In December, I went to the park at twilight to play basketball. With so many people having habituated isolation, the courts were often empty. The Scamdemic has made some formerly fun destinations dreary and unappealing. Drilling solo is often the best you can now do.
After about twenty minutes, a large dude in his early thirties strolled up with a ball under his arm. I greeted him. His name was Josh. It was good to have company.
We began to talk while we shot around. He was 6’5” and 270 pounds. I didn’t ask. He told me. He amiably said, “You’ve got some game.”
Josh had some game, too. Though not as much as I do. Having had a knee operation or two—unprompted, he told me about these—didn’t help his mobility.
Josh proceeded to speak uninterruptedly about his athletic career. He said he was an All-State high school football tight end and played Division III college football. He said that SEC universities recruited him but that he didn’t want the big school experience. He also said that Princeton sought him because he had a “near perfect” SAT score.
While Josh was reasonably well-spoken, he neither presented any remarkable insights nor asked me any thoughtful questions. He said he worked in a warehouse.
For those who know little about college football, players sought by SEC schools—the top conference in the nation—seldom wind up playing in much less competitive Division III. They say sports coaches can’t teach height. But given the way he handled and shot the ball and moved, I suspected that, even ten years earlier and thirty pounds lighter, tall Josh didn’t have SEC-level athleticism.
Further, I’ve worked in a couple of warehouses. Though I know that one’s job doesn’t always reflect one’s ability, and some of my fellow warehousers were clever and funny, I haven’t met anyone there whom I would guess got a near perfect SAT; if they did, none of them told me so.
Of course, not everyone at Princeton or the other Ivies will impress you, either. I attended college and law school with many of them. Some seemed to have been admitted for reasons other than extraordinary intellect. They spouted false tropes, routinely stammered—and later, uptalked— and misspelled simple words. Some Ivy grads with these characteristics became famous government officials, e.g. Psaki, Walensky and Fauci. These three, and many students and grads of big-name colleges have fervently supported lockdowns, school closures, masks and vaxxes; that alone tells you they’re not very smart, unless they were simply exploiting the political opportunity that the Scamdemic presented. Which tells you something far worse.
Overall, Josh was affable and somewhat athletic. And whether or not he had been recruited by SEC schools and had a near perfect SAT didn’t matter much in the scheme of things. But because his statements that he had been SEC-recruited and had killed the SAT seemed improbable, these made me doubt most of what he said.
TV detectives have always known that one lie signals others. We all do.
Two lies, or more, clearly reveal mendacity.
Applying this epistemological approach, I must conclude that I—and you—have been lied to repeatedly, thoroughly and systematically for the past 23 months. In order to gain political and economic advantages, Democrat officials and the media have continually stacked Covid lie upon Covid lie.
These are the people who told you:
—everyone is at either at risk and/or an asymptomatic spreader
—we need hundreds of thousands of ventilators
—hospitals are being overrun
—if we lock down for two weeks, we’ll flatten the curve
—your paper or cloth mask will stop the spread
—the PCR tests provide reliable data
—I, Biden, have, (like Nixon had) a secret plan to crush the virus.
—I won’t take the Trump Vaxx
before doing a 180 and saying:
—two weeks is not nearly long enough
—you need two masks
—we need to spend tens of billions to bail out underutilized hospitals
—the vaxxes are safe and effective
—if you take two shots, you can go back to normal
—the vaxxes will stop infection and spread
—let’s foist some of those extra ventilators on other countries
—the vaxxes won’t be made mandatory
—crowded college football games will cause massive spread but street protests won’t
—if you don’t have vaxx papers, you’re forbidden to enter many places
—you need a booster
—let’s dial back the number of PCR cycles
—you have to vaxx to keep your job
—uh, maybe multiple boosters
—you need an N-95, tightly fitted
—this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated
—I (Biden) can offer no federal solution; the states must solve this
and, the last (also false) refuge of the liars and those who still believe them:
—even if the vaxxes don’t stop infection or spread, they’ll keep you from dying
In addition to these outright lies, the government and media have also sponsored many obviously nonsensical measures to ostensibly protect the imperiled masses. The graduated absurdity of these measures as viral management strategies should have made people think they were on Candid Camera or Punked, or were part some fraternity hazing prank or military boot camp mind game. How much nonsense will people believe before they realize—or, perish the thought, admit—they’ve been scammed?
For example:
—stay at home (unless you do “essential” work or have to buy food)
—”my mask protects you!” (or something like that; BTW, if masks work, why are any other restrictions needed?)
—stay six feet apart (see masks, above, plus four feet is not enough)
—disinfect everything from subway cars to doorknobs (even though the virus doesn’t spread via surfaces)
—walk in one direction in supermarket aisles (because your mask doesn’t really work)
—close small businesses (while leaving large ones open)
—wear goggles (because this stuff can get in your eyes!)
—test and trace (because what works for STDs also works for respiratory viruses…not)
—stay in your home state (even though states’ infection rates were nearly equal)
—return to restaurants, theaters and stadiums (but only to 25% of capacity)
—while dining out, wear a mask (unless you’re consuming food or beverages, or just talking)
—keep schools closed (even though kids were never at risk)
—test even if you feel fine (though the tests are 90% inaccurate, we need to keep scaring people)
—if you vaxx, we’ll give you free doughnuts, beer, lottery tickets or $100 gift cards
—the unvaxxed are infecting the vaxxed (say what?!)
The government and media have continued to serially stack lies and nonsense, as if to mockingly say, behind closed doors, “If they believed that, then how about this?”
If you stayed home, masked up, tested and vaxxed, and/or otherwise believed the government and media, the joke has been on you. It resembles the 1960s TV/birthday party game: Fauci says do this…Fauci says do this…Fauci says do this…Do this!
None of it has worked. None of it could ever have worked. Viruses are ubiquitous. They can’t be crushed. Yet, many Americans gullibly internalized the nonsense. A Johns Hopkins meta-analysis published yesterday corroborates what I, and many others, have said for 23 months: none of this theater has demonstrably advanced public health or justified any of the vast, attendant human misery and social and economic dislocation.
Worse, the talking heads and their adherents labeled as “stupid” or “selfish” those who saw immediately that the Democrats, bureaucrats and media were greatly exaggerating the threat. That video clip of the Chinese guy lying on his back, scissoring his legs in the street? Please! Some old, overweight people dying in Italy and Spain with—not from—a self-limiting respiratory virus was no reason to take a sledgehammer to America’s society and economy.
After all of the lies they’ve been told and nonsense to which they’ve been subjected, why does anyone still believe anything Fauci, Walensky and other Democrats and their media say? If this were such a lethal “Pandemic(!),” who do you know— not old or obese—has died from “The Virus(!)” in the past 23 months? In 1984, Orwell wrote, “The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”
Why did anyone ever believe the government and media fear crusade? Those who still believe such an obvious, lie-laden scam, need to binge watch old Columbo, Matlock or Monk episodes to see how one lie reveals others. Then, think of how many things the media and government have said have clearly been shown to be false. Ask yourself why, other than succumbing to groupthink/peer pressure, you believed any of it.
Nancy Drew would have figured out this scam in a week. But CNN, NPR, NYT and Twitter would have banned her for misinformation.
Many of the lies were obviously lies to those of us with even a minimum of mathematical or scientific knowledge and modest amount of curiosity. I am somewhat surprised by the number of people, including journalists who failed to exhibit even a modest amount of curiosity to evaluate the factual predicate upon which these lies were formed and told, and re-told by the media. Even as the house is falling down, they still believe the lies. Sad state of our country and the world that this has persisted for so long.
Thanks for the great articles.
I read Nancy Drew as a kid, grew up in Idaho where and when we didn’t like government rules, I learned about Randy Weaver’s wife being shot in real time, and later watched David Koresh and his group burn. I’m a PhD scientist well-trained in analytical thought. But, how I really knew that this Covid response was all a huge pile of steaming bs was my experience being married to a compulsive liar for 10 years.
I know first hand how psychologically damaging it is to be gaslit every single day by someone/something that says they care about you. Every lie he told me had an element of truth.... the lies were always wrapped in some truth. They were complex balls of tied up yarn that I could not unravel, despite my best efforts. Or sometimes, the lies were so stupid, I couldn’t believe it was a lie, because who would lie about something so stupid? It caused me profound mental and psychological damage. I defended him against my family, my friends and lost many relationships with people who did actually care about me. I became more isolated while slowly losing my sanity. I remember thinking near the end that I felt like I was in a “white out”, just spinning around and around trying to find one object anywhere around me to ground my line of sight.
I finally got out of the relationship but it was years before I extricated myself from all the lies. And years more to rebuild trust in myself and my intuition.
It will take years for humans to extricate themselves from the Covid lies, and a certain percentage will never recover.
But if there are enough people able to extricate themselves from the lies and admit they were fooled- the government/elites/whomever will never be able to do this again, at least for many many years.