Many of the lies were obviously lies to those of us with even a minimum of mathematical or scientific knowledge and modest amount of curiosity. I am somewhat surprised by the number of people, including journalists who failed to exhibit even a modest amount of curiosity to evaluate the factual predicate upon which these lies were formed …
Many of the lies were obviously lies to those of us with even a minimum of mathematical or scientific knowledge and modest amount of curiosity. I am somewhat surprised by the number of people, including journalists who failed to exhibit even a modest amount of curiosity to evaluate the factual predicate upon which these lies were formed and told, and re-told by the media. Even as the house is falling down, they still believe the lies. Sad state of our country and the world that this has persisted for so long.
I am further concernes with the ease my friends and family accepted the changing definition of vacine. The fact the CDC allowed the definition is criminal negligence or complicity in my opinion. Thanks to all the commenters on being rational thinkers.
Yes! The lack of curiosity is stunning to me. When this started, I remember turning to a friend while we were taking a walk, saying:
"Is it really necessary to shut down our entire society for this? Is is really that big of a threat?"
She said, "I think Dr. Fauci knows more than you."
Why in the hell wouldn't one be curious about those drastic measures? Never in the history of our society has a government, let alone multiple governments, shut down businesses, closed schools, mandated people stay home, mandated people cover their faces the second they leave their homes, because of the THREAT of a virus.
Then the vaccines ... Jesus help me, but why aren't people more curious about rushed vaccines using completely experimental technology that forces your cells produce a toxic protein? mRNA vaccines are literally the most revolutionary medical intervention in the last 10 years, maybe the last 50 years, and people don't want to know more about it?????
Curiosity is the cornerstone of intelligence IMO. I didn't know so many people were this dumb.
Yes! The moment I heard about the vaccines my heart sank and I felt dread. I knew they were going to eventually be forced. I didn’t know much about the mRNA vaccine, but I was suspicious about the lack of explanation and the rush to administer them. I work in a hospital and there wasn’t any curiosity. Just daily email updates on when I could get my first dose as a health care worker. Usually we have so many emails about what education we need to complete and any time there is something new, there is education. Nothing at all in the last year about the vaccines that offer any sort of education or the studies from the trials. Only when we could get them in the beginning to daily emails about hospitalizations in vaccinated vs unvaccinated. Then the mandatory deadline for vaccination or exemptions. There was some propaganda about “safe and effective,” but never any actual education about how they work. Very few co workers asked questions and none of the doctors, that I am aware of. Most of my coworkers and family lined up and excitedly waited for their age group to come up. I was shocked that so many would take it after all the foolishness and lies from the previous year. So far, no one I know has had any really bad reactions to the vaccine, thankfully. I am still struggling to understand how afraid people really are. I underestimated it and I don’t understand it.
Fear of death has the power to shut down all rational thinking. People glued to their TV's watching death counters along the bottom of their screens, endless tales of filled hospitals and bodies stacked like cordwood. And it's coming for YOU unless you do this, this and this and you must take this injection...then you'll be safe...or not. But really, how many times do people need to be fooled before they wake up? Apparently there is no limit. Just add another variant, rinse and repeat.
Yes. Maybe that is why I have been so unsettled. I have often questioned myself and asked if I am being unfair. I don’t know. On the one hand, the propaganda was intense and by the grace of God I saw through it. There was a time when I would not have. On the other hand, it had been a year of lies and goalpost moving before the vaccines rolled out, so I was weary and saw it as a red flag. Going into year 3, there are still people that are still very afraid. It is very scary.
very sad & disturbing... have lost my respect for the medical ‘profession’... what should be scary is that hospitals and doctors knowingly allowed patients to die of a disease that was treatable/curable with existing, safe (but not profitable) drugs and promoted, continue to promote an inadequately studied, now proven unsafe (through Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System VARES) ‘vaccine’ that neither prevents the disease or it’s transmission. never dreamed of the level of skepticism i now have about doctors...
Me either. I have hope that there will be some changes to healthcare. They won’t be immediate. I think Covid exposed the mess healthcare has become and exposed big pharma as well. I really hope this inspires some change or at least an alternative to the current “system.”
Way too trusting of strangers too. I dug up some stuff about Gates's "philanthropic" dealings with children in India and decided not to take a needle of his funky concoction.
I am also surprised by how many people bought into the lies. I am a nurse and I have worked on the Covid unit the entire pandemic. I am shocked and saddened by what I see in my fellow nurses and in the medical establishment as a whole. Many, not all, believe the entire narrative and are very outspoken about it. They really believe it. I just don’t understand why when it is so obvious. Lots of very smart people in my life have also caved to the fear. It has been very depressing and strained some relationships. I have suspected for a few years that medicine was becoming corrupt, but I am now questioning my entire career. I hope some good can come of this.
I have very smart and intelligent friends who are insanely blind when it comes to 'facts' about Covid. They will freely talk at length about anything else, but go absolutely apoplectic if questioned about their beliefs in Fauchism.
Yes, it's been interesting (and infuriating) to see how quickly my normally loquacious friends literally yell "Stop, don't want to hear it, you don't know what you're talking about" if I swerve into that lane. I don't understand why they don't want to engage with any idea that breaks with the approved narrative, and why they react so dramatically. I've heard some people liken it to challenging a religion, and when I think about the friends who shut down Covid conversations, I realize that to a one they are atheists, and I've begun to suspect their hysterical grip on "The Narrative" might be filling some primeval need.
How much is due to arrogance? I know we can't paint them all with the same brush. But how many are just too proud to admit they made mistakes. Sunken cost fallacy also plays a role.
I don't understand why you guys are surprised about MSM being on board with all the lies. That's where a major portion of their revenue comes from! All the pharmaceutical ads on parent channels. All the Medicare ads. The public service announcements reminding you to get your jabs. Thinking they'll bite the hand that feeds them doesn't make sense to me. It's essentially the same as take the jab or lose your job. Lots of people will go along to keep their income, and the income of the on air media personalities isn't as little as most of the rest of us make.
Nick - Wait, many of the Covid lies were obvious to you but, you're still surprised about the actions and non-actions of journalists?
Not intending to beat-up on you but, in the 21st century, how does anyone that pays attention not realize that mainstream media is CAPTURED? They are OWNED, just like most Doctors are today -- both owned by corporate employers. Neither group have autonomy if they want to continue to pay their bills.
My questions are: When are more people going to grasp that we are a CAPTURED nation? Once they do actually get that, do they intend to do anything at all about it?
Many of the lies were obviously lies to those of us with even a minimum of mathematical or scientific knowledge and modest amount of curiosity. I am somewhat surprised by the number of people, including journalists who failed to exhibit even a modest amount of curiosity to evaluate the factual predicate upon which these lies were formed and told, and re-told by the media. Even as the house is falling down, they still believe the lies. Sad state of our country and the world that this has persisted for so long.
Thanks for the great articles.
Thanks, Nick. It was such an obvious scam to anyone who could think even a little.
And yes, so much damage has been done.
I am further concernes with the ease my friends and family accepted the changing definition of vacine. The fact the CDC allowed the definition is criminal negligence or complicity in my opinion. Thanks to all the commenters on being rational thinkers.
Yes! The lack of curiosity is stunning to me. When this started, I remember turning to a friend while we were taking a walk, saying:
"Is it really necessary to shut down our entire society for this? Is is really that big of a threat?"
She said, "I think Dr. Fauci knows more than you."
Why in the hell wouldn't one be curious about those drastic measures? Never in the history of our society has a government, let alone multiple governments, shut down businesses, closed schools, mandated people stay home, mandated people cover their faces the second they leave their homes, because of the THREAT of a virus.
Then the vaccines ... Jesus help me, but why aren't people more curious about rushed vaccines using completely experimental technology that forces your cells produce a toxic protein? mRNA vaccines are literally the most revolutionary medical intervention in the last 10 years, maybe the last 50 years, and people don't want to know more about it?????
Curiosity is the cornerstone of intelligence IMO. I didn't know so many people were this dumb.
Yes! The moment I heard about the vaccines my heart sank and I felt dread. I knew they were going to eventually be forced. I didn’t know much about the mRNA vaccine, but I was suspicious about the lack of explanation and the rush to administer them. I work in a hospital and there wasn’t any curiosity. Just daily email updates on when I could get my first dose as a health care worker. Usually we have so many emails about what education we need to complete and any time there is something new, there is education. Nothing at all in the last year about the vaccines that offer any sort of education or the studies from the trials. Only when we could get them in the beginning to daily emails about hospitalizations in vaccinated vs unvaccinated. Then the mandatory deadline for vaccination or exemptions. There was some propaganda about “safe and effective,” but never any actual education about how they work. Very few co workers asked questions and none of the doctors, that I am aware of. Most of my coworkers and family lined up and excitedly waited for their age group to come up. I was shocked that so many would take it after all the foolishness and lies from the previous year. So far, no one I know has had any really bad reactions to the vaccine, thankfully. I am still struggling to understand how afraid people really are. I underestimated it and I don’t understand it.
you’re literally ‘rolling the dice’ each time you get vaxxed or boosted... saline? or live?...
Fear of death has the power to shut down all rational thinking. People glued to their TV's watching death counters along the bottom of their screens, endless tales of filled hospitals and bodies stacked like cordwood. And it's coming for YOU unless you do this, this and this and you must take this injection...then you'll be safe...or not. But really, how many times do people need to be fooled before they wake up? Apparently there is no limit. Just add another variant, rinse and repeat.
It really was horrible
Curiosity is also the cornerstone of science, not to be confused with “the science”.
yes... those lacking curiosity are scarier than the liars... if that’s possible.
Yes. Maybe that is why I have been so unsettled. I have often questioned myself and asked if I am being unfair. I don’t know. On the one hand, the propaganda was intense and by the grace of God I saw through it. There was a time when I would not have. On the other hand, it had been a year of lies and goalpost moving before the vaccines rolled out, so I was weary and saw it as a red flag. Going into year 3, there are still people that are still very afraid. It is very scary.
very sad & disturbing... have lost my respect for the medical ‘profession’... what should be scary is that hospitals and doctors knowingly allowed patients to die of a disease that was treatable/curable with existing, safe (but not profitable) drugs and promoted, continue to promote an inadequately studied, now proven unsafe (through Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System VARES) ‘vaccine’ that neither prevents the disease or it’s transmission. never dreamed of the level of skepticism i now have about doctors...
Me either. I have hope that there will be some changes to healthcare. They won’t be immediate. I think Covid exposed the mess healthcare has become and exposed big pharma as well. I really hope this inspires some change or at least an alternative to the current “system.”
Way too trusting of strangers too. I dug up some stuff about Gates's "philanthropic" dealings with children in India and decided not to take a needle of his funky concoction.
I am also surprised by how many people bought into the lies. I am a nurse and I have worked on the Covid unit the entire pandemic. I am shocked and saddened by what I see in my fellow nurses and in the medical establishment as a whole. Many, not all, believe the entire narrative and are very outspoken about it. They really believe it. I just don’t understand why when it is so obvious. Lots of very smart people in my life have also caved to the fear. It has been very depressing and strained some relationships. I have suspected for a few years that medicine was becoming corrupt, but I am now questioning my entire career. I hope some good can come of this.
I call it the Covid blind spot.
I have very smart and intelligent friends who are insanely blind when it comes to 'facts' about Covid. They will freely talk at length about anything else, but go absolutely apoplectic if questioned about their beliefs in Fauchism.
Yes, it's been interesting (and infuriating) to see how quickly my normally loquacious friends literally yell "Stop, don't want to hear it, you don't know what you're talking about" if I swerve into that lane. I don't understand why they don't want to engage with any idea that breaks with the approved narrative, and why they react so dramatically. I've heard some people liken it to challenging a religion, and when I think about the friends who shut down Covid conversations, I realize that to a one they are atheists, and I've begun to suspect their hysterical grip on "The Narrative" might be filling some primeval need.
How much is due to arrogance? I know we can't paint them all with the same brush. But how many are just too proud to admit they made mistakes. Sunken cost fallacy also plays a role.
Who said they were failing to display a modest amount of curiosity? They're all just doing what they're told. They are all good little useful idiots.
Stenographers for government institutions.
The already corrupted media was bought out in a lot of countries, the US likely included.
I’d say more than ‘likely’.
I don't understand why you guys are surprised about MSM being on board with all the lies. That's where a major portion of their revenue comes from! All the pharmaceutical ads on parent channels. All the Medicare ads. The public service announcements reminding you to get your jabs. Thinking they'll bite the hand that feeds them doesn't make sense to me. It's essentially the same as take the jab or lose your job. Lots of people will go along to keep their income, and the income of the on air media personalities isn't as little as most of the rest of us make.
Nick - Wait, many of the Covid lies were obvious to you but, you're still surprised about the actions and non-actions of journalists?
Not intending to beat-up on you but, in the 21st century, how does anyone that pays attention not realize that mainstream media is CAPTURED? They are OWNED, just like most Doctors are today -- both owned by corporate employers. Neither group have autonomy if they want to continue to pay their bills.
My questions are: When are more people going to grasp that we are a CAPTURED nation? Once they do actually get that, do they intend to do anything at all about it?