Many of the lies were obviously lies to those of us with even a minimum of mathematical or scientific knowledge and modest amount of curiosity. I am somewhat surprised by the number of people, including journalists who failed to exhibit even a modest amount of curiosity to evaluate the factual predicate upon which these lies were formed and told, and re-told by the media. Even as the house is falling down, they still believe the lies. Sad state of our country and the world that this has persisted for so long.
I am further concernes with the ease my friends and family accepted the changing definition of vacine. The fact the CDC allowed the definition is criminal negligence or complicity in my opinion. Thanks to all the commenters on being rational thinkers.
Yes! The lack of curiosity is stunning to me. When this started, I remember turning to a friend while we were taking a walk, saying:
"Is it really necessary to shut down our entire society for this? Is is really that big of a threat?"
She said, "I think Dr. Fauci knows more than you."
Why in the hell wouldn't one be curious about those drastic measures? Never in the history of our society has a government, let alone multiple governments, shut down businesses, closed schools, mandated people stay home, mandated people cover their faces the second they leave their homes, because of the THREAT of a virus.
Then the vaccines ... Jesus help me, but why aren't people more curious about rushed vaccines using completely experimental technology that forces your cells produce a toxic protein? mRNA vaccines are literally the most revolutionary medical intervention in the last 10 years, maybe the last 50 years, and people don't want to know more about it?????
Curiosity is the cornerstone of intelligence IMO. I didn't know so many people were this dumb.
Yes! The moment I heard about the vaccines my heart sank and I felt dread. I knew they were going to eventually be forced. I didn’t know much about the mRNA vaccine, but I was suspicious about the lack of explanation and the rush to administer them. I work in a hospital and there wasn’t any curiosity. Just daily email updates on when I could get my first dose as a health care worker. Usually we have so many emails about what education we need to complete and any time there is something new, there is education. Nothing at all in the last year about the vaccines that offer any sort of education or the studies from the trials. Only when we could get them in the beginning to daily emails about hospitalizations in vaccinated vs unvaccinated. Then the mandatory deadline for vaccination or exemptions. There was some propaganda about “safe and effective,” but never any actual education about how they work. Very few co workers asked questions and none of the doctors, that I am aware of. Most of my coworkers and family lined up and excitedly waited for their age group to come up. I was shocked that so many would take it after all the foolishness and lies from the previous year. So far, no one I know has had any really bad reactions to the vaccine, thankfully. I am still struggling to understand how afraid people really are. I underestimated it and I don’t understand it.
Fear of death has the power to shut down all rational thinking. People glued to their TV's watching death counters along the bottom of their screens, endless tales of filled hospitals and bodies stacked like cordwood. And it's coming for YOU unless you do this, this and this and you must take this injection...then you'll be safe...or not. But really, how many times do people need to be fooled before they wake up? Apparently there is no limit. Just add another variant, rinse and repeat.
Yes. Maybe that is why I have been so unsettled. I have often questioned myself and asked if I am being unfair. I don’t know. On the one hand, the propaganda was intense and by the grace of God I saw through it. There was a time when I would not have. On the other hand, it had been a year of lies and goalpost moving before the vaccines rolled out, so I was weary and saw it as a red flag. Going into year 3, there are still people that are still very afraid. It is very scary.
very sad & disturbing... have lost my respect for the medical ‘profession’... what should be scary is that hospitals and doctors knowingly allowed patients to die of a disease that was treatable/curable with existing, safe (but not profitable) drugs and promoted, continue to promote an inadequately studied, now proven unsafe (through Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System VARES) ‘vaccine’ that neither prevents the disease or it’s transmission. never dreamed of the level of skepticism i now have about doctors...
Me either. I have hope that there will be some changes to healthcare. They won’t be immediate. I think Covid exposed the mess healthcare has become and exposed big pharma as well. I really hope this inspires some change or at least an alternative to the current “system.”
Way too trusting of strangers too. I dug up some stuff about Gates's "philanthropic" dealings with children in India and decided not to take a needle of his funky concoction.
I am also surprised by how many people bought into the lies. I am a nurse and I have worked on the Covid unit the entire pandemic. I am shocked and saddened by what I see in my fellow nurses and in the medical establishment as a whole. Many, not all, believe the entire narrative and are very outspoken about it. They really believe it. I just don’t understand why when it is so obvious. Lots of very smart people in my life have also caved to the fear. It has been very depressing and strained some relationships. I have suspected for a few years that medicine was becoming corrupt, but I am now questioning my entire career. I hope some good can come of this.
I have very smart and intelligent friends who are insanely blind when it comes to 'facts' about Covid. They will freely talk at length about anything else, but go absolutely apoplectic if questioned about their beliefs in Fauchism.
Yes, it's been interesting (and infuriating) to see how quickly my normally loquacious friends literally yell "Stop, don't want to hear it, you don't know what you're talking about" if I swerve into that lane. I don't understand why they don't want to engage with any idea that breaks with the approved narrative, and why they react so dramatically. I've heard some people liken it to challenging a religion, and when I think about the friends who shut down Covid conversations, I realize that to a one they are atheists, and I've begun to suspect their hysterical grip on "The Narrative" might be filling some primeval need.
How much is due to arrogance? I know we can't paint them all with the same brush. But how many are just too proud to admit they made mistakes. Sunken cost fallacy also plays a role.
I don't understand why you guys are surprised about MSM being on board with all the lies. That's where a major portion of their revenue comes from! All the pharmaceutical ads on parent channels. All the Medicare ads. The public service announcements reminding you to get your jabs. Thinking they'll bite the hand that feeds them doesn't make sense to me. It's essentially the same as take the jab or lose your job. Lots of people will go along to keep their income, and the income of the on air media personalities isn't as little as most of the rest of us make.
Nick - Wait, many of the Covid lies were obvious to you but, you're still surprised about the actions and non-actions of journalists?
Not intending to beat-up on you but, in the 21st century, how does anyone that pays attention not realize that mainstream media is CAPTURED? They are OWNED, just like most Doctors are today -- both owned by corporate employers. Neither group have autonomy if they want to continue to pay their bills.
My questions are: When are more people going to grasp that we are a CAPTURED nation? Once they do actually get that, do they intend to do anything at all about it?
I read Nancy Drew as a kid, grew up in Idaho where and when we didn’t like government rules, I learned about Randy Weaver’s wife being shot in real time, and later watched David Koresh and his group burn. I’m a PhD scientist well-trained in analytical thought. But, how I really knew that this Covid response was all a huge pile of steaming bs was my experience being married to a compulsive liar for 10 years.
I know first hand how psychologically damaging it is to be gaslit every single day by someone/something that says they care about you. Every lie he told me had an element of truth.... the lies were always wrapped in some truth. They were complex balls of tied up yarn that I could not unravel, despite my best efforts. Or sometimes, the lies were so stupid, I couldn’t believe it was a lie, because who would lie about something so stupid? It caused me profound mental and psychological damage. I defended him against my family, my friends and lost many relationships with people who did actually care about me. I became more isolated while slowly losing my sanity. I remember thinking near the end that I felt like I was in a “white out”, just spinning around and around trying to find one object anywhere around me to ground my line of sight.
I finally got out of the relationship but it was years before I extricated myself from all the lies. And years more to rebuild trust in myself and my intuition.
It will take years for humans to extricate themselves from the Covid lies, and a certain percentage will never recover.
But if there are enough people able to extricate themselves from the lies and admit they were fooled- the government/elites/whomever will never be able to do this again, at least for many many years.
Yes, that's a classic liar's/salesman's tactic: say a few things that are true and then embed the lie within that presentation, so as to connect the lie with truth.
I hope there will be much lasting reaction to the two-year CV lie. But I'm not sure there will be. Many people will never even admit they were wrong about CV. People are very tribal and political affiliation and media trump reason.
It’s true Mark. And it’s hard for the “foolee” to admit they were fooled, to the point of hurting friends, family, even your own children so as to not admit your own role. I spent years doubling down, defending my husband and and protecting him from the consequences of his lying and duplicitous behaviors. I was completely his enabler and water carrier, all the while he was dragging me down.
I agree with you that there’s some percentage of our population that will never admit they were wrong; some of them are victims and some are narcissists and some go back and forth between the two. These people are either co-abuser/liars or enablers of the abuser/liars. I absolutely agree-however, what you nicely call tribal, I call down-right nasty and mean. I don’t doubt that it will be difficult, but hopefully not impossible, to live side by side with those who may be lost to the lies forever.
There are people waking up now, who previously were deep in the hypnotic lies of the mainstream. In each case I am aware of it was some personal experience that jarred them into consciousness. The second, third, or fourth previously healthy family member, friend or neighbor who died, suddenly, post vax, or getting Covid after their booster, or, their child passing out, after being masked day after day, for a year. Or, just finally recognizing the idiocy of mass protests not spreading Covid exponentially but a small private business being labeled a lethal risk.
Doesn't matter what, but, something wakes them up!
Many will go down with the Covid-19 Ship, maintaining their illusion "till death do us part," however, from just talking to people, ordinary people all over Oregon, the vast majority know very well we have been "had," by a group of clinically insane Narcissists and Compulsive Liars. (At BEST.)
I do believe the greatest reckoning in U.S. History, politically, is on the horizon. The cockroaches are running frantically, the kitchen lights are blazing, and there are a many of us in boots hearing that satisfying crunch.
I hope Facebook falls, Fouci gets 1 million life sentences, and Pfizer is stripped of all it's war profits! Join the legion working to clean this Filthy House's the best group of Friends yet!
Very interesting reply as it’s parallel to Meredith Miller who compares the response to COVID to an abusive relationship. She’s a therapist who explained this so beautifully on Dr.Reiner Fuellmichs Corona Investigative Committee. She also has a Substack thingy.
I have been VERY angry at those brainwashed zombies dragging us into a Hell-on-earth. My rage--even hatred--frightened me.
We need to practice compassion. Etc. But they are behaving selfishly in their demands that everyone else sacrifice for their placebo effect and hypochondria.
While calling us selfish for not sacrificing and forcing others to sacrifice enough.
The problem for me is, now that I know this can happen, how can I ever live in society again? How can I trust politicians? My fellow man even? When so many have been quick to turn against the unvaccinated and segregate them, all while laughing and enjoying their lattes in their green tick restaurants? I feel like I’m in a movie and the plot has finally been exposed and I’m surrounded by evil. I don’t know where to go I just know I want to escape.
I was already a misanthrope so that hasn't been a problem. The never-trusting-doctors again part is gonna be harder for me. I mean I have an appointment coming up and I'll probably end up berating the poor guy.
Ikwym I’ve lost all respect for doctors now. I mean I’m open minded if I meet a good one but if anything this has made me have more trust in my own body and not want to run to doctors or pharma for a “cure” for my ailments. When, as a society did we get the opinion that we should never ever get sick. When I told my sister I wasn’t getting my teenage son vaxxed she said, oh but you wouldn’t want him to get sick. And I thought, well yes I would. Getting coughs and colds is a normal part of life and not a reason to live in madness and fear. It really is like the Twilight Zone
It's funny seeing a bunch of them in a cafe/restaurant. I have to remind myself that many were coerced, otherwise I find myself viewing them as a bunch of poisoned idiots, and I certainly don't want to be dining with them anyway.
My community has really nice people. I know what you mean though. Look for rural areas. Even in blue states. Nice to visit even if you can't move. Somehow the madness has passed over a lot of small towns and rural communities.
Ah, you've finally explained something to me. I read all the Nancy Drew books as a young girl. Perhaps that's why I never bought into any of this crap from Day One.
And I read every Hardy Boys except The Aztec Arrow Mystery. I used to do this thing called "wagoning" on Fire Island and with the money I made Id run to the little store and buy "The House on the Cliff" and get swept away. Then I got older and the covid lies started piling up, and I saw them for what they were the day they were told (from the first cruise ship on), so maybe that was Franklin W Dixon guiding me through - or the few Carolyn Keanes Id read when Frank and Joe weren't available - but I didn't get swept away, I became filled with rage, for my daughters' sakes. I don't think Ill ever truly understand how some of my smarter friends can't seem to understand they are being lead by liars and sociopaths. I try to console myself by saying they will one day... when it becomes fashionable to be furious at them, cuz I do think that day is coming, Ive seen glimmers.
I'm one of those people who have been saying since May or June of 2020 that this was over and things needed to return to normal. I can't begin to tell you the number of times I say "fuck these people" in the course of an average day.
Agree. This was getting obviously ridiculous. 2022 and we have a pandemic? Maybe in New York where they stuffed all of the old people into the nursing home. God Bless those souls
Amazing that is the date of Revision 1 of the FDA RT PCR EUA that flipped the plandemic on by removing the N3 protein assay from the protocol making it only require 2 genes to match.
"—the unvaxxed are infecting the vaxxed (say what?!)"
That part is easy to explain:
See, my vaxx protects me from injury that I might otherwise suffer from coming into unavoidable contact with that nasty virus. In this scenario I am protected because I acted with virtue by taking the precaution of getting vaxxed.
But, when you unvirtuously bring your unvirtuous virus into my proximity, then I am at much greater risk for harm precisely because you have been unvirtuous, and my vaxx was only designed to deal with virtuous infection.
It's all about VIRTUE. (Follow the science, buddy!)
And that mask signals your virtue to the Virus scaring it away.
Had one "Karen" tell me on a forum that we needed to keep talking about all the Covid deaths and being serious. I asked her "How does that work? Does the Virus hear you venerating it so it moves on to smite those less deferential than you?"
Mark, the truth is, the government and its sycophants - i.e. the media and multi-national corporations - have been lying to us for, at least, the past 100 years. What made the scamdemic lie different is our ability to see the truth with our own eyes - whereas, in the past, it was nearly impossible to confirm any suspicions we may have had.
Everything you bring up is truth! But what’s worse than the lies are all the people who won’t listen to you or me? It reminds me of the old movie “ Invasion of the Body Snatchers”. It’s almost like their ‘woke’ souls cannot be saved. There was an an ex Soviet who spoke of something similar. The final stage of western propaganda was a kind of wokism. And very few would ever come out of it….
I thought of that movie too. It seemed starting midsummer 2021 that the people I knew weren't just getting vaccinated, they were getting flipped. It was like a religious conversion, all doubts out the window. It was an eerie feeling.
I know. I think many on the Left do treat their politics as their religion. ( their god) And it’s blasphemy to insult their Lord Fauci or come against the vaccine sacrament….
The funny thing was that many of the people I have in mind weren't on the left. It seemed they could discern deceptive MSM messaging as it impacted conservative issues but not for the pandemic narrative even though it came from the same source.
Might it be a reaction to all the wokeism, trying to be accepting of everyone, and now they have found a group that they are allowed to hate on. They can sink in the claws they have kept sheathed so long.
And even outdo each other in their hatred for the uninjected.
Those who look to Jesus primarily as an historical example vs those who look to Him as a living Lord. There is a huge gulf between them. In the everyday world one says "what would Smith do?" only if Smith is dead or retired. Jesus is neither.
The only people I know who died or were harmed (and there are many) were those who got vaccinated. When this single 'truth' is fully told then and only then will we be free from these oppressors.
I only know 1. And I believe is was a medical error from a combination of being understaffed, incompetence, and keeping family out. Keeping family out is criminal. Family can identify changes in mentation and many other baseline changes that can alert doctors and nurses that something else might be wrong. How many have died because of this?
You’re spoiling me with great reads, Mark! Dare I cough up even more monthly bucks to be a paid subscriber? Substack is turning into my crack!
Me thinks Josh was full of sh—beans. Nobody will care, but I played tight end in JC, have dealt with miserable knees most of my life and even worked as a (sad) donkey in a warehouse for three months. No Ivy League schools showed any interest in me. Point being I’ve never felt inclined to lie about my past. Not shared some of it with anyone, sure, but I probably hate liars on a par with thieves. Good old Uncle Clem used to tell me that once you catch someone telling you a whopper, you can bet the trailer there’s a passel more where that one came from. Actually I didn’t have an Uncle Clem - kidding not lying.
That was one helluva list of whoppers you compiled! And the suckers are still buying in, much to our peril.
Still smartly “unvaxxed” and waiting for my winter of death, ice cream Joe.
I hear ya, Al. If Josh was a baller, he wouldn't have to tell me. I would have seen it.
I don't expect to "go paid." After about 35 of these, I don't know how much more I have to say.
And I think the wheels are--FINALLY--falling off the scam. I'll watch the rats jump from the sinking Coronamania ship. And all the rats will be like Peter before the cock crowed:
"waiting for my winter of death" I got a cold for the first time in quite a few years this December. I told my husband that Biden really needs to step up his game if that was the best he could do for his promised "winter of sickness and death."
As always Mark, spot on. The lies won them an election. They were allowed to cheat and easily got away with it by ... you guessed it, lying. Unfortunately, I think you said tongue in cheek, "anybody that still believes ...", most (50+ %) still believe. I really believe they are too lazy to think and it is just easier going along with the narrative. In addition they went and got the shot which creates some sort of psychosis of denial. Hard for me to understand, I never considered getting a shot. 40 years of clinical research has taught me, safe medicines don't happen in a few months, especially "vaccines". We know all the side effects and the real numbers are slowly surfacing, but this could pale in comparison to potential long term side effects and severe adverse events.
I believed it was a scam from day one. Having lived through the swine flu scam of the seventies and Fauci’s lies about AIDS, I could understand that every single government official was lying. It became apparent to me quite quickly that this whole scam was no more than a government power grab and an opportunity for the elites to oppress us. Unfortunately, too many sheeple bought into the charade. Hopefully, people are starting to wake up.
The entire Covid narrative is lies from top to bottom. Everything you see or read is an orchestrated narrative that's been crafted to sell a story for you to believe. Read that again, because that's the big lie they don't want you to understand. You were not alerted to a "pandemic-level pathogenic disease causing agent" by your own senses, observations or experience. You were conditioned by propaganda to believe in a pandemic-level pathogenic disease causing agent by the media, the pharmaceutical industry, and government.
It's breathtaking really to witness the grip of fear this fraud has had and still has on millions and a vast number of these people will be damaged for life. The shadow of this psychosis will follow them to their graves. This is particularly true among the "educated" classes who now have a warped sense of purpose beyond the dull, aimless wanderings of Academia.
All of the exaggerated and repeated fear-based messages from the media and government agencies this past year were just part of the advertising campaign for the pharmaceutical industry’s newest lucrative product- mRNA “vaccines” which they plan to roll out as new medical “miracle cures” for a variety of “ailments”, e.g. new line of “cancer vaccines."
Every single one of the media bullhorns that were blasting the Covid fiction for the past year have direct financial ties to Pharma Inc. It’s not exactly accurate to say Pharma uses its power to influence the news- more to the point it is Pharma that writes the script. Pharma and it’s investors own “the news” and you will speak the Pharma gospel if you wish to maintain your position of privilege- it goes without saying.
And when we speak about Pharma this cannot be separated out from the investor class who rakes in oceans of taxpayer wealth through numerous Pandemic Ponzi Schemes with Pharma as it’s “offering” and its Trojan Horse.
"Covid-19" is a business plan not a medical emergency. Now more than ever it’s important to understand the economics of vaccines. Traditional systems of vaccine procurement and distribution are rapidly giving way to vast public–private supply chains. Despite annual revenues approaching US$1 trillion, the industry has been unable to reverse a declining rate of profit and finds itself in a perpetual state of crisis.
In Fall/Winter of 2019 all stocks of Big Pharma companies were in steep decline. This changed dramatically in Spring 2020 as we now know. The experimental gene therapy mRNA drugs are set to become the most lucrative drugs in medical history. Pharma depends on its “blockbuster drugs” to remain profitable and appealing to investors. It is not an exaggeration to say that without these “blockbuster drugs” the Pharma industry implodes.
What happened in 2020 was simply that the flu was re-branded and repurposed- the term "Covid-19" was invented to turn the seasonal virus into the equivalent of the mythical “Al-Qaeda” meaning to terrorize the population with the false construct of a boogeyman.
This was done as the Western economies were in total free fall in late 2019 and the plan to digitize the economies of The West had to be rushed through lest the collapse be seen for what it was- the by-product of decades of Ponzi schemes by the Wall St. parasites and their allies.
The Virus™ is superfluous, just like the Swine Flu scamdemic of 2009. All they needed to do was create the perception of a pandemic/mass panic with staged Hollywood productions, doomsday models, and the fraudulent PCR test to manufacture the cases/falsely attributed as “Covid deaths.”
"Covid-19" deaths follow the same age/risk stratification and seasonal curve of flu/pneumonia at the same time that flu inexplicably vanished from the face of the earth while all pneumonia deaths were suddenly called “Covid” using mass death certification fraud.
Without the fear-mongering propaganda campaign no one would’ve noticed anything unusual about the last two flu seasons because there was nothing unusual, except for the criminal, murderous, and utterly unscientific lockdown policies in response to the non- existent threat.
Another great article Mark! You really got their number. Indeed our intellectual betters are stammering frauds and uptalkers to boot! (oh I hate that vocal tic…)
Anyway, compare the Psaki, Wallensky, Fauci proclamations with the thoughtful presentations and dialog among the genuine experts hosted by Sen Ron Johnson in his “2nd opinion” panel. Of course having the truth on your side always helps.
"oh I hate that vocal tic…" So do I. I can hardly stand listening to twits who talk that way. I've now seen that it has been translated into writing. I have a covidian friend who, when she comments on one of my Facebook posts in disagreement, punctuates her declarative sentences with a question mark. Does she think it's an attempt to be polite? Is she on some unconscious level questioning her own bullshit? Does the period or exclamation mark not work on her keyboard? It does manage to transfer my annoyance at her brainless parroting narrative talking points to this irritating tic, so maybe that's the purpose.
Yes! I recently watched a video clip of a young attorney giving a CE training class about gender sensitivity (I know, barf); she was not only a massive ‘up talker’, but she ended nearly every sentence with, “…right?” (It’s the new “like”.) E.g., “So, we need to really think about how little we know, right? And be really sensitive about gender, because until we walk a mile in their shoes, right? Because gender is constantly changing—it’s ‘fluid’, right? So you’ll need to do a lot of ‘checking in’, right?” She literally spoke like that.
She said “right” maybe 50+ times in the 3-minute clip I watched. I have 50+ little “right?”-shaped dead spots in my soul from listening to her. Geh.
It IS sad, and it’s a very feminine trait; I rarely hear men speak this way. (I’m not saying I want to!) But it sounds very young and not very confident/
Agreed. I heard an unfamous young woman Princeton grad speak a few years ago. She thought she was smart but her presentation was terrible: 45 minutes of "ums" and "likes" and uptalk. Unlistenable.
My kids--and many others--spoke better in grade school, and beyond. Perfect verbal SATs, too. They went to Univ. of Alabama and loved it. Full scholarships.
Many of the lies were obviously lies to those of us with even a minimum of mathematical or scientific knowledge and modest amount of curiosity. I am somewhat surprised by the number of people, including journalists who failed to exhibit even a modest amount of curiosity to evaluate the factual predicate upon which these lies were formed and told, and re-told by the media. Even as the house is falling down, they still believe the lies. Sad state of our country and the world that this has persisted for so long.
Thanks for the great articles.
Thanks, Nick. It was such an obvious scam to anyone who could think even a little.
And yes, so much damage has been done.
I am further concernes with the ease my friends and family accepted the changing definition of vacine. The fact the CDC allowed the definition is criminal negligence or complicity in my opinion. Thanks to all the commenters on being rational thinkers.
Yes! The lack of curiosity is stunning to me. When this started, I remember turning to a friend while we were taking a walk, saying:
"Is it really necessary to shut down our entire society for this? Is is really that big of a threat?"
She said, "I think Dr. Fauci knows more than you."
Why in the hell wouldn't one be curious about those drastic measures? Never in the history of our society has a government, let alone multiple governments, shut down businesses, closed schools, mandated people stay home, mandated people cover their faces the second they leave their homes, because of the THREAT of a virus.
Then the vaccines ... Jesus help me, but why aren't people more curious about rushed vaccines using completely experimental technology that forces your cells produce a toxic protein? mRNA vaccines are literally the most revolutionary medical intervention in the last 10 years, maybe the last 50 years, and people don't want to know more about it?????
Curiosity is the cornerstone of intelligence IMO. I didn't know so many people were this dumb.
Yes! The moment I heard about the vaccines my heart sank and I felt dread. I knew they were going to eventually be forced. I didn’t know much about the mRNA vaccine, but I was suspicious about the lack of explanation and the rush to administer them. I work in a hospital and there wasn’t any curiosity. Just daily email updates on when I could get my first dose as a health care worker. Usually we have so many emails about what education we need to complete and any time there is something new, there is education. Nothing at all in the last year about the vaccines that offer any sort of education or the studies from the trials. Only when we could get them in the beginning to daily emails about hospitalizations in vaccinated vs unvaccinated. Then the mandatory deadline for vaccination or exemptions. There was some propaganda about “safe and effective,” but never any actual education about how they work. Very few co workers asked questions and none of the doctors, that I am aware of. Most of my coworkers and family lined up and excitedly waited for their age group to come up. I was shocked that so many would take it after all the foolishness and lies from the previous year. So far, no one I know has had any really bad reactions to the vaccine, thankfully. I am still struggling to understand how afraid people really are. I underestimated it and I don’t understand it.
you’re literally ‘rolling the dice’ each time you get vaxxed or boosted... saline? or live?...
Fear of death has the power to shut down all rational thinking. People glued to their TV's watching death counters along the bottom of their screens, endless tales of filled hospitals and bodies stacked like cordwood. And it's coming for YOU unless you do this, this and this and you must take this injection...then you'll be safe...or not. But really, how many times do people need to be fooled before they wake up? Apparently there is no limit. Just add another variant, rinse and repeat.
It really was horrible
Curiosity is also the cornerstone of science, not to be confused with “the science”.
yes... those lacking curiosity are scarier than the liars... if that’s possible.
Yes. Maybe that is why I have been so unsettled. I have often questioned myself and asked if I am being unfair. I don’t know. On the one hand, the propaganda was intense and by the grace of God I saw through it. There was a time when I would not have. On the other hand, it had been a year of lies and goalpost moving before the vaccines rolled out, so I was weary and saw it as a red flag. Going into year 3, there are still people that are still very afraid. It is very scary.
very sad & disturbing... have lost my respect for the medical ‘profession’... what should be scary is that hospitals and doctors knowingly allowed patients to die of a disease that was treatable/curable with existing, safe (but not profitable) drugs and promoted, continue to promote an inadequately studied, now proven unsafe (through Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System VARES) ‘vaccine’ that neither prevents the disease or it’s transmission. never dreamed of the level of skepticism i now have about doctors...
Me either. I have hope that there will be some changes to healthcare. They won’t be immediate. I think Covid exposed the mess healthcare has become and exposed big pharma as well. I really hope this inspires some change or at least an alternative to the current “system.”
Way too trusting of strangers too. I dug up some stuff about Gates's "philanthropic" dealings with children in India and decided not to take a needle of his funky concoction.
I am also surprised by how many people bought into the lies. I am a nurse and I have worked on the Covid unit the entire pandemic. I am shocked and saddened by what I see in my fellow nurses and in the medical establishment as a whole. Many, not all, believe the entire narrative and are very outspoken about it. They really believe it. I just don’t understand why when it is so obvious. Lots of very smart people in my life have also caved to the fear. It has been very depressing and strained some relationships. I have suspected for a few years that medicine was becoming corrupt, but I am now questioning my entire career. I hope some good can come of this.
I call it the Covid blind spot.
I have very smart and intelligent friends who are insanely blind when it comes to 'facts' about Covid. They will freely talk at length about anything else, but go absolutely apoplectic if questioned about their beliefs in Fauchism.
Yes, it's been interesting (and infuriating) to see how quickly my normally loquacious friends literally yell "Stop, don't want to hear it, you don't know what you're talking about" if I swerve into that lane. I don't understand why they don't want to engage with any idea that breaks with the approved narrative, and why they react so dramatically. I've heard some people liken it to challenging a religion, and when I think about the friends who shut down Covid conversations, I realize that to a one they are atheists, and I've begun to suspect their hysterical grip on "The Narrative" might be filling some primeval need.
How much is due to arrogance? I know we can't paint them all with the same brush. But how many are just too proud to admit they made mistakes. Sunken cost fallacy also plays a role.
Who said they were failing to display a modest amount of curiosity? They're all just doing what they're told. They are all good little useful idiots.
Stenographers for government institutions.
The already corrupted media was bought out in a lot of countries, the US likely included.
I’d say more than ‘likely’.
I don't understand why you guys are surprised about MSM being on board with all the lies. That's where a major portion of their revenue comes from! All the pharmaceutical ads on parent channels. All the Medicare ads. The public service announcements reminding you to get your jabs. Thinking they'll bite the hand that feeds them doesn't make sense to me. It's essentially the same as take the jab or lose your job. Lots of people will go along to keep their income, and the income of the on air media personalities isn't as little as most of the rest of us make.
Nick - Wait, many of the Covid lies were obvious to you but, you're still surprised about the actions and non-actions of journalists?
Not intending to beat-up on you but, in the 21st century, how does anyone that pays attention not realize that mainstream media is CAPTURED? They are OWNED, just like most Doctors are today -- both owned by corporate employers. Neither group have autonomy if they want to continue to pay their bills.
My questions are: When are more people going to grasp that we are a CAPTURED nation? Once they do actually get that, do they intend to do anything at all about it?
I read Nancy Drew as a kid, grew up in Idaho where and when we didn’t like government rules, I learned about Randy Weaver’s wife being shot in real time, and later watched David Koresh and his group burn. I’m a PhD scientist well-trained in analytical thought. But, how I really knew that this Covid response was all a huge pile of steaming bs was my experience being married to a compulsive liar for 10 years.
I know first hand how psychologically damaging it is to be gaslit every single day by someone/something that says they care about you. Every lie he told me had an element of truth.... the lies were always wrapped in some truth. They were complex balls of tied up yarn that I could not unravel, despite my best efforts. Or sometimes, the lies were so stupid, I couldn’t believe it was a lie, because who would lie about something so stupid? It caused me profound mental and psychological damage. I defended him against my family, my friends and lost many relationships with people who did actually care about me. I became more isolated while slowly losing my sanity. I remember thinking near the end that I felt like I was in a “white out”, just spinning around and around trying to find one object anywhere around me to ground my line of sight.
I finally got out of the relationship but it was years before I extricated myself from all the lies. And years more to rebuild trust in myself and my intuition.
It will take years for humans to extricate themselves from the Covid lies, and a certain percentage will never recover.
But if there are enough people able to extricate themselves from the lies and admit they were fooled- the government/elites/whomever will never be able to do this again, at least for many many years.
I'm sorry you had to bear this burden.
Yes, that's a classic liar's/salesman's tactic: say a few things that are true and then embed the lie within that presentation, so as to connect the lie with truth.
I hope there will be much lasting reaction to the two-year CV lie. But I'm not sure there will be. Many people will never even admit they were wrong about CV. People are very tribal and political affiliation and media trump reason.
It’s true Mark. And it’s hard for the “foolee” to admit they were fooled, to the point of hurting friends, family, even your own children so as to not admit your own role. I spent years doubling down, defending my husband and and protecting him from the consequences of his lying and duplicitous behaviors. I was completely his enabler and water carrier, all the while he was dragging me down.
I agree with you that there’s some percentage of our population that will never admit they were wrong; some of them are victims and some are narcissists and some go back and forth between the two. These people are either co-abuser/liars or enablers of the abuser/liars. I absolutely agree-however, what you nicely call tribal, I call down-right nasty and mean. I don’t doubt that it will be difficult, but hopefully not impossible, to live side by side with those who may be lost to the lies forever.
There are people waking up now, who previously were deep in the hypnotic lies of the mainstream. In each case I am aware of it was some personal experience that jarred them into consciousness. The second, third, or fourth previously healthy family member, friend or neighbor who died, suddenly, post vax, or getting Covid after their booster, or, their child passing out, after being masked day after day, for a year. Or, just finally recognizing the idiocy of mass protests not spreading Covid exponentially but a small private business being labeled a lethal risk.
Doesn't matter what, but, something wakes them up!
Many will go down with the Covid-19 Ship, maintaining their illusion "till death do us part," however, from just talking to people, ordinary people all over Oregon, the vast majority know very well we have been "had," by a group of clinically insane Narcissists and Compulsive Liars. (At BEST.)
I do believe the greatest reckoning in U.S. History, politically, is on the horizon. The cockroaches are running frantically, the kitchen lights are blazing, and there are a many of us in boots hearing that satisfying crunch.
I hope Facebook falls, Fouci gets 1 million life sentences, and Pfizer is stripped of all it's war profits! Join the legion working to clean this Filthy House's the best group of Friends yet!
Here, here!! Crunch, crunch, crunch!
Very interesting reply as it’s parallel to Meredith Miller who compares the response to COVID to an abusive relationship. She’s a therapist who explained this so beautifully on Dr.Reiner Fuellmichs Corona Investigative Committee. She also has a Substack thingy.
I have been VERY angry at those brainwashed zombies dragging us into a Hell-on-earth. My rage--even hatred--frightened me.
We need to practice compassion. Etc. But they are behaving selfishly in their demands that everyone else sacrifice for their placebo effect and hypochondria.
While calling us selfish for not sacrificing and forcing others to sacrifice enough.
I know how you feel.
I’ll check it out. Thanks!
Thank you for sharing your story. So glad you figured it out.
Dear carrots, I am so sorry you had to endure such a depressing ordeal of a relationship. ten years is a long time.
I dearly hope that you are right about that last part!
The problem for me is, now that I know this can happen, how can I ever live in society again? How can I trust politicians? My fellow man even? When so many have been quick to turn against the unvaccinated and segregate them, all while laughing and enjoying their lattes in their green tick restaurants? I feel like I’m in a movie and the plot has finally been exposed and I’m surrounded by evil. I don’t know where to go I just know I want to escape.
Seek new friends. We're out here. You just have to search.
I was already a misanthrope so that hasn't been a problem. The never-trusting-doctors again part is gonna be harder for me. I mean I have an appointment coming up and I'll probably end up berating the poor guy.
Ikwym I’ve lost all respect for doctors now. I mean I’m open minded if I meet a good one but if anything this has made me have more trust in my own body and not want to run to doctors or pharma for a “cure” for my ailments. When, as a society did we get the opinion that we should never ever get sick. When I told my sister I wasn’t getting my teenage son vaxxed she said, oh but you wouldn’t want him to get sick. And I thought, well yes I would. Getting coughs and colds is a normal part of life and not a reason to live in madness and fear. It really is like the Twilight Zone
Hypochondria is the New Abnormal.
At least you are not a philanthropist like Gates.
Btw, hold your tongue till after the doctor has done to you whatever you need doing to you.
It's funny seeing a bunch of them in a cafe/restaurant. I have to remind myself that many were coerced, otherwise I find myself viewing them as a bunch of poisoned idiots, and I certainly don't want to be dining with them anyway.
Same. Or maybe they have fake passports
My community has really nice people. I know what you mean though. Look for rural areas. Even in blue states. Nice to visit even if you can't move. Somehow the madness has passed over a lot of small towns and rural communities.
Ah, you've finally explained something to me. I read all the Nancy Drew books as a young girl. Perhaps that's why I never bought into any of this crap from Day One.
🤣 I loved Nancy Drew! And Hardy Boys. And Scooby Doo, and the whole gang that could always smell the rotting fish way before anyone else.
LLLOOOVVVEEE Nancy Drew... read each & every book!... inspirational to me as teenager!
And I read every Hardy Boys except The Aztec Arrow Mystery. I used to do this thing called "wagoning" on Fire Island and with the money I made Id run to the little store and buy "The House on the Cliff" and get swept away. Then I got older and the covid lies started piling up, and I saw them for what they were the day they were told (from the first cruise ship on), so maybe that was Franklin W Dixon guiding me through - or the few Carolyn Keanes Id read when Frank and Joe weren't available - but I didn't get swept away, I became filled with rage, for my daughters' sakes. I don't think Ill ever truly understand how some of my smarter friends can't seem to understand they are being lead by liars and sociopaths. I try to console myself by saying they will one day... when it becomes fashionable to be furious at them, cuz I do think that day is coming, Ive seen glimmers.
I'm one of those people who have been saying since May or June of 2020 that this was over and things needed to return to normal. I can't begin to tell you the number of times I say "fuck these people" in the course of an average day.
March 15, 2020 for me.
I posted this on Medium in May, 2020. The cut my account for "misinformation."
I've also cursed like never before.
Agree. This was getting obviously ridiculous. 2022 and we have a pandemic? Maybe in New York where they stuffed all of the old people into the nursing home. God Bless those souls
Amazing that is the date of Revision 1 of the FDA RT PCR EUA that flipped the plandemic on by removing the N3 protein assay from the protocol making it only require 2 genes to match.
Same here. I didn't swear before the lockdown/mask nonsense. Being stuck in a blue state, I've got a potty mouth now. 😂
Yep blue state living will warp you :(
Same here, though a bit earlier. (Yes, I crushed the SAT too.)
"—the unvaxxed are infecting the vaxxed (say what?!)"
That part is easy to explain:
See, my vaxx protects me from injury that I might otherwise suffer from coming into unavoidable contact with that nasty virus. In this scenario I am protected because I acted with virtue by taking the precaution of getting vaxxed.
But, when you unvirtuously bring your unvirtuous virus into my proximity, then I am at much greater risk for harm precisely because you have been unvirtuous, and my vaxx was only designed to deal with virtuous infection.
It's all about VIRTUE. (Follow the science, buddy!)
And that mask signals your virtue to the Virus scaring it away.
Had one "Karen" tell me on a forum that we needed to keep talking about all the Covid deaths and being serious. I asked her "How does that work? Does the Virus hear you venerating it so it moves on to smite those less deferential than you?"
Superstition abounds.
Love it RE.
It's the ancient belief in pollution revived.
Thanks Martyn. Do the ones spouting this lie know your reasoning?
Mark, the truth is, the government and its sycophants - i.e. the media and multi-national corporations - have been lying to us for, at least, the past 100 years. What made the scamdemic lie different is our ability to see the truth with our own eyes - whereas, in the past, it was nearly impossible to confirm any suspicions we may have had.
The Corona lies were the most obvious and impactful.
Everything you bring up is truth! But what’s worse than the lies are all the people who won’t listen to you or me? It reminds me of the old movie “ Invasion of the Body Snatchers”. It’s almost like their ‘woke’ souls cannot be saved. There was an an ex Soviet who spoke of something similar. The final stage of western propaganda was a kind of wokism. And very few would ever come out of it….
I thought of that movie too. It seemed starting midsummer 2021 that the people I knew weren't just getting vaccinated, they were getting flipped. It was like a religious conversion, all doubts out the window. It was an eerie feeling.
I know. I think many on the Left do treat their politics as their religion. ( their god) And it’s blasphemy to insult their Lord Fauci or come against the vaccine sacrament….
The funny thing was that many of the people I have in mind weren't on the left. It seemed they could discern deceptive MSM messaging as it impacted conservative issues but not for the pandemic narrative even though it came from the same source.
Might it be a reaction to all the wokeism, trying to be accepting of everyone, and now they have found a group that they are allowed to hate on. They can sink in the claws they have kept sheathed so long.
And even outdo each other in their hatred for the uninjected.
Yep. Rick Warren and Billy Graham's son have been touting the jab as "loving your neighbor like Jesus would."
There are two types of Christian:
1) those who say "what *would* Jesus do?"
2) and those who ask "what *is* Jesus doing?"
Those who look to Jesus primarily as an historical example vs those who look to Him as a living Lord. There is a huge gulf between them. In the everyday world one says "what would Smith do?" only if Smith is dead or retired. Jesus is neither.
Hope no one is silly enough.
Yes! OMG, I've been drawing this same parallel for a while now, except I keep thinking of "The Stepford Wives."
Loved Body Snatchers. Good Sci Fi is reality based.
And we are living in a really bad sci fi movie.
I agree. It's one with a totally implausible plot, I'm still working on the willing suspension of disbelief.
The only people I know who died or were harmed (and there are many) were those who got vaccinated. When this single 'truth' is fully told then and only then will we be free from these oppressors.
The only people that I have seen falling in the street are the 'vaccine' injured.
I only know 1. And I believe is was a medical error from a combination of being understaffed, incompetence, and keeping family out. Keeping family out is criminal. Family can identify changes in mentation and many other baseline changes that can alert doctors and nurses that something else might be wrong. How many have died because of this?
My personal experience very much mirrors yours.
You’re spoiling me with great reads, Mark! Dare I cough up even more monthly bucks to be a paid subscriber? Substack is turning into my crack!
Me thinks Josh was full of sh—beans. Nobody will care, but I played tight end in JC, have dealt with miserable knees most of my life and even worked as a (sad) donkey in a warehouse for three months. No Ivy League schools showed any interest in me. Point being I’ve never felt inclined to lie about my past. Not shared some of it with anyone, sure, but I probably hate liars on a par with thieves. Good old Uncle Clem used to tell me that once you catch someone telling you a whopper, you can bet the trailer there’s a passel more where that one came from. Actually I didn’t have an Uncle Clem - kidding not lying.
That was one helluva list of whoppers you compiled! And the suckers are still buying in, much to our peril.
Still smartly “unvaxxed” and waiting for my winter of death, ice cream Joe.
I hear ya, Al. If Josh was a baller, he wouldn't have to tell me. I would have seen it.
I don't expect to "go paid." After about 35 of these, I don't know how much more I have to say.
And I think the wheels are--FINALLY--falling off the scam. I'll watch the rats jump from the sinking Coronamania ship. And all the rats will be like Peter before the cock crowed:
"I nev-ah said that! Nev-ah!"
Brandon seemed Josh-like.
Except this is the Internet, and we can fact-check your ass. The Wayback Machine is forever.
Lol thanks!
"waiting for my winter of death" I got a cold for the first time in quite a few years this December. I told my husband that Biden really needs to step up his game if that was the best he could do for his promised "winter of sickness and death."
Kinda glad as usual China Joe doesn’t know what he’s talking about. He had me for a couple of seconds.
I thought he was going to disconnect the power to the uninjected.
Yes, AIX, liars are thieves. Stealing the spirit from their victims.
As always Mark, spot on. The lies won them an election. They were allowed to cheat and easily got away with it by ... you guessed it, lying. Unfortunately, I think you said tongue in cheek, "anybody that still believes ...", most (50+ %) still believe. I really believe they are too lazy to think and it is just easier going along with the narrative. In addition they went and got the shot which creates some sort of psychosis of denial. Hard for me to understand, I never considered getting a shot. 40 years of clinical research has taught me, safe medicines don't happen in a few months, especially "vaccines". We know all the side effects and the real numbers are slowly surfacing, but this could pale in comparison to potential long term side effects and severe adverse events.
The notion that anyone who can tie their own shoes still believes any of it is astounding to the point of keeping me awake at night.
I'm also wake in the middle of the night. We should hang out!
I am awake in the middle of the night reading all the deep and thoughtful comments on substack!
It's 3:18am here in NZ.
That's what happens when you are "awake".
I feel bad for you. Even crazier there than here, no?
Take some melatonin and passionflower extract. You need your sleeps!
NL? Faites vous de la motoneige?
No te comprendo.
10/4. Appreciate your blog.
I believed it was a scam from day one. Having lived through the swine flu scam of the seventies and Fauci’s lies about AIDS, I could understand that every single government official was lying. It became apparent to me quite quickly that this whole scam was no more than a government power grab and an opportunity for the elites to oppress us. Unfortunately, too many sheeple bought into the charade. Hopefully, people are starting to wake up.
The entire Covid narrative is lies from top to bottom. Everything you see or read is an orchestrated narrative that's been crafted to sell a story for you to believe. Read that again, because that's the big lie they don't want you to understand. You were not alerted to a "pandemic-level pathogenic disease causing agent" by your own senses, observations or experience. You were conditioned by propaganda to believe in a pandemic-level pathogenic disease causing agent by the media, the pharmaceutical industry, and government.
It's breathtaking really to witness the grip of fear this fraud has had and still has on millions and a vast number of these people will be damaged for life. The shadow of this psychosis will follow them to their graves. This is particularly true among the "educated" classes who now have a warped sense of purpose beyond the dull, aimless wanderings of Academia.
All of the exaggerated and repeated fear-based messages from the media and government agencies this past year were just part of the advertising campaign for the pharmaceutical industry’s newest lucrative product- mRNA “vaccines” which they plan to roll out as new medical “miracle cures” for a variety of “ailments”, e.g. new line of “cancer vaccines."
Every single one of the media bullhorns that were blasting the Covid fiction for the past year have direct financial ties to Pharma Inc. It’s not exactly accurate to say Pharma uses its power to influence the news- more to the point it is Pharma that writes the script. Pharma and it’s investors own “the news” and you will speak the Pharma gospel if you wish to maintain your position of privilege- it goes without saying.
And when we speak about Pharma this cannot be separated out from the investor class who rakes in oceans of taxpayer wealth through numerous Pandemic Ponzi Schemes with Pharma as it’s “offering” and its Trojan Horse.
"Covid-19" is a business plan not a medical emergency. Now more than ever it’s important to understand the economics of vaccines. Traditional systems of vaccine procurement and distribution are rapidly giving way to vast public–private supply chains. Despite annual revenues approaching US$1 trillion, the industry has been unable to reverse a declining rate of profit and finds itself in a perpetual state of crisis.
In Fall/Winter of 2019 all stocks of Big Pharma companies were in steep decline. This changed dramatically in Spring 2020 as we now know. The experimental gene therapy mRNA drugs are set to become the most lucrative drugs in medical history. Pharma depends on its “blockbuster drugs” to remain profitable and appealing to investors. It is not an exaggeration to say that without these “blockbuster drugs” the Pharma industry implodes.
What happened in 2020 was simply that the flu was re-branded and repurposed- the term "Covid-19" was invented to turn the seasonal virus into the equivalent of the mythical “Al-Qaeda” meaning to terrorize the population with the false construct of a boogeyman.
This was done as the Western economies were in total free fall in late 2019 and the plan to digitize the economies of The West had to be rushed through lest the collapse be seen for what it was- the by-product of decades of Ponzi schemes by the Wall St. parasites and their allies.
The Virus™ is superfluous, just like the Swine Flu scamdemic of 2009. All they needed to do was create the perception of a pandemic/mass panic with staged Hollywood productions, doomsday models, and the fraudulent PCR test to manufacture the cases/falsely attributed as “Covid deaths.”
"Covid-19" deaths follow the same age/risk stratification and seasonal curve of flu/pneumonia at the same time that flu inexplicably vanished from the face of the earth while all pneumonia deaths were suddenly called “Covid” using mass death certification fraud.
Without the fear-mongering propaganda campaign no one would’ve noticed anything unusual about the last two flu seasons because there was nothing unusual, except for the criminal, murderous, and utterly unscientific lockdown policies in response to the non- existent threat.
Great summary, Allen.
Another great article Mark! You really got their number. Indeed our intellectual betters are stammering frauds and uptalkers to boot! (oh I hate that vocal tic…)
Anyway, compare the Psaki, Wallensky, Fauci proclamations with the thoughtful presentations and dialog among the genuine experts hosted by Sen Ron Johnson in his “2nd opinion” panel. Of course having the truth on your side always helps.
"oh I hate that vocal tic…" So do I. I can hardly stand listening to twits who talk that way. I've now seen that it has been translated into writing. I have a covidian friend who, when she comments on one of my Facebook posts in disagreement, punctuates her declarative sentences with a question mark. Does she think it's an attempt to be polite? Is she on some unconscious level questioning her own bullshit? Does the period or exclamation mark not work on her keyboard? It does manage to transfer my annoyance at her brainless parroting narrative talking points to this irritating tic, so maybe that's the purpose.
Yes! I recently watched a video clip of a young attorney giving a CE training class about gender sensitivity (I know, barf); she was not only a massive ‘up talker’, but she ended nearly every sentence with, “…right?” (It’s the new “like”.) E.g., “So, we need to really think about how little we know, right? And be really sensitive about gender, because until we walk a mile in their shoes, right? Because gender is constantly changing—it’s ‘fluid’, right? So you’ll need to do a lot of ‘checking in’, right?” She literally spoke like that.
She said “right” maybe 50+ times in the 3-minute clip I watched. I have 50+ little “right?”-shaped dead spots in my soul from listening to her. Geh.
It's the Covid sheep thing: people imitate others, even with vocal affectations, just so others will like them,
It IS sad, and it’s a very feminine trait; I rarely hear men speak this way. (I’m not saying I want to!) But it sounds very young and not very confident/
Agreed. I heard an unfamous young woman Princeton grad speak a few years ago. She thought she was smart but her presentation was terrible: 45 minutes of "ums" and "likes" and uptalk. Unlistenable.
My kids--and many others--spoke better in grade school, and beyond. Perfect verbal SATs, too. They went to Univ. of Alabama and loved it. Full scholarships.
But they came back "woke." Ugh.
from 'Bama!?!? ugh is right.
Yeah, right?
This must be why I was suspicious from the jump - my devotion to Nancy Drew!
Momo, your avatar is very mysterious. Kinda like a Nancy Drew story.
"The Secret in the Substack"