I will share my direct knowledge as well. I know one person directly who died from COVID. Not with, but I believe from. He was my uncle. He knew he was sick but didn't want to deal with going to get tested. He's a stoic Iowa farmer and a widower. He was transporting some animals down to Luisiana during last falls surge when Luisiana was …
I will share my direct knowledge as well. I know one person directly who died from COVID. Not with, but I believe from. He was my uncle. He knew he was sick but didn't want to deal with going to get tested. He's a stoic Iowa farmer and a widower. He was transporting some animals down to Luisiana during last falls surge when Luisiana was really pretty bad. Got home, was sick, laid on his couch for 8 days. Finally my cousins figured out he needed to go get some help. Of course, by that time he was in the cytosine storm. He ended up on a ventilator but did get off for a couple of days. But, he called his kids, said there was no way he could beat it and died that afternoon. What really pisses me off about this is that he had an early treatment right there in his livestock inoculation fridge. Ivermectin.
He's the only person I know directly who died with a COVID cause of death. And, he didn't need to.
I know a number of people who have gotten it. My husband being one. He is immunocompromised and it was a 3 day deal for him. My sister got a pretty severe case last winter and her Dr treated her with ivermectin early. He had been her Dr forever and she didn't request it. She got that treatment before ivermectin had been banished as harshly as HQL. I doubt she'd get it now. Another friend, who is obese got it. She tried to get treatment but was denied. Imagine that. She lives in NY. She made it. It sucked for 2 weeks but she made it. She also has asthma. I was really worried about her. But she said it was like the worse flu she ever had. That's who I know who got it.
Here's the list of people I know who may have died of the vaccine. A friend whos son, late 20s, in early spring died suddenly. The friend's wife, died suddenly of a heart issue with no history about 6 weeks ago...did she survive the first then go get the "booster"? You can't ask people about it so I didn't. Just seems very odd. One of my sister, 51 dutifully went to get her shots. She just had surgery for A-fib today. No history of heart issues. My other sister, the one who got the ivermectin did go ahead and get the shots. Moderna I believe. She shared with me that her joints are so sore and she believes it was the vaccine. He daughter complained of changes in her mensral cycle. Another friend and I just caught up...his daughter, late 30s died unexpectedly when she suffered a stroke, was hospitalized then got out. She was in rehab and doing OK...sorta...but one day her hubby took the kids to soccer, came back, and she was dead. Massive heart attack that Dr said was based on a here to for unknown "hole in her heart". I didn't ask him about the vcxx either but at what point are people gonna catch a clue!
Sorry for the long diatribe. Just had to get it out!
Wow. Is it hard to see so many people probably injured without being able to talk about the possibility it's vaccine related? I know five people who have probable vaccine injuries. The only person I've talked about a possible vaccine relationship is my sister, who had a sudden decline in her workout endurance. I'm hoping she doesn't have blood clots, or myocarditis. I encouraged her not to work out and gave her a couple things to take, including ivermectin. She felt better but still hasn't come back to the gym to test her endurance. I know two people who have had moderate covid illness, both were vaccinated.
I will share my direct knowledge as well. I know one person directly who died from COVID. Not with, but I believe from. He was my uncle. He knew he was sick but didn't want to deal with going to get tested. He's a stoic Iowa farmer and a widower. He was transporting some animals down to Luisiana during last falls surge when Luisiana was really pretty bad. Got home, was sick, laid on his couch for 8 days. Finally my cousins figured out he needed to go get some help. Of course, by that time he was in the cytosine storm. He ended up on a ventilator but did get off for a couple of days. But, he called his kids, said there was no way he could beat it and died that afternoon. What really pisses me off about this is that he had an early treatment right there in his livestock inoculation fridge. Ivermectin.
He's the only person I know directly who died with a COVID cause of death. And, he didn't need to.
I know a number of people who have gotten it. My husband being one. He is immunocompromised and it was a 3 day deal for him. My sister got a pretty severe case last winter and her Dr treated her with ivermectin early. He had been her Dr forever and she didn't request it. She got that treatment before ivermectin had been banished as harshly as HQL. I doubt she'd get it now. Another friend, who is obese got it. She tried to get treatment but was denied. Imagine that. She lives in NY. She made it. It sucked for 2 weeks but she made it. She also has asthma. I was really worried about her. But she said it was like the worse flu she ever had. That's who I know who got it.
Here's the list of people I know who may have died of the vaccine. A friend whos son, late 20s, in early spring died suddenly. The friend's wife, died suddenly of a heart issue with no history about 6 weeks ago...did she survive the first then go get the "booster"? You can't ask people about it so I didn't. Just seems very odd. One of my sister, 51 dutifully went to get her shots. She just had surgery for A-fib today. No history of heart issues. My other sister, the one who got the ivermectin did go ahead and get the shots. Moderna I believe. She shared with me that her joints are so sore and she believes it was the vaccine. He daughter complained of changes in her mensral cycle. Another friend and I just caught up...his daughter, late 30s died unexpectedly when she suffered a stroke, was hospitalized then got out. She was in rehab and doing OK...sorta...but one day her hubby took the kids to soccer, came back, and she was dead. Massive heart attack that Dr said was based on a here to for unknown "hole in her heart". I didn't ask him about the vcxx either but at what point are people gonna catch a clue!
Sorry for the long diatribe. Just had to get it out!
Wow. Is it hard to see so many people probably injured without being able to talk about the possibility it's vaccine related? I know five people who have probable vaccine injuries. The only person I've talked about a possible vaccine relationship is my sister, who had a sudden decline in her workout endurance. I'm hoping she doesn't have blood clots, or myocarditis. I encouraged her not to work out and gave her a couple things to take, including ivermectin. She felt better but still hasn't come back to the gym to test her endurance. I know two people who have had moderate covid illness, both were vaccinated.