And yet, the plexiglas "shields" in stores remain, and every day I'll see a lone driver in his/her car, fully masked...

4 years later...

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If we woke up to a truly neutral media (I said if) that gave us the truth (again I said if) about the inflated death tolls to covid, the useless mask mandates, and the reckless lockdowns, that we would still have many who still afraid would continue this useless behavior. Scarry how easy this was to get so many worldwide to hand over their critical thinking to the government.

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Thanks for the great post. I think it is very important to periodically review what happened during the covid scam. We need to review it b/c most of the people that were under the spell of the government edicts and media now act like it was no big deal and/or never happened. They basically forgot about it ... or they have now been programmed by the government media to minimize and forget about it. Most people are so gullible and easily swayed. The scamdemic was the most dystopian period of my 67 years. My summary of the scam, based on facts that seem to fit together, is that the covid research was funded by Fauci from the NIH. The research was done in Wuhan China. The virus was either deliberately or accidentally released from the lab. Personally, I think it was likely deliberately released b/c Fauci and our government and media hyped it by way beyond it's lethality so that Fauci could introduce his miracle mRNA "vaccine" and save the day. He did say, in 2018, that he needed a transformational event to get the mRNA shots accepted without the formal testing normally required by the US government. Yes, I believe that Fauci is a pathological liar that is willing to destroy the lives of billions of people, kill multiple millions people and destroy the world economy all for his glory. He is a narcissistic psychopath. Not really a nice guy. He used the government media as a very effective weapon against the American Public and the world. The government media is amazingly powerful against most people. For about 80% to 90% of the people it can make them believe anything it wants. It can make them buy crap they don't need. It can make them hate a sub-group of people or shower a sub-group of people with undeserved affection and empathy. It can enrage the American public to war. It can convince them that a virus is going to kill them, it can make them take dangerous untested shots and ostracize anyone that doesn't do that. One of the very few good things about the scamdemic is that it made a sub-group of the American public aware that the government media is way too powerful, manipulative and relentless. My advice is don't watch it and don't trust it.

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I'm currently reading RFK, Jr's "The Wuhan Cover-Up." If anyone has a hard copy of the book, read Page 47, where Kennedy goes off on the sociopaths and psycophaths that go into the "biosecurity" field. He doesn't pull any punches about the damaged morality of these people.

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They need not have leaked anything. They just needed the ruse that it happened. And China was all too willing to help. Am I sure? No. But that is what my gut and experience tells me. It was actually Rick Bright, at the Milken Institute 2019 Future of Health Summit, who said " It is not too crazy to think that an outbreak of a novel avian virus could occur in China . . . " Yes. That meeting was "pre-bunking" universal vaccines. In, fact THE vaccine already existed in patents and licensing documents when that meeting occurred.

The pandemic was faked with faked testing to scare enough people to accept an experimental injection approved by fake trials and scare them enough to bully the reticent to go along. There are no truly novel sequelae that did not exist before 2019. Anosmia, ARDS, ground glass opacity, none novel. What was novel was the reaction and response to seasonal respiratory distress.

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Exactly, staged filmed events, inflated fear and hysteria and the proof that the special "virus" was flying around the world almost at the speed of light, demonstrated ably by the swab tests that can pick out anything, was enough for most people to be convinced they could see the "virus" everywhere even in healthy people.

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A lot of people who believe in the virus agree there was no pandemic. Not as the word has always been used. No justification for the measures even if it were the Bubonic Plague.

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Agree with Barney - I'm not convinced there was any new contagion from Wuhan or anywhere else. Seems to be a rebranding of flu plus all other respiratory ailments under one umbrella. Yes, Fauci was funding research at Wuhan but who knows what they are actually able to do there. Fear is the real weapon - convincing everyone that they can engineer a super contagious deadly virus that could leak out. Maybe they can do that, I don't know - but simply convincing people that they can will just as easily do the trick.

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Agree Barney. After all, we have Peter Dazsak in 2016 telling us about spike proteins his colleagues "in China" were working on...And then last month, the Mendacious Midget™ testifying under oath that he supported "gain of function" "research." Fiddling with "viruses" to make them more pathogenic so that the ghouls could craft the "vaccine" against them...

No "virus" need have "leaked" from anywhere, as you rightly say. As I said way back in 2020, all "they" needed was a story. A story, that's all. And so "they" delivered one and "the people" slopped it up.

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I lost prior "friends" for ignoring the leaders of our ukulele group who wouldn't meet, and opening up the room anyway to play with a small group of people back in May of 2020 I believe. Our president of the club bought into all the hype and even said we had a "moral obligation" to not meet- I guess in case we came to the group sick as a dog and infected others (without knowing we were sick as a dog?) We would meet one week and then he would send out an email about the "new variants" cancelling and I would send out an email saying "I will be there, if you want to play/socialize". Still can't wrap my head around this warped way of thinking- realize these "leaders" had NO common sense and now I am hated because I "didn't kill anyone" by starting up the group being right all along....yes, SHEESH! I saw a prior member walking in my area one day and told her we were meeting regularly and her response was "and no one has gotten sick?" What is WRONG with people like this???

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Well, they fell for the psyop. And here we are. Those who didn't take the jabs are glad about that, most who took the jabs seem to be OK (may it remain so) and many who took the jabs are now sick and either believe the gaslighting that they have some BIG MYSTERY reason for getting sick, or they deeply regret taking the jabs. Or, they're dead. I lost friends, too.

I love it that you kept playing ukelele in this midst of this foolishness. I wish I'd known more people like you in my neck of the woods.

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My granddaughter decided she was a boy right at lockdown. I live 1000 miles away. There is a trans support group for families nearby but they shut down immediately and also because the church that hosted locked them out as well. So I had nowhere to go to start to wrap my head around this. I don’t think they ever reconvened. But now I know what this trans thing really is--child sacrifice 2020 style and the whole system is complicit from psychologists to doctors and the left wing.

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I hit the like button to acknowledge, of course I cannot say I actually like this. The lockdowns, all the social distancing crap, it was unspeakable.

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Thanks. They allowed a child, on the spectrum from i am convinced an HPV jab injury, to transition into this hellish evil plan at 14. Drugs and 1 mutilation. Asked mom if she wanted a dead daughter or live son. That is so evil I want to vomit right now. Or kill someone, God forgive me.

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I'm so glad my kids are grown with kids of their own who know better. This issue should have been a no brainer with parents saying NO! But we have too many woke parents who place being in a group more important than their own children's well-being. For those parents who have stood up against this butchery of children I say thank you and do not let those who are pushing this evil stop you. Vote out all those who are not protecting our children. This will not end well for those kids who thought they wanted this but grow up regretting and hating their parents for not protecting them.

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This grandchild is now afraid to live anywhere but a blue state and that’s reinforced by parents. He’s already going to college this fall feeling victimized so I wonder how he really feels now about his decisions. A teen rarely reveals their true feelings to parents and being already 4 years into it, what is going on with him now. So much has been invested in it. His university will cost 67.000 a year 3 hours away. . Very smart kid. Only child. I try not to worry much as his daily life seems fairly pulled together. He has friends and gets around, even into NYC by himself. All I can do is love him. Can’t pay for college however. Buck stops with the parents.

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That's obviously one of of our Shadow Rulers "agendas." They still haven't completely finished these culture-destroying agendas ... which is why they need even a bigger Censorship Industrial Complex moving forward.

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Yup on the trans child sacrifice angle. Many pagan religions did this. Such as killing a child or early teen girl virgin to ensure good crops. The big breakaway on this was when Judaism got its start/ With no more human sacrifice. Unlike their pagan neighbors. Though the ancient Jews did animal sacrifice at The Temple / With the meats being eaten later.

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I hope that you have found support at least from the Internet. If not, please reply, and I'll provide links to different groups.

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I believe the only way we can remain free is by breaking off from certain people who prefer anti-human totalitarianism to common life. Unless they are willing to apologize do not trust them or get cozy. They will pull it again for the next crisis.

Find others IRL to stick with. You'll need each other. The fascist state is going nowhere.

Ditch "smart" devices and stupid people.

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Cheryl, I like that you put "leaders" in quotation marks. I do the same thing.

They are really followers.

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Absolutely...and drama kings/queens to boot! :-)

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Irony of ironies:

There ARE cooties going around, shedding is real, and the jabbed have literally killed innocent adults and children through breastfeeding, sexual contact or just being in the same room.

Those whom the gods would destroy, first they drove mad.

What else can you expect from such an intellectually lazy, pampered society?

First Great Britain and Europe, now New Zealand, Australia and the US.

The Gates, Soros, Rockefellers, et al are maiming then killing off humanity, stripping folks of their dignity and wealth, and will plan to buy up the land and assets for pennies on the dollar. Game, set, match for a godless, materialist society.

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My terrifying conclusion: They are not done ... by a long shot (pun intended).

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I believe the next things on their list are Cyber Polygon and a civil war. Worried over how most conservatives are pinning all their hopes on Trump. The Father of the Vaccine and a lifelong member of the Swamp.

He opposes the Swamp like Elizabeth Warren opposes corporate monopolies. They SAY they are against them. Their supporters are happy with lip service, so they ignore all actions and policies.

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All theater to keep the masses entertained and distracted

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ground report from DC suburbs..... all Johns Hopkins-affiliated hospitals and medical practices have required masking for all staff, visitors, patients for the past couple months. I had to visit several such facilities and practices this week. I saw a great degree of compliance with these rules. However, most of the compliance was by the patients -- and about half of the staff (doctors, techs, receptionists, etc.) were unmasked. But there was no discussion about masks. Many in-your-face signs were posted requiring them. No one reprimanded anyone for choosing not to wear one. I am not saying that any of this is good or bad news, but non-compliance with these nonsensical dictats by the medical personnel is not a bad thing.

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That is actually very encouraging, especially because it is happening in DC!

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Exactly what happened to me. A couple who walked by me out in an open park area quickly put their masks on and stared daggers at me. More like that happened. I was thrown out as unclean from my library I had just retired from working there for 14 years. Asked to leave an outdoor yard sale. Shunned by a friend who said I might quote “kill us” if I was with her. This was after jabs and we hung out the first summer with no masks or jabs. Such an evil crazy time that is continuing. A sister is still hoping I get the mother of Covid cause karmas a bitch. She told me this while she was suffering from her second bout of Covid. How many jabs has she had? So weird. Such damage in their very souls.

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Well, during the height of Covid my 22yr old nephew never wore a mask. One time he was in a dept store and a lady came up and chided him. He said to her, and I quote, “Go fuck yourself.” If only all of us had done the same.

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I was 73 at the time and I told a guy in Walmart who ordered a mask on me to F$&k off to his face. Didn’t know I had it in me. He scurried away. That was well after most were jabbed. New mask orders then from our Blue-sick governor PRICKSter.

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My wife was at a local grocery store. Said there was a nicely dressed maskless woman with a cartload of groceries ahead of her in the checkout line.

Presumably the woman made through the store doing her all her shopping maskless. But the nervous young girl cashier told her to wear a mask.

Lady refused. Mgr came and offered her a free mask. Lady still refused. Finally after much haranguing the nicely dressed middle class lady had enough.

My wife said the lady abandoned her grocery cart, grabbed a mason jar for a fund raiser off the counter and smashed it onto the floor. Glass and coins flying. Then yelled whoo-hoo! as she stormed out the door.

My wife said on one hand she felt sorry for the people that had to clean up the mess, but on the other hand she admired the lady’s civil disobedience.

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Very nice!

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One time I was the ONLY person not wearing a mask in the post office. People were staring at me. When it was my turn and I went to pay to mail my letter, the clerk would not take the money from my hands and she told me to just put it down on the counter. They like to punish you and hurt your feelings.

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I went to vote November 2020, I was there when the polls opened. Out of a few hundred people that went through while I was there, I was the only one refusing to wear a mask. Nobody said a word to me, got a few dirty looks.

I’ll never forget the feeling of alienation— who are you people, and where are your backbones?

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How much is fear? A lot of it seems like virtue signaling and a desire to control others. Such as trying to choke and mace someone without a mask. How does that action make sense if the attacker imagines the bare faced may infect others with the deadliest plague known to man? It doesn't.

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Yup. Often to me. The only one in Walmart as I strolled around.

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And now we have millions pouring across our border, and our government does not say a peep about their vaccination status. Hmmm, it’s almost like none of it was ever about public health.

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I stood on a painfully long immigration line in Houston yesterday. I thought how odd it was that this was happening during a period of open borders.

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Feb 22Edited

Midwestern Doc wrote about what he’s seeing in his practice.

There is another side of this problem that is hardly ever mentioned.

Things with illegal immigrants did not really pick up where I live until about 12-18 months ago.

But here is the list of things that I have seen as a physician that NOT ONE TIME have I seen in this community after moving here – until the immigrants started showing up. I live in the hinterlands – God only knows what is going on in our big cities.

5 cases of TB

1 case of multi drug resistant TB

8 cases of actual AIDS – have not seen that in many years – primary HIV yes – AIDS no. Among these AIDS cases have been cases of cryptosporidium diarrhea, MAI pneumonia, CMV retinitis, PCP pneumonia, and severe Kaposis in the GI system in one of them.

1 case of scrofula

5 cases of primary or secondary syphilis

3 cases of multi drug resistant gonorrhea

12 cases of chlamydia

14 cases of latent TB in the friends and family members of the first two in the list

In brief, not a finger is being lifted obviously to screen these people at the border. I have never seen anything like this before.

All of these people are working, walking and shopping at Wal-Marts and McDonald’s near you as well – I assure you – +/- with any treatment, diagnosis or protection.

My community has some funding – but it has historically been used for legal immigrants working here and other emergency needs among citizens. The AIDS cases especially and the hideously expensive drugs used to treat the HIV and all the other things associated with it have pretty much dried the well several months ago. The public health department, already suffering from minimal staffing, is now overwhelmed.

Therefore, I do not usually take well to people calling other’s observations of this crisis as “loony sensationalism”. This is a massive human crisis and we simply do not have the resources to take care of it – and that is just in my field alone. God only knows what is happening elsewhere.


Notice that the government isn’t making the public aware of these health issues after what they did during Covid as written about here.

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Frightening. Amazing how little attention it is getting as well.

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I agree and it shows the complete hypocrisy of our rulers. Plus it’s weird that they are so concerned about keeping us from getting Covid, but not any other diseases that kill much more people than it does. And no congressional hearings on medical mistakes that kill more people every year than the Rona could dream of.

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Don't forget bedbugs and lice.

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Winter gonna winter. The ifr turned out to be factually less than the flu. Because it simply was the flu. Conscientious, personal hygiene, along with reasonably healthy eating and exercise habits is all that is/was needed.

All official countermeasures failed because it was never about health. And none were grounded in real science. Masks 40% higher incidence of infection. Plexiglass - reduces and confines ventilation. Stay home until ya cant breathe - obvious outcome. Ventilate? thats to protect health care workers, not help you heal (and don't forget the $$$$ bonus - hospital gets even more of you die - night night).

The experimental gene therapy masquerading as a vaccine, well the results speak for themselves.

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Early-on when a nurse friend of ours questioned the validity of asymptomatic spread on the nursing intranet forum at work she was lambasted so hard she told us she’ll never bring it up again.

Ironically as the concept of shedding gains traction it could turn out “the unclean” are the fully vaccinated. I purposely avoid my vaccine addicted in-laws after they’ve taken their umpteenth booster.

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Don't forget, also, how they terrorized us with shortages of items such as toilet paper, paper towels, baby formula, pet food, and so on. I am not going to entirely blame these shortages on panicked buyers hoarding these items. "Supply chain shortages" -- although real -- were not a bug, but a feature.

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Yes. Items like toilet paper that are produced domestically with no reliance on foreign exchange imports disappeared from the shelves overnight. The main producer of toilet paper is 30 minutes away and yet the supply magically disappeared. Nah. I agree with you, part of the overall plan to f with people.

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And the shortages are still going on. I did our pick up order last night and many items were unavailable and those that were available were more expensive. Yes, I use Kroger Click List, and have since before covid, it’s such a time saver! During covid, it saved me from dagger-like-stares at my bare face 🤣

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The truth is the progressive liberal left is toxic. I have become exactly like the Coronamaniacs. I detest every one of the Covidiits. They are nothing more than stupid little sheep. Their very existence threatens the Western world as we know it. That's the problem with a democracy. “ The great thing about democracy is that it gives every voter a chance to do something stupid”!

Perhaps better stated.

“Toute nation a le gouvernement qu'elle mérite.”

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We get the leaders we deserve.

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I don't deserve the consequences of others' bad choices.

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And that exact argument was weaponized against us: our "bad choice" not to get any shots might have the consequence of killing other, innocent people by our filthy, asymptomatic spread.

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But if their masks and shots work, why did others feel threatened?

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Feb 22Edited

Exactly. And remember they said, “Covid won’t end until all are vaccinated.” A shit-ton of people believed such retarded edicts it made the Salem Witch Trials feel good about itself.

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Menticide. I'm reading The Indoctrinated Brain by Michael Nehls, Ph.D. which breaks down the methods of hypnotic programming in some detail as well as the physical changes which have taken place within the brains of the zombies (it's horrifying.... but here we are).

This topic is key, because the more of us who understand the "how" of what happened to our otherwise-bright friends, family, community members, the better we can guard against this in the future AND do our parts to help deprogram people whose programming is starting to crack.

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Their bad choice may give them myocarditis. Or permanent disability and their beloved genocidal totalitarian state only offers euthanasia. After alienating those who might otherwise offer help.

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Why insult sheep?

Sheep are peaceful, warm blooded, gentle, social creatures. You never would find them acting like the spiteful, anti-social Covidians. The true Covidians are not timid and meek. They have a mean streak not common to sheep. More like goats who love ramming into others maybe.

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You have obviously never been on a sheep farm.

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Your last line: "It’s been very weird, really stupid and cruelly inhuman."


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Agreed, yet for me (64 yrs young & slightly to the right of Attila the Hun), it was also.....unexpected.

As a Yid who was well instructed & well read on the whole Era of Nazi Germany, if asked if that type of mass formation psychosis could happen here, my reply was always: "Nah, this is the USA - Land of the Free, Home of the Brave! We fought & died against the nazis, we ran the Nuremberg Trials, we adhere to the Nuremberg Laws!!"

Orwell's 1984 was a book on what could have been, if the nazis won, & an edjumication on what to pay attention to, with kudos due to the seminal works of Huxley, Bradbury, Heinlein, & others.

So my biggest surprise was the "unexpected" part.

Tho I've always known about The Sheeple, naively, I never gave Alex's quote, the gravitas it deserved, as Lions do not judge good nor bad.


"I am not afraid of an Army of Lions led by a Sheep, but of an army of Sheep, led by a Lion."

Alexander the Great

356-323 BCE

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I wasn't born yesterday, either, and all this 2020-present covidian hooha was well outside of what I expected, too, and on many levels.

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Considering there was no isolation of a virus and transmission tests for respiratory illnesses have always failed, it makes all of this that much more absurd.

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The Germ theory of disease is a war like mentality applied to the body. You get sick from "invaders" and the immune system "checks their papers" and if not legit, locks them up in the gulag.

Terrain theory, on the other hand sees it as a garbage collection system, like a city has. If the garbage piles up on the sidewalks, the city becomes more and more "contaminated". Bacteria are like the scavengers, as they do not consume alive cells.

Anyway, this phobia of germs worked real well, along with a decade+ of bullshit propaganda like the movies Outbreak, Contagion, and zombie virus flicks. That's why I think con-vid was so widely believed. The people were primed to believe in some deadly pathogen coming soon... Like that stupid Disease X placeholder... 😂


Anyway, their propaganda quality and planning are mediocre these days. It's gonna sputter out.


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I like the way the Amish deal with immunity.

I visited an Amish milking parlor a while back. In it were two 12 YO girls taking turns hand milking the old cow. In the corner was a banana box with a one year old, and another toddler was wandering around.

ALL were barefoot with the shit squirting up between their toes.

There was NO covid in the Amish community afflicting anyone under 80.

Of course, they also have no TV or internet.

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The Amish, 10 million illegals, and 600,000 homeless living in squalor. All largely unvaccinated. Yet despite the 2.2 million predicted deaths in the U.S. alone they are still with us. Huh, imagine that.

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Amish got Convid too, they just ignored most of the lunacy.

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Great article, Mark. I think many people seek to prove their superiority to others. Narcissists are the worst. I think the "plandemic" amplified this effect with the phenomenon of "virtue-signaling." I've never seen such a large group of self-righteous people show their true colors. You could say it was instigated by fear, but I don't think that fully explains it. Throughout history, from the Biblical lepers to the Jews forced into the Warsaw ghetto because of "typhus," powerful self-righteous people have tried to denigrate and make others "lesser than" themselves. You poignantly described the same phenomenon with Covid. It was absolutely disgusting to see. People like Noam Chomsky, Keith Olbermann, Piers Morgan and millions of others lorded their superiority over others and were ready to justify the most heinous acts against them. We received a much better understanding of how atrocities in the past were allowed to occur. Unfortunately, I don't think it will be the last time. It's part of human nature.

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You can never understand society. It always acts as a mob and if you are not part of it, you are an outcast. I am quite grateful to be an outcast even though I fall under no woke definitions. Meaning, I don't give a crap about society and what it thinks or does. It usually acts stupider than dumb mostly based on fear and the desire to be part of the crowd or better than the Jones's.

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This general idea that one needs to be part of a group is understandable and it has allowed groups historically to survive. If one seeks to associate with a group that respects the free expression of thought I'm good with that. But this wanting to be part of the any group that requires group think and its fear of others thinking different, is offensive, is as dumb as it gets. I really don't care if I offend someone because they don't like my opinion, we do not have a right to not be offended and I get offended by nonsense, though I would never think nonsense should be silenced. Bad ideas become easier to implement when better ideas are not tolerated, the woke - group think movements need to be stopped by refusing to cooperate with their nonsense. Though I applaud your opinion on society as it has lost its mind.

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Something tell me that polite society will be more like prison than outsider existence from now on. We need to build our own.

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