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When it all started I mentally disparaged those who passed me too close in the aisles as being too dumb to realize that moving a bit further away when there was room would cost them nothing and be the intelligent thing to do. When driving I continually judge how intelligent people are by their capacity to mitigate risk.

The goal is to always lower risk as far as possible when easy to do so because that's just the long-term intelligent way to increase the probability of a successful outcome, and usually costs you nothing.

This is important because your life is in their hands; you'd think they'd care enough to be responsible citizens, as you are. But people are dumb and often have no awareness or consideration. When driving toward you on a narrow road 5% will be too far in your lane, apparently believing that a deadly off-center frontal collision is more desirable than possibly scraping the curb. I won't get into the idiots who tailgate, wildly increasing both parties' risk with absolutely no benefit to themselves.

It didn't take me long to realize that the coercive protocols did not match the risk, which meant that I had a citizen's duty to stand up for personal freedom. I made a point of traveling the wrong way down those one-way aisles gathering nasty looks, which made me feel superior and self-righteous as I was taking a stand to teach people what they needed to know.

I then refused to wear a mask and got in a loud argument with three young clerks at the supermarket who threw me out. More recently I refused to wear a mask at a doctor's office and got into a loud argument that came very close to a fistfight with three of the young technicians. Got thrown out of there too.

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I had a young man yell at me at a grocery store, "You are the effing reason people are getting sick!!!" I made a stink and told the manager that man threatened me and got him thrown out.

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