Soy-ence would not approve of this message, but I do! Well written indictment of the fraud we call government and media. And shame on these compliant students. What happened to the rebellious youth?

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Over 70 poisoned injections by the time they hit adolescence, that's what happened to the rebellious youth.

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But we’re supposed to be grateful for those! If only I had known sooner what I know now. No more needles.

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So all the injections have made them little communist cowards? I thought it was the TV shows

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But, seriously, I am 50 years old. I think that I received 3 or 4 shots as a child. One was for polio, another for the measles, and I can't remember what the other one or two shots I received were for. Not chicken pox. I gained immunity to that the old-fashioned way.

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It's the injections, and the TV shows, and the education system, and the...(fill in the blank).

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Great post!

It's incredible that these kids (or their parents) are paying for the privilege of living under the absurdly oppressive regimes of their administrator overlords with nary a protest. I guess just as long as we tell them they're free to their own identities, we can convince them everything going on outside that doesn't really matter.

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Thanks, Diana.

Students' passivity is sad.

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Are they so used to being jabbed, that they don't care if there are 2 or 3 or 4 more? Are they so disinterested in the future, that they don't care? The only protest I have seen so far was in a Californian school, where the children had placed their shoes in front of the door.

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...the pairs of shoes lined up in protest was 💕amazing 💕imagery... was hopeful it would be widely repeated ... what is there to lose? ... just your child’s healthy future.

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That was a very cool statement, visually; Profound, actually. I heard though that the districts had trash trucks pick up/clean up the shoes before the school day started before staff and students arrived to see what had been left.

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Reminds me of the artifacts, including shoes at the Holocaust Museum, gut wrenching.

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Sad it is. And that's an understatement. Having two daughters in college (unfortunately of the smaller liberal arts variety where "masking saves lives" is plastered everywhere and the "Get Vaccinated!" and now "Get Boosted" slogans are coming at them relentlessly), the passivity more closely resembles hypnosis - the "Mass Formation Hypnosis" that people are talking about. It's beyond sad. It's a waste of money, to be sure, but these kids, having had their sights set on college and feeling desperate to fit in, be social and enjoy a college experience, are prime targets for the propagandists. They're too comfortable to fight and are willing to forsake their health and bodily autonomy in order to travel and attend concerts. These are the "my body my choice" kids in words only. If only I could go back in time.....

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I put 666 on my mask when this crap started happening… lots of nasty looks , peer pressure I stopped .

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Worth Repeating, again, again and again: "Enduring mistrust, and disdain for, government, the media and medical 'experts' might be the Scamdemic’s only positive consequence." - Mark Oshinskie.

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Agreed. I whole heartedly suggest a remedial course in George Carlin videos to all who still don't get it.

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My favorite line as well Jim. The last 3 paragraphs are gold.

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Well done. What happened to our “can do/ don’t tell me what to do!” spirit in America?

I don’t wear a mask anywhere except to doctor or dental apt. And now, now doing that either.

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Thanks, Lesley.

Resist. Enjoy each day to the extent possible.

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... the liberal indoctrination system squelched ‘can do’, ‘curiosity’, ‘individuality in thought’, ‘free speech’...

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So true!

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LIke you I am surprised the young generation goes along with the story. Not all, but most. Usually revolts start with students. This time, they are all glued to their cell phones I am afraid.

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I refuse to wear a mask anymore. Period. Which pissed our dentist off. We’re looking for a new dentist, but I doubt we’ll find one who doesn’t “mandate” masks as I think they’ve all been brainwashed by the ADA.

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Ridiculous! You still have to take it off to have any work done on your teeth, and that’s a very close encounter!

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Yes. So the compromise was, they hustled us back to the room as there were no other people in the reception area. As soon as we passed through the door out of the reception area, mask could come off. And they walked us out a different way, so they’re still doing the “separate people coming in from people going out.” They’re stuck in early 2020. Speaking of that, in early 2020, when we got our appointment reminder text and it said “masks are required in our building. NO EXCEPTIONS,” we called and said we weren’t coming it at all. They made an accommodation by scheduling us at 8:00, 1st appointment of the day. We wore the masks in the reception area in the fall of 2020, but no more.

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They're afraid of the masses. We all should be.

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There are some holistic dentists who allow common sense and freedom to reign.

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We first went to this guy because he is a biological dentist (though he does implants and is ignorant of Acupunture meridians [I asked him]). He safely removed our old amalgams. I'll have to search out "holistic" dentists, then. Thanks.

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Mine !!!😘

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And not just paid off, coerced, blackmailed and threatened.

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Not just brainwashed, paid off.

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You have a knack for storytelling and then strongly getting your points across. I have to add I work at a university and the number of students that mask and even double mask outside is maddening to me. I truly don't understand the mind set of kids between the age of 18-24 anymore. No more "question authority" bumper stickers. Nope, those have been replaced with "believe the science" bumper stickers. You would think they would see through the thin veil of lies that has been draped over their eyes, but no....they refuse.

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I occasionally drive thru Princeton Univ. campus (I assume I am not permitted to be there on foot - e.g. to walk thru the art museum or rare books library -(used to love doing that))

On Nov 30, I was pleasantly surprised to see very few masks on students walking between classes. Earlier in the fall, masks were much more common. Straw in wind for what it's worth.

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I sometimes hang down there. LMK if you're around.

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Thanks, Skip. I wish I never had a reason to write these.

I just wrote one for next Tuesday based on something I saw yesterday. Sad.

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Fuck these guys!!!!!!

Not as poetic as your piece and, what’s more, I’m actually quoting a Canadian that was interviewed on “the up is down podcast”, with my favorite rabid dog, host Dean Reiner.

Mr Canadian, who goes by #138 (he has to pick up his kids through their matching numbers since teachers and school administrators don’t know parents’ faces anymore... guess why) may not have written the lyrics for his statement but it was said with such earnest passion, disdain, plus it so embodied the well-earned disrespect commanded by Canadian authorities, that it made me take note as if hearing it for the first time.

Fuck these guys!!!!

PS-the episode is just them having a conversation https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/up-is-down-podcast/id1467480727?i=1000539443397 but I found it damn worth listening to, as is the podcast on the whole.

PS2- May as well add that I found your substack through an episode of “the up is down podcast” in which he shared THE VAXX IS A STATE-SPONSORED RELIGION (and I believe he did much justice to it in his reading but I’ll be damned if I remember which episode it was...). In any case, I’m very thankful that he led me to your articles which are delightful and cathartic.

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Thanks, midama. I'm writing to let sane people know they're not alone.

And yes, F those guys!

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When I see someone exercising with a mask on, I want to cringe; it's like watching someone cut themselves.

Last year (2020-2021), I would drive by the University of Florida and see college students playing outdoor beach volleyball with masks on. Yikes! The UF athletic teams luckily did not have to wear them while playing, and even our mask-happy county and city exempted people when actively playing sports or exercising.

At least this year (2021), outdoor mask use is no longer encouraged, and masks are optional everywhere on campus.

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I was in Florida in February. Despite the hype about how "free" it was down there, I saw many people in masks.

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I’m in SW Florida, we have no mandates for masks or vaccines,( recently a law) however there are pockets of Counties and literally zip codes where the mass psychosis is ever present. I’ve learned in the past 2 years, you can fix ignorant ~ you truly can’t fix stupid. I have never worn a mask~ not once, I fought like Hell, in County meetings, school board and I’m still after Publix! Get the masks off the employees. Publix is a Public Company headquartered right here in Lakeland Florida! They are afraid of the one maskhole that will sue them for a virus. Get your groceries delivered if you are afraid of shopping carts! FFS.

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This has zero to do with a cold virus and everything to do with ultimate control. They are ushering in a global totalitarian state, and they don't care what we think. Whether you comply or not they will take everything away from you, so you may as well not comply. I have not complied with forced muzzling, social distancing or any of their stupid crap. People better wake up soon because this winter is the final chance to get out from under this.

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Yes the time for all NZrs to show disobedience is also here;


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Contagion is a myth. Repeat until deep in subconscious. All other arguments are a waste of pixels. They don't care about the answers if they have you asking the wrong questions.

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I've heard this idea. I can neither confirm nor deny it. I don't have enough data.

Though I remember one week 20 years ago when, one by one, my family of five exhibited strong, flu-like symptoms within five consecutive days of each other. Seems like a strange coincidence unless explained by some sort of pathogen.

And I think there's pretty good evidence that virgins don't get STDs.


I have better data re: CV than I do about contagion, generally. Old or obese people are dying with it. That tells me things a microscope or the government experts can't/won't.

I do agree, in general, that people who are old or take bad care of themselves are likelier to become ill. But I'd have to hear more proof for the "no contagion" conclusion. I'm open to it. Can you send some links?

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Your first stop should be Dr. Tom Cowan's contagion myth book and also check Amandha Vollmer's yummy.doctor.

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Or search for anything pre 1954 on 'germ theory'. That should bring all the old debates up. And Stefan Lanka. I just googled him and germ theory and this came up, it's a pretty extensive list.


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This needs to be shouted to the rooftops. There is no such thing as contagion, no such thing as pandemic. Every single pandemic from Justinian to Black Plague to this one has been authority terror. And they never stop terrorizing you, it's just at a lower level.

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Congratulations to your heroic friend. He's inspirational to those who see him courageously defying the insane orthodoxies. Even the bullhorned stassi probably saw him playing but knew better than to react. But even though exercise is essential for health, and health is essential for withstanding infections, it doesn't really help with obesity. I wrote about the obesity problem in a recent post at https://davidwatson.substack.com/p/weighty-matters

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Once again Mark you take a normally unremarkable encounter and build a compelling story and a sniper accurate takedown of our officials and authorities. None of them seem to be immune from even petty abuses.

Indeed they have earned every bit of disrespect and disobedience we can offer. Perhaps history will eventually rank Fauci alongside Trofim Lysenko, the Soviet ag minister responsible for massive starvation but with a special skill for cultivating his celebrity status and denouncing his opposition.

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Thanks, Howard.

I had another normally unremarkable--yet remarkable--encounter with some people today. Maybe I'll write next week's story about it. But above all, I hope/pray for the day when we all have only normal encounters.

How/where did you learn of Lysenko? It's an apt comparison.

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Great question Mark. At the end of my Twitter bio, I state "Fauci is our Trofim Lysenko" and I occasional assert this into substack comments. You were the first to ask...thanks!

I learned of Lysenko from the Appendix of the late Michael Crichton's novel "State of Fear."

In Appendix 1, Why Politicized Science is Dangerous, Crichton cites the examples of the eugenics movement in the US, Lysenko farming, and then global warming, which was the theme of the book. Rereading those chilling examples feels like they were just written last week, not 2004. I have also read many other Crichton books and lectures. They are full of similar warnings. It is almost as if he saw this medical authoritarian crisis coming for us.

(I could not find a link to the text of Appendix 1 but Simon here cites this same Appendix and goes on to directly tie it to our C-19 reaction: https://www.goddeketal.com/science-vs-pseudoscience/)

Oh, and please write about your friend's latest encounter!

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Wow i read all the comments down to this last one and it was totally worth it! I used to love reading Michael Crichton books, though I’m not sure I thought about them deeply enough at the time. State of Fear is the last one I read. If I’m lucky I didn’t give it away and I can go check out that appendix! Thanks for this great mini history lesson. It does seem to be rhyming.

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Thanks Stephenie. Be careful reading his eugenics example. This haunting movement had strong advocacy from govt, media, celebrities, and especially "Science." No way could we see something similar today...

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Nope, not a chance. We are soooo advanced.

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