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You are the third person to suggest I do a Substack. And I’m not sure how many are already following me but there are a few.

There are reasons I’ve resisted. I don’t know how to say this without sounding smug. I grew up lower middle class and have worked my ass off and through hard work and a little bit of luck I’ve reached a point I don’t need the money.

At least not until the “I didn’t build that” equity crowd has their way and steals everything I own. Which I’m certain is the goal. So, whatever we do, let’s keep that white privilege secret handshake to ourselves as long as we can.

Funny, because every person that’s ever mistreated me in my life has been white. But I digress.

The other issue is, I can only go down this rabbit hole so long before it affects my mood to the point it isn’t healthy. I have other priorities and interests that I need to pursue to keep me from going crazy. Realism is both a blessing and curse.

And, I’m an older dad with a teenager that needs my guidance. I love kids. I HATE what the world is pumping into their heads. It’s almost a full time job to deprogram them.

Frankly if I never had kids I’d be more cavalier. Maybe.

As it stands now that Samuel L Jackson line from Pulp Fiction haunts me,

“ Well I'm a mushroom-cloud-layin' motherf***er, motherf***er! Every time my fingers touch brain I'm SUPERFLY T.N.T, I'm the GUNS OF THE NAVARONE.”

Substitute “fingers touch brain” with “mind touches scamdemic”. Loosely explains how I’ve felt since Trump called Covid a national emergency on Fri 13, March 2020.

Unfortunately Jason still lives amongst us. Cue the hockey mask.

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We do not have children, unfortunately, but I was out of my head over what was being done to them during "COVID." I've also ranted about the sh*t that's getting dumped into their heads along with the sh*t that's getting shot into their arms. I'm stunned by the cavalier attitude of those 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 children.

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Yep. Don't do it. There's a few pros, but a lot more Cons. You can make your excellent contributions in the Reader Comments.

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I am likely older than you, but have had more than my fair share of the joys of life.

I could die with few regrets (the 30's cannot be recaptured in one's 70's!) but I am very concerned about the fate of the younger generations whose lives we have compromised with increasing deficits and nonsense.

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Mar 21Edited

I am pushing 70. I take issue with the notion that “we” have compromised future generations. The truth is “they” created the deficits and nonsense. Even if we could live our lives over again knowing what we know we’d still be powerless to stop them same as we are currently powerless to put the brakes on Woke, ESGs, Electrification, Scamdemics, Overspending, and Senseless Wars. If “we” are to blame for anything it’s that collectively we are too dumb and cowardly to stop the shitshow that “they” foist upon us then blame us for.

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I still maintain that much of the deterioration was the responsibility of ourselves, the "Boomers."

One could go back to Woodrow Wilson or FDR for an agent of the decline, or just concede that the situation is normal in a declining empire. Bread and circuses for the Roman Proles, iThings and welfare for our citizenry.

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Boomers raped the environment and spent all the money.

Gen X are the short attention span MTV sound byte generation living in parent’s basements.

Millennials are the lazy crybabies drinking wine, watching Netflix thinking equity means everyone’s a winner.

Gen Z are college educated video gamers glued to their phones with no basic life skills or understanding of history.

It’s all ad hoc meant to distract us from the bad actors pulling the strings.

Wake up.

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