' They care more about their cats and dogs than they do about kids.'

This says it all. A voting population who has no stake in the future. There are more of this group. Selfish. Self-centred. Scared

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Yes. It’s socially acceptable for people to say they like animals more than people and to berate children while fawning over pets. Pet worship will be our downfall

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I agree, even though I like dogs.

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Texbat and Mark, I hadn’t really thought about that because I have always been a pet lover. And I didn’t have kids. But it been there right in front of my eyes all along. I’m just an anomaly conservative I guess 🤣

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And I think maybe the beta males in tow to the empowered baby killers deserve a mention.

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Yes, conscienceless Men who have no natural instinct to protect and nurture their Children.

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What I've seen is that only when men shoulder the burden of protecting and feeding their families do they actually grow wings.

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It’s part of a larger spiritual malaise:

Humans have become ever more misanthropic, even cosplaying as “furries”

50 years of infanticide has devolved into democide

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Don’t put all childless women in the same boat. I am childless by choice because I know I don’t have what it takes to be a good parent. I do know that all of us depend on every generation so I have always taken seriously any candidate or issue that impacts the young (e.g., school referendums) and the old (Medicare) and have spoken with my vote and conversations with friends who are parents and grandparents. for example, I keep carefully spelling out to this well-educated friend why her grandkids don’t need the jab and why she should not take another one herself, but the fear in her has overshadowed, even squashed, her ability to even contemplate what I am “suggesting.” And that’s just one of many examples.

I vote and I talk because I care about all human animals, no matter their age.

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I'm not putting everyone in the same boat.

But there is a certain boat with many dog and cat lovers in it.

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It’s sad that you are right about that. And to clarify, I was responding to a comment by one of your readers (I.P. but it didn’t land under that comment)

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Humans aren’t Animals.

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I very much disagree. Homo sapiens (humans) are both mammals and primates within the ANIMAL kingdom.

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The theory of evolution appeals to many humans. But what does the Creator of both Man and Animal say? Clearly there’s a difference between the two according to Him:

(Genesis 1:26–28)

26 Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.”

27 So God created mankind in his own image,

in the image of God he created them;

male and female he created them.

28 God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground.”

Although you may choose to believe you’re merely another Animal, I believe God who clearly says otherwise.

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Agree to disagree.

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We have eternal souls. Animals don't. Because, if they do, we shouldn't be eating them.

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Yet there are Animals mentioned in Revelation, which is a vision of eternity. That’s why I suspect and certainly hope they’re there.

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I don't think they have souls. But in the Resurrection I believe they will be there with us. I hope to see every animal I've ever loved then.

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We're more than animals.

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And herein lies the problem. These lazy self-centered ‘voters’ are led by the media’s false claims controlled by the DNC propaganda. Mark, your description of the abortion issue thinkers was spot on and showed just how crass their logic is. But the media and late-night comics push the idea of forced motherhood as if there us no other choice or option. It’s ridiculous actually, but these simple minded progressives are too full of themselves to see.

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I don't have kids and I didn't vote for lockdown maniacs. People don't have kids for a lot of reasons, some of them beyond their control. That doesn't mean we don't care about the future or the present for that matter.

I'm not sure why people voted for the lockdown left ... my guess is that the propaganda machine is strong and that they truly feel Republicans are a threat to democracy.

In other words: what unites people who voted for the lockdown left is not that they don't have kids (PLENTY OF PARENTS VOTED DEMOCRAT) but that they have no critical thinking skills.

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Yes, there are exceptions to what I've said. But I'm describing a trend. There was a 37% difference between unmarried women who voted D and those who didn't.

That's a very distinct trend.

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Couldn’t have said it better.

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Judgmental. Self righteous. Pseudo intellectual. Rainbow sign toting.

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Preferable adjectives are gullible and STOOPID!

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https://www.choice42.com/videos. All humans should watch this before voting!

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Emily Oster has kids.

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And I heard they are little A-holes just like her.

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Who will grow up to be paranoid hypochondriacal germaphobes. Well done Emily!

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You are far too gentle, Mark. “…simple and misguided”? The Democrats are both evil and insane, and any doubt or hope that that isn’t true, has been firmly erased forever. Fetterman?? Whitmer?? When people show you who they are, BELIEVE THEM. They’ve been showing us for nearly three years! Shame on me for hoping Lucy wouldn’t pull the football this time. (The Republicans have been weak and ineffective but I don’t think they are insane. Stupid, yes.)

I am a quiet, 66-year-old widow who has NEVER complied, and it has sometimes been unpleasant even in South Carolina. It has made me braver. My daughter’s family in NC has been non-compliant and have made sacrificial changes (including home-schooling). We’ve paid a price, tangible and intangible. The end result, as of now, is that we are poorer, shell-shocked, and deeply disturbed by what government power has done to us, which includes the media propaganda. Unfortunately, I see worse to come. And, while I thank him for removing the blindfold about the depth of The Swamp, Trump needs to take a backseat.

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You are a woman after my own heart, Teresa. My hubs and I have been non-compliant throughout -- and we were in Soviet New England. I ended my career early, lost income, health insurance -- a life -- sold everything and moved to Outpost Florida.

I understand being poorer, shell-shocked, and deeply disturbed. For me/us it has almost nothing to do with the power the gubb-mint allegedly has and everything to do with the failure of this country's inhabitants. (They reduced 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒔𝒆𝒍𝒗𝒆𝒔 to mere inhabitants by their conduct.)

I love Mark's writing, his point of view, and his commitment to freedom. Yet I think this piece misses a bit and is too gentle, as you say. The piece highlights the symptoms of the fundamental failure that lies at the heart of this catastrophe: the lack of any attachment 𝒂𝒕 𝒂𝒍𝒍 to liberty. The vast majority who could only act -- given their moral failures and infidelity to basic human freedom and courage -- as they did and thus bring about all the symptoms that Mark highlights.

As my mother used to say all the time, "Never mind what people say, darling. Watch what they do." So, given what "the people" have said and done throughout this crime, we have all the evidence we need to conclude only one thing: "Government" is nothing without the obedience and cowardice of "the people."

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You said EXACTLY what is on my heart. The people who obeyed are 100% responsible. I grieve that I must live among such mentally deranged creatures. I have lost all of my innocence and am wary all the time. Life used to be pleasant and now I am terribly sad.

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You both stated it perfectly. I have been feeling very betrayed by what I have discovered about the reality of what our Country has become. Middle aged and we have a family logging business. Life is always hard work but now we feel like it won't matter how hard we push anymore. Someday the equipment might be dropped off at the bank... If we can afford the fuel to haul them there... so down this week...

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Small, primitive self-sustaining communities or foraging bands may be the only way to survive what lies ahead.

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Exactly, I kinda have a chip on my shoulder and always ready to "DEBATE " anyone that's pro clot shot . And when I see anyone wearing a mask my blood starts to boil. Young adults, high school and grade school. Drives me frickin nuts. Young lady early twenties working outside in a drive-up line at Portillos wearing a frickin mask. Still ?? These younger people are still terrified. So 😔

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True story:

At the car repair shop the other day I saw a double masked woman plopped her fat behind down with her massive sugar drink and pull out her textbook. She sat there for an hour fiddling with the diapers while looking longingly at the sugar drink. Then she got up, went outside and had a cigarette and chugged down the sugar drink. She left the book with the title of "Psychology."

I laughed my ass off. Here kiddos is a future mental health professional, totally frightened of the air but willingly inhaled toxins, drank toxins and you know for sure has injected toxins 5 times or more.

Oh, and some other old lady in a face diaper tried to engage me in conversation. I ignored her completely and walked away. I gave her the respect of not spewing my tainted breath and kept my sanity of not being around morons and their stupidity.

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I understand completely, Teresa.

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I don't disagree with that.

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I'm trying to escape to Florida too. I live in Gulag Illinois.

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The Dems at the top are evil and insane. Those who support them--I know they exist in large numbers because they brag about it--are stupid and insane.

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Teresa, spot on for all of it. I’m a non compliant 64 year old in a blue state. Traumatized beyond belief by the demonic antics of the government AND populace. Agree worse is on its way

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Cindi, I would never have believed that ‘traumatized’ and ‘demonic’ would be in my daily vocabulary. Worst of all is that I claim to be a follower of Christ and trying to reconcile THAT with the rage in my heart is utterly draining. I’m grateful for these small spaces where we can console one another.

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Yes, these ‘stacks are a Godsend for sanity. I have never been particularly religious but I’ve tried as best I can to live Christian values & principles. I would love to believe (as my Christian friends tell me) that God is in control, even of this hot mess. On the other hand it may all just be Sodom & Gomorrah & end times are nigh. There is certainly no lack of evil stalking the Earth just now.

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I think evil has always been around us, but with technology and modern communications we have become painfully aware of it and the vast extent of it only recently.

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CMCM, i agree, there is no question that evil has always been w/ us & that current technology / communications amplify it - & very quickly. But I guess I see the demonic global scale of the evil to enslave all of humanity (or kill us off) by a very small cabal of elites as utterly unprecedented

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Maybe this will give you some hope. My view on why voting doesn't really matter and how to have peace while living in tyranny and evil (I live in NY).


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Thx Napoleon

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I urge everyone to write Trump politely asking him to not run. I sided with the unfairness of it all, but basically “Sir”, you will not win. You have to know the measures that will be taken to stop you. Call their bluff and bow out for the sake of our country. No insults, just the unfortunate truth.

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Mark, I was so dismayed that WuFlu mania wasn’t front & center in EVERY repub race, & early on. If people had just been reminded of every bad thing perpetrated by the other side @ asked if they wanted more of it.... I honestly think that the masses of asses that swallowed the idiocy over the scamdemic are not connecting the inflation, high gas/food/energy prices, supply chain issues, unemployment, etc w/ lockdown. They’ve been gaslit that it’s all Putin’s fault, or oil company greed. It’s deeply disappointing. BTW, the road whore running my state, New Mexico, also won reelection. She’s every bit as bad as Gruesome Newsom, Witless Whimer & all the rest. And she believes in zero abortion restrictions, including up to birth. It’s demonic.

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The blue voters are nearly all Covidians and "virtual" workers or welfare recipients. So far, they haven't been hurt materially. They pretend the rioting isn't going on since that would be "racist." As things get worse disaster will hit them by surprise. The elites don't like them either. They won't be needing their votes once their technocrat friends take over.

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Agree, Nichols

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Cindi, I’m your neighbor over in the Texas panhandle, and I certainly share your extreme disappointment. New Mexico has always been our vacation spot - we loved going over for long weekends to enjoy the mountains and history of NM. I thought for sure that between covidmania and every other foolish policy of the left, that the citizens would wake up enough to throw out the horrible Governor…God help you all because conditions will worsen rapidly under that rule.

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Freebird, we’re terrified. It’s not just here - every blue state asshat AND the federal government are seeing this as a mandate & frankly, I can’t blame them. Worst of EVERYTHING - either as in ever, or at least in decades, a demented, unpopular fool as president, & the unhinged, unprecedented idiocy of “Covid” - it SHOULD have been a tsunami & it’s barely a ripple. I’m in shock because I thought as the evidence of damage & death poured out, as the mass psychosis receded, people would want accountability. Instead, in a few short months they’ve forgotten all about it or just want to move on. I should have known better after the bovine compliance of the last 2.5+ years…. We’re outnumbered by morons

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We may be joining you soon in W. TX!

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Come on over Cindi! Yes, I’m afraid you’re right. After all the predictions of the red wave that didn’t happen, they’ll probably see this as a huge mandate. Which means that the states will become even more divided between free and covid slave.

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Best case scenario would be for Chaves, Lea & Eddy - Permian Basin counties - to try to join west TX. Even tho the wicked witch is over in Egypt now for the “climate change” summit & will undoubtedly hear new tricks for crushing the oil & gas industry in our part of the state, that O&G industry funds fully 40+% of the utopian wet dreams of the corruptocrats up north. She’s in a bit of being between a rock & a hard place with that

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I live in California, where the Democrats have had a supermajority in both houses of the legislature for 30 years...actually, almost for 50 years with a few exceptions. The Democrat control of California is so complete that while Newsom was up for re-election this week, he didn't even bother to campaign because he knew his victory was secure. He spent money messing around in the elections of OTHER states. He absolutely knew he would win in California so why even spend a dime campaigning there? The Republicans of this state didn't really have to vote, either. Almost every single race in the state was won by a Democrat. Even the Republican candidate for Governor didn't really campaign. I heard to ads on local TV or radio, I received no flyers in the mail. Everyone knew going into the election what the outcome would be. THIS IS WHAT THE DEMOCRATS ARE WORKING FOR IN EVERY SINGLE STATE.

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As unbelievable as it seems because the things they do are so insane, as CA goes, so goes the country, eventually.

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We’re doomed

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That's because they all agreed with the covid me-too freakout. It's a uniparty. Thank God, R's didn't win because they'd have just depressed us even more when everything remains the same and the poison shot mandates/lockdowns/face diapers continues unabated, which it will.

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I'm not surprised at anything that happened.

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Im not sure; everyone on both sides thought a real reckoning was going to be delivered & it didn’t happen. That emboldens the left side of the uniparty to believe it has a mandate now. pRESIDENTISH LGB-FJB said it himself after the midterms that there was no reason to change course or do ANYTHING differently. So I do agree that all of the worst will be back, on steroids now. Whether the “reason” is another scamdemic or scam climate shit

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Great take on the madness, both past and recent Mark. Sadly you nailed human nature.

However, I think we are reaching a tipping point with the vaxxed body count. Soon congress will hear the truth.

Final point about the left today. The always savvy Jack Posobiec observed, “Leftist Dems want to turn all of us into unmarried women, literally.”

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I'm cringing about more vaxx deaths b/c I know many who bought in despite that I urged them not to.

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I’m worried that my elderly parents, my brother and SIL, their two nephews will all go because of the vax, and then it will just be me (and my husband) in my immediate family. And don’t forget friends. I worry all the time. And Oregon probably just balloted in another Komrade, Tina Kotek previously known as Kate Brown but we won’t know for two weeks!! It’s nuts.

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I have a close friend who died not long after vaxxing. My mother had a series of mini-strokes and two other people I know were hospitalized.

I worry most about my adult kids and the many others of child-bearing age.

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Yes, we should worry about the young. Even if they are seemingly healthy, there’s a good possibility they can’t reproduce. The invitro clinics are probably rubbing their palms in glee.

I’m sorry about your loss, and your mother. On your Substack over a month ago, I kept kicking myself that I neglected to post about our army decorated friend who wanted to stay in the reserves so he took the shot. Died of myocarditis last March at 42.

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I just read bullshit from our Secretary of State that we won’t know till December 15!!!!!

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What state are you in?

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I’m in the Peoples Republic of Oregon. I would consider Idaho but its turning blue in Boise and we’d have to go further east, way too far from my elderly folks.

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It's getting so there is nowhere to go. My sister is in Boise, and the state used to be reliably red, but it is changing. I can't discuss politics with my sister. She is triple jabbed and I suspect she votes Dem as do both my brothers and their families, all jabbed to the hilt. I don't want to be estranged from them all at this point in my life, so I refrain from all politics and covid discussion. However, they do all know where I stand.

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I know how you feel, I'm in Chicago burbs, I'd love to get out of here too ! Florida would be my preference but I have two daughters in their 40s and 4 grandkids and my wife is not ready to move that far just yet. Indiana might be an option for now. Good luck 👍

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I hope so. But I’m not sure the GOP will win the majority. They’re not done counting mail in ballots... and that is not a joke.

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Only about 10% of New York parents 'shot' up their children. Just wait until they see Gov Buck-tooth Hochul mandate the 'shot' to attend public school. NY now has their very own Gov. Whitmer. Watch her single handedly destroy whats left of NY.

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Private schools that take handouts will buy in as well

It’s not just NY Public schools that will suffer

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Parents will comply here. All public schools should be shut down. Maybe requiring the poison is just the trick to do it. Soon no kids left to attend.

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It’s a cull operation. Kill the weak first, the rest in waves, first stripping them of their dignity and wealth.

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"The pro-abortion bloc also didn’t stop to think that abortion favors men more than women, because it gives men consequence-free access to women’s bodies."

I do disagree with this statement. The men it might favor are the very small percentage of 'Alpha' chads who benefit from easy sex.

But abortion hurts everyone....and arguably men the most. They have ZERO choice in the abortion decision.

What they don't tell you about abortion is that young women love it because they can spend their 20s partying and sleeping care free with bad boys. When they get pregnant from said bad boy they can then just go down to the local clinic. When they do decide it's time to settle down they've been heavily damaged by this lifestyle that any future male relationships will suffer. This from first hand experience and many red-pilled guys have experienced the same. 'Sex and The City' was an awful show and so many young women have been hoodwinked into that lifestyle.

Abortion is rotten on SO many levels and bad for everyone in the long run.

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"Partying and sleeping care free with bad boys." That says that the bad boys are part of the problem too. Last I knew it takes both parties to make a baby. You talk about the damage women suffer from this lifestyle as if they alone were the ones driving it. Sounds like a double standard to me. No one talks about the damage to young men. No, it's wild oats.

Another thing no one talks about and should is the element of coercion in said lifestyle. There are far too many men and women who have unfortunately learned (sometimes at the hands of a family member!) that sex is something someone takes, and therefore you might as well go and get it over with rather than have it forced on you. I had a woman tell me that was the reason she slept with guys she'd just met. She'd been molested as a child and learned it is better to give in and go along and maybe, just maybe get some pleasure out of it, than to resist and still end up being raped. And before you say well most men aren't like that, I do not hear men speaking out against that behavior.

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I personally know a guy who has slept with over 300 women. I'm not joking. Very good looking. He's a shallow, narcissistic, lonely alcoholic who will never know the joy of a family.

The problem is cultural and is encouraged by government, media, the medical system and now organized religion. It's a bad path for all involved.

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Speaking as a Gen X member, I find it odd how online dating has inverted the natural dating/courting order.

When people met in the real world, a woman's physical appearance was what counted. Women were less picky about men. Especially when it came to income.

The idea was that the young man you'd marry was just starting out and would build his career while you maintained his household and started a family. Like our parents before us.

But I stayed in a narrow subculture. Religious and ultra conservative. Therefore, my experience is atypical. Lots of hooking up then too. Mostly at bars though.

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Online dating is a sick farce. I believe it is intentionally designed to destroy people's self esteem.

It's definitely a weird world out there.....

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I have dated a man who left the hook up lifestyle before we met. It seemed to have scarred him. Not a talkative guy, but once or twice he expressed regret to me about all his past encounters.

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So many great insights Mark. Most covid mania compliant folks are book smart cowards. I'm currently playing a Broadway musical on a college campus. Some of the pit musicians around me are faculty with multiple advanced degrees. Last night I walked into a discussion about how many boosters they've each received and how happy they were to get them. These are people under the age of 40. One guy remarked that he had superman like protection now. They are willfully ignorant and hemmed in by the tremendous social reinforcement and enforcement of campus culture. Despite their intelligence, they will not seek out basic facts now widely available. They're in an ideological and social prison that forbids straying from your cell. All in exchange for feeling safe and belonging to the group. East Germany and North Korea are not so mysterious to me anymore.

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I appreciate your front-line report. I’m grateful to be retired and thus, can limit my exposure to the Broken Brained. I could not be civil.

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My first impulse was to respond. But then I realized that their beliefs are impenetrable. Especially if they're in a group. They are actually happy NOT using their frontal lobes whilst believing that they are.

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I like to confront people about this nonsense. They say easily refuted stuff.

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I do prefer that approach. Especially in grocery stores. As a free lance musician, most org's that hire me are totally blue check, especially in Colorado. If I confront too often, I'll find myself only practicing in my basement. Colorado is essentially Albania circa 1962 now.

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anyone who ever wondered how the nazis were able to pull it off , how seemingly intelligent people could be swayed so far off their centers , well , we are seeing how it's done it in real time

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Yes...That was a question I pondered throughout my life: Why did so many people comply with the Nazis. Now I understand how.

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Same here. I'm having more and more difficulty keeping my mouth shut when I encounter stupidity these days. I tolerated it for awhile, but I feel annoyed, irritated and angered by it now. Mostly I can avoid exposure to it, though. Thank goodness.

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Stockholm syndrome. Vermont re-elected Phil Scott, A die-hard lefty RINO, who, two years ago, asked school children to rat out their parents to their teachers if they had anyone from other households in their house for Thanksgiving. Oddly that was the one of the few times that parents and families told him to kiss off.

But good news from VT! Passing many more car maskers on the roads and the stores are starting to fill up with the face diaper cultists. The residents of this state are certifiable.

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I know a lefty VT-er who's pro-vaxx and mask. It's creepy and stupid.

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In mid-October, Vermont was at 16% bivalent booster uptake versus a 4% national average. The state suffers worse covid derangement than average, but it is great to see the vast majority of people woke up even if they won't admit it publicly.

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Vermont..the original true blue Hippie state and they’ve all lost their free thinking minds.....

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When I'd fly home to visit my folks in the Adirondacks I'd sometimes fly through Burlington. By the time I got to the NYS line I'd be so glad to see VT in the rear view mirror. Even in the 80s that state was a rest home for lefties.

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I visited Vermont once. The creepiest vacation I have ever had. The people gave off a zombie vibe and I live in NY, the home of the undead.

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At first it seems all pastoral and pretty, but after about an hour driving around I get the feeling they're all on tranquilizers or antidepressants. I end up feeling like I never want to see it again. Only other place I've been in the US that made me feel like that was Yucca Valley in San Bernardino county.

NY, for all its downstate morons, is far more vital.

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Sad isn’t it the way of our country? Offer debt payments and they come out in droves. Where’s the work ethic? Where’s the outrage? All hidden by the msm

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Agree with all of it. I'm willing to take up arms, but not to be the first to go screaming down my driveway with my AR-15 locked and loaded. And who on earth would I go for in my nice quiet neighborhood? There is no concerted, organized, well-lead direction to go in other than as one, with 1 vote and control over what goes in my own body. I have a loud voice, but a minute, mostly disinterested, hypnotized audience. I have also lost confidence in our elections. You can't trust any thing or any process that government touches.

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Yep. You see the problem too. The Second is great but the guns won't help if there's no immediate physical enemy. No help where mask mandates are concerned. If your card says you are out of credit or banned for "unacceptable thinking" you cannot shoot your way out of that situation either.

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I applaud your fine writing and keen observations on the disappointing election results. However, as a Christian, my thoughts always turn to God. You didn’t mention Him, but my first thought is that voting results are a reflection of values, and sadly we live in a nation divided between those who believe in God and those who don’t. I’ll say again what so many have said…we need to turn our nation back to God rather than relying on political processes to restore goodness and sanity. I pray that we may do that.

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Yes. Each individual turning turns the society.

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Without strict/accurate audit process on “latest greatest” voting processes who really knows what happened. A serving of malaise seems appropriate to disincentivize the act of voting in the future. Sputtering Fetterman over red wave, not sure Vegas odds makers or ANYONE saw it going down that way…..so similar to biggest in history Biden vote, sorry election denier here, but not in congress, they have to keep up appearances w/o doing jack squat…accept rubber stamping Ukraine spend….

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I'm a childless, single woman. Not by choice, but because I'm a freak and a loser. Homely even when young, awkward and disabled.

My cat is not my fur baby. I have volunteered at a nearby pregnancy center that offers help to poor women who opt out of abortions. It grieves me to know I'll never have a family.

I'm FURIOUS at what the Covid Karens are doing to kids by cutting off the oxygen to their young brains and traumatizing them. Abusive, child hating XXXX! I'm not into social Darwinism but I hope the clot shots destroy their chances at ever having kids. The spiteful bags don't deserve such a blessing.

I know what lies in store for us if we go along. The stupid women who vote Democrat will NOT be pleased. But they'll deserve it.

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Your rant made me laugh. I think I love you.

Fwiw I used to hold pro life signs with my RTL group, every Sunday at the intersection of the main drag in our city, next to our state university. We could tell the women who'd had abortions because when they drove by they couldn't look at us. It broke my heart. The middle finger came from college guys driving by.

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The majority of women who vote Democrat do not actually experience the consequences of their virtue voting..... they truly believe they are doing what’s best..... and you cannot change their mind.

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