I think it was a programming exercise to see just how easily and quickly the masses could be brainwashed into compliance- they couldn’t have a too deadly ‘virus’ as I think the conditioning was the aim in preparation for all the other shite that came down the pipe in the form of the superstitious claptrap called Convid measures including…
I think it was a programming exercise to see just how easily and quickly the masses could be brainwashed into compliance- they couldn’t have a too deadly ‘virus’ as I think the conditioning was the aim in preparation for all the other shite that came down the pipe in the form of the superstitious claptrap called Convid measures including the biggie of the Jab passport as that’s the end goal- digital identity.
I think it was a programming exercise to see just how easily and quickly the masses could be brainwashed into compliance- they couldn’t have a too deadly ‘virus’ as I think the conditioning was the aim in preparation for all the other shite that came down the pipe in the form of the superstitious claptrap called Convid measures including the biggie of the Jab passport as that’s the end goal- digital identity.
Agree wholeheartedly