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"And they want to tell people like me that we're the "selfish" ones because we didn't want to go along with the make-believe rituals."

Yesterday my wife asked me to accompany her to a doctor's visit with a new primary care provider. She sprang it on me at the last minute because the medical profession and I don't get along so well. (I turned 60 the other day and have ZERO reticence about roasting idiots who richly deserve it.)

It having been a long time since I'd been inside one of these Big Pharma Dealerships, I had actually forgotten that they still to this day demand ritualistic shows of compliance & subservience (mask wearing.) My wife nervously told me "You need to wear a mask; they require masks."

"No, I won't," was my calm but absolutely firm reply, and we continued in.

As we made our way deeper into the bowels of the Pharma Beast (Lobby, check in counter, height & weight measurements, and finally the exam room waiting on the High Priestess of Pharma Sales (PCP MD) to see her, at each juncture my wife implored me to put a mask on. Nope, nope, nope.

At first the Pharma Priestess seemed friendly enough and ignored the fact that my wife wasn't wearing her mask "properly" and that I didn't even have one to start with. But over the 20 minutes or so, she became increasingly chilly to us without ever saying anything outright negative.

In the end, no one ever confronted me about being maskless. But I could definitely tell that being the ONLY person in the building without a cover on my face*, was unacceptable. I felt like Robert Conrad in those 70's battery commercials inviting someone to go ahead and knock the chip off my shoulder.

*Ironically, the medical practice was named "In His Image."

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Such a great description of doctors office. Almost too life like.

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Thank you, Jim. Remember to stay away from the Big Pharma Dealership. Like a Mercedes dealership, their sole goal is to sell you overpriced stuff that that you cannot afford, and just might kill you.

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i intend to. Im turning my wife into a herbalist. Only homeopathic medicine for us from here on out.

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Nicely done!! Maybe you gave courage to a weakling. I have to say, you guys are rubbing off on me. Just like She Thinks Liberty. I find I am less and less forgiving when I see masks on people. Like yesterday at Costco...I saw a man and wife with the N-95 construction masks. That is what they are!! The more truth that comes out the less respect I have for "them". I tell myself that maybe they had to go out in spite of the fact that they have raging shits and don't want to spread it to the rest of us.

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Thanks Sadie and SheThinks! That was my hope in posting- that everyone will gather the courage to just say NO to the masks.

I had a speech prepared for anyone who challenged me. But as you read, no one had the guts to do so.

If we all step up and refuse, the stupidity will stop.

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Strength in numbers, but the brainwashing has gone on so long. I have the blood of revolutionaries flowing through my veins, from The Revolution, The War of 1812 and the Civil War from all branches of my tree. The Civil War was a Rebel. I draw on this fact so much these last few years and never gave it any thoughts before this. It is who I am and what I am made of. I am wondering if I am the only one who is figuring out that you really don't want to mess with me. I have always known that I had nerves of steel and in iron will, but "they" have made me get to know who I really am like no other thing I have ever gone through.

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Oh, SadieJay. You make me laugh. And thanks for the props!

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#NeverHaveNeverWill. Good for you, Fred. Man after my own heart!

"Big Pharma Dealerships"? OMG, that is priceless. Stealin' it!

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