agreement. personal addendum, I cried for John Prine and would like to believe he would have seen through the propaganda had he lived. In addition to the song you quoted, Flag Decal. Paradise. Sam Stone. He was a man who saw uncomfortable truths and made them into catchy singable songs.
agreement. personal addendum, I cried for John Prine and would like to believe he would have seen through the propaganda had he lived. In addition to the song you quoted, Flag Decal. Paradise. Sam Stone. He was a man who saw uncomfortable truths and made them into catchy singable songs.
agreement. personal addendum, I cried for John Prine and would like to believe he would have seen through the propaganda had he lived. In addition to the song you quoted, Flag Decal. Paradise. Sam Stone. He was a man who saw uncomfortable truths and made them into catchy singable songs.