And herein lies the problem. These lazy self-centered ‘voters’ are led by the media’s false claims controlled by the DNC propaganda. Mark, your description of the abortion issue thinkers was spot on and showed just how crass their logic is. But the media and late-night comics push the idea of forced motherhood as if there us no other cho…
And herein lies the problem. These lazy self-centered ‘voters’ are led by the media’s false claims controlled by the DNC propaganda. Mark, your description of the abortion issue thinkers was spot on and showed just how crass their logic is. But the media and late-night comics push the idea of forced motherhood as if there us no other choice or option. It’s ridiculous actually, but these simple minded progressives are too full of themselves to see.
And herein lies the problem. These lazy self-centered ‘voters’ are led by the media’s false claims controlled by the DNC propaganda. Mark, your description of the abortion issue thinkers was spot on and showed just how crass their logic is. But the media and late-night comics push the idea of forced motherhood as if there us no other choice or option. It’s ridiculous actually, but these simple minded progressives are too full of themselves to see.