So Joe, isn't it interesting that your customers expect more from, and are more discriminating about their tree guys, plumbers and electricians than they are about the people they hire to take care of their own bodies?
So Joe, isn't it interesting that your customers expect more from, and are more discriminating about their tree guys, plumbers and electricians than they are about the people they hire to take care of their own bodies?
I’ve often wondered about that. They hold us.” uneducated.” to a far far higher standard than the credentialed professionals who charge many multiples per hour more than we do, and can literally get away with killing their customers., and customers’ families, and our society ‘s response is to push even more money their way.
I don’t mind being held to a high standard. I never take any money upfront because I want everyone to be satisfied before they open their checkbook. I am confident in the quality of my work, as are many of my blue-collar, small business friends. But often, anything short of perfection results in our being chastised by the ruling class. Said chastisement never comes from cops or plumbers, electricians, or anyone whoever gets dirt under the fingernails, but rather from the laptop class, and those with multiple letters and abbreviations, following their names.
Once when we are doing a set of condos in West Orange, I got a call from the management company who said there was an emergency regarding one of the buildings I had just worked on. I promptly hopped back in my truck to head back to see what it happened and the irate customer was loudly complaining about a bit of sawdust left in the leaves in the flower bed, and in the pacasandra. She literally wanted me to get vacuum cleaner and vacuum up any speck of sawdust that had fallen.In the plantings. And I don’t know this for sure, but she had all the personality of the kind of person who would get a double mastectomy without any cancer diagnosis, but on the advice of a doctor “just in case”…..
Joe, I have observed this as well, time and time again. The academically credentialed class, or those who fancy themselves as such, are the quickest to complain to service people about the most inconsequential non-problems on a job. New neighbors I only met socially once asked me if I knew a driver who could take them to the airport. I did, and since these folks seemed nice "socially" I gave them his name. This man is trustworthy, reliable, and was a long distance trucker for many years with an impeccable record. After he drove them I was mortified when he told me he would never drive them again because of the way they treated him. This was a side of these people that is not always obvious socially when they are interacting with their "peers."
So Joe, isn't it interesting that your customers expect more from, and are more discriminating about their tree guys, plumbers and electricians than they are about the people they hire to take care of their own bodies?
I’ve often wondered about that. They hold us.” uneducated.” to a far far higher standard than the credentialed professionals who charge many multiples per hour more than we do, and can literally get away with killing their customers., and customers’ families, and our society ‘s response is to push even more money their way.
I don’t mind being held to a high standard. I never take any money upfront because I want everyone to be satisfied before they open their checkbook. I am confident in the quality of my work, as are many of my blue-collar, small business friends. But often, anything short of perfection results in our being chastised by the ruling class. Said chastisement never comes from cops or plumbers, electricians, or anyone whoever gets dirt under the fingernails, but rather from the laptop class, and those with multiple letters and abbreviations, following their names.
Once when we are doing a set of condos in West Orange, I got a call from the management company who said there was an emergency regarding one of the buildings I had just worked on. I promptly hopped back in my truck to head back to see what it happened and the irate customer was loudly complaining about a bit of sawdust left in the leaves in the flower bed, and in the pacasandra. She literally wanted me to get vacuum cleaner and vacuum up any speck of sawdust that had fallen.In the plantings. And I don’t know this for sure, but she had all the personality of the kind of person who would get a double mastectomy without any cancer diagnosis, but on the advice of a doctor “just in case”…..
Joe, I have observed this as well, time and time again. The academically credentialed class, or those who fancy themselves as such, are the quickest to complain to service people about the most inconsequential non-problems on a job. New neighbors I only met socially once asked me if I knew a driver who could take them to the airport. I did, and since these folks seemed nice "socially" I gave them his name. This man is trustworthy, reliable, and was a long distance trucker for many years with an impeccable record. After he drove them I was mortified when he told me he would never drive them again because of the way they treated him. This was a side of these people that is not always obvious socially when they are interacting with their "peers."
I put sawdust in gardens when I have some. Good for soil.
This is true!
Same reason they would be more concerned if their jeans made them look fat but have no problem altering their DNA with an experimental drug.
Or shopped all organic at Whole Foods but have no problem altering their DNA with an experimental drug....we could go on.
It’s the death card. It works and pHarma holds it and plays it all the time.