May 30Liked by Mark Oshinskie

Early on in the scamdemic, here in Detroit, I overheard one side of a high volume phone conversation from the window of a landscaper/scrap guy in a ragged old F150….it went something like this: “Mothafucka, if this shit was real, you woulda BEEN dead…”

But it is a complete non-issue here…..zero people talk about it, the lockdowns, vaxxes, destroyed businesses, loss of freedom….zero…..life goes on, or not…four people were shot a block from me 10 days ago…..that doesn’t get talked about either.

I am firmly convinced that the only thing that would outrage Americans at this point is if the cable/Netflix/entertainment were to be cut off….

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May 30·edited May 30Author

I had the same view as that guy in the truck. Plus the notion--which he also intuitively knew--that viruses don't ever kill mass percentages of people.

The current silence speaks volumes about how dishonest this whole thing was.

Also true about the TVs.

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Your article talks about the lack of death data from Italy and Spain (among people under age 70) in February and March 2020. If we move to the end of April 2020, the CDC and Navy KNEW from their antibody study of sailors on the USS Roosevelt aircraft carrier that the Infection Fatality Rate (IFR) on that ship was approximately 1 in 3,000. That's three times smaller than the IFR for the flu (1 death in 1,000 cases).

Antibody studies of sailors on the USS Kidd destroyer and the French Aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle also showed that 43 percent to 63 percent of crew members on those ships had been infected. While one sailor, 41, on the Roosevelt allegedly died from Covid, no sailors on the other two ships died from Covid. That makes the IFR on three naval vessels about 1-in-4,200.

I still don't understand why this take-away from these three antibody studies didn't get more attention .... Then again, I do understand why these results were completely ignored.

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Regarding Italy, son-in-law's mother in Sardinia, summer '22, whispered to him (because she was unjabbed, her husband jabbed) that people around her were dying. Was this related to the jab, she wondered.

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I wondered where all those dead bodies were that we were told would pile up on street corners. Why was there a Keystone Cops risible 'news' broadcast of Chinese people dropping dead in the streets of Wuhan to be immediately scooped up by a nearby Doomwatch squad? Why were the hospitals deserted? Where were the hospital staff? (Doing Tik Tock routines of course) Why were the wards almost empty? Why did Big Pharma demand, and receive, freedom from prosecution if their wonderfully 'safe and effective' products did exactly what they said they would do (They didn't of course)

That last item was all I needed to convince me to avoid the mRNA poisons like the plague they were supposed to protect against. And didn't.

Mark: Viruses don't ever kill mass percentages of people.

The Black Death was so extreme that it's surprising even to scientists who are familiar with the general details. The epidemic killed 30 to 50 percent of the entire population of Europe. Between 75 and 200 million people died in a few years' time, starting in 1348 when the plague reached London.

A virus that killed everyone it touched would be a dead end of itself. The 'vaxxines' probably killed (and maimed) far more people than the virus ever did.

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About the people dying in Italy, I thought I had heard that some/most of them were Chinese migrant workers, who had returned to Italy from China, where they had celebrated the New Year. Was that a story or another urban myth?

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To me, one of the most fascinating aspects of all we've been thru & seen these past 3+ years, is starkly evident in that spot on comment from the man in the F150..... those of us who recognized the Dempanic Scamdemic, come from all walks of life, & formal education (never to be conflated with Wisdom) played ZERO positive parts in this.

I've even read some statistics that stated the more edjumicated were/are more likely to be of the believin' Sheeple!

However, one should not put too much faith in Statistics, because as my friend Marty's Statistics Prof stated back in the late '70s:

"If your head is in the oven, & your feet are in the freezer, statistically speaking, your average."

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Yes….indeed. One of the upsides about living in Detroit, warts and all (the warts are growing though:they are more like huge goiters now), is that there is a general distrust in authority and credentials. Obviously this can cut many ways, but, during the COVID nonsense, there was no pressure from neighbors to get the shots, and several even proudly said there was no f-ing way….The elderly and the highly schooled lined up like the sheep that they are, and hardly a house is untouched at this point. Heart problems, turbo cancers, and the “died suddenly” …..almost everyone I know here who got vaxxed has been touched in some way.

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There were just a couple of cities in America where "Covid deaths" exploded in late March and April 2020. These included New York City, Detroit and New Orleans.

It's politically incorrect to note, but the overwhelming majority of these alleged Covid deaths happened in urban hospitals that serve the poor. These are the people less likely to have advocates demanding proper care. In a nutshell, it's much easier to kill the very poor than to kill the middle class or affluent.

These were almost all iatrogenic deaths caused by the new medical protocols.

They were also disproportionately elderly and minorities.

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It is also the case that, unfortunately, the general health Of Detroit population is teetering on the brink of disastrous even on a good day. Much of the population is diabetic or prediabetic, vastly, overweight, and afflicted with chronic diseases. Throw a flu in the middle of that with some intubation and Remdesivir, with no early treatment protocol, and you got yourself a “pandemic”.

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My mother lives a block away but canceled all holidays with me and my family and said she couldn’t be around us because we “didn’t follow the science on masks and distancing.” She turned her entire family against us and they all blackballed me, my wife, and kids. So with a glass paint marker I wrote across the back window of my truck:

“No mask. No vax. No fear” I drove around for months with that slogan on my truck in 2021.

I didn’t ever know she saw it until a comment she made in passing a few weeks ago. We are seeing each other again and she chuckled and said she had seen all kinds of things painted on my truck. She also just told me “We were all bamboozled about the vaxx.” I looked at her and said “We weren’t ALL bamboozled.” Now she seems a little proud of me for having resisted. She said she’s glad some didn’t go along. But she’s never said she’s proud of ME for not going along and I have still never heard an apology for how she treated us.

Well, in a couple weeks my family travels to Virginia to say goodbye to her recently passed brother and spread his ashes. Her entire family will be there. Every one of them blacklisted or unfollowed me during the great pandemic fraud. Should I wear my Unmask America shirt or my shirt of the famous monkey to man evolution shirt which progresses at the end from erect man to sheep (my favorite)? Or should I just blend in and see if anyone has the guts to say a word to me?

WWMD? (What would Mark do)😂

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UNAFRAID" shirt.

And ask people to explain their gullibility.

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May 30·edited May 30Liked by Mark Oshinskie

I have a bumper sticker that says, "Is that what your TV told you to think?"

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Did you have the shirt made or buy it somewhere?

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May 30·edited May 30Author

I made it. I have a few shirts and books left. You can email me at forecheck32 at g mail.

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I’d love to buy one and your book, too. I asked about your book previously but I was having a problem with my Substack settings. Weeks of messages were going to the wrong email but they finally got it fixed. My email is pennery10@gmail if you want to send me details on how to do those purchases. Thanks

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We got a tee shirt. I emailed Mark at forecheck32@gmail.com, introduced myself, got his physical address, and mailed him a check. Easy peasy. My husband wears his shirt all the time. Wants more in different colors. (I am not a tee shirt wearer...) Prompts conversation all the time.

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Buy it from Mark. Many of us in here did.

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How about both? It'll be warm in VA, so you can pull the first one off as it heats up. and watch as things heat up...Let us know how it goes.

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May 30Liked by Mark Oshinskie

Fantastic summary - I'm saving it to forward to anyone who dares to try and justify their insane behaviour and attitude 4 years ago.

"Either during March 2020, or thereafter, did you know of any non-old, basically healthy person killed by this virus?" Not only did I (in the UK) not know anyone killed by the virus- still don't (nor anyone who knew anyone who knew anyone etc ad infinitum) but I didn't know anyone who even had the sniffles. The idea that we suddenly had to be under house arrest all over the world, all at exactly the same time because everyone was dropping dead was a total psyop.

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May 30Liked by Mark Oshinskie

Total psyop, indeed: Remember: Covid kills. mRNA saves. Millions saved! Rinse and repeat.

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I only knew 2 in UK who became ill, after jabbination, quite poorly, but not hospitalised. Their renditions were how awful they felt, their symptoms, fatigue, breathless, coughing 24/7, loose bowels, etc. They were very pleased to be jabbed as without this protection, they most certainly would have been hospitalised, or dead. This encouraged their kids to get injected at the earliest opportunity, unfortunately. I also was told of a 92 yr old who broke wrist, "caught" covid in hospital (PCR test?) then died, and one fit man, runner in his 50's, hospitalised then died- no doubt from hospital protocols rather than symptoms. These last 2 were 2020 BI (before injections). My elderly m-i-l died in hospital in May 22, no symptoms but positive test, admitted after a fall, no family allowed to visit for 10 days. She was neglected and dosed with drugs. I know many more who, after jabs, are now dead, heart, turbo cancers, or injured, autoimmunities, constant infections and most will deny the jabs.

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I have similar conversations with the jabbed folk, who often mention the multiple times they've had COVID and might now have it again. Because their avoidance of painful truth makes these conversations short, I get right to the point: I tell them I have zero fear of COVID, never feared it, never closed my business for even a day, never once masked, never jabbed, and gave up air travel for years out of sheer stubborn principle.

They, the sheep, need to see us strong survivors, so they'll have role models for next time.

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Colleen, I loved your statins post.

You exposed a big, unknown problem.

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Thank you. COVID gullibility is similar to the earlier gullibility that buys this line:

'Something is inherently wrong with you, but 'cuz you're gullible, we'll sell you the cure. Nature, evolution, your ancestry messed up and gave you bad cholesterol, so we honorable pharma companies will rescue you from that.'

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May 30Liked by Mark Oshinskie

My Dr. has given up on me taking statins...he pushed it on my hubby and myself. I saw my parents suffer on them-they were miserable. It's so wrong!

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Colleen…you have a ‘statins’ post? Would love to see it!


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Oh I went on your Substack and I see it! 👍🏼

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Yes! Saw that, too, and loved it. I studied whole health education in Boston years ago and did medical transcription for a while. Years ago I determined that statins have the potential to kill -- in so many ways.

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Same here, Dr. Huber. Hubs and I had planned an exploratory trip to Florida before the "COVID" operation. We'd planned to fly and then rent a car. When we decided to make the trip (after I gave up my career and left a full Harvard retirement on the table in protest), the losers running the airlines had started obeying the diktat that all passengers must wear snot pouches.

Uh. No. So. We drove. All 3,200+ miles R/T from NH to NW Florida.

Armed with the snot pouch "mandates" (printed out and protected in clear plastic protectors) from the 13 states through which we would drive -- all of which listed all the exceptions to the "rule" of mandated snot pouch wearing -- we made that trip. We stayed in hotels, stopped at rest stops, got gas and coffee, ate in restaurants, and spent two weeks in the Pensacola area -- ALL without ever once wearing a pouch and without a single person saying a word to us. (I kinda hoped someone would so I could take out the pertinent "order" and point out all the exceptions in law to the rule that essentially meant only one thing -- NO ONE actually ever had to wear a snot pouch. EVER.)

I'm with Mark in the need to speak out. I've concluded it's the only way I'll save my own sanity.

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Thank you for speaking out, and thank you for standing against the mask, most especially. I know how heavy that pressure oftentimes was.

My way of speaking out is making transcripts of censored and shadow-banned videos of 2021-2023. I'm still at it, forseeably for the rest of this year, and I'm still adding transcripts of videos about the masks. The masking was such a brutal, stupid, perverted thing.

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Thank you for making sure that there is a permanent record of all these things.

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We gave up air travel as well. Our dream 25th anniversary trip to Georgia (not the state) was cancelled in 2020 due to the Big Fat Lie. Made me really mad. Except for going to see my mom for her 90th birthday I haven’t been flying since.

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Me too. In fact, I find I don't really want to travel to the places I was planning pre-2020. I had a great trip planned for Portugal. But now, I don't really want to go to a place where 92% of the population went along and got jabbed. So many things feel tainted to me now.

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I know...so many places feel ruined now. We are still thinking of trying again next year to go to Georgia, this time for our 30th, but I am really tentative. And then, the other places I'd love to go are tainted by US proxy wars. It stinks!

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Going to go see dad for Father’s Day. Almost 92 and still on statins. We’ve been hashing and rehashing for over a year now. His doc reluctantly said he could try to go without but he has him so scared he won’t. Doc reminds him that he smoked (quit in the 70’s) has non-insulin-treated diabetes and HAD high cholesterol.

Makes me crazy! That doc should be shot.

I saw his cholesterol numbers, super low, too low from what the awake people are learning now!

Anyway, can you send the link to your article? Thanks in advance. ❤️

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Amen! We do the same. Speak the truth and live life with courage.

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May 30Liked by Mark Oshinskie

“Well, isn’t it good that we all know so much more now?”

We knew plenty before the opening siren on Vaxxfest (great name by the way). At least we here in Australia did. All governments state and federal had pandemic plans waiting on the shelf. Not mentioned in any of them: lockdowns, masking, and shoving a vaccination into anyone who got within arm's reach.

It wasn't even that the politicians tried implementing the plans and found their directions didn't work. To hell with those boring plans, they said, let's get straight into the fun stuff!

Their fun is over now, and millions are sharing in the hangover.

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I can't stand when people say "we" assuming we're in the same group

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You just inspired me: the next time someone uses”we” that way, I am going to calmly say, “your we doesn’t include me” and then explain why.

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Are you familiar with substacker, Shifted Paradigms? He's published a 3-part post analysing the vax effects by category mentioned in the 2,000 responses to the Australian Government Covid-19 Response Inquiry. Makes your blood boil.




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Thanks. I wasn't aware of this.

No wonder our state government leaders have made themselves scarce.

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Have they? I just pay absolutely no attention any more. I know I probably should but ...

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Mark McGowan, former premier of Western Australia - also known as Masky Mark McClown, High Pontiff of The Western Lands - kept the state locked up for longer that any lockdown. He quit politics last year in a hurry. Sadly, the tar and feather brigade have yet to catch up with him.


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It was all done on purpose.

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Love Dr. Vernon Coleman.

Thanks for posting the link for the folks who are not familiar with his warnings.

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He just released a new one that speaks to WHY they're trying to kill everyone off. MONEY.


Few people knew that just before the pandemic, the world financial markets nearly melted down.

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That's actually what I said at the time. I'd heard about the developing disaster in the repo market, so when talk of the "COVID" operation started, but before the lockdown, I called it just that -- an "operation" coming out of the financial markets. Things had gone sideways there and they needed to shut things down.

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Knowing it was all utter bullsh*t from the very beginning, and desperately trying to "get through" the hypnotized brains of family and friends, has been a far more 'enlightening' experience than have all my years of meditation and shall we say, consciousness explorations. Finding out how vulnerable and complicit are the masses to the evil plans of the owners of the world, has changed me forever.

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Well put Joanie, this is my experience as well and it is ongoing. I no longer try to get through to anyone, my only job is to live and speak my own truth. I have no control over anything else.

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All that, plus cowardice elevated from vice to virtue.

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What I can't stand is when people say "we" assuming we're in the same group.

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May 30Liked by Mark Oshinskie

My daughter had a lifetime friend (I think they met when they were three) who had planned and canceled a wedding during 2020. They both lived in Chicago for awhile to attend school and the longtime friend was still there in 2020/21 and ended up with a blood clot/heart issues soon after she was injected. The wedding was re-scheduled I think in 2022 but my daughter ( and the rest of us) were "un-invited" when they found out we didn't get the shots. She was actually going to BE in the wedding party having been such a long-time friend of hers-lots of great memories from middle and high school and beyond here. My daughter made all kinds of "deals" with this girl and the girl's family- rapid testing right before the ceremony, etc., to no avail. Her argument was that she "wasn't thinking about her and her family" and was "posing a risk" to everyone else that attended. Luckily she kept her job due to a local MD who was writing up medical exemptions-she was threatened to lose her license for doing so, and had to stop. My daughter was deeply hurt by this person and her family-and I have quit all communication with them also. My heart breaks for her. She followed her gut (as I did). I wonder if they ever made the connection of the hospital visit early on with the shots (this young 30 something was a runner and swimmer)-and I often wonder how many times they got covid with all their shots and boosters. My immediate acquaintances have had several bouts of "covid" as well as my daughter-in-law last week! She apparently is still "testing" and "masking when necessary"- brainwashed in California. It's SO hard to not say anything- but I want to scream "I have never gotten sick in the last 4+ years! Do you know WHY????" Daughter included! It's a banned conversation most times, but I just may throw out those questions you ask if it comes up again. People are still loving the attention they get for "having covid". SMH

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Wow! Uninvited to a wedding in 2022 and the woman had a clot/heart issues after the jab? The insanity is really quite scary. Mark says he's unafraid but the insanity scares me.

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I got some wedding invites that stated vaccinated only. The stories in those families include a lot of covid, a lot of other more-likely-than-not jab injury issues, and anyway, I'm not keeping up them anymore. Funny but I never got around to sending wedding presents, either.

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The shunning of "the other" is what really freaked me out. Especially from people I thought I knew. It's like we all were back in the Dark Ages! Science, MY ASS!!! People are superstitious.

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yeah really! we dodged THAT bullet! haha!

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May 30Liked by Mark Oshinskie

I knew two people who died ostensibly from the vid, one every old and very sick. The other died in the hospital likely from remdesivir. I do know many who still suffer from effects of vaxx, terrible eye issues, burning feet, repeated waves of sickness, even amputation from cluster clots. The more jabs the worse the aftermath. We live in a time when nearly all, probably all, solutions are massively more destructive than the initial problem, be it health “care” supposed global warming, fossil fuels. It’s truly a nightmare. Greedy insane ghouls run the show.

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and the photo's of govt people having Christmas parties, with 200 in a room, I specially remember the one from Austria, while everyone had to lock down. Pelosi saying we should all stay home for the holidays, then taking off for her beach house to celebrate with her family. Some people from the Belgian govt who rented a whole restaurant to party while their people were forbidden to be with more than 4 in their houses. The British Johnson lying drunk on the floor.

I admire your wife, that she is still visiting with these brain washers. I have completely given up on them. They even did not call, probably thinking the virus could go through the phone line - but heck no, not through their mask!

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It caused some attenuation of the relationship. But they have too much rapport and too much in common to give it up.

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May 30·edited May 30Liked by Mark Oshinskie

Excellent overview, Mark. One of the answers is surrogate belief in God Government. Yep, and all that patriot fever emotionalism. The main thing is presumption, fear, incuriousness, I'm not sure in which order. Losing the Father Figure, cutting the Umbilical Cord of caring, honest government. It happened to me, voluntarily. It's like having your feet cut off from under. That's a palpably real feeling. An experience most people will avoid like Death. People preferring safe enslavement over hard freedom...

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May 30Liked by Mark Oshinskie

“It’s even harder to believe that, given the lockdowns’ vast damage and the shots’ clear failure and injury record, more people aren’t bitter or outraged about how badly their governments and media have abused them.”

This is what confounds me. But I think it’s coming. I pray it’s coming.

“Either during March 2020, or thereafter, did you know of any non-old, basically healthy person killed by this virus?”

I knew one person. Early 60’s, healthy. Covid didn’t kill him. The hospital protocols did (and the vast majority of those that died). There is going to be a tsunami of lawsuits. I believe they can indeed win. And it’s going to be glorious.


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The lawsuit payments should, but won't, come out of the individual back accounts of those who drove the mistreatment. Their vacation homes should be sold to create a fund.

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I wholeheartedly agree Mark.

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She knows now that they weren't her friends.

I, having lived 38 years as a community pharmacist, knew then that vaccinating for a disease with the death rate even overplayed at 2% was a bad idea, doubled (or more) when I found out it was mRNA. Hollywood played its role, everyone remembers Dustin Hoffman, or the 'Bourne' guy.

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Anyone who has spent time visiting nursing homes knows that many people live miserable lives and lives near a merciful death at all times. These are nearly half many of those who "died of Covid."

The other half were those soon bound for nursing homes.

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My British grandparents (long deceased) and my still alive 92 year old British-American mom always called pneumonia “the old person’s friend”. It is a common and relatively painless way the elderly slip away. Mom did not take any shots. Still alive and kicking.

Fear. Fear of death, fear of life. It seems to be what drives so many people-certainly the Branch-Covidians. That is no way to live. In such a world getting out of bed is dangerous. Ugh.

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And as if the elderly had never before died from flu that slid into pneumonia, as my own father did in 2011. It is beyond outrageous that they got away with such deception.

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Indeed. An old saying was pneumonia is an old man's best friend. It certainly helped my mom out of the nursing home and into her forever home.

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My dad died at 41 from viral pneumonia, 2 others younger than him also died. But that was it, the end of the line, I was 17 and although it was rare, it happened.

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Must have been hard, as a teenager to lose your dad; I'm sorry.

But yes, and I knew a couple; the husband was left paralysed after a flu; that was about 40 years ago.

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At least I had a fighting chance, one of the others that died was only 29, had 3 kids & a pregnant wife. You never have to look far to find someone who has it harder.

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As my mother did in 1986 at age 57.

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Too young, for sure.

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Yes, indeed. Breaks my heart to this day.

Her doctor was away on vacation. She decided, if she didn't get better, to see him when he returned. Well, as we know, delayed treatment -- even for something as "simple" as the flu? Depending on the person, that can spell bad outcomes as it did for my mother. Pneumonia-induced myocardial infarction.

So. When the "COVID" operation launched and the "protocol" was stay home until you couldn't breathe??? A crime within a crime...

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We daily pray that these criminals be fully exposed for all the world to see and condemn.

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Excellent, Mark.

I've asked all your questions and more, including, "What kind of person would support the forced injection of an experimental product, a product that comes with complete liability immunity for its manufacturer against any injury or death that person might experience? Are you that kind of person?"

I have reached a place of almost complete alienation from this country and its people. They have so disgraced themselves that I am truly at a loss...

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May 30Liked by Mark Oshinskie

Agree 100%. I also lost or alienated a lot of family and friends over this, and honestly I am still angry about it. I remember very clearly an article in Forbes magazine at the beginning of this whole scam which stated the ‘end points’ of research of the new MRA vaccines, none of which had anything to do with reducing transmission. There were many other good sources of information as to how to evaluate your own risk and how to determine if you could really give true informed consent to a therapy so experimental, but no one I knew wanted to hear about it so fixated were they on the daily charts of doom and drama. It was really perplexing.

Perhaps my ‘red flag’ antennae were especially sensitive because of work experience a decade prior.

Around 2008-2009 I was working as a post-operative RN on a busy surgical unit. One morning I was assisting a middle-age male patient on his first venture out of bed after a lower abdominal surgery the day before.

There were only ten rooms in this particular unit, all of which were private. The doors to all of them were open as different teams of doctors, therapists, etc., came and went. Each room had a TV blaring its respective channel loudly enough that we could hear it in the corridor where the patient and I were walking.

At one point the patient and I stopped, looked at each other, and simultaneously asked “What on earth is going on?” Although different channels were playing, they were all repeating the same ‘urgent news’ (from the World Health Organization no less) about that season’s influenza (H1N1) and how that year was going to be deadly for everyone especially the elderly.

It turned out the male patient was a primary care doctor from a rural practice. He informed me that losing elderly, and often frail and infirm, patients was very common in the winter months and had been since time immemorial. He shook his head in disbelief over what was obviously contrived hysteria coming from those TVs.

I may be mistaken, but I believe that year’s new ‘flu shot (“thoroughly test for safety”) was GSK’s Pandremix which left many, including at least one thousand children in Europe, with narcolepsy.

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