leaving my former friends behind. But you nailed it.

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Brava, Jeannie. Brava!!!!

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How ironic that homeschoolers were the ones masking

Good riddance.

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Good for you!

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Sep 12Liked by Mark Oshinskie

I concur! I didn’t write a book, but, I tried during those crazy times to wake up the hypnosis victims from their group march into the abyss of the “telling you what they do” “shots”; I walked out, the other direction of the painted arrows on the floor, into the virtually poisoned arrows of the maskers’ looks, terrified that their poison doesn’t work because I didn’t take mine, and pushed my fistful red pills into covered faces, plugged ears and dead brains… and told them- it’s an IQ, and obedience test! And rebuilt my own view of people, the world and its puppeteers. And myself…

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Sep 12Liked by Mark Oshinskie

Mark, I'm so grateful you continue to feel the need to write about this because I continue to feel the need to read about it! It validates everything I'm feeling daily. I feel like I'm living in an alternate universe where no one is able to connect any dots. It's truly bizarre. sigh. Thank you for keeping at it. Susie

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Thanks, Susie.

Are we supposed to just wake up one day and say, "I'm not allowed to think about this anymore?"

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Thank you for writing about the trauma.

The VA used mind control techniques to coerce veterans into taking the covid DeathVax.

I get all my health care at the VA and was outraged/angry/confused about the heavy handed efforts by the VA to coerce me into take an experimental mRNA gene therapy shot full of lipid nanoparticles, polyethylene glycol, spike proteins, and other toxic substances.

Kept asking myself, "what is going on here?"

Well, now I have proof and know it was not my imagination.

Here is the link to the Substack exposing the horrible and brutal efforts by the VA:


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Sep 12Liked by Mark Oshinskie

Your alternate universe comment describes exactly how I feel. All the zombies do NOT want to talk about it! I have to watch tennis on mute (my favorite sport to play and watch) because I am still so angry at how the treated Djokovic -- with NO apology from any of the wise-ass commentators. When I hear about one or the other of the famous poison-pushers getting sick or dying I have NO SYMPATHY. NONE. They made their choice - they had access to every bit of info that I did. I am no one special. I beat my head against walls with several friends and family to no avail. They get what they get. I know that sounds heartless but THEY were heartless towards a person who was trying to get them to see the truth. Never forget. I know I won't.

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Sep 12Liked by Mark Oshinskie

People were easily fooled and frightened so they gambled away their health and dignity for false safety to bureaucratic ghouls.

You rub their faces in the steaming piles of mendacious fecal matter over-and-over.

I appreciate your persistence! You can’t shame those monsters but at least you successfully expose them. Thank you

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Your post made me think of two good friends and their different reactions to the past four or so years..

Friend 1: initially seemed open to my warnings not to take the shots, but then revealed towards the end of 2021 that she had taken two shots (and had been afraid to tell me); the first one without any problems, but the second one had brought on some bad side effects and she was terrified. She said she would never take another and was sorry she hadn't listened to me earlier. But she had been "tired" of telling people that who asked her if she'd been vaccinated, "not yet." She was just tired of having to answer that question in a way that put her at risk of ostracism because she likes being liked by people. Over the next year, I continued to send her helpful information, but eventually she told me to please stop talking about COVID; she just wanted to live her life of "rainbows and kittens" and not think about the world. None of my "doom and gloom," please. We are still friends, but we don't talk about this topic.

Friend 2: a long-time friend, kindly listened to me without rejecting me, even though he chose the path of the shots ("they can't hurt; maybe they will help, and besides my wife wants me to take them") -- well, fast forward to 3 years into this thing, and he has some alarming cancer-type symptoms. He refuses treatment, cleans up his diet, starts researching, and a few months ago he called me to say, "Dani, you were RIGHT. I am now learning about the stuff I thought you were just being a crazy conspiracy theorist on, and I wish I'd been able to hear you at the time." His health is improved, but I will always wonder if his life will be shortened due to what he did to himself.

I take no satisfaction in this. The past four or so years have been so brutal, and I know that some of my loved ones who took the shots may have delayed health decline or "events" that just haven't happened yet, to my awareness. I wish they all could have heard me, and not taken a single shot.

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Thanks, Dani, for sharing those experiences. I suspect they reflect other peoples' experiences.

Rainbows are quite rare and evanescent. They're not worth living one's life for.

I know she was speaking metaphorically. So am I.

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My brother said to me: I wish I had never taken that shot. He wanted to go on a cruise. (I always complain to myself that I never go anywhere interesting or do much of anything. Maybe I should be glad.) But he had the one-and-done J&J so since he did not have a blood clot or stroke he will probably be fine. I think it's the Pfizer and Moderna variations that wreck your heart and immune system real bad (resulting in cancers apparently).

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Sep 12Liked by Mark Oshinskie

Love your technique of going back to experiences of your past linking up with what happened in the last four years. Our small town is having a "Covid remembrance walk" next weekend to "Honor the Million+ who DIED FROM COVID"- this was put out by our local liberal rag. Where do I begin with these people? I want to buy 100 copies of your book and leave them on the doorstep of our two libraries! I swear the shots and boosters did something to people's mental abilities to think rationally (if they ever could initially)... These same people are putting up photos of Taylor Swift (70+ people) for endorsing Harris for president. Oh God, why did you make stupid people. We will end up getting what we deserve I am afraid...

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Thanks, Cheryl. I use the stories b/c many of us understand how life is based on things that have happened to us or to people we know. This is why I saw the Scam from Day 1: I had seen it in bits and pieces of things I had experienced.

I don't have 100 books left but if you wanted them I could have more printed.

I know as well as anyone that those who need most to read the book, won't. Because they trust the experts, or something.

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Sep 12Liked by Mark Oshinskie

So true...about them not reading your book...but will never understand how those same people were roped into fear and to perform stupid behaviors (masks, standing on dots on floors, sheltering in their houses...and testing testing testing!) so quickly and completely. If they had bothered to trust their gut, look around and assess what WASN'T happening and actually do a little research on line early on and ASK QUESTIONS???...maybe we would be in a different place. I don't know...

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Holy shit!! For real? A covid remembrance walk? People have absolutely lost their fucking minds!

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I want to pass out flyers at it...to buy Mark's book or read articles on Substack or SOMETHING!!! But I am sure I would be labeled an "uncaring anti vaxxer"...so probably not...smh

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Maybe you need to just go to the march wearing one of Mark’s excellent t-shirts.

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great idea...I might be run out of town though! Lot's of "little minds" here! haha

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glad I don't seem to live anywhere near you. Courage!

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Thanks ! Pretty weary of trying to get people to actually think!

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I can imagine. Crazy.

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Sep 12Liked by Mark Oshinskie

My husband just talked on the phone with his elderly parents. They said they had covid last week but are feeling better. Then his mom proceeded to say they were planning to get more clot shots. My husband blew a gasket and just unleashed on them. He just couldn't take it anymore. I'm not sure what they'll do. I hope they listen to him. They've suffered so many health problems lately and they never make the connection.

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May you and yours find strength. I know how awful this is, to know how dangerous these shots are and yet see loved ones continue taking them.

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There are sooo many stories like this. They don't make the connection.

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Sep 12·edited Sep 12Liked by Mark Oshinskie

I'm happy to hear that you did not cause any irreparable harm doing those splits. Simultaneously, I am impressed that you can do them!

To bolster your argument that we can not give up speaking up. Yesterday I spoke with a pharmacist at my gym, who told me that people are paying $250, out of pocket, for the "new" jab. He said they have been VERY busy delivering these jabs. He works at a Safeway pharmacy.

"They’ve accrued much money, political gain and social control by doing so. Why stop now, when they can consolidate and attempt to legitimize their gains?" AMD article was reposted by Dr. Mercola. Within the article are pharma execs bragging about the markets for 2024, not just mRNA, but for GLP-1 and 2 inhibitors, as well as Alzheimer's meds. These videos should be seen and wide spread. Also the Tucker video on same topic showing that pharma expect the markets to increase, clearly showing that their drugs will do nothing to stem the tide of increasing obesity and Alzheimer's.

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I was only kidding about the splits.

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I fully believed you could do them. Something to remembered for ;)

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I can do some stuff. But no splits.

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Oh man

I was inspired. Oh well

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Sep 12Liked by Mark Oshinskie

The other day in conversation with a friend she mentioned another women who had just taken her 7th booster. Then she commented that she had 5 and was trying to decide on another. My response to her was to ask why and had all those boosters prevented anyone from coming down with Covid (a cold at this point). I continued that we should all be thinking about the side effects of so many shots and that I never took a single one and as far as I know had not had Covid either during all the time that it has been recognized. I hope I got her thinking. But I also observed as I was in the pharmacy the other day that there is indeed a line of gullible souls waiting for more shots.

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You tried.

Maybe you would have convinced her if you were wearing a white coat.

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VA still pushing the covid DeathVax on veterans with an "additional dose" for veterans 65 and older.

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$250? Are you kidding me? This is dire beyond belief.

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Sep 12Liked by Mark Oshinskie

Wonderful! I am surprised we don't hear more from the vaccine injured. There must be millions of them? That group will be very important for the next time. My son at Michigan turned in his vaccine exemption "request" (give me a break) the NIGHT BEFORE the "deadline". I'll never forget my son's text not too many months later: MOM MOM... I called him. A friend of his was vaccine injured and is on some type of medicine. How sad is that??? A 19 year old kid. hurt. There should be hell to pay.

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Hi Laura, yes, there are indeed millions of vaccine injured people, and the reason we don't hear more from them isn't because they haven't spoken out-- in fact many have and very courageously-- it's that, with counted exceptions the mainstream press won't touch their stories with the proverbial barge pole, and when the injured have posted their own testimonies on social media it often gets taken down, or suppressed by the algorithms.

So: almost nothing in the mianstream media, YouTube or FaceBook. But if you know where to look-- oh, there's loads.

While it is true that many apparently vaccine injured people do not connect the dots-- they take the gaslighting from the doctors--or for other reasons refuse to acknowledge that the jabs may not be "safe and effective," in fact, a large number of injured have and continue to speak out. There is a large and growing archive of testimonies at react19.org, to give but one example. Another important example is the collection in-person interviews over at CHD.tv https://live.childrenshealthdefense.org/chd-tv/the-peoples-study/ (Note however that many there are about hospital covid protocols not just vaccine injuries).

You can also find many testimonies about jab injuries on my List of Transcriptions-- see "Injured and Bereaved Speak Out" 2021-2023


From those-- I always list the source video with a link-- you will find many sources, panels, conferences, news stories, selfies, interviews, and more. My transcripts focus on the USA as well as Canada, the UK, Ireland, Australia and New Zealand-- the English-speaking world— however, there are of course videos from vaccine injured people out there on the Internet in German, French, Spanish, Japanese, and other languages as well.

I wholly agree with you, there should be hell to pay.

So glad your son could get his religious exemption!!

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Sep 12Liked by Mark Oshinskie

Thank you, Transcriber B, for all your work getting the stories out! So many injured & disabled, & dead from the bioweapon jabs, without recognition or accountability. So many fractured or crushed by censorship, lies, unrestrained evil. Accountability has to come, those who mistakenly think they've covered up their evil deeds are blindly in lockstep toward eternity "forsaking their own mercy" which ignoring repentance, leads to eternal ruin.

My sharing is limited in reach, but I share your work. God bless you & all the truth tellers.❤️

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Thank you for your kind words, Anna Marie, and thank you also for sharing the posts.

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You're so welcome.

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Many, if not most, of the vaccine injured have been told by their pharma-captured doctors that the problem they have is either 1. Not possible to be caused by the vaccine or 2. All in their minds, have an antidepressant. Given that some people have seen these doctors for years and trusted them, they don’t see any need to discontinue this.

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Sep 12Liked by Mark Oshinskie

Mark, when I met you I was immediately drawn to your "lust for life" and your concern for other people. You 're a "big love" kinda guy. Those folks who think we need to "move on" will never understand that we can love life, and still maintain righteous anger and a desire to keep the record straight. An honest reckoning is just too painful for these people. A close relative of mine says he is just not interested in the topic. That's how he avoids the pain.

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Thanks, Momo. I see the same in you.

Every day is precious. I hated and still hate it that so many experiences were stolen from so many. I'm never going to forget the lies. Or stop talking about them. Those who don't like that avoid me. They're willing to do without the fun I used to bring in order to avoid admitting they were wrong.

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I love the defenseman’s response!! Perfect. I’m right there with you. Every day. This psyop and the 9/11 are locked in to people’s heads by the loud and simple narrative they were presented. Reinforced by emotion, sympathy for the victims and fear of terror and virus.

I ask a few questions and they try to think for a second and then default back to the narrative they were sold.

At work today they played dozens of cell phone calls from the passengers on the hijacked planes. I just said wow I flew a lot back then and my phone would not work when I was in flight. All those folks must have had a lot better tech than I did. The response was, we’ll just listen to the recordings. I was like have you ever seen a movie where they played a phone call? Play Misty for Me? Thank God Clint Eastwood survived the film.

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Sep 12·edited Sep 12Liked by Mark Oshinskie

But the important part of 9/11 is that there are two narratives: one for the anticipated believers and one for the anticipated disbelievers so most people don't have it right whether they believe the mainstream narrative or not. This is my (not very long) post to mark the 23rd anniversary.

The first thing I'd look at if 9/11 happened now - It wouldn't be hijackers, failure of air defence, planes or buildings


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The folks who jumped out of the buildings were victims. So, just like “covid” hospital protocols and jabs, they will definitely kill some folks during their psyops. They always kill the patsy and some sacrificial lambs too.

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9/11 was first and foremost a movie, Steshu, so whatever we saw didn't necessarily happen. Nobody jumped out of a window - any supposed bodies out of windows was fakery of one kind or another.

9/11 was also first and foremost a demolition job and while many scoff at the notion that for the first and only time in history high rise steel frame buildings came down by fire what about the notion that demolition professionals for the first and only time in history ... left people behind in buildings for a terror story?? For a terror s-t-o-r-y??

1. They only wanted us to believe in death and injury

2. They didn't want death and injury for real

3. Considering the number of people they had to involve including demolition professionals and agency staff, killing people for real would be impracticable to the point of impossible

4. They love to dupe us. If they killed people for real it's a loss of dupery. They want to maximise the dupery not minimise it - it's not called a psyop for nothing.

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Moon landings were first and foremost movies. Then a reality TV series. Starring NASA.

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What a coincidence! I've just been watching a video of an interview with Simon Shack by Gemma O'Doherty and he brought up his page on the jumpers on his septemberclues.org site.



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By Simon’s logic the Tate LaBianca murders were not real because Tobe Hooper’s original Texas chainsaw massacre movie was so realistic.

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Sep 12Liked by Mark Oshinskie

“ Above all, I write, as I have since March, 2020, to affirm and accompany the sensible, perceptive people who saw the Scam and who understandably felt that much of the populace had lost their minds. It’s been exasperating to be surrounded by lunacy. That memory hasn’t gone away. It never will.”

I can’t thank you enough for this😊

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Unfortunately, the medical fraud leading to coronamania has been going on for a long time and repeats itself endlessly even though from the beginning it has been argued against.

I just read this interview with Dr Archie Kalokerinos conducted in 1995 who worked in Aboriginal communities in Australia in which he speaks about how disastrous the vaccine was for Aboriginal children.


In his post Mike Stone shows how many doctors rubbished vaccines from Day One.

From https://mikestone.substack.com/p/lost-and-found

[From Dr. Walter Hadwen (1854-1932), a member of the Royal Society of Physicians and Surgeons, a group considered to be made up of the most distinguished physicians in the world.]

Dr. Hadwen then pointed out the fallacious thinking regarding “protection” from vaccination. If the vaccines provide “immunity,” one should not need to be re-vaccinated again and again and again until they die. However, this is exactly what was being proposed and carried out as the vaccines did not actually prevent the diseases they were meant to protect against. He pointed out how easy it is to proclaim that a vaccine is “effective” if one receives the vaccine and goes throughout life without getting the disease. This has been “the sheet anchor of every marketplace quack from time immoral.” During the plague, people were told that wearing a live toad around their necks protected them from disease. When one did not come down with disease, they were assured that it was because of the toad that they were protected. If one did take to disease in a mild form, they were told that without the toad, the disease would have been much more severe. If one had severe disease while wearing the toad, they were assured that without the toad, they would have died. If one did succumb to the disease, it was said that they must have had the wrong toad, or wore it the wrong way, or the toad was either put on too soon or too late, or some other excuse. As Dr. Hadwen succinctly stated, “Quackery always has one shuffle left.”

Dr. Hadwen stated that, in his country of the United Kingdom, smallpox vaccination was not compulsory, with seventy-five percent of the children unvaccinated. They had very little of the disease to the point that it was practically non-existent. From 1908 to 1920, only 25 children under the age of five had died from smallpox. On the contrary, 111 had died from the effects of the vaccine. Dr. Hadwen believed that it was probably even worse, but the medical men would not convict themselves by admitting it. The doctor also pointed out that soldiers were being stricken with strokes after vaccinations whereas they would not have had them otherwise. They were sent home injured and invalid. The government was paying out 20 million a year to soldiers who were suffering heart disease due to the vaccinations. These men were healthy when they enlisted and had been damaged by the injections. Dr. Hadwen had traced diseases of the heart, lungs, kidneys, and other vital organs in these men to the vaccinations that they had received upon enlisting.

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True. Disease diminished b/c people ate more protein and had better sanitation, not b/c of injections.

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Sep 12Liked by Mark Oshinskie

Thank you for all that you do. Conversations like the one you had on that plane are what will change the world. You might have given that young guy the confidence to speak his mind to some of his more close-minded peers. One by one, that's the way to do it.

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Sep 12Liked by Mark Oshinskie

Yes, we've moved on... but the fallout continues.

For some, it is vaccine injuries or impairment, worsened because not acknowledged.

For others, our children and young people, it is the disruption in their critical years of education and socialisation.

But for all of us, we are suffering and will continue to suffer the economic consequences - inflation that is a result of all that money that was thrown around in the covid years, cash sweeteners, all those expensive "free" tests and injectables - whether or not you wanted them, the simple economic costs are being extracted from all of us, and from our children and grandchildren.

None of the economists are making any overt or public connection between all this money printing, and the current economic situation. At the time, they just kept reiterating that "lives are more important than the economy" - as though the economy was something esoteric and privileged and not simply the way that we modern humans work for our food and shelter and transport and so on.

Nobody seemed to realise that you can't just stop an economy, and expect to go on living comfortably. I'm no economist - but it seemed pretty obvious to me. And that is all apart from the whole scamdemic BS about the dangerous virus and how a vaccine was the only way out of it.

And leaving aside the question of whether the massive transfer of wealth was intended from the beginning, or just an opportunistic side benefit for some people.

And now, we are in some sort of slow-motion collapse of the monetary system - hey, what a surprise! That multi-trillion-dollar debt is something that is going to enslave us all, and most people can't or won't look up and see what is coming. Not much we can do to change what has already been set in motion - but there are always things you can do to prepare for hard times ahead. If you open your eyes and see it coming.

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100%. It's always easy to spend other peoples' money.

Until it isn't.

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Yes indeed!! And so many have been Trumpwashed into believing the economy’s current state is only because of Biden/the democrats.

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Sep 12Liked by Mark Oshinskie

If I learned anything from the fake pandemic it's that fear has no place in life unless it is a practical matter like being chased by a wild animal or facing a criminal with dire intents. We are all gonna die but for me there is no way I am allowing big pharma and the modern stone age medical mafia to have much of a say it that.

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