May 25, 2022Liked by Mark Oshinskie

Thank you for both protesting and updating us about it. I'm a Princeton graduate, and it was upon receiving the notification that the Class of '22 had selected Fauci to be their Class Day speaker that I made the pronouncement I was officially DONE being a proud alum and would NEVER give another dime in financial support to this institution of brainwashing and groupthink. I've been disgusted with the U and its policies over the past two years, and in fact helped guide my daughter away from Princeton during her own college application process last year, but that was just the absolute last straw for me. By the way, CDC Director Walensky was also welcomed by the campus a few weeks ago. It's been one heck of a spring at Princeton.

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Good work Mark, getting out there for real and expressing the truth.

There are a lot of rehashed points here but I thought it was instructive to list them all in one message. The reason is that I think each is individually worthy of a whole lot more attention than it has had or will get. But together it represents an unassailable mountain of evidence for a terrible wrong.

If you’re going to throw around an extraordinary accusation (I am doing, eugenics) then you’re going to need extraordinary evidence. We have it.

Suggesting that there are people with a eugenics agenda in positions of power and influence is quite a claim but undeniably true. Both Gates and his father are on public record arguing that the planet is unsustainable in terms of energy and resource with the current population. Klaus Schwab’s Great Reset agenda, along with many other spokespeople for the WEF, involves a monumental shift in resource consumption away from “useless eaters”. The Rockefellers have been long time promoters of eugenics.

Now let’s look at the entire Covid phenomenon point by point, and this isn’t exhaustive.

its origin, a Chinese market that happens to be in the same city as a BSL-4 virology lab

lab leak denials, now accepted

timing, who knew about it and when

the 2017 prediction by Fauci of a global pandemic in 2020

Event 201 in October 2019

the known inefficacy of masks

the known inefficacy of lockdowns

the known inefficacy of border closures

the known inefficacy of social distancing

the known inefficacy of the PCR test

the known efficacy of natural immunity

the known efficacy of herd immunity

the known efficacy of ivermectin

the known efficacy of hydroxychloroquine

the known efficacy of vitamin C and D

the known efficacy of outdoor exercise

the media/governmental hype of severity

the intentional conflation of death with and death from Covid

the subsequent recoding of hospitalisation according to cause of admission after vaccine programmes

the quarantining of uninfected vs infected

the known release of infected vulnerable elderly patients in care homes

the unprecedented ramp in testing

the unproven transmissibility in asymptomatic people

the redefinition of the meaning of “cases”

the use of PCR testing using inappropriate CT count protocols

the unprecedented drive to develop a ‘vaccine’

the lack of testing of the injection

the speed of development, 10 months vs 10 years

the success rate of vaccines is 2%, 98% fail during clinical trials

the novel, first time use of gene therapy in humans despite failure in animals

the known lack of immunisation

the known lack of contagion control

the known lack of transmission control

the known effect of non-immunising treatments on antigenic fixation and OAS

the redefinition of the word vaccine from immunising to disease mitigation

the incentivisation of hospitals to record hospitalisation as Covid related

the incentivisation of hospitals to record deaths as Covid related

the statistics showing that treatment mandated areas suffering significantly more than non-mandated areas

the allocation of hospital resources for Covid contingency, not used but treatments for known diseases not provided

the known side effects

the continued drive to inject people despite the lack of immunisation/transmission control

the continued drive to inject people despite the known dangers

the censorship and cancellation of dissenting voices and demonisation of qualified professionals

the legal immunity provided to big pharmaceutical companies

the continued use of emergency use authorisations

the uniformity of coordinated messaging worldwide

the exemptions granted to member of Congress in the USA

the downward revision in WHO guidance on PCR test CT count protocol after vaccination programmes commenced

the March 2021 exercise for a monkeypox pandemic beginning in May 15 2022

the drive to authorise use in children with zero risk profile

These are just off the top of my head, there are more issues.

There are too many compelling reasons for challenging the global policy surrounding Covid. Each of the above points on their own are enough to pause and reconsider. Taken together they are definitive evidence of an alternative agenda.

So I ask you, if the agenda is not eugenics, a monumental reduction in human population, what is it?

To pretend that it isn’t this on the basis that it is too difficult and dreadful to contemplate is to deny the reality of the above. What alternative explanation is there? I genuinely cannot think of anything other than population control and reduction as a rationale for the unprecedented policies enacted over the last two years. I wish I could.

And now the 14 month ago predicted arrival of monkeypox with quarantining already underway. At exactly the same time, this week, that the WHO is voting to take away the right of sovereign states to manage their own “health emergencies”.

And all of this is happening with unprecedented global supply chain, energy and food production crises, debt, inflation, a non-trivial avoidable war, a looming war in China, headlong rush to impose CBDCs, ongoing climate change alarmism and a WEF program called The Great Reset.

Tell me where this argument fails. I hope I’m wrong.

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May 25, 2022Liked by Mark Oshinskie

"People accepted profound mistreatment in order to avoid conflict." didn't they ever. thanks for standing strong and reporting what the lockdowner-controlled media never will

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May 25, 2022Liked by Mark Oshinskie

Spot on as always, Mark. One of my many deepest disappointments in the last 2 years is to see young people who should have rebelled be the most compliant. They dutifully wore their masks and lined up for required boosters when they should have been refusing and protesting! Shameful!

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I come here for the sanity of your wonderful articles, and the comment section.

The menticide of the people I'm surrounded by is really getting to me.

Here, I can envision normalcy -- it is not preaching to the choir, but people thinking freely and expressing what they are thinking. I leave, feeling validated and not so alone. The dialogues I used to enjoy in real life with people who either agree with me or do not, but willing to engage, exchange and explore. It's a human thing.

A dozen protesters, you say? How on earth did you find one another? Did you create this protest yourself, or did you join one, or design it as a group thing?

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May 25, 2022Liked by Mark Oshinskie

Your 'Fauci speech' was a bracing truth tonic. I felt so much better just reading it.

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I work as a tutor, so I’m pretty in touch with young people. Unfortunately, they’re almost all exactly like you describe — obedient, easily influenced, and interested in avoiding conflict at all costs. They can regurgitate some basic facts and follow some simple “recipes”, but any kind of twist brings everything tumbling down. True searching intelligence is not valued.

Like many other commenters here, I was sure that young people wouldn’t stand for any of this. In April 2020, I thought we’d be seeing 60s style revolutions in the street at any moment. I still can’t get over how they happily handed over their youth to a bunch of politicians.

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Another classic. I just wish some news organization with millions of readers would publish this.

Princeton ... Harvard. Yale. Stanford. MIT .... our "best and brightest" are all obtuse. People willingly pay hundreds of thousands of dollars in tuition to get educated by these people? Or: I guess these prestigious institutions of higher learning are doing the job they are supposed to be doing.

But we did have 12 protestors ... this is better than 11.

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May 25, 2022Liked by Mark Oshinskie

Man! I bet you feel better. I do! Thanks for this!

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I really enjoyed reading this. I would send it on to my daughters and their husbands, but they would be outraged for sharing such "propaganda"

They are already shunning me for sending them "false and dangerous information"

The MSM has done a stellar job, along with nasty brainless hollywood and the dirtbag politicians

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He's perfectly possessed. Seriously. He will always be exalted in society since this is his world. But he has to die sometime and then he will be rewarded eternally for his evil actions.


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Please let me know when you go to protest. I would like to participate.

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May 25, 2022·edited May 25, 2022Liked by Mark Oshinskie

Here is the letter I wrote to my alma mater last week when I learned they had the same Fthing deliver their speech. What's that old saying, Cognitive Sophistication does not Attenuate a Cognitive Blind Spot; (actually a recent study that says no matter how much you study, your biases will remain your biases, and if fact your studies may further blind you to perceiving reality by attenuating your biases even more). The sheepifying of the educated masses.

Board of Regents, University of Michigan-

I am deeply engraged by your choice of speakers

for the recent graduation.

Your choice to support these experimental

gene injections and support of Fauci himself

are indicative of compromised mental states.

Student and faculty deaths from the poison are on the

rise, it is all around us. Check with your local

morticians, read the obits in your local paper. You will

not read it in the NYT, no suprise.

If and when Fauci and his accomplices face legal action for

creating an ongoing democide of the American people from the

injections*, I wonder whether your support for him

and his programs will 'bite you in the butt'

as the saying goes.

You are a bought institution; I sensed it in the 1990's when I was a

student and saw were the monies were and were not 'flowing'.

That comprimise is now fully completed.

The students can and should be running in the opposite

direction. And they are, those with any sense of humanity.

*all cause non covid deaths are decimating the insurance industry.

Good luck getting anything insured in the coming years. I hold

the U of M as a responsible party, until you withdraw your support

for the CDC/ NIH.

Or whither as an institution. I think that process is underway now.

Jacquelyn Sauriol May 15 2022

Portland OR

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May 25, 2022Liked by Mark Oshinskie

Of course these students can't think critically or use evidence based reason. They are trained ideologues. The products of post modernism and critical theory. They are destroying the backbone of the U.S., the middle class, with phony climate science, critical theory of all types, modern monetary theory and now WEF and WHO directed pandemic mitigation. They can't wait to join the club. If there isn't serious pushback and soon, this once great nation will become a third world hell hole like many of our cities already are.

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May 25, 2022Liked by Mark Oshinskie

I wish you were his prosecutor in court. You would put that sad little man where he belongs. This is a beautifully and deservingly sardonic description of the damage he has done. Yes, thank you for protesting.

I protested in Salem, OR when I had the opportunity. I shook Steve Kirsch's hand because I want to show my support to anyone who will stand up to the madness.

I would love to shake your hand, were it only following that demented man's conviction.

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May 25, 2022Liked by Mark Oshinskie


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