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It is perplexing to me that so many highly-educated academic physicians and political physician groups (AMA, etc) strongly promote the leftest agenda surrounding C19, including masking, social distancing, and vaccines. I am an NP at an academic-affiliated tertiary care facility. I cannot name one physician (nor many NPs), who does not believe the leftist mantra. Most are educated in the sciences and conduct their own research related to their field of specialty. But, the blinders are on when it comes to C19.

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Most MDs know very little about self care.

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My colleagues exercise regularly and eat well, but completely discount and supplemental agents that may be beneficial-D3, zinc, quercetin, etc. 🙄

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I had a dr tell me supplements were a waste of money and just made expensive urine. But several years later she did say I should take vitamin D. They are like a giant ship - very slow to turn around.

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MDs all parrot the same robotic NPC lines. They act like a religious cult.

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I’m only a high school graduate but since this pandemic started I’ve read everything related to it voraciously. It’s astounding to me the lack of curiosity by so many to just accept what we’re being fed about CoVid. I just don’t get it.

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The pandemic was certainly helped along by the lack of critical thinkers in society! Higher education doesn’t teach that much these days anyway.

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It is pitiful how many people just believe everything BigMedia tell them. Keep reading Stephanie!

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I posted a simple graph of vaccine hesitancy that indicates mid levels of education are least hesitant and high school and PhDs are highest. My aunt said it's because they're dumb. That doesn't explain the small but significant group of PhDs. I see it as people with common sense that hasn't been highjacked by "higher learning." Mad respect for your intellectual curiosity. Guess they don't hand that out in college and it would be nice if we could get away from the arrogant elitist BS that these people are somehow better.

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No disrespect intended to your aunt; but: "because they're dumb" seems all too often to pass for factual; logically argued evidence. She has lots of company. RIP science. Sir Isaac Newton et al must be turning in their graves. The scientific method was born in the West. In the West it has died.

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your aunt doesn't know that uneducated does not equal dumb

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You sound VERY intelligent ... never underrate yourself... you’ve got commonsense 💕

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I'm a specialist physician who practices in the community setting and feel exactly the same way. I have no one to speak to about these matters and feel that I live in an open air insane asylum. When my 11 year old had COVID a couple months ago (mild 2 day URI) everyone told me how desperately we needed to get these vaccines approved for her age group. I am relieved that she had it so hopefully everyone will shut up about her getting vaccinated with her natural immunity.

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Thank you. It is good to know that lots of physicians think the same as us. I hope your child is safe from all future jabs.

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Dr. HK--"I have no one to speak to about these matters." Especially tough for a doctor to be alone in this sticky area. I'm far from being a professional; but floating alone in the same boat. All of my friends/family/neighbors--Injected. I periodically get the same tiresome question: "Have you had your 'C-19++' injection? I'm on my third!" Congratulations; quit asking. I remain mute; no point in arguing. I have a physician friend; who recently got into an injection argument w/ his layman father. My MD friend is injected; his father--Not. Ironically; when he related this episode to me; he said: "Everyone should have a choice." (Except his father.) I held my tongue. Thankfully; he has had the courtesy not to ask about my injection "status." But....Apart from these comment boards; I have no one with which to commiserate/discuss.

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I've become active in medical freedom activism.

Jump in!

You'll find yourself surrounded by likeminded people, many of whom you'll like very, very much.

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Trouble is, how do you prove that she has immunity? The fools/tools think that only injection receipts are proof.

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yes they are convinced natural immunity is very short lived. And that the vax "boosts" the natural immunity. From what I've read, the opposite may be true

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And natural immunity is not short-lived; it can last a lifetime. I know someone who got COVID in March of 2020 who gets tested for her job month and still has antibodies. But that's against the narrative, so shut up and get injected.

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It truly is mind boggling!

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Im a physician . Most of us are very status conscious . Most of us are now employees of larger companies like not for profit health systems and totally dependent on government sanction (licenses) and money (medicare) to work and earn a living.

Our incomes are higher than average and our reputations can be undermined by negative perceptions

So most MDs just tow the line. Most MDs ive known are also decent people who went into medicine to do good. And the mafia …. Eh i mean state … exploits this to keep the MDs working. Even though we are some of the most heavily regulated and taxed ( i easily pay 50%) of my income in total taxes.

Doctors are patsies… useful idiots most of them

My life has been made very difficult by my polite and rational deferral to receive the vax.

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Thank you for speaking up. Thankfully there are a lot of honest and true doctors like you.

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... nurse inquired about my status ... printed at top of my chart in caps “NOT VACCINATED”... like I have the coodies or something...

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MiFly -- have you read Ashely Fernandes' article "Why did so many doctors become Nazis?" She's a medical ethicist. It's an enlightening read from Dec 2020.

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I would highly rec Vaclav Havel's essay called "the power of the powerless"

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I dont think I ever read this but I will now... tks

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Getting cancelled after spending years in education and then residency and now in practice is not an option for many of these MDs.

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True. Especially considering that many also have hefty student loan debt still to pay.

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...they prey on your weak spot... keep tightening the screws... some people are drawing the line when when they target their kids...

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As they should be. So sad, to sacrifice the children at the alter of the World elites and Pharma Gods.

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I know some like that, and I heard a friend who went to the doctor and that office was all non vaxx. So there too we see people from both sides

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How did it becomes obvious that everyone was not injected?

We need some way of recognising smart people.

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JuJu -- I'm an old retired NP who trained in the late 70's. From my experience, the "research" done by the vast majority of physicians and APnurses amounts to reading an abstract and maybe the conclusion from the entire study. I could count on one hand the number of doctors and NP's who actually start with the study methodology--if that's no good, you don't need to read the rest. Too much COVID research would never make it into the pile if you examined their procedures, rather than just trusting their conclusions. Medicine is in a very sad state.

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Young doctors learn nothing at all about healthy food. They are only trained at prescribing (preferably very expensive) meds and procedures. Most of them mock herbal and homeopathic treatments and some have never even heard perfectly safe methods of healing. They do not want patients to heal but to become regulars, chronic. Money !

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Surgeons that I have known for > 20 years and truly respect discount the impact of nutrition, herbal, and naturopathic supplements. Yet, Covid is an infection that takes advantage of metabolic derangements.

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Thanks for forging the path for those that followed! You are right! I think that there is so much information out, that people do not have time, energy, etc to truly evaluate methodology. Especially if/when it is not within your usual scope of practice. Everything I once believed and thought I knew....I have started to question the validity of most of it.

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