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Here is the letter I wrote to my alma mater last week when I learned they had the same Fthing deliver their speech. What's that old saying, Cognitive Sophistication does not Attenuate a Cognitive Blind Spot; (actually a recent study that says no matter how much you study, your biases will remain your biases, and if fact your studies may further blind you to perceiving reality by attenuating your biases even more). The sheepifying of the educated masses.

Board of Regents, University of Michigan-

I am deeply engraged by your choice of speakers

for the recent graduation.

Your choice to support these experimental

gene injections and support of Fauci himself

are indicative of compromised mental states.

Student and faculty deaths from the poison are on the

rise, it is all around us. Check with your local

morticians, read the obits in your local paper. You will

not read it in the NYT, no suprise.

If and when Fauci and his accomplices face legal action for

creating an ongoing democide of the American people from the

injections*, I wonder whether your support for him

and his programs will 'bite you in the butt'

as the saying goes.

You are a bought institution; I sensed it in the 1990's when I was a

student and saw were the monies were and were not 'flowing'.

That comprimise is now fully completed.

The students can and should be running in the opposite

direction. And they are, those with any sense of humanity.

*all cause non covid deaths are decimating the insurance industry.

Good luck getting anything insured in the coming years. I hold

the U of M as a responsible party, until you withdraw your support

for the CDC/ NIH.

Or whither as an institution. I think that process is underway now.

Jacquelyn Sauriol May 15 2022

Portland OR

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Jacquelyn Sauriol , I live right by there but work at a different hospital system that still acknowledges religious exemptions for the unvaxxed. U of M has turned into a human waste land. Masks everywhere including the ground, they don’t even pick up their filth.

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wow thanks I am glad there is 1 hospital that is allowing any exemptions at all...the mask pollution is endemic, and probs part of the plan if they are indeed containing nasties that get into the water system as well...guess we gotta be picking those up, right? Ridic...kudos for trying to serve humanity through this horridness, BinyB....best -j

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😉we all stick together

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Excellent letter. Stay on them. Let them know some people understand how awful they are.

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