Yes indeed. Part of me misses those days as I got a second chance to feel like a rebellious teenager, walking through store aisles maskless, hoping someone would say something. They never did though. The only time I got pushback was when I got kicked out of a favorite brewery by a "manager" guy/hero who could not bear my maskless presence ordering beer, risking the lives of all around like some sort of anthrax hand grenade. Not on his watch! None of the other staff ever said anything until this guy showed up one day, saw me, and got all hot and bothered. It was worth it though, for the memory. And I made him earn it, pretending I couldn't hear him until he lowered his mask. LOL. Fun times. I guess there's always a silver lining.
lol! In it’s own twisted way it was fun. Walking the wrong way down the aisles. Sneezing. 😳 Not wearing masks, or shopping with my friend who wore a mask made of see through netting. Doing anything contrary to the mainstream. Thanks for the laugh!!
Making him lower his mask so you can “hear, brilliant. Where I am was more hostile.
I wasn’t able to even get into a club to see live music without showing a “vaccine card”.
Whatever their version of fully vaccinated was that day. Whatever the CDC definition of “vaccine” was that day. I had no such card, so conflict ensued. I don’t miss those days at all and am willing to do what’s needed to prevent them from coming again.
I’m with you. Never want to see vivid days again and be happy to never head even the word again. I pretended to not understand people talking thru a mask, making them pull it down to repeat. Inside I was laughing.
When it all started I mentally disparaged those who passed me too close in the aisles as being too dumb to realize that moving a bit further away when there was room would cost them nothing and be the intelligent thing to do. When driving I continually judge how intelligent people are by their capacity to mitigate risk.
The goal is to always lower risk as far as possible when easy to do so because that's just the long-term intelligent way to increase the probability of a successful outcome, and usually costs you nothing.
This is important because your life is in their hands; you'd think they'd care enough to be responsible citizens, as you are. But people are dumb and often have no awareness or consideration. When driving toward you on a narrow road 5% will be too far in your lane, apparently believing that a deadly off-center frontal collision is more desirable than possibly scraping the curb. I won't get into the idiots who tailgate, wildly increasing both parties' risk with absolutely no benefit to themselves.
It didn't take me long to realize that the coercive protocols did not match the risk, which meant that I had a citizen's duty to stand up for personal freedom. I made a point of traveling the wrong way down those one-way aisles gathering nasty looks, which made me feel superior and self-righteous as I was taking a stand to teach people what they needed to know.
I then refused to wear a mask and got in a loud argument with three young clerks at the supermarket who threw me out. More recently I refused to wear a mask at a doctor's office and got into a loud argument that came very close to a fistfight with three of the young technicians. Got thrown out of there too.
I had a young man yell at me at a grocery store, "You are the effing reason people are getting sick!!!" I made a stink and told the manager that man threatened me and got him thrown out.
I've wondered if the 50k extra people who died over 8 weeks in the NYC metro area in Spring 2020 were the ones who rebelled and walked outside a lot--because the pattern of deaths looks more like an aerosol chemical weapon than anything. How about the people with pets, who had to go outside?
I think the powers that be would prefer to kill with a chemical weapon than a vaccine. Vaccines kill the compliant, so are better for keeping people sick and weak. A chemical weapon that kills the rebellious would be better.
I love that! My favorite was walking into a store where there was a mask monitor assigned to the door. I just raised my hand and said, "Jehovah's Witness," and kept walking. My husband (I am a woman) had not seen me do this, so the first time we went in a store together, he looked at me like, "What in the Hell was THAT?" The mask monitors never knew what to do.
The worst thing about the “Jamdemic” isn’t that it mysteriously appeared out of nowhere.
Nor that most fell for being scared to death of it.
Not even the several blatant examples of lunatic behaviors that I can never unsee.
The human cruelty that poured forth unchecked.
The loss of friendships/relationships.
The unnecessary and mostly ignored deaths and maimings.
The capture of trusted experts.
Our handcuffs that our authorities never had to wear.
Force feeding of unsafe and ineffective snake oils.
Destruction of individual sovereignty.
The worst thing is happening right now in the aftermath. It’s called…
Nobody, not my friends, neighbors, family or coworkers wish to acknowledge the Jam’s underlying innocuousness and the folly of being afraid of it.
Some still test for Covid at the first sniffle.
One loves cockily repeating that IVM is “horse paste.”
My elderly inlaws are taking their requisite boosters. Still alive.
Those that know better are seeing the perpetrators living their best lives while most of society refuses to acknowledge the unnecessary suffering they caused.
The idea that the truth will come out is bleak. That the purveyors will be punished? Bleaker.
They seem to have won, no?
Undoubtably they’re taking notes. Sifting through the data. So the next generation most certainly will throw the unopened can of jam in the trash. Safe, where it belongs.
I resent that I have these memories. I didn’t want them nor did I ask for them. But, it is what it is. So I will eat my delicious jam, alone, sad, that virtually all of my brethren still refuse to join me.
Thanks Mark I appreciate your kindness. Unless I come to some untoward epiphany that convinces me otherwise anything I write is public domain and up for grabs. I must say I am flattered that you liked it that much given I have a lot of respect for your writing and opinions contained within. i’m fairly certain there’s a dossier of my rants somewhere anyway, perhaps not for the same reasons as yours. 😉
Not only do people love to follow the crowd even when going over a cliff, but they also love to hate and abuse those who do not join them. This is hard to take especially when you're trying to tell them they're going over a cliff.
This represents the tension of collectivism versus individualism. As we continue to move into a globalized technological society requiring the algorithmic monitoring and control of its standardized human digital assets, personal freedom will be criminalized.
In France, for example, a recent (February 14, 2024) law was passed that provides a $50,000 fine and 3 years in jail for speaking against the vaxx - to wit: a new crime of “provocation to abstain from medical care.”
….and here in Canada we have our govt hoping to pass Bill C-63 “the on line harms act”… I have no words…. (Probably just as well as I may end up in prison):
Online Harms Act introduced in the House of Commons on February 26 will significantly hamper constitutionally-protected expression. Among other effects:
The Bill would create a new process for Canadians to report instances of online speech directed at them is discriminatory, with a quasi-judicial tribunal ordering fines up to $50,000, and up to $20,000 paid to complainants, who in some cases would remain anonymous. Findings would be based on a mere “balance of probabilities” standard rather than the criminal standard of proof beyond a reasonable doubt;
The Bill would increase the maximum sentence for “advocating genocide” from five years in prison to life in prison. That means words alone could lead to life imprisonment;
The Bill would allow judges to put prior restraints on people who they believe on reasonable grounds may commit speech crimes in the future;
The Bill would require social media companies to “minimize the risk that users of the service will be exposed to harmful content” with the threat of massive fines if they don’t properly mitigate the risk; &
The mere threat of human rights complaints and fines for Canadians and social media companies will chill large amounts of otherwise protected speech.
I hear you and feel you, GLK. A brilliantly written comment.
Perhaps what I'm about to describe is because we escaped to Florida in '21. Here it was less extreme, less widespread, and shorter, so maybe that explains it...
I'm getting my hair cut yesterday. Another client is getting hers done, and she's yakking the whole time. About her daughter, the traveling PA (PT?) and a son (?) who is in medical school. (God help us.) How hard it is. For him. For the wife -- how she's in medical school, too, because her husband is...Residency should be easier, right? The daughter is loving traveling all over. Next gig Texas? Can't remember. In the meantime, will ski since where she is got a ton of snow. Having a great time.
Then the lovely woman cutting my hair. Daughter getting married next year, so the talk is all about the dresses. For the bride. For her (mother). For mother of bridegroom. Outdoor backyard wedding...
And as I sat there, listening, I thought to myself, "These people are all acting as if a great crime did not happen, is not still happening, and has yet to be adjudicated." Stunning. Truly stunning.
Again...maybe cuz Florida had it easier. Don't know, but as I've said, I am forever changed, and I will take that to my grave.
People, often strangers, don't want to talk about the great crimes. It messes up their life view, makes them uncomfortable and most of the time they think the injections are fine, millions of illegal aliens are fine and anyway, if it doesn't affect me then it doesn't exist.
Your husband is right. Funny I remember getting my haircut shortly after lockdown. While waiting my turn the gal who has been cutting my family’s hair for years was chatting openly about how young people aren’t taking covid seriously because they’re congregating and not distancing. “You wait, there’s gonna be another lockdown because of them spreading that virus…” I was listening getting irritated by her stupidity and thinking thank God for the dissenters!
Great post, GLK. (You ought to start your own Substack. I'd subscribe!)
It it is a bleak conclusion when one recognizes/acknowledges that the guilty aren't going to be held accountable for their crimes and misdemeanors ... and the on-going apathy is going to probably remain .... on-going.
You are the third person to suggest I do a Substack. And I’m not sure how many are already following me but there are a few.
There are reasons I’ve resisted. I don’t know how to say this without sounding smug. I grew up lower middle class and have worked my ass off and through hard work and a little bit of luck I’ve reached a point I don’t need the money.
At least not until the “I didn’t build that” equity crowd has their way and steals everything I own. Which I’m certain is the goal. So, whatever we do, let’s keep that white privilege secret handshake to ourselves as long as we can.
Funny, because every person that’s ever mistreated me in my life has been white. But I digress.
The other issue is, I can only go down this rabbit hole so long before it affects my mood to the point it isn’t healthy. I have other priorities and interests that I need to pursue to keep me from going crazy. Realism is both a blessing and curse.
And, I’m an older dad with a teenager that needs my guidance. I love kids. I HATE what the world is pumping into their heads. It’s almost a full time job to deprogram them.
Frankly if I never had kids I’d be more cavalier. Maybe.
As it stands now that Samuel L Jackson line from Pulp Fiction haunts me,
“ Well I'm a mushroom-cloud-layin' motherf***er, motherf***er! Every time my fingers touch brain I'm SUPERFLY T.N.T, I'm the GUNS OF THE NAVARONE.”
Substitute “fingers touch brain” with “mind touches scamdemic”. Loosely explains how I’ve felt since Trump called Covid a national emergency on Fri 13, March 2020.
Unfortunately Jason still lives amongst us. Cue the hockey mask.
We do not have children, unfortunately, but I was out of my head over what was being done to them during "COVID." I've also ranted about the sh*t that's getting dumped into their heads along with the sh*t that's getting shot into their arms. I'm stunned by the cavalier attitude of those 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 children.
I am likely older than you, but have had more than my fair share of the joys of life.
I could die with few regrets (the 30's cannot be recaptured in one's 70's!) but I am very concerned about the fate of the younger generations whose lives we have compromised with increasing deficits and nonsense.
I am pushing 70. I take issue with the notion that “we” have compromised future generations. The truth is “they” created the deficits and nonsense. Even if we could live our lives over again knowing what we know we’d still be powerless to stop them same as we are currently powerless to put the brakes on Woke, ESGs, Electrification, Scamdemics, Overspending, and Senseless Wars. If “we” are to blame for anything it’s that collectively we are too dumb and cowardly to stop the shitshow that “they” foist upon us then blame us for.
I still maintain that much of the deterioration was the responsibility of ourselves, the "Boomers."
One could go back to Woodrow Wilson or FDR for an agent of the decline, or just concede that the situation is normal in a declining empire. Bread and circuses for the Roman Proles, iThings and welfare for our citizenry.
Apathy. Crying tears of apathy. They were living in fear of everything, every day. Fear of making a mistake. Then the sky DID fall. And they submitted.
I begged the soccer club I worked for to stay open. I told them their fears were unfounded, kids wanted to keep playing and would be fine, and other clubs would follow our lead and stay open. Nope, they fired me for refusing to mask or force them on my players…while OUTSIDE in the open air!! I begged my mother and brother to not cancel all holidays but mom said, “I can’t be around you because you don’t follow the science!” My brother with the masters in public health, who didn’t know what size micron his face diaper filtered, nor the size of covid, said he wasn’t sacrificing his kids’ freedoms (3 and 5 at the time), he was teaching them to care about others. He said, and I kid you not, the lockdown was the greatest thing that had happened and I was the crazy one because how could they ALL be wrong and me right? Most people are so asleep and so strangely trusting of authorities and so conditioned to go along with the herd, they would have crawled around naked in grocery stores if their TV’s told them covid didn’t get below 3 feet and only attached to clothing. Most are connecting NONE of the dots you and I see plainly.
I tried early to get through to him and his wife but there were no lights on in the attic. I could send him multiple Nobel Prize winners saying the same thing and he would discount them because they don’t show up in “the news.”
Sadly people like your brother, who I assume was formerly a fairly rational and reasonable ‘thinker’ with an ‘advanced degree’, are beyond hope. And if they did get the Jabs they likely now have some cognitive decline.
Ironically I come from a family that work with their hands and or the skills they have acquired…fleet vehicle maintenance for local power company, construction project management, electrician, heavy equipment operator, cattle operation, horsewoman, administrative/personal assistant, design/build project manager. Only three of us have any degrees (associates/technical degrees from a community college), and NONE of us got the Jabs. And they are all ‘Conservative’ and voted for DJT. I am probably the most ‘liberal leaning’ in the bunch. It has been a blessing to be a part of this family for the past four years, (actually for a long time).
We have ‘cousins’ with advanced degrees (masters & Phd)…college administrator, retired veterinarian, biology teacher/medical illustration, retired teacher, cancer research scientist…they all got the Jabs…and fortunately they weren’t crazy and we still do communicate with each other and get together a few times a year.
You are so fortunate. Most of both sides of my family got the jabs and went all Nazi on the couple of us that didn’t. The entirety of my mother’s large family simply disowned me, my wife and kids. Having to tell my kids we were no longer welcome at the annual family gathering (always the highlight of our year) because we didn’t inject the bioweapons is a moment I will never forget. The look on their faces…😔
While my brother and his wife did inject them I begged him to wait for his kids and I think he did. We still don’t talk though. I lost my only brother…but I gained several more true brothers in this 4 year shit show. I will be eagerly awaiting Nuremberg retribution for all the people who went along with this global fraud.
The depths of these type of “familial separations”, are cause of such despair…and to have to tell your children that their grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins no longer wish to associate with them because you and your wife, as their parents chose to exercise their ‘medical freedom’ over blind obedience. That’s the beauty of my cousin’s attitude , I guess…they all know my position, but we just don’t talk about it, when we are together. In this case ‘denial’ is the better way to go for me with them. We have enough familial stuff to share and talk about.
Even if there were a ‘Nuremberg Retribution Trial’ of sorts, it’s likely that your brother and mother would not change their tune…because to do so, to acknowledge that what you said to them and the position you took for you and your family was true, and the choices they made were not so great, would be too much for them to bear.
That they were fooled by the Scamdemic/Plandemic that a ‘highly contagious killer virus’ from a lab in China would kill them and their children, and that a EUA mRNA shot could ‘protect them’ and if YOU didn’t get it, you could make them sick. You have to understand that these people have literally ‘lost their minds’. And you know how effective reasonable, rational thought is to a mentally unstable person…it means nothing. That’s how you have to look at them, now.
That reminds me of all the parades I had to participate in while working for our US Congressman. My brother and I dubbed the parade personnel “parade nazis” because they got a tiny pinprick of power and became power maniacs. It was annoying and funny all wrapped into one gross candy bar.
This is what? four years later and everyone should know about the lies. Have any of them ever said, I was wrong and stupid to trust the med pharmacy complex, MSM and government ? You were right all along and I apologize ? Or anything approaching that?
Haha. They both switched to remote work and didn’t much leave the house for two years. We had family Thanksgiving dinner by Zoom. Probably an NPR listener. Lol
“strangely trusting” well said. And your analogy of crawling naked to shop isn’t far off. Sitting in restaurants was “safe” but when you stood, mask up! Because, science.
Yes, they haven't figured anything out, and never will. They are incapable. Those who quit wearing masks, distancing, and jabbing are going along with what they see as "normal behavior" now, and will fall for the same scam next time.
I wonder if Mark's essays of, say, the last six or seven months are producing as many new subscribers as his essays of 12 to 18 months ago. Mark's Substack has no doubt grown, but I think it should have grown faster and bigger than it did. The reasons this might not have happened are interesting to explore imo.
Love the analogy- perfect! Such great writing...maybe that's the difference between myself and those who "believed" and cowered. I HAVE (and DO) swim in the ocean, have jumped off of cliffs into the Colorado River in the Grand Canyon (raft trip-where I knew NO ONE-what a blast), have run to the top of mountain peaks, started mountain biking at 50 (I am now 70) and am getting ready now at 5 a.m. to do a four mile solo walk in the dark (love watching the sunrise.) So when I was told everything was too scary to leave my house (WUT??) I did the opposite- fought for our pool and gym to be open (Golf was still going strong as it's a huge money maker in my neck of the woods-imagine that!), never stayed inside (cycling was great as there was NO to little traffic) and traveled with my daughter to see my mom (empty airports and planes were nice except for food choice!) much to my sister's chagrin - but I never killed g'ma! (she did however, in my opinion die early from the damn shots/boosters). Life is full of risks, or it's not worth living. I still shake my head when people just HAVE to bring up the pandemic and how they hunkered down for TWO WEEKS in their houses ( and apparently did nothing but EAT as those that did gained so much weight I didn't recognize them a couple of months later and still blame COVID for the 20 lbs they are carrying around four years later...still boggles my mind.
I found an old quote online early in 2020 at the onset of the oppression, and the truth of it struck me like lightning. It allowed me to calmly (I’m anything but calm about this psyop!) present to anyone who would read it what I thought should be our most sensible and healthy response to something that smelled enough like smoke to have come from the devil. “A ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what ships are for.” —William Shedd
“The adage continued to circulate in 1949 when it was used as a filler-item in newspapers such as the ‘Corona Daily Independent’ of Corona, California[ref] 1949 March 4, Corona Daily Independent, (Freestanding filler-item quotation), Quote Page 8, Column 4 and 5, Corona, California.”
There are so many days when I’m out in public that I have to suppress the urge to tell folks to just “fuck off”. The over-the-top response to COVID, the utter ridiculousness of people, their bizarre health rituals finally gave me permission to stop filtering. Anyone who dared to comment on, berate, dictate, assault, or insert themselves into my life received a very firm, “FUCK OFF” as I happily wandered maskless down the aisle in obvious defiance to the directional arrows and spots on which to position myself. I still see people wearing masks! How sad to be so afraid. So easily led. So pathetically weak.
And our grandparents - who were said to be the main risk group - should have told their children and grandchildren, "Don't worry about me. I'll be fine and can take care of myself. Life is short. Go live it."
My husband and I tried, Mark, but to no avail. My son (who works in the healthcare industry) is STILL MASKING, along with his idiot wife. Oops, did I just say the quiet part out loud? I am over it. We have finally decided that to have any relationship at all we simply cannot bring the topic into any conversation.
I do still offer to overnight them HCQ and IVM whenever we speak on the phone and I hear one of them is sick. Sorry, I cannot help myself. They were both here in February for a week long visit. During which we went out to dinner almost every night. Watching the idiot woman keep her mask on, pull it down to take a bite of food, and then promptly pull the mask back up in-between every bite was almost more than I could bear!! I surprised even myself with my complete sarcastic comment control. But they fit the profile of the typical Branch Covidian...Liberal, urban, Democrat, white, wealthy, well-educated (both PhD's)...etc. etc. Where, oh where, did we go wrong?? It's just too embarrassing.
I took the kids to Disney world two years ago, right after the park abandoned their mask mandate. As the kids enjoyed yet another ride, I just rested on a bench. I sat next to a bench were one lady had her extra-formidable mask on. She was eating some peanuts. It was fascinating to watch the techniques she had to use to get the peanuts in her mouth while trying to not move the covering away from her mouth. She moved it a couple millimeters and then quickly pulled it back into place.
Disney did require masks while travelling on the busses they own that shuttle people back and forth from their resorts to the theme parks. I guess that was because we were all packed like sardines in the enclosed spaces of the busses. But that was exactly the same situation we were all in when we waited in those zig-zagging lines while we waited to get on some ride. And that, on many rides, was inside as well - at least for the front part of the lines.
Gov. DeSantis told Disney they didn't have to close and didn't have to have those mask mandates for as long as they did ... but Disney knew best and followed the Fauci guidance - like a good group-thinking "club member."
As a grandma I DID do that and thank GOD my daughter acted on my claim. We visited them they visited us - nothing changed except not going to restaurants for awhile. We all survived- untested unmasked uninjected and unafraid. Thanks Mark :)
PS I actually liked them doing fake school online - visiting during the week was easy!
But I am glad to see them back with their friends.
This essay brought back so many bad memories of the Scamdemic times. All of us who had discernment or common sense and acted accordingly, were abused by family and strangers. It’s interesting and dismaying to me than I’m already forgetting the specific incidents of abuse. I’m left with a general, deep sense of mistrust and wariness as I go about daily life. I’m changed and not for the better.
The 1st month I went with it thinking it would blow over like swine flu and the others. Then, when I saw the NY hospital footage of bodies in hallways and in cooler trucks, I started really digging for facts. Since then, I’ve logged all the scientific sources I could find related.
It doesn’t take an “expert” to figure out everything they told the public was false. It only takes curiosity and ability to look up research PRIOR to 2020. It’s all there.
What they did in 2020-2023 was a weakness test on the world population. We failed the test.
What still bothers me is that someone, or some organization, has ability to tell world leaders to shut down their countries, and they do it. It seems there is something or someone in control of the world.
Same here. Started out trying to inform relatives of the big pharma/WHO/WEF agenda and pre-covid conference plannedemic. I pointed out the excess deaths, adverse events, synthetic blood clots by pathologists, etc. Hear no/see no/speak no evil, were the reactions. I stopped trying.
Now it's the opposite. I find myself avoiding crowds and keeping my distance from anyone I know is vaxxed (which is 75% of the public according to our state stats), due to vaccine shedding. It is real and apparently I am sensitive to it, becoming very ill one week after a family gathering just before Christmas in 2022 when everyone who was jabbed thought themselves safe. After a lifetime of excellent health and athletic achievement, I lost 20 lbs that I didn't need to lose, all my strength and energy, sense of smell/taste, and circulation. No help from the doc, which cemented my total loss of trust in the healthcare industry. Since then, I have periodically had to self-treat/medicate with vitamins, herbal remedies and even ivermectin at times when the symptoms don't abate.
During the height of the hysteria, I was out walking and a runner was coming the other direction (wearing a mask). He ran into the street to ensure he didn't pass within 6 feet of me and then stopped to yell at me from a distance for not walking down the far right side of the sidewalk. He was probably half my age. He really believed he could catch something by running past me outdoors while wearing a mask if he momentarily passed within 6 feet of me. Did covid buzz around me like flies or was it more like a 6 ft electron cloud?
He risked his life running into the street in the thought that he was maybe saving his life by not running past you (and your paths intersecting for a mili-second).
Yes! I think that's why he was mad enough to stop and yell at me for being so stupid and insensitive as to not keep as far right as possible when walking outdoors so as to maintain proper "social" distancing. I never played that 6-ft kabuki dance charade and somehow have lived to tell the tale!
In a recent column, I credited the "6-feet-apart" grocery store stickers for preventing a massive public health crisis, worse than WWII.
If we didn't have those stickers everywhere in the grocery stores, most people would have been too terrified to leave their houses and go to the grocery store. They would have all starved ... which would have been an epic disaster for "public health."
God bless the person at the CDC who came up with the protocols for this life-saving measure ... and the entreprenuers in the sticker business who ramped up production so fast.
I'd like to see the numbers of people who died from getting within 6-feet of another person. I wonder if a FOIA request to the CDC would give me that data?
I used to belong to a group of trail runners in the area (when I was young and didn't have a fake hip!) so I keep up with the current crowd on facebook. They had a trail run in the spring of 2020 and wore masks. Photos of them having a picnic afterwards with masks...glad I belonged to a different type of trail running group. We never would least I would not have...probably would have been shunnned
Sadly those who accepted the hysteria are more than willing to do it all over a heartbeat. Even to this very moment they think they acted perfectly normal. This is just the beginning of what they're willing to do--for the 'common good'. The WEF/WHO is waiting in the wings and smiling.
It was a pathetic display that was put forth enmasse by a coddled, risk averse society. This has been many decades in the making. Safety, safety, safety, everything safety. “If it saves just 1 life”..the worst adage ever coined.
The Branch Covidians won’t admit they were wrong because they can’t cope with reality now any more than they ever have. At one point early in their lives they were confronted with a choice: think for myself or follow the herd? The plandemic didn’t make them afraid. It cashed in on their fear. They go through life never thinking for themselves, never *knowing* that their minds are fit for purpose, in a constant state of anxiety as they wait for the next social signal to be telegraphed by the herd. Because they know they’re *supposed* to think, they resent TF out of people who do. Covid suddenly made a virtue out of everything they knew to be their flaws: fear, most of all, but also irrationality and ignorance. “Don’t question the science. I *am* the science.” “Who are you to doubt the experts?” “Be more terrified.” “The virus will get you if you walk against the arrows.” No way are they ever going to apologize for that amazing high of being praised and rewarded for what they always believed to be their flaws. No way are they ever going to apologize for loving it when the independent-minded people they always resented were turned overnight into second-class citizens.
Humility is “the state or quality of being humble; freedom from pride and arrogance; lowliness of mind; a modest estimate of one's own worth; a sense of one's own unworthiness through imperfection and sinfulness; self-abasement; humbleness.” That’s a perfect description of the Covidians. Free from pride in their ability to think; wallowing in lowliness of mind; completely lacking confidence in their own worth--which is why they crave approval from others--and willing to do irrational, embarrassing, dehumanizing things like muzzling. Their problem isn’t that they lack humility. It’s that they lack self-respect.
Just thought of another story...after our pool opened (we had to sign up for 30 min -can't get much of a workout) and we would walk through the building and onto the deck with a mask, a fellow swimmer (retired engineer, highly successful and educated individual) said to us... "This is the new normal"...I went off and said "Nope, not for me! I will NEVER accept this as NORMAL". She doesn't engage with me anymore...hmmm
Pretty damned much. Those of us who called out this idiotic nonsense for what it was - idiotic nonsense at best, totalitarian micro control at worst - have not been rewarded with accolades from those we tried to warn. No! The loser sheeple who bought into this bullshit now have a form of Stockholm Syndrome - parents in New York City, for example, cannot bring themselves to believe that completely stupid and often ill-intentioned teachers unions and politicians damaged their children's lives while the sheeple did nothing but bleat accommodatingly.
Loved that movie. It wasn’t as bad around me. We lived in a country town. The parks were not closed. Only the toilets. Lol. I turned everything off in March and started outdoor painting at our local nature park. Picked up a painting friend. Then a hiking friend. The summer was beautiful with many gifts of nature given to me. I wasn’t scared at all. I wasn’t listening to it. It was the calm before the storm for me. The storm being my refusal to vax in 2021. Sometimes it’s a burden to know what’s really going on. Like I alone am standing with all this sinister stuff swirling around me and no way to make someone stop and listen to what I long to say. I know I’m not alone. Today personally it’s hard. I want to cry and pound pillows and scream. Yet the geese are nesting at the pond and the peeper frogs are awake and peeping. Blessings around me. You too.
I can relate Janet - the burden is a weight I try to put down for spells of relief but feel the necessity to keep aware and it’s exhausting at times when all around folks seem oblivious. Xx
Yes indeed. Part of me misses those days as I got a second chance to feel like a rebellious teenager, walking through store aisles maskless, hoping someone would say something. They never did though. The only time I got pushback was when I got kicked out of a favorite brewery by a "manager" guy/hero who could not bear my maskless presence ordering beer, risking the lives of all around like some sort of anthrax hand grenade. Not on his watch! None of the other staff ever said anything until this guy showed up one day, saw me, and got all hot and bothered. It was worth it though, for the memory. And I made him earn it, pretending I couldn't hear him until he lowered his mask. LOL. Fun times. I guess there's always a silver lining.
lol! In it’s own twisted way it was fun. Walking the wrong way down the aisles. Sneezing. 😳 Not wearing masks, or shopping with my friend who wore a mask made of see through netting. Doing anything contrary to the mainstream. Thanks for the laugh!!
I did that too. Lol.
Walking into the grocery store in hospital scrubs ( put on a new pair before I left ) really freaked the triple masked 😁
Making him lower his mask so you can “hear, brilliant. Where I am was more hostile.
I wasn’t able to even get into a club to see live music without showing a “vaccine card”.
Whatever their version of fully vaccinated was that day. Whatever the CDC definition of “vaccine” was that day. I had no such card, so conflict ensued. I don’t miss those days at all and am willing to do what’s needed to prevent them from coming again.
I’m with you. Never want to see vivid days again and be happy to never head even the word again. I pretended to not understand people talking thru a mask, making them pull it down to repeat. Inside I was laughing.
*covid not vivid…even auto correct is tired of covid
Most times, I don't even have to "pretend" I can't hear them.
I did this too! ("You are NOT my MOM!!!" was screaming in my four year old head!!!)
You and I must be related.😎
When it all started I mentally disparaged those who passed me too close in the aisles as being too dumb to realize that moving a bit further away when there was room would cost them nothing and be the intelligent thing to do. When driving I continually judge how intelligent people are by their capacity to mitigate risk.
The goal is to always lower risk as far as possible when easy to do so because that's just the long-term intelligent way to increase the probability of a successful outcome, and usually costs you nothing.
This is important because your life is in their hands; you'd think they'd care enough to be responsible citizens, as you are. But people are dumb and often have no awareness or consideration. When driving toward you on a narrow road 5% will be too far in your lane, apparently believing that a deadly off-center frontal collision is more desirable than possibly scraping the curb. I won't get into the idiots who tailgate, wildly increasing both parties' risk with absolutely no benefit to themselves.
It didn't take me long to realize that the coercive protocols did not match the risk, which meant that I had a citizen's duty to stand up for personal freedom. I made a point of traveling the wrong way down those one-way aisles gathering nasty looks, which made me feel superior and self-righteous as I was taking a stand to teach people what they needed to know.
I then refused to wear a mask and got in a loud argument with three young clerks at the supermarket who threw me out. More recently I refused to wear a mask at a doctor's office and got into a loud argument that came very close to a fistfight with three of the young technicians. Got thrown out of there too.
I had a young man yell at me at a grocery store, "You are the effing reason people are getting sick!!!" I made a stink and told the manager that man threatened me and got him thrown out.
I've wondered if the 50k extra people who died over 8 weeks in the NYC metro area in Spring 2020 were the ones who rebelled and walked outside a lot--because the pattern of deaths looks more like an aerosol chemical weapon than anything. How about the people with pets, who had to go outside?
I think the powers that be would prefer to kill with a chemical weapon than a vaccine. Vaccines kill the compliant, so are better for keeping people sick and weak. A chemical weapon that kills the rebellious would be better.
Medically induced.
I love that! My favorite was walking into a store where there was a mask monitor assigned to the door. I just raised my hand and said, "Jehovah's Witness," and kept walking. My husband (I am a woman) had not seen me do this, so the first time we went in a store together, he looked at me like, "What in the Hell was THAT?" The mask monitors never knew what to do.
Wow. Nice!
The worst thing about the “Jamdemic” isn’t that it mysteriously appeared out of nowhere.
Nor that most fell for being scared to death of it.
Not even the several blatant examples of lunatic behaviors that I can never unsee.
The human cruelty that poured forth unchecked.
The loss of friendships/relationships.
The unnecessary and mostly ignored deaths and maimings.
The capture of trusted experts.
Our handcuffs that our authorities never had to wear.
Force feeding of unsafe and ineffective snake oils.
Destruction of individual sovereignty.
The worst thing is happening right now in the aftermath. It’s called…
Nobody, not my friends, neighbors, family or coworkers wish to acknowledge the Jam’s underlying innocuousness and the folly of being afraid of it.
Some still test for Covid at the first sniffle.
One loves cockily repeating that IVM is “horse paste.”
My elderly inlaws are taking their requisite boosters. Still alive.
Those that know better are seeing the perpetrators living their best lives while most of society refuses to acknowledge the unnecessary suffering they caused.
The idea that the truth will come out is bleak. That the purveyors will be punished? Bleaker.
They seem to have won, no?
Undoubtably they’re taking notes. Sifting through the data. So the next generation most certainly will throw the unopened can of jam in the trash. Safe, where it belongs.
I resent that I have these memories. I didn’t want them nor did I ask for them. But, it is what it is. So I will eat my delicious jam, alone, sad, that virtually all of my brethren still refuse to join me.
I wrote about this memory-holing about a month ago. But I very much like what you just wrote. Can I post this as a post in the next few weeks?
Regardless of your answer, you can eat jam with me anytime. Or ust e-mail me to set up a phone call if you wish.
forecheck32 at g mail.
Thanks Mark I appreciate your kindness. Unless I come to some untoward epiphany that convinces me otherwise anything I write is public domain and up for grabs. I must say I am flattered that you liked it that much given I have a lot of respect for your writing and opinions contained within. i’m fairly certain there’s a dossier of my rants somewhere anyway, perhaps not for the same reasons as yours. 😉
At least we can rant and vent .... at least on Substack ... at least for now.
Keep ranting while you still can!
Not only do people love to follow the crowd even when going over a cliff, but they also love to hate and abuse those who do not join them. This is hard to take especially when you're trying to tell them they're going over a cliff.
This represents the tension of collectivism versus individualism. As we continue to move into a globalized technological society requiring the algorithmic monitoring and control of its standardized human digital assets, personal freedom will be criminalized.
In France, for example, a recent (February 14, 2024) law was passed that provides a $50,000 fine and 3 years in jail for speaking against the vaxx - to wit: a new crime of “provocation to abstain from medical care.”
Wow, I didn't know about that French law.
And after all of the shot failure!
….and here in Canada we have our govt hoping to pass Bill C-63 “the on line harms act”… I have no words…. (Probably just as well as I may end up in prison):
Online Harms Act introduced in the House of Commons on February 26 will significantly hamper constitutionally-protected expression. Among other effects:
The Bill would create a new process for Canadians to report instances of online speech directed at them is discriminatory, with a quasi-judicial tribunal ordering fines up to $50,000, and up to $20,000 paid to complainants, who in some cases would remain anonymous. Findings would be based on a mere “balance of probabilities” standard rather than the criminal standard of proof beyond a reasonable doubt;
The Bill would increase the maximum sentence for “advocating genocide” from five years in prison to life in prison. That means words alone could lead to life imprisonment;
The Bill would allow judges to put prior restraints on people who they believe on reasonable grounds may commit speech crimes in the future;
The Bill would require social media companies to “minimize the risk that users of the service will be exposed to harmful content” with the threat of massive fines if they don’t properly mitigate the risk; &
The mere threat of human rights complaints and fines for Canadians and social media companies will chill large amounts of otherwise protected speech.
holy shit.
How intoxicating it is to hate those who disagree with you.
I hear you and feel you, GLK. A brilliantly written comment.
Perhaps what I'm about to describe is because we escaped to Florida in '21. Here it was less extreme, less widespread, and shorter, so maybe that explains it...
I'm getting my hair cut yesterday. Another client is getting hers done, and she's yakking the whole time. About her daughter, the traveling PA (PT?) and a son (?) who is in medical school. (God help us.) How hard it is. For him. For the wife -- how she's in medical school, too, because her husband is...Residency should be easier, right? The daughter is loving traveling all over. Next gig Texas? Can't remember. In the meantime, will ski since where she is got a ton of snow. Having a great time.
Then the lovely woman cutting my hair. Daughter getting married next year, so the talk is all about the dresses. For the bride. For her (mother). For mother of bridegroom. Outdoor backyard wedding...
And as I sat there, listening, I thought to myself, "These people are all acting as if a great crime did not happen, is not still happening, and has yet to be adjudicated." Stunning. Truly stunning.
Again...maybe cuz Florida had it easier. Don't know, but as I've said, I am forever changed, and I will take that to my grave.
People, often strangers, don't want to talk about the great crimes. It messes up their life view, makes them uncomfortable and most of the time they think the injections are fine, millions of illegal aliens are fine and anyway, if it doesn't affect me then it doesn't exist.
True...They're in a salon (or wherever) having their hair done. Talking happy things. Life goes on...
Yet as you rightly say -- and as my husband says all the time -- unless something goes up their ass sideways, most people couldn't care less.
Your husband is right. Funny I remember getting my haircut shortly after lockdown. While waiting my turn the gal who has been cutting my family’s hair for years was chatting openly about how young people aren’t taking covid seriously because they’re congregating and not distancing. “You wait, there’s gonna be another lockdown because of them spreading that virus…” I was listening getting irritated by her stupidity and thinking thank God for the dissenters!
Great post, GLK. (You ought to start your own Substack. I'd subscribe!)
It it is a bleak conclusion when one recognizes/acknowledges that the guilty aren't going to be held accountable for their crimes and misdemeanors ... and the on-going apathy is going to probably remain .... on-going.
You are the third person to suggest I do a Substack. And I’m not sure how many are already following me but there are a few.
There are reasons I’ve resisted. I don’t know how to say this without sounding smug. I grew up lower middle class and have worked my ass off and through hard work and a little bit of luck I’ve reached a point I don’t need the money.
At least not until the “I didn’t build that” equity crowd has their way and steals everything I own. Which I’m certain is the goal. So, whatever we do, let’s keep that white privilege secret handshake to ourselves as long as we can.
Funny, because every person that’s ever mistreated me in my life has been white. But I digress.
The other issue is, I can only go down this rabbit hole so long before it affects my mood to the point it isn’t healthy. I have other priorities and interests that I need to pursue to keep me from going crazy. Realism is both a blessing and curse.
And, I’m an older dad with a teenager that needs my guidance. I love kids. I HATE what the world is pumping into their heads. It’s almost a full time job to deprogram them.
Frankly if I never had kids I’d be more cavalier. Maybe.
As it stands now that Samuel L Jackson line from Pulp Fiction haunts me,
“ Well I'm a mushroom-cloud-layin' motherf***er, motherf***er! Every time my fingers touch brain I'm SUPERFLY T.N.T, I'm the GUNS OF THE NAVARONE.”
Substitute “fingers touch brain” with “mind touches scamdemic”. Loosely explains how I’ve felt since Trump called Covid a national emergency on Fri 13, March 2020.
Unfortunately Jason still lives amongst us. Cue the hockey mask.
We do not have children, unfortunately, but I was out of my head over what was being done to them during "COVID." I've also ranted about the sh*t that's getting dumped into their heads along with the sh*t that's getting shot into their arms. I'm stunned by the cavalier attitude of those 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 children.
Yep. Don't do it. There's a few pros, but a lot more Cons. You can make your excellent contributions in the Reader Comments.
I am likely older than you, but have had more than my fair share of the joys of life.
I could die with few regrets (the 30's cannot be recaptured in one's 70's!) but I am very concerned about the fate of the younger generations whose lives we have compromised with increasing deficits and nonsense.
I am pushing 70. I take issue with the notion that “we” have compromised future generations. The truth is “they” created the deficits and nonsense. Even if we could live our lives over again knowing what we know we’d still be powerless to stop them same as we are currently powerless to put the brakes on Woke, ESGs, Electrification, Scamdemics, Overspending, and Senseless Wars. If “we” are to blame for anything it’s that collectively we are too dumb and cowardly to stop the shitshow that “they” foist upon us then blame us for.
I still maintain that much of the deterioration was the responsibility of ourselves, the "Boomers."
One could go back to Woodrow Wilson or FDR for an agent of the decline, or just concede that the situation is normal in a declining empire. Bread and circuses for the Roman Proles, iThings and welfare for our citizenry.
Boomers raped the environment and spent all the money.
Gen X are the short attention span MTV sound byte generation living in parent’s basements.
Millennials are the lazy crybabies drinking wine, watching Netflix thinking equity means everyone’s a winner.
Gen Z are college educated video gamers glued to their phones with no basic life skills or understanding of history.
It’s all ad hoc meant to distract us from the bad actors pulling the strings.
Wake up.
Find some fellow jam eaters...they will gladly join in. They are "out there"- they are just tired of trying to be heard. Don't give up!
Apathy. Crying tears of apathy. They were living in fear of everything, every day. Fear of making a mistake. Then the sky DID fall. And they submitted.
I begged the soccer club I worked for to stay open. I told them their fears were unfounded, kids wanted to keep playing and would be fine, and other clubs would follow our lead and stay open. Nope, they fired me for refusing to mask or force them on my players…while OUTSIDE in the open air!! I begged my mother and brother to not cancel all holidays but mom said, “I can’t be around you because you don’t follow the science!” My brother with the masters in public health, who didn’t know what size micron his face diaper filtered, nor the size of covid, said he wasn’t sacrificing his kids’ freedoms (3 and 5 at the time), he was teaching them to care about others. He said, and I kid you not, the lockdown was the greatest thing that had happened and I was the crazy one because how could they ALL be wrong and me right? Most people are so asleep and so strangely trusting of authorities and so conditioned to go along with the herd, they would have crawled around naked in grocery stores if their TV’s told them covid didn’t get below 3 feet and only attached to clothing. Most are connecting NONE of the dots you and I see plainly.
Please share this post with your brother.
Maybe he fell for the Scam b/c it made him, a Public Health expert, feel important.
Since they were all so wrong, we'd have been better off if he and other "experts" had flipped burgers instead.
I tried early to get through to him and his wife but there were no lights on in the attic. I could send him multiple Nobel Prize winners saying the same thing and he would discount them because they don’t show up in “the news.”
Sadly people like your brother, who I assume was formerly a fairly rational and reasonable ‘thinker’ with an ‘advanced degree’, are beyond hope. And if they did get the Jabs they likely now have some cognitive decline.
Ironically I come from a family that work with their hands and or the skills they have acquired…fleet vehicle maintenance for local power company, construction project management, electrician, heavy equipment operator, cattle operation, horsewoman, administrative/personal assistant, design/build project manager. Only three of us have any degrees (associates/technical degrees from a community college), and NONE of us got the Jabs. And they are all ‘Conservative’ and voted for DJT. I am probably the most ‘liberal leaning’ in the bunch. It has been a blessing to be a part of this family for the past four years, (actually for a long time).
We have ‘cousins’ with advanced degrees (masters & Phd)…college administrator, retired veterinarian, biology teacher/medical illustration, retired teacher, cancer research scientist…they all got the Jabs…and fortunately they weren’t crazy and we still do communicate with each other and get together a few times a year.
You are so fortunate. Most of both sides of my family got the jabs and went all Nazi on the couple of us that didn’t. The entirety of my mother’s large family simply disowned me, my wife and kids. Having to tell my kids we were no longer welcome at the annual family gathering (always the highlight of our year) because we didn’t inject the bioweapons is a moment I will never forget. The look on their faces…😔
While my brother and his wife did inject them I begged him to wait for his kids and I think he did. We still don’t talk though. I lost my only brother…but I gained several more true brothers in this 4 year shit show. I will be eagerly awaiting Nuremberg retribution for all the people who went along with this global fraud.
Your story is very sad. And sadly common.
I also would like to see Nuremberg 2. It won't happen. None of the CV tyrants were even voted out.
The depths of these type of “familial separations”, are cause of such despair…and to have to tell your children that their grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins no longer wish to associate with them because you and your wife, as their parents chose to exercise their ‘medical freedom’ over blind obedience. That’s the beauty of my cousin’s attitude , I guess…they all know my position, but we just don’t talk about it, when we are together. In this case ‘denial’ is the better way to go for me with them. We have enough familial stuff to share and talk about.
Even if there were a ‘Nuremberg Retribution Trial’ of sorts, it’s likely that your brother and mother would not change their tune…because to do so, to acknowledge that what you said to them and the position you took for you and your family was true, and the choices they made were not so great, would be too much for them to bear.
That they were fooled by the Scamdemic/Plandemic that a ‘highly contagious killer virus’ from a lab in China would kill them and their children, and that a EUA mRNA shot could ‘protect them’ and if YOU didn’t get it, you could make them sick. You have to understand that these people have literally ‘lost their minds’. And you know how effective reasonable, rational thought is to a mentally unstable person…it means nothing. That’s how you have to look at them, now.
I didn't think I'd convince him. I'd do it make him angry.
That's a good point, Mark. The Scamdemic made many people feel far more important. That's a powerful psychological influencer and motivator.
That reminds me of all the parades I had to participate in while working for our US Congressman. My brother and I dubbed the parade personnel “parade nazis” because they got a tiny pinprick of power and became power maniacs. It was annoying and funny all wrapped into one gross candy bar.
"Vaaanity. It's 𝒅𝒆𝒇𝒊𝒏𝒊𝒕𝒆𝒍𝒚 my favorite sin." Al Pacino as the Devil in "Devil's Advocate."
This is what? four years later and everyone should know about the lies. Have any of them ever said, I was wrong and stupid to trust the med pharmacy complex, MSM and government ? You were right all along and I apologize ? Or anything approaching that?
To show they care about others, they could have gone to visit lonely people
Nah, that would take real effort.
Let me guess: your brother listens to NPR.
Haha. They both switched to remote work and didn’t much leave the house for two years. We had family Thanksgiving dinner by Zoom. Probably an NPR listener. Lol
Thanksgiving dinner by Zoom? I would have not logged on.
Or as Jonathan Couey says, a skilled tv watcher. Goes through my head EVERY time I see a mask.
“strangely trusting” well said. And your analogy of crawling naked to shop isn’t far off. Sitting in restaurants was “safe” but when you stood, mask up! Because, science.
Yes, they haven't figured anything out, and never will. They are incapable. Those who quit wearing masks, distancing, and jabbing are going along with what they see as "normal behavior" now, and will fall for the same scam next time.
wow I am SO was all so ridiculous!!
I never miss your essays. Good one.
I wonder if Mark's essays of, say, the last six or seven months are producing as many new subscribers as his essays of 12 to 18 months ago. Mark's Substack has no doubt grown, but I think it should have grown faster and bigger than it did. The reasons this might not have happened are interesting to explore imo.
Love the analogy- perfect! Such great writing...maybe that's the difference between myself and those who "believed" and cowered. I HAVE (and DO) swim in the ocean, have jumped off of cliffs into the Colorado River in the Grand Canyon (raft trip-where I knew NO ONE-what a blast), have run to the top of mountain peaks, started mountain biking at 50 (I am now 70) and am getting ready now at 5 a.m. to do a four mile solo walk in the dark (love watching the sunrise.) So when I was told everything was too scary to leave my house (WUT??) I did the opposite- fought for our pool and gym to be open (Golf was still going strong as it's a huge money maker in my neck of the woods-imagine that!), never stayed inside (cycling was great as there was NO to little traffic) and traveled with my daughter to see my mom (empty airports and planes were nice except for food choice!) much to my sister's chagrin - but I never killed g'ma! (she did however, in my opinion die early from the damn shots/boosters). Life is full of risks, or it's not worth living. I still shake my head when people just HAVE to bring up the pandemic and how they hunkered down for TWO WEEKS in their houses ( and apparently did nothing but EAT as those that did gained so much weight I didn't recognize them a couple of months later and still blame COVID for the 20 lbs they are carrying around four years later...still boggles my mind.
I found an old quote online early in 2020 at the onset of the oppression, and the truth of it struck me like lightning. It allowed me to calmly (I’m anything but calm about this psyop!) present to anyone who would read it what I thought should be our most sensible and healthy response to something that smelled enough like smoke to have come from the devil. “A ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what ships are for.” —William Shedd
Thanks for that great quote!
“The adage continued to circulate in 1949 when it was used as a filler-item in newspapers such as the ‘Corona Daily Independent’ of Corona, California[ref] 1949 March 4, Corona Daily Independent, (Freestanding filler-item quotation), Quote Page 8, Column 4 and 5, Corona, California.”
CORONA?! 😲 Imagine my surprise in 2020 when I investigated this quote!
There are so many days when I’m out in public that I have to suppress the urge to tell folks to just “fuck off”. The over-the-top response to COVID, the utter ridiculousness of people, their bizarre health rituals finally gave me permission to stop filtering. Anyone who dared to comment on, berate, dictate, assault, or insert themselves into my life received a very firm, “FUCK OFF” as I happily wandered maskless down the aisle in obvious defiance to the directional arrows and spots on which to position myself. I still see people wearing masks! How sad to be so afraid. So easily led. So pathetically weak.
And our grandparents - who were said to be the main risk group - should have told their children and grandchildren, "Don't worry about me. I'll be fine and can take care of myself. Life is short. Go live it."
My husband and I tried, Mark, but to no avail. My son (who works in the healthcare industry) is STILL MASKING, along with his idiot wife. Oops, did I just say the quiet part out loud? I am over it. We have finally decided that to have any relationship at all we simply cannot bring the topic into any conversation.
I do still offer to overnight them HCQ and IVM whenever we speak on the phone and I hear one of them is sick. Sorry, I cannot help myself. They were both here in February for a week long visit. During which we went out to dinner almost every night. Watching the idiot woman keep her mask on, pull it down to take a bite of food, and then promptly pull the mask back up in-between every bite was almost more than I could bear!! I surprised even myself with my complete sarcastic comment control. But they fit the profile of the typical Branch Covidian...Liberal, urban, Democrat, white, wealthy, well-educated (both PhD's)...etc. etc. Where, oh where, did we go wrong?? It's just too embarrassing.
I took the kids to Disney world two years ago, right after the park abandoned their mask mandate. As the kids enjoyed yet another ride, I just rested on a bench. I sat next to a bench were one lady had her extra-formidable mask on. She was eating some peanuts. It was fascinating to watch the techniques she had to use to get the peanuts in her mouth while trying to not move the covering away from her mouth. She moved it a couple millimeters and then quickly pulled it back into place.
Disney did require masks while travelling on the busses they own that shuttle people back and forth from their resorts to the theme parks. I guess that was because we were all packed like sardines in the enclosed spaces of the busses. But that was exactly the same situation we were all in when we waited in those zig-zagging lines while we waited to get on some ride. And that, on many rides, was inside as well - at least for the front part of the lines.
Gov. DeSantis told Disney they didn't have to close and didn't have to have those mask mandates for as long as they did ... but Disney knew best and followed the Fauci guidance - like a good group-thinking "club member."
As a grandma I DID do that and thank GOD my daughter acted on my claim. We visited them they visited us - nothing changed except not going to restaurants for awhile. We all survived- untested unmasked uninjected and unafraid. Thanks Mark :)
PS I actually liked them doing fake school online - visiting during the week was easy!
But I am glad to see them back with their friends.
This essay brought back so many bad memories of the Scamdemic times. All of us who had discernment or common sense and acted accordingly, were abused by family and strangers. It’s interesting and dismaying to me than I’m already forgetting the specific incidents of abuse. I’m left with a general, deep sense of mistrust and wariness as I go about daily life. I’m changed and not for the better.
This is why I'm printing a book: to remind everyone of what's happened.
The 1st month I went with it thinking it would blow over like swine flu and the others. Then, when I saw the NY hospital footage of bodies in hallways and in cooler trucks, I started really digging for facts. Since then, I’ve logged all the scientific sources I could find related.
It doesn’t take an “expert” to figure out everything they told the public was false. It only takes curiosity and ability to look up research PRIOR to 2020. It’s all there.
What they did in 2020-2023 was a weakness test on the world population. We failed the test.
What still bothers me is that someone, or some organization, has ability to tell world leaders to shut down their countries, and they do it. It seems there is something or someone in control of the world.
Same here. Started out trying to inform relatives of the big pharma/WHO/WEF agenda and pre-covid conference plannedemic. I pointed out the excess deaths, adverse events, synthetic blood clots by pathologists, etc. Hear no/see no/speak no evil, were the reactions. I stopped trying.
Now it's the opposite. I find myself avoiding crowds and keeping my distance from anyone I know is vaxxed (which is 75% of the public according to our state stats), due to vaccine shedding. It is real and apparently I am sensitive to it, becoming very ill one week after a family gathering just before Christmas in 2022 when everyone who was jabbed thought themselves safe. After a lifetime of excellent health and athletic achievement, I lost 20 lbs that I didn't need to lose, all my strength and energy, sense of smell/taste, and circulation. No help from the doc, which cemented my total loss of trust in the healthcare industry. Since then, I have periodically had to self-treat/medicate with vitamins, herbal remedies and even ivermectin at times when the symptoms don't abate.
During the height of the hysteria, I was out walking and a runner was coming the other direction (wearing a mask). He ran into the street to ensure he didn't pass within 6 feet of me and then stopped to yell at me from a distance for not walking down the far right side of the sidewalk. He was probably half my age. He really believed he could catch something by running past me outdoors while wearing a mask if he momentarily passed within 6 feet of me. Did covid buzz around me like flies or was it more like a 6 ft electron cloud?
Many people are really stupid.
He risked his life running into the street in the thought that he was maybe saving his life by not running past you (and your paths intersecting for a mili-second).
Yes! I think that's why he was mad enough to stop and yell at me for being so stupid and insensitive as to not keep as far right as possible when walking outdoors so as to maintain proper "social" distancing. I never played that 6-ft kabuki dance charade and somehow have lived to tell the tale!
In a recent column, I credited the "6-feet-apart" grocery store stickers for preventing a massive public health crisis, worse than WWII.
If we didn't have those stickers everywhere in the grocery stores, most people would have been too terrified to leave their houses and go to the grocery store. They would have all starved ... which would have been an epic disaster for "public health."
God bless the person at the CDC who came up with the protocols for this life-saving measure ... and the entreprenuers in the sticker business who ramped up production so fast.
I'd like to see the numbers of people who died from getting within 6-feet of another person. I wonder if a FOIA request to the CDC would give me that data?
Bill Jr, I grokked the sarcasm in your comment, but am not sure others did!!
And let's not forget the countless lives saved by plexiglass panels!
Fools. I still see them riding in their car alone with their protective security blanket mask.
I used to belong to a group of trail runners in the area (when I was young and didn't have a fake hip!) so I keep up with the current crowd on facebook. They had a trail run in the spring of 2020 and wore masks. Photos of them having a picnic afterwards with masks...glad I belonged to a different type of trail running group. We never would least I would not have...probably would have been shunnned
And that's quite the visual you paint of the covid germs flying around your head! excellent!
Like PigPen.
Sadly those who accepted the hysteria are more than willing to do it all over a heartbeat. Even to this very moment they think they acted perfectly normal. This is just the beginning of what they're willing to do--for the 'common good'. The WEF/WHO is waiting in the wings and smiling.
It was a pathetic display that was put forth enmasse by a coddled, risk averse society. This has been many decades in the making. Safety, safety, safety, everything safety. “If it saves just 1 life”..the worst adage ever coined.
"Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety".....Thomas Jefferson
The Branch Covidians won’t admit they were wrong because they can’t cope with reality now any more than they ever have. At one point early in their lives they were confronted with a choice: think for myself or follow the herd? The plandemic didn’t make them afraid. It cashed in on their fear. They go through life never thinking for themselves, never *knowing* that their minds are fit for purpose, in a constant state of anxiety as they wait for the next social signal to be telegraphed by the herd. Because they know they’re *supposed* to think, they resent TF out of people who do. Covid suddenly made a virtue out of everything they knew to be their flaws: fear, most of all, but also irrationality and ignorance. “Don’t question the science. I *am* the science.” “Who are you to doubt the experts?” “Be more terrified.” “The virus will get you if you walk against the arrows.” No way are they ever going to apologize for that amazing high of being praised and rewarded for what they always believed to be their flaws. No way are they ever going to apologize for loving it when the independent-minded people they always resented were turned overnight into second-class citizens.
Humility is “the state or quality of being humble; freedom from pride and arrogance; lowliness of mind; a modest estimate of one's own worth; a sense of one's own unworthiness through imperfection and sinfulness; self-abasement; humbleness.” That’s a perfect description of the Covidians. Free from pride in their ability to think; wallowing in lowliness of mind; completely lacking confidence in their own worth--which is why they crave approval from others--and willing to do irrational, embarrassing, dehumanizing things like muzzling. Their problem isn’t that they lack humility. It’s that they lack self-respect.
Great post. Deep psychological analysis there. It all rings true to me.
It's reality of Good vs. Evil.
When one believes this it all makes more sense.
Just thought of another story...after our pool opened (we had to sign up for 30 min -can't get much of a workout) and we would walk through the building and onto the deck with a mask, a fellow swimmer (retired engineer, highly successful and educated individual) said to us... "This is the new normal"...I went off and said "Nope, not for me! I will NEVER accept this as NORMAL". She doesn't engage with me anymore...hmmm
Pretty damned much. Those of us who called out this idiotic nonsense for what it was - idiotic nonsense at best, totalitarian micro control at worst - have not been rewarded with accolades from those we tried to warn. No! The loser sheeple who bought into this bullshit now have a form of Stockholm Syndrome - parents in New York City, for example, cannot bring themselves to believe that completely stupid and often ill-intentioned teachers unions and politicians damaged their children's lives while the sheeple did nothing but bleat accommodatingly.
Loved that movie. It wasn’t as bad around me. We lived in a country town. The parks were not closed. Only the toilets. Lol. I turned everything off in March and started outdoor painting at our local nature park. Picked up a painting friend. Then a hiking friend. The summer was beautiful with many gifts of nature given to me. I wasn’t scared at all. I wasn’t listening to it. It was the calm before the storm for me. The storm being my refusal to vax in 2021. Sometimes it’s a burden to know what’s really going on. Like I alone am standing with all this sinister stuff swirling around me and no way to make someone stop and listen to what I long to say. I know I’m not alone. Today personally it’s hard. I want to cry and pound pillows and scream. Yet the geese are nesting at the pond and the peeper frogs are awake and peeping. Blessings around me. You too.
I can relate Janet - the burden is a weight I try to put down for spells of relief but feel the necessity to keep aware and it’s exhausting at times when all around folks seem oblivious. Xx
"jamma from heaven " LOVE IT!