The "pandemic of the unvaccinated" is also muddied by the definition of "unvaccinated" most countries use. For two-dose vaccines, if someone has one dose, he is unvaccinated. If he has two doses but hasn't passed the 14-day post-vaccination window, he is unvaccinated. For the one-dose vaccinations, a person who is on day 13 post-vaccination who lands in hospital will be listed as not vaccinated. There is no partial vaccination category.

This is particularly problematic as it appears that after the first dose of Pfizer, immunity plummets, leaving the person open to a number of illnesses, including the coronavirus. The same doesn't happen with the Pfizer 2nd dose, but it appears to be happening with the booster. A good run-down on this is here: https://boriquagato.substack.com/p/why-vaccinated-covid-deathshospitalizations

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That's beautiful mate, thanks for that. Goes into my list of Links to be kept for trotting out to clout the ignorami with from time to time - not that it does any good of course.

And there's the thing, you know, that no one talks about but is the real danger/virus/situation/significance or whatever of all this: there's very clearly two kinds of people living on this earth (in our little western part of it at least).

One small part that looks for truth and evidence and considers possibilities, etc., etc and seeks to harm no one.

And a very large part that is happy to go along with the herd, never looks for evidence or verification or checks or thinks and it happy to round on dissidents or noncomformists at the drop of the hat. To such an extent that we can easily imagine them condoning the most outlandish and possibly brutal things.

For instance could you imagine the vaxxers allowing you to be carted off to government quarantine stations on the grounds of you being a 'danger' because you are not vaccinated?

You could, couldn't you. Because you know, for instance, they've already swallowed the notion that you are a danger - even though that is completely without any foundation in fact at all, is the height of illogicality.

And you can't imagine them coming out of their houses and protesting on your behalf can you?

You'd just get carted off. I mean it has already happened, is happening all the time I guess. We all saw the video of the pregnant lady being manacled in her pyjamas in her own kitchen and then carted off.

Streets were not full of protesters were they? Are they?

And then if they were told you'd been taken to a safe place for your own good and for the good of the nation and the safety of others... what would you expect them to say/do?

Nothing would be right. Same as they said nothing in Australia about the 'boat people' being ket in concentration camps.

And if those camps were incommunicado...

Would they protest?

Nope. So there. When covid is all over if it ever is - and that is not at all for sure - then the demographic situation is going to remain the same. We'll still be surrounded by them.

That's what this has done, is doing, showing us the reality of our daily lives. The reality we are going to have to live with forevermore.

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I just added a few more statistics. You might want to scan it again.

If things are as bad as they say in Oz, I feel bad for you. The US has also been bad but is belatedly easing up in most ways. Except for the vaxx.

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The Covid 19 vaccines have a sterilizing effect on both sexes in various ways (contamination, immune system, spike protein). It can be assumed that the demography turns in favor of the truth-loving people, regardless of the political or religious view.

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When I heard the intercessory prayers at Mass in my parish recently include a prayer that "more people will be receptive to getting vaccinated for covid" I thought I'd be physically ill. All you say here is valid, plus the vaccines are all created using cell lines from aborted babies, to greater or lesser extent. Something is horribly sick in our culture when a prolife church exhorts people to vaccinate with a lethal, ineffective shot with cannibalistic sourcing.

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Wow! That's ugly! I'm Catholic and would walk out of mass if I heard that.

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I'm in a rural parish that's blighted by modernism. The priest most involved with the youth here preached at them that to protect their elders they must get the shots. I speak up when I hear this. The shots protect no one and are grossly unethical besides. It's as is the priests here are disoriented. I pray for them.

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I think you might like this.

The whole thing is really good, but if you want a little sampler. Skip ahead to 7:35, to see if you'll be interested, and I got believe you will be intrigued.


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That's some REAL preaching. I don't know why do few of our priests do this but it may be because the Democrats have infiltrated the Church to such an extent that they're cowed. Trust me, true Catholics know better. Thanks for that link, I needed to hear a real man preach.

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I'm glad you liked it. God Bless you. Never give in, never deny. There are things worse than death. Being called by our Savior is not an end, but a beginning.

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You're so right about that. I have to remember that. Had a dream years ago just after my conversion to Christ: my husband and I were surrounded by some hellish agents of Mystery Babylon and were about to be grabbed. Lately that dream seems relevant. And I am not afraid.

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Glad to hear that sister.

It's certainly not a coincidence that we are told, to have no fear.

"Fear not" appears in the Word 365 times.

And remember these words were written centuries before the Gregorian calendar (365 days/year) , that we use today.

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Sad but true.

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Please provide examples.

It's funny, b/c many people follow me me each day. I guess they're too blind to see what a bad person I am.

Did you get your booster yet?

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Fantastic....spot on, intelligently written. and full of passion. I will share this with my family who have all swallowed the false narrative with glee, and taken the injections. I bravely, along with my children, will continue to resist!

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Exactly. And this is what is going on: Organized crime. From the highest levels of the Biden Administration to CDC to FDA to DNC legislators and governors to moronic, unethical and cowardly physicians to Big Pharma.

Unfortunately we do not have a working, honest, ethical Justice Department to bring RICO charges against everyone who has contributed to the needless deaths, suffering and real physical and mental (and economic!) HARM done to the American people.

Add to this the withholding of early effective treatments for Covid by cowardly doctors and with it the needless suffering and death. They should all be ashamed.

Stop. The. Jabs. NOW.

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Thank you for helping the cause...no vaccine for me either. Fortunately, I'm home recently from the hospital after an 8th month ICU stay with Covid-19. I beat it and I'm living proof that the vaccine is completely unnecessary. Although, I do miss the ability to taste and smell and the purple toes are a bit unsightly. Please write back and let me know if you'd like to join the Flat Earth Society as I'm the current president and we could really use somebody with your strong reasoning and writing skills. My best, Jabadaya P.

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Good luck with that. They should profile you on CNN.

When you write something as good as this, send it to me.


And by all means, get your booster.

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After an "8 month ICU stay" you say?--Gadzooks. That must be a world record. What are you omitting from your snide comment? That you shed your extra six hundred pounds in that time? Purple toes....Not good. Diabetic? I smell comorbidity; my olfactory senses are just fine. Unfortunately; I have to smell the unending; sulfurous stench of virus propaganda.

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Awesome post!

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Maybe if you're a 5th grader....

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"The vaxx campaign has two actual, central purposes" I think your articles place too much emphasis on partisan politics. There is a third purpose here, and it's the most important one: coercing people into acceptance of a total control grid, the "New World Order." There is abundant evidence of foreknowledge of the alleged "pandemic," Event 201 being the most glaring example. As long as people focus on the artificial divides deliberately foisted on us like political affiliation, race, sexuality, and so on (the "wedge" issues), they will not notice more important things.

There have been a handful of outliers in this fiasco, and yes, they are predominately republican, but they all pledge "allegiance" to a foreign country, they all accept money from the single most powerful lobby, and big pharma is the 6th largest investment in all their insider-traded portfolios.

The people who *really* rule the world are anything but incompetent. Being rational and logical will only go so far in explaining their behavior. Their religion is game theory, they are masters of backing people into double-binds, and making them think accepting slavery is their own idea/choice. Life is a zero sum game to them. They have amassed more wealth and comfort than they could ever use, and now they're focusing on *depriving* everyone else of these things. You are very correct in much of your analysis, but it was clear from the beginning where this was going, and that the "pandemic" was merely a pretext.

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I hear what you're saying and don't discount it for a second.

I'm not a Trump fan and he messed up the response by overreacting, creating hospital incentives to distort stats, by giving enhanced unemployment, by giving phony Fauci an audience, etc.

But what is immediately obvious is the political dimension: the lockdowners are nearly all Dems who saw this as a way to oust Trump and to control people.

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This piece is a long winded display of pure demagoguery.

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Fact-intensive and tightly written. And the vaxx picture has only worsened since I wrote it.

Nice try, though.

Hey, did you get your booster yet?

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Long winded .. facts are easy truth isn’t.. and you tend to low blow when challenged which to me is telling.

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Your comment is poorly punctuated and structured.

"facts are easy truth isn't" and "you tend to low blow?"

What does that mean?

Send me something you've written to show me how smart you are.

It's odd that that you'd criticize my writing and then read more of my essays.

Vaxxes are failing. Get your booster.

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Kakistocracy - rule by the most incompetent and despicable and immoral.

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Well done.

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Your message is spot on. However, there is an issue with your webpage. I believe the reason you don't have more likes and subscribers is that people get kicked out when they hit the like icon. Then they can't find their way back. Please fix that, because your message of sanity is important.

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Sharing this! Your blog is my new favorite. Alex Berenson has moved to second place.

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YES! Thank you!

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Great article Mark. May I use this to share with my clients and others?

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Thanks, Dennis.

Please share with anyone who might wish to read it. I don't make money off these essays. I am trying to help those who see the scam know they're not alone. And to let the scammers know that we see the scam.

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Thanks. I love your writing style and agree 100% with your views.

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Thanks, Dennis. And with the right company, I can be fun. Where are you?

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Eastern Iowa. You?

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NJ. You don't happen to know an attorney named John Perkins, do you?

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I do not. I do know (all from a national estate PLnners group)

Mike Bonfrisco, Cherry Hill

Alan Augulis, Warren Township

Adam Rubin, East Brunswick

Colin Quinn, Madison

Carl Price, Haddonfield

Elwood Baldwin, Haddonfield

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