I think it was more about finally they had a "novel" virus they could stir up fear with, using a bogus PCR test, to get the whole world begging for a totally new type of "vaccine" never used before. In the meantime destroying economies and restructuring societies in ways they had planned for awhile but didn't know how to implement them a…
I think it was more about finally they had a "novel" virus they could stir up fear with, using a bogus PCR test, to get the whole world begging for a totally new type of "vaccine" never used before. In the meantime destroying economies and restructuring societies in ways they had planned for awhile but didn't know how to implement them all at once. They needed the western world as compliant as the Chinese, and we're just about there.
I think it was more about finally they had a "novel" virus they could stir up fear with, using a bogus PCR test, to get the whole world begging for a totally new type of "vaccine" never used before. In the meantime destroying economies and restructuring societies in ways they had planned for awhile but didn't know how to implement them all at once. They needed the western world as compliant as the Chinese, and we're just about there.