They used to say that Liberals, a/k/a Democrats, mistrusted the government and stood up for the little guy. Democrats also touted themselves as members of the “Party of Science.” If any of that was once true, it hasn’t been for the past twenty months.
As an ex-Democrat, the liberal overreaction to the Coronavirus seems weird on many levels.
Younger liberals have often disregarded or denigrated old people. Older liberals self-identify as younger than they are. They support assisted suicide, seldom visit nursing homes and think that overpopulation worsens climate change. Nonetheless, during Coronamania, liberals ignored basic Biology and pretended that the deaths of a tiny fraction of old, unhealthy people were deeply troubling and ontologically unjust.
Liberals supposedly support freedom; the “liberal” label connotes as much. Yet, liberal governors and mayors have imposed—by edict, not legislation—a wide range of arbitrary Coronavirus lockdowns, mask mandates, restrictions on assembly and travel, as well as countless other arbitrary, previously unimaginable rules. Where were the ACLU and liberal judges when they were needed most?
Further, liberals revile big corporations. But Democrat lockdowns have crushed small businesses, and lockdowns and universal vaxx crusades have shifted hundreds of billions more dollars from Mom and Pops to Internet and Big Box retailers and Big Pharma.
While Democrats profess to care deeply about the “vulnerable,” lockdowns haven’t saved lives. The highest death rates have been in the most locked down states. Worldwide, 125 million more people went hungry during lockdown disruptions. Tens of millions have suffered isolation-based depression. American drug overdoses increased 40% in the past year, killing over 81,000, mostly young, people. Street violence has increased sharply. Lockdowns made multitudes more vulnerable.
Additionally, socially-equalizing educational opportunities, and irreplaceable life experiences and memories, have been stolen from American youths enrolled in public schools. Democrat-dominated teachers’ unions blocked school re-openings despite abundant evidence from other nations, and from American private schools, that kids very seldom suffer from, or spread, the virus.
While liberals claim the mantle of “Science(!),” science has never favored locking down healthy people, closing schools, mask mandates or testing and tracing. The data regarding the Coronavirus have been clear since April, 2020: 99.98% of the non-obese under 65 survive infection, even without treatment. Under 17, 99.997% of those infected survive. Asymptomatic, and outdoor, spread are vanishingly rare. Yet, Democrats ignored these core facts and unscientifically restricted everyone.
CARIBOU AND THE CORONAVIRUS: WHY THE LOCKDOWNS HAVE BEEN DEEPLY DESTRUCTIVE - by Mark Oshinskie - Dispatches from a Scamdemic (substack.com)
Nor does science favor universal “vaccination.” Democrats voted for such candidates as Biden, Harris and Cuomo, who vowed not to take the “Trump Vaxx.” A few weeks after the election, these same politicians not only got injected—with something—but also hectored everyone to submit to mRNA shots, which aren’t conventional vaccines, and scarcely, and only briefly, reduce absolute risk. Further, the shots have been temporally linked to tens of thousands of near term injuries and deaths. Long-term risks are unknown. Now, far beyond haranguing, Democrats have taken away the social lives and livelihoods of those who won’t inject.
Why are liberals now so willing to wreck kids’ lives by sequestering them from other kids and subjecting them to experimental, unhelpful injections? Why do many liberals insist on organic, non-GMO food, and yet take—and demand that all others take—experimental, risky and largely ineffective mRNA shots? What happened to medical freedom and privacy? What happened to freedom, in general? Why are liberals such authoritarian police statists?
25 QUESTIONS FOR THOSE WHO HAVE FEARED THE CORONAVIRUS - by Mark Oshinskie - Dispatches from a Scamdemic (substack.com)
Liberals consider themselves “open-minded.” But they won’t engage in data-based dialogue regarding lockdowns, therapeutic medications or vaccines. Instead, they “cancel” those who raise questions and propose alternatives, just as various legacy media and web platforms censor the lockdown and vaxx criticisms of highly-credentialed scientists and MDs.
While none of the liberal Covid overreaction makes sense, liberals’ hypocrisy becomes understandable when one considers typical liberal traits.
First, Democrat politicians knew that Covid was a scam but acted alarmed because they saw an opportunity to oust the Orange Man. Their demagoguery/political theater/panic reaction/electoral restructuring paid off. With Trump —who unwisely caved to Fauci Lockdown pressure and authorized trillions of “Covid relief” in March and April, 2020 — gone, the federal government has sent tens of billions of freshly printed dollars to bail out mismanaged Democrat states and cities.
Post-election, Democrat politicians have supported “vaccines” because the shots provide optical cover to justify belatedly easing their plainly political 2020 Coronavirus overreaction. But the data don’t support the vaxx efficacy myth. Death rates were already dropping sharply when hardly anyone was injected. States with lower vaxx rates have also seen sharp, predictably cyclical death rate decreases; the less-vaxxed Southern states now have the lowest recent infection and death rates. Meanwhile, infection and hospitalization rates have begun to increase in intensively injected northern states. With a decent interval having passed since the inauguration, Democrat politicians and the media have falsely asserted that the vaxx is doing what other human interventions could not—reportedly, but not actually—crushing the virus. Brainwashed liberals are still repeating this lie.
THE VAXX IS A STATE-SPONSORED RELIGION - by Mark Oshinskie - Dispatches from a Scamdemic (substack.com)
Second, in general, both Democrat politicians, and their followers, characterize rare—and even single, and misreported—events as “crises.” Aided by a complicit media, politicians turn these ostensible crises into years of propagandistic tropes, which their supporters parrot. They’ve done so non-stop for the past twenty months.
Unlike their opportunistic Democrat candidates, the liberal rank and file’s affinity for crisis is also rooted in their high personal baseline levels of fear, anxiety and depression. Liberals comprise the vast majority of psychotherapists’ clientele. The agoraphobic lockdown was sweet sorrow for many liberals. Those who didn’t get juiced up unemployment payments could “work remotely” on their laptops and, thus, avoid other humans. Many Liberals love “The People.” But not people.
Crisis-loving liberals’ perceptions of Coronavirus risk are very far removed from reality. As one of many examples, Bill Maher referred to a Gallup poll showing that 41 percent of Democrats believe that unvaccinated people have more than a 50 percent risk of hospitalization. The risk is actually “0.89%,” i.e., less than one percent. Democrats have wildly overstated risk throughout.
THE COVID DEATH TOLL IS PHONY - by Mark Oshinskie - Dispatches from a Scamdemic (substack.com)
Third, liberals are ideologically monolithic. They don’t think independently or critically. They display rainbow lawn signs setting forth their simplistic, euphemistic rainbow bullet point creed. Their tribe tolerates no dissent. No matter how ridiculous a notion a liberal influencer presents, liberal individuals decline to disagree because they fear that others won’t like, and will negatively label, them. Hence, groupthinking liberals compliantly bought the Covid fear narrative.
Democrats get their skewed data, panic porn and worldviews from such plainly biased, liberal subscriber-funded sources as: NPR, PBS, CNN, MSNBC, the NYT and WaPo. Instead of objective journalism, these outlets give liberal consumers the narrative that these funders subsidize. Mainstream, Pharma ad-funded media outlets have also sown fear and promoted the vaxx scam. Panic builds ratings. And endless Pharma ads sell more drugs. These are vicious cycles of systemic misinformation.
Fourth, in the main, liberals go to college and major in subjects like Communications, Anthropology, Art History, English, Psychology or Gender Studies. Most took poquito hard science, and few read science books and/or spend time in, or consider, nature. Hence, they don’t know how ubiquitous and tiny microbes are. If they did, they might never have touched dirt, danced, hugged or kissed (ew!) anyone, ridden public transit, played sports, eaten in restaurants or cleaned their cats’ “litterboxes.” Public restrooms would traumatize them.
Most liberals don’t know what—or how wildly inaccurate—a PCR test is. They know nothing about the health effects of baseline systemic inflammation or C-reactive protein. Nor do they do know about how healthy gut microbiomes strengthen immunity. If they’ve heard of Ivermectin, liberals don’t know of its global human use or its efficacy; they dismiss it as “horse paste” because they heard Jimmy Kimmel smugly say so, while Colbert presented his dork-isimo “vaccine” dance team.
Liberals have no clue about how irretrievably complex biological systems are or how one intervention inevitably causes multiple effects, many of which are neither predictable nor immediately apparent. Natural immunity and systems ecology are, to them, alien concepts. Instead, liberals naively, blindly trust bureaucrats, counterproductive lockdowns, political theater masks and magical injections. Somehow, medical reductionism connotes sophistication. Liberals think we all owe our survival to mega-hospitals, drugs, people in white coats and medical insurance.
PELICANS AND THE CORONAVIRUS OVERREACTION - by Mark Oshinskie - Dispatches from a Scamdemic (substack.com)
Fifth, liberals de-emphasize personal responsibility, in general, and specifically its importance in maintaining health. Far more consequential than a Covid epidemic, America has had a decades-long obesity epidemic. 78% of those who died with Covid have been overweight. Liberals fail to acknowledge this elephant in the Covid room. Liberal Karens have repeatedly and naively blamed Trump and the unmasked and unvaxxed for the “pandemic.” But when, during the past twenty months, has any Democrat told any fat person—except Trump—that they should lose weight?
Sixth, liberals also love top/down, centralized federal control by media-anointed “experts.” But these experts have been wrong at every turn for the past 20 months. Liberals fell hook, line and sinker for “Two weeks to flatten the curve,” “We’re all in this together” and every other serial, bureaucrat-sponsored, propagandistic Coronavirus lie. Because they’ve been sloganeered into submission, they still think masks and vaccines “stop the spread” and “prevent infection.” It’s all very Soviet. That’s not a compliment.
Seventh, liberals are virtue signalers, but not virtuous. They vocally support school integration and want to control public school curricula, but send their kids to de facto segregated, often private, schools. They support higher taxes, but hire accountants to shelter their income. They support releasing criminals without bail, but live in places where street crime is unlikely. They fear climate change but drive a lot and fly frequently, often in private jets. They want you to stay home, mask up and take an experimental shot—no, an endless series of shots—because they naively think this will make a virus crawl into a corner and die.
Both Democrat politicians and their adherents should be deeply ashamed of the profound and lasting harm that their opportunistic and fearful tribal Coronavirus overreaction has caused. None of it has saved any lives.
It is perplexing to me that so many highly-educated academic physicians and political physician groups (AMA, etc) strongly promote the leftest agenda surrounding C19, including masking, social distancing, and vaccines. I am an NP at an academic-affiliated tertiary care facility. I cannot name one physician (nor many NPs), who does not believe the leftist mantra. Most are educated in the sciences and conduct their own research related to their field of specialty. But, the blinders are on when it comes to C19.
Comprehensive takedown Mark. The “bad orange man” exposed the authoritarian streak and alignment with the globalist agenda in the Dems along with our bloated institutions.
We should have fired Fauci, assembled a truly diverse group of real scientific advisors, allowed any and all businesses to stay open and been more like Sweden but el Hombre Naranja was boxed in. Media would have been in overdrive with death counters and live images of suffering vented patients. The fix was in to maximize fear and panic with practically no way for the much maligned POTUS to rise above it.