Spot on as always, Mark. One of my many deepest disappointments in the last 2 years is to see young people who should have rebelled be the most compliant. They dutifully wore their masks and lined up for required boosters when they should have been refusing and protesting! Shameful!
Spot on as always, Mark. One of my many deepest disappointments in the last 2 years is to see young people who should have rebelled be the most compliant. They dutifully wore their masks and lined up for required boosters when they should have been refusing and protesting! Shameful!
I drive by a university every day and observe over half wearing masks out in the fresh air walking alone, in groups, riding bikes. I want to scream. Not a good way to start my day.
It's been happening for decades...the dumbing down of society! And you are right. It is shameful; I fault the education system. There they learn not to question and discuss, just to listen and retain what is decided upon and spewed out. I left the institution of teaching, and went out on my own. We need to start over, and dismantle the current paradigm if we are to see a bright future for our children.
Spot on as always, Mark. One of my many deepest disappointments in the last 2 years is to see young people who should have rebelled be the most compliant. They dutifully wore their masks and lined up for required boosters when they should have been refusing and protesting! Shameful!
I drive by a university every day and observe over half wearing masks out in the fresh air walking alone, in groups, riding bikes. I want to scream. Not a good way to start my day.
^ this x1000
It's been happening for decades...the dumbing down of society! And you are right. It is shameful; I fault the education system. There they learn not to question and discuss, just to listen and retain what is decided upon and spewed out. I left the institution of teaching, and went out on my own. We need to start over, and dismantle the current paradigm if we are to see a bright future for our children.